sweetclinics · 4 years
Visit us at https://sweetclinics.com/service/diabetic-foot-care/
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sweetclinics · 4 years
Why Half the Population Suffering from Diabetes Remain Undiagnosed?
Why Half the Population Suffering from Diabetes Remain Undiagnosed? Diabetes happens to be one of the most common and underlying issues that millions of people are diagnosed with every year. According to the statistics, men are more prone to diabetes than women and so do those with belly fat and poor diet habits. Some of the common risk factors that increase your risk for diabetes are old age, family history, poor dietary habits, inactivity, and excess weight around the belly. Some Surprising Stats about Diabetes The surprising fact is that 1 in every 3 people have pre-diabetes and 90% of this population does not even know they are suffering from diabetes until the symptoms worsen and they visit a Diabetologist in Vashi for diagnosis. In addition to that, up to 9.2 percent of pregnant ladies are at risk of Type 2 diabetes. And, they are only diagnosed with gestational diabetes after giving birth. Around 30-60 percent of the ladies are likely to develop diabetes in the next 20 years. This is especially the case with women that are inactive and have a poor diet. Women with controlled weight and a balanced diet are at lower risk of type 2 diabetes after pregnancy. While diabetes is not associated with any critical or life-threatening symptoms, it may cause serious issues if remains undiagnosed for a long time. For example, it takes longer for a diabetic patient to recover from a physical wound. The cuts heal slowly and they need proper care. Besides that, there is a high risk of the diabetic foot, damage to the eyes, and other serious medical conditions. It is important that people suffering from a diabetic foot visit diabetic foot specialists in Vashi to get the issue diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. Does Age Affect Your Risk of Diabetes? 50% of the population remains undiagnosed with diabetes, either because they don’t see any symptoms or they don’t think the symptoms are serious. Age is also one of the important factors that affect your risk of getting diabetes. Older people are at higher risk of diabetes than children. Still, a large number of children have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes because of the overweight youth and inactivity. Type 1 diabetes in children develops with a serious yeast infection that could cause abdominal pain and lethargy in children and a critical skin rash in infants. Then again, children are less likely to develop diabetes as compared to adults and people above 50. Food, lifestyle, and regular activities play a significant role in the quality of a life of a diabetic patient. Is diabetes hard to diagnose? Despite the large numbers of undiagnosed diabetic patients, type 1 & 2 diabetes are easy to diagnose. All it takes for the physician to detect this medical condition is a routine blood test. The high blood glucose levels in your body will indicate diabetes. It is important that you join the diabetes care program in Vashi and get tested by a specialist on noticing diabetes symptoms. Visit: https://sweetclinics.com/complete-diabetes-program/
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sweetclinics · 4 years
Often people think that by being diagnosed with diabetes one has to give up on many foods and beverages which one likes. However, that is not the case if the diabetic is able to monitor and manage his blood sugar at all times. Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaEzN4GW6cE
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sweetclinics · 4 years
Early Signs & Symptoms Of Diabetes | Diabetes Early Warning | Dr. Vinod Methil : Sweet Clinics People often tend to ignore signs of diabetes unless diabetes has severely affected them. In our todays video Dr. Vinod Methil explains the early signs of diabetes which people should not ignore and get tested for Diabetes ASAP! Know that the early signs or symptoms of type 2 diabetes may include extreme thirst, extreme hunger, and frequent urination. If you suspect that you may be experiencing any of the early warning or signs of type 2 diabetes, talk to your doctor right away. Early diagnosis and treatment can help significantly to reduce the risk of serious and life-threatening complications of diabetes. For more information visit: https://sweetclinics.com/ or call us at 9167444888
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sweetclinics · 4 years
4 Steps To manage diabetes to lead a normal & healthy diabetic life : Super Speciality Diabetes Clinic In Vashi
Living with diabetes can be challenging but this should not prevent a diabetic from leading a normal life, as long as, they can keep their blood sugar under control. Today we would like to share our 4 step approach to help diabetics lead a normal life which Dr.Vinod Methils our chief diabetologist at our Vashi center advises his patients. Patients who have followed this approach have seen significant improvement in their lifestyle and we hope it can help you to.. so here we go Learn about Diabetes: Today there is a plethora of information available on each aspect of diabetes. One of key reason people turn up in our OPD with diabetic complication as they often tend to ignore early symptoms. They only reach the diabetologist once the complication become severe. Diabetic can manage themselves better by being aware of how diabetes can affect the body and what self-precautions one needs to take. Thereby, preventing unnecessary complications. After all Diabetes is called a Silent Killer for a reason. So go ahead use that internet for acquiring more knowledge about diabetes. If any doubts always feel free to send us an email and we will help resolve your doubt. Know the ABC of Diabetes: A – A1c levels (commonly known as HbA1c): The Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1C) test gives the average blood sugar levels for the past 3 months. As a general rule the HbA1c levels should be near or below 7. However, if HbA1c level is higher than 8. It indicates higher blood sugar and relatively higher chances of diabetic complications. These levels also help the diabetologist set targets to bring the blood sugar levels back within normal range. B – Blood Pressure: Diabetes is known to causes atherosclerosis, which results in blocking of the arteries. This often causes high blood pressure in diabetics. Hence, a high blood pressure would indicate that diabetes has started to affect the blood vessels. If the BP has been very high for a while, it would be an early warning sign for the diabetologist to initiate further testing to understand how much damage is done in the body. The blocking generally takes place where blood vessels are thinner in organs like eyes, kidney & heart walls etc. Hence, the diabetologist may suggest test to check functioning of these organs based on his examination. Hence, diabetics should periodically keep a check on their Blood Pressure levels. With the normal range bring 120/80 mmHg. C – Cholesterol – HDL & LDL levels: Diabetics in general have a high cholesterol level. There are 2 types of cholesterol HDL (High-density-lipoprotein cholesterol) a.k.a Good Cholesterol & LDL (Low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol) also known as bad cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is know to get deposited in the blood vessel leading cardio-vascular diseases. Being Diabetic accelerates the deposition increasing the risk CVD risk. Hence, by periodic testing of Cholesterol levels helps the diabetologist assess the risk and take corrective measures. Hence, knowing the ABC of diabetes helps a diabetic and the treating doctor understand the health profile and take necessary measures to keep diabetes & its complications in check. Learn to live with diabetes: Having diabetes can make one anxious stressed and at times depressed. Nonetheless, one needs to understand that people can still live a healthy happy life even if their diabetes cannot be reversed. As stressing about the fact that one is diabetic only increase the Blood Pressure, which is not good to have as we discussed above. Hence, instead of fussing about it best for diabetics to consult their diabetologist like Dr. Vinod Methil who can suggest coping mechanism to the new way of life. Something diabetics can do are meditation, acquiring new hobbies etc. Testing & Follow-ups: Keeping up with the testing for blood sugar and the ABC levels discussed followed by timely diabetologist follow-up can help identify and mitigate any diabetic complications. Being proactive to understand and communicate to the treating doctor about any adverse symptoms is the best way move forward with diabetes treatment. At Sweet Clinics, by advising the above stated 4 step method to live a diabetic life we have helped patients reverse their pre or early diabetes. While patients for whom diabetes cannot be reverse have been able to live with a normal diabetic life. So we you have any more queries please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to help. References: https://sweetclinics.com/4-steps-manage-diabetes-to-lead-a-normal-healthy-diabetic-life/
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sweetclinics · 4 years
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Steps To Manage Diabetes : Doctors For Diabetes In Vashi Visit: https://sweetclinics.com/4-steps-manage-diabetes-to-lead-a-normal-healthy-diabetic-life/
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sweetclinics · 4 years
Comprehensive Diabetes care under one roof! Visit: https://sweetclinics.com/top-diabetologist-doctors/
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sweetclinics · 5 years
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Coronavirus and Diabetes,Risk of Coronavirus with Diabetes. #DiabetologistinNaviMumbai
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sweetclinics · 5 years
Diabetologist in Navi Mumbai
Diabetologist in Navi Mumbai   
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sweetclinics · 5 years
The Do’s and Don’ts of Foot Care If You have Diabetes
Now that you have understood the risks that diabetes poses to your feet, you need to know about the major misconceptions when it comes to diabetic foot care. Below is the list of do’s and don’ts if you are suffering from diabetes and needs to take care of your feet.
Foot Care Tips for Diabetics: Diabetic foot care is one of the most important aspects of diabetic care, it is very important that you look after your feet in the right style to avoid serious complication that can arise due to diabetes. Here are some highly useful tips that you can use to make sure that your feet are maintained in the perfect fashion in a healthy and non-risky manner.
Wash and dry your feet on a daily basis: It’s highly advisable that you do a wash and dry for your feet when you take your daily showers. Keep in mind that you do not rub hard on your feet as it might be delicate and can lead to bruises or cuts. Resort to patting your skin dry with a soft towel or tissue, make sure your feet are completely dry before you step out or wear your diabetic footwear. Apply moisturizer to keep your feet hydrated and to avoid cracks. But do remember to never apply it between your toes.
Do Feet checkups on a daily basis: Never go to sleep without doing you a check on your feet. It might be difficult for you to wash and dry your feet while traveling, but please make sure that you check your feet for any cuts, bruises or sores. If you notice any abnormality including increased redness, sore or extra warmth in any one region be sure you get it checked out soon. If you discover any blisters during your check, ensure that you don’t break it but gently put a bandage on top and start using a different set of shoes until you can avail medical assistance. Check specifically for corns and calluses as they can prove to be very dangerous and can become a cesspool for infectious organisms very soon. Also, check if there are any ingrowing toenails and get it checked with a podiatrist soon.
Keep your feet safe with fitting diabetic footwear: It’s very important that you select the right diabetic footwear as it has the responsibility of keeping your feet safe from both inside and outside. Also, make sure that your diabetic treatment in vashi footwear is apt for the weather conditions outside so that your feet do not get affected by hot or cold climatic conditions. Avoid wearing high heels or footwear of other fashions that can cause tension to any part of your feet. Always use clean socks and never try on a new shoe for more than an hour as it can cause bruises or cuts due to bad fitting.
Do not wait to see the doctor: If you find something wrong with your feet while doing your checkup or otherwise, do not wait long before you consult a doctor. Especially if you find any of the below-listed symptoms on your feet:
Visible sores or wounds around your foot.
Developing cracks between toes also known as Athlete’s foot.
Corns or Calluses
Bending of the middle joints of toes in a downward fashion ( Hammer Toes)
Toenails growing inwards
Redness or blackening of skin
Bunions (A painful hump below the big toe)
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sweetclinics · 5 years
What can diabetic patients do to prevent vision loss..?
Diabetes is a complicated condition, and its impact on the eyes — known as diabetic eye disease — is the leading cause of blindness in middle-aged adults.
Diabetes occurs when there is too much sugar in the blood, leading to injury of the small blood vessels throughout the body. Patients with diabetes can experience dysfunction in the kidneys, a loss of sensation in the hands and feet and other problems related to their condition.
Diabetes and the Eyes Diabetes can threaten a patient’s sight in a few ways:
blood vessels become leaky, leading to swelling of the retina (diabetic macular edema). an interruption of blood supply to the retina (ischemia), sometimes leading to the formation of new abnormal blood vessels. a progressive degeneration of the retina (diabetic retinopathy).
Sweet Clinics Diabetes eye Care clinic in Vashi offered the following sight-saving tips for patients diagnosed with diabetes:
1) Get dilated eye exams as often as your doctor recommends. In general, patients with diabetes should be seen by an ophthalmologist at least once a year.there are certain factors that may warrant more frequent visits. “Patients who are pregnant or have more advanced features of diabetic eye disease could be asked to come in as often as every month,”.
2)Keep track of hemoglobin A1C, and take steps to lower your blood sugar if it’s too high.
The hemoglobin A1C test is a blood test performed in a doctor’s office that measures your average level of blood sugar over the past 3 months. If the test comes back high, controlling your blood sugars will help to bring it down.
3)Eat a healthy diet. Choosing healthy foods and maintaining a healthy weight will lower blood pressure, reduces “bad” cholesterol and leads to overall better diabetic control — and it lowers your risk for diabetic eye disease.
4) Exercise. Exercise is also very important and leads to better diabetic control. Exercising regularly helps to lower “bad” cholesterol and raise the “good,” lowers blood pressure, lowers weight and reduces your risk of just about every diabetes-associated condition, including diabetic eye disease.
5)Don’t smoke. while there isn’t conclusive evidence that smoking is a risk factor for diabetic eye disease, he always tells his patients to avoid smoking. Smoking increases your risk of hypertension (high blood pressure) and associated cardiovascular risk factors.
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sweetclinics · 5 years
Life and Treatment after Diagnosis of Diabetes
Being a chronic disease in which the sugar level in the blood is elevated, the blood glucose lead to spillage of glucose into the. Resistance to insulin can also be the reason for diabetes. Typically, the blood glucose levels is regulated by insulin that lowers the blood glucose level and when there is urine an elevation in the blood glucose levels the insulin is released from the pancreas for regularizing the glucose level.
The insufficient production of insulin or absence of it causes hyperglycemia in patients with diabetes. Get an appointment with the Top Diabetologists in Vashi at Sweet Clinics in Mumbai. Diabetes is something which we all have heard about and it’s undeniably one of the common diseases in the world affecting a larger population.
 When you are diagnosed with the Diabetes?
Getting news about diabetes could be overwhelmed and confusing. Understanding diabetes is the first step towards living the best way after the diagnosis. The best diabetic centers in Navi Mumbai emphasis on managing the condition through a balanced diet, regular medications and through an active lifestyle as there is no cure for diabetes.  
The type 1 diabetes occurs due to not production of insulin which doesn’t allows glucose to reach body cells. Diabetes specialist in Navi Mumbai recommends treatments like insulin therapy to manage their condition and live a long healthy life. Patients with diabetes and hyperglycemia are more prone to increased incidence of complications, increased length of hospital stay, diabetes management care clinics in Mumbai have expertise in treating with utmost care with management systems to ensure that hyperglycemic patients achieve target below glucose levels.
 Benefits of Getting Diabetes Surgery in Vashi, Mumbai
The benefits of getting your diabetes surgery in Mumbai includes the low cost, highest quality medical services and care from the best diabetes surgeon in Navi Mumbai. Since diabetes has affected about 200 million people worldwide the death rate due to this chronic progressive disease increases by 50% in the next 10 years.
Surgery from the diabetes specialists in Mumbai should now be looked as a viable therapy for not only the morbidly obese but also for the diabetes patients who fall outside the current BMI guidelines. The potential benefits of metabolic surgery are enormous and the implementation needs rethinking the goals and strategies for diabetes treatments.
 Surgery for Diabetes: These bariatric surgeries help to reduce weight, hence leads to decrease the risks of disease at a very low level.
•           Sleeves Gastrostomy Surgery
•           Roux-en-y gastric bypass
•           Adjustable gastric band
•           Duodenal switch
 Why Sweet Clinics in Mumbai for Diabetes Treatment?
Today, many global patients book their diabetes treatments and surgery in different reputed clinics and hospitals in India, one such Super Speciality Diabetes clinic in Vashi is Sweet Clinics Navi Mumbai. It is one of the renowned clinics that facilitates diabetes surgery in a cost-effective budget. Some of the services by the clinic are as follows:
·         19 Test to track diabetes
·         Consultation by Diabetologists, Dietician, Physiotherapist & Cardiologist
·         Unlimited Telephonic/ Email-Consultations
·         10% Discount on Medicines that are delivered to your home
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sweetclinics · 5 years
What to do when you're diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes : Sweet Clinics
Understanding type 2 diabetes Diabetes develops when your blood sugar is too high.
Why does diabetes occur? Diabetes develops when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high.
A hormone called insulin helps glucose from food get into your cells and be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough (or any) insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.
Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can starve your cells and harm your eyes, nerves, kidneys, and heart.
What is type 2 diabetes? Type 2 diabetes is also called “adult onset” diabetes, since it typically develops after age 35 (though a growing number of younger people are now developing type 2 diabetes.)
How is diabetes diagnosed? To diagnose diabetes, your doctor may order a blood test called Fasting Plasma Glucose. These blood tests are done in the morning on an empty stomach. Glucose levels above a certain point on more than one occasion indicate diabetes.
How is diabetes treated? Often, type 2 diabetes is associated with being overweight and having a sedentary lifestyle, so treatment focuses on diet and exercise. If lifestyle changes don’t control your blood sugar, then your doctor will recommend medications to help your body use its own insulin more efficiently.
Warning symptoms If you have type 2 diabetes and have symptoms such as confusion, weakness, or extremely high blood sugar, get medical help immediately. These symptoms may mean that you have a life-threatening condition.
Finding the right care Start by seeing your primary care doctor.
Get regular preventive care If you have diabetes, plan to see your primary care doctor at least once a year for checkups that include regular blood sugar tests, blood pressure checks, foot examinations for nerve and artery disease, and diabetes education.
Your primary care doctor will also make sure you get annual flu and pneumonia vaccines. People with diabetes are at greater risk for complications from these illnesses, so these are especially important.
See a specialist if you need help managing your condition If you have difficulty controlling your diabetes, you should also see an endocrinologist (a doctor who specializes in diabetes) once or twice a year for more specialized care. An endocrinologist can teach you about new advances in diabetes care and advise you on the best way to control your blood sugar.
Don’t skip annual vision and dental exams Because diabetes can cause damage to the retina, people with diabetes should visit an eye doctor for regular (annual) eye exams.
Because high blood sugar can increase your risk for cavities and gum disease, it’s important to have regular dentist check-ups (every 6 months to one year) and tell your dentist that you have diabetes.
Choosing a treatment plan To control diabetes, it’s important to monitor your blood glucose levels.
Treating diabetes Your doctor will recommend a treatment plan based on several factors, but the main factor is the level of your blood sugar and how stable it is over time. For example, people with “well-controlled” diabetes (blood sugars less than 150 mg/dL) are often able to manage diabetes with diet and exercise and/or medication. Diabetologists in Vashi Others who have high blood sugar levels (greater than 200 mg/dL) and other complications, despite medication, may need more specialized treatments and medications like insulin injections.
Monitor and manage diabetes People with diabetes need regular blood tests called Hemoglobin A1c tests. These check average blood sugar levels over the course of three months. Frequency will depend on the severity of your condition, but four tests per year are typical.
If you have trouble controlling your diabetes or have complications from diabetes, you may need home monitoring to check your own blood sugar frequently. Your doctor will tell you how often, but you may need to check multiple times per day.
If you have symptoms of decreased blood flow, are over 50 years of age, have high blood pressure, or smoke, you may also receive an ankle-brachial index test. This test checks if enough blood is flowing to the legs.
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sweetclinics · 5 years
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sweetclinics · 5 years
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sweetclinics · 5 years
5 Lifestyle Modifications That Can Help You Control Your Diabetes : Sweet Clinics
Diabetes is an ever growing problem in the world especially in our country where we have both malnutrition as well as obesity. Today every 12th person in our country is obese and diabetic. Recent studies highlight that by 2030 every 6th person will be diabetic. Considering the health infrastructure of our country it will not be surprising that we lag behind in terms of complications arising out of diabetes- the aspect of co-morbidity associated with the disease. Hence it is now a social as well as a moral responsibility of every citizen of this country to acquire correct and appropriate knowledge about diabetes and opt for self -management with the help of a health care provider and propagate same for the betterment of the society. But what can you do to improve diabetic control and avoid complications associated with the silent killer:
Diet: Diet forms the most important part of diabetes management. It requires consistent timing, having breakfast, small meals at a time, lots of fiber in the diet, avoidance of refined carbohydrates.
Fruits and Salads: This is another factor in controlling blood glucose. Juices should be avoided. Except few fruits most of the fruits can be taken which are rich in fiber, micronutrients and antioxidants which help in detoxifying your body. Salads should be an integral part of your meal. Fruits are rich in fiber and have minimal calories. Fruit intake also helps in slowing down your digestion there by reducing postprandial blood glucose.
Exercise: Human body has been made to do labour intensive job,however, as development has taken place our job has become more of desk based where movement has decreased. So to make ourselves fit it becomes very important for us to exercise regularly atleast 30 minutes per day with minimum 5 days per week along with at least 3 days of resistive exercise.
De-stress Technique: De-stressing your self is very important as this helps in detoxifying oneself. Make a connect with yourself and ensure that you participate actively in doing your daily chores more efficiently. There is no fixed technique for de-stressing, it differs from individual to individual. Some may like music and some may de-stress themselves by playing with kids. You need to find it out for yourself and do it on a regular basis.
Yoga and Meditation: Lastly yoga and meditation does help in controlling blood glucose by de-stressing oneself and also by making one’s muscles more healthy and active.
Remember the choices that you make today ensure your healthy tomorrow. Be wise and informed. Choose the right lifestyle to have a better tomorrow. If you want to have more guidance, consult a Diabetologist  in Vashi or an endocrinologist .
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sweetclinics · 5 years
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