sweetdamages · 7 years
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sweetdamages · 7 years
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3x07: I know this is a leap of faith on my part, but faith is somethin’ I’m workin’ on.
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sweetdamages · 7 years
I feel like asian people are constantly limited (esp. in western cultures) because a lot of us cannot be ourselves without nonasian people either fetishizing us or making fun of us. Asian teenagers, and mainly asian girls, can’t wear their fucking school uniform without western people thinking it’s “sexy” when those people are usually underage. Asian people can’t enjoy cultural foods without condesending people making rude comments like “omg is it dog meat?!?!?!” Asian people’s hard work is brushed off almost always. We can’t even play the characters made to represent us, the roles are always given to a white actor. Don’t get me started on how our languages are always seen as just some cutesy lines and squiggles that are “aesthetic. And people who are Indian, Syrian, Malaysian, Arab, Russian, or from a country that isn’t China/Japan/Korea are ALWAYS excluded when people talk about Asia. I’m sick of that. Asian people deserve to exist without being fetishized or mocked. 
If you’re not asian you can reblog
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sweetdamages · 7 years
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         ❝What? I can’t be honest with you now?❞
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           “Your honesty is mean. You won’t even tell me why you reckon that.”
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sweetdamages · 7 years
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         Gun had been twirling a pen between his fingers as Etsuya spoke. It was a comforting feeling, someone speaking Korean so well and with such politeness. It had been so long–of course, there was his older brother but Hyun-woo prefered to speak in English, his grasp becoming so well that he masked most of his accent. Gun couldn’t understand why everyone was all for changing themselves to fit within a society of a different country. Dang, he could not blame, for Dang was born in this country and grew up only knowing this world. Still, his parents could have enforced honorifics onto him. ❝That is good to know. I am glad your parents were traditional, otherwise we would be speaking in English. I don’t mind it I would like to feel–❞ He didn’t want to say ’at home’ but grounded. ❝–relaxed.❞ Finally saying, he stopped twirling the pen between his finger tips and smiled at Etsuya. ❝Incredible that you lived in Japan, I don’t believe I ever asked of what parts–is it okay that I ask? I don’t want to intrude. This is very informal of me to ask.❞
       Tradition had been ingrained for both Etsuya and his older brother, Etsuna. His parents were old-fashioned; they didn’t see much of a point in deviating from a system that worked for them. Strict and stubborn in their ways, ideals and expectations were pushed on their children without consideration for what he or his brother wanted. They pushed so much Etsuna had left own home, not bothering telling anyone, and Etsuya soon followed next.
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       Gun-Se wouldn’t be impressed [or approving, he suspected] should he learn Etsuya hadn’t contacted his parents in over a year, nor had they made an effort to seek him out.
            “I’m relaxed,” he nodded, which was true. He wasn’t easily shaken or discomforted, regardless of new environments. A true skill of his to adapt and grow wherever he went. He shook his head to reassure Gun-Se’s concern. “No, it’s all right, I don’t mind. You not being intrusive. I’m from Osaka, Chuo specifically. My parents own a business there.” Head tilting, Etsuya was curious now. “Have you been to Japan, Gun-Se-ssi?”
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sweetdamages · 7 years
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         Kira bowed her head–respectfully although she had no reason to do so, but whated to make Etsuya feel as comfortable as possible. ❝I’m sure we will, you seem so polite and well put together Etsuya–shall I call you that or something much more stranger friendly?❞ Kira got carried away, she was so interested in other cultures than her home. In Scotland her grandmother wanted the girls to call her Nonna–which they did, but it still felt undifferent than grandmother–still English. She was glad they shyed away from music choices, still awkward about her selection. ❝May I ask your nationality? Your accent is so beautiful–I don’t want to make assumptions and be wrong.❞
     Etsuya hadn’t noticed until now how much he missed some of his people’s customs. She made him feel welcome by following a standard Japanese greeting, small as it was. In the States, Etsuya was expected to adapt to their culture, yet not vice versa, and he had accepted that after he moved. It made sense to him to integrate himself into a new way of life, though it could be a balancing act to retain his own heritage rather than let it be lost simply because he was overseas.
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            “You are kind to say so, thank you.” He always felt better about himself when others complimented the effort he put into his impressions and behaviors. “Originally my family is from South Korea, although I was born in Japan. I have some family in Busan, which I visit from time to time. I connect with both sides, but growing up in Osaka, I identify first as Japanese.” Sometimes he worried about explaining this to foreigners, wondering if they’d understand or disregard one side in favor of another. He’d met a couple of people like that, but Kira didn’t seem the type.
           “Addressing me by name is fine; adding ‘-kun’ is appropriate, if you wish to use honorifics. I think it would be uncomfortable to use anything else in this setting,” Etsuya smiled, humored at the idea of her using an overly respectful title at a party. “Would you like to be called ‘-chan’ when I speak with you?” It was only fair to offer Kira the same sentiment.
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sweetdamages · 7 years
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sweetdamages · 7 years
a multi-muse survey
tagged by: @peeblesofnewyork tagging: I don’t care, do it if you want
name of your favorite muse:  Lyza and Etsuya
name of your very first muse:  On this multi? Neirin. He’s the one that started it all
name of your meanest muse:  Neirin. He’s such an ass and he can be a bully, lmao
name of your nicest muse:  Etsuya or Marcel
name of your most troubled muse:  Lyza
character you have the most muse for atm: All my mains: Jiyu, Lyza, Neirin, Etsuya
two of your muses that would never get along: Marcel and Lyza ‘cause she doesn’t deal with her problems well and he’d nag her about it. Possibly Etsuya and Nye too? I don’t see Suya liking Nye’s mean sense of humor
two of your muses that could be best friends:  Excluding Greg and Marcel who are best friends, Jiyu and Lyza
two of your muses that would make a cute couple: I don’t think any of my muses would date each other tbh, but I suppose Jiyu and Marcel could be cute? She’s got a lot of energy, loves doing stuff, which could help Marcel not be so serious all the time. They’d balance each other ‘cause they’re opposites
two of your muses that are most similar:  Neirin and Lyza, Etsuya and Marcel
name of the muse you’d be best friends with irl:  Probably the twins, Nye and Lyza, or Jiyu
name of the muse you’d probably hate irl:  Greg
a face claim you’ve been eager to use:  Winnie Harlow, Noémie Lenoir, Jan Uddin, Manish Dayal
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sweetdamages · 7 years
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Lee Soo Hyuk for Elle Korea
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sweetdamages · 7 years
Blog Changes
{ Rather than having guest muses, I am making sweetdamages an official multi-muse OC blog. I’ve edited my theme, changed my icon, and added several new muses.
Etsuya Jiyu Marcel Greg
Their bios are mostly finished, so go check ‘em out. I gotta add tags for the newbies, but who knows when that’ll be. At some point I’ll work on a promo too }
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sweetdamages · 7 years
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         ❝Your sarcasm does nothing for me, unfortunately for you.❞
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            “Those were facts. Any road—” Neirin tapped Thomas’ forehead with a finger multiple times. “Les’go,” he insisted.
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sweetdamages · 7 years
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         ❝I would rather not be seen in public with you.❞
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            “You should tell the paparazzi that. Give you heaps of good exposure though.”
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sweetdamages · 7 years
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            “Yes. We’re goin’.”
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sweetdamages · 7 years
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            “You, c’mon. We’re gettin’ smashed.” Neirin didn’t let Thomas argue, simply grabbed a coat for the guy and tossed it at him.
@peeblesofnewyork   ( thomas )   the best of frenemies
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sweetdamages · 7 years
            “JC! Butt, you here?”
      Lyza’s chipper voice came from the threshold after she got the door open, a spare key in her hand. She pocketed it in her loose denim jacket as she step further inside, holding a glass pan full of custard tarts. They were a bit sloppily prepared, but also soft, flaky, with many different sweet fillings. The smells of the homemade goods drifted with Lyza when she walked into the kitchen, talking loudly as she went in case her friend was here.
               “I brought some treats I reckon you might wanna try.” She cleared a space on the counter to make room and set the pan down carefully. Behind her, she heard someone entering the kitchen, bringing an immediate smile on her face. “You fancy pastries, don’t ya?” Wiping her hands down her white, pleated, cotton skirt, Lyza turned around so she could see who she presumed was the blonde she visited, but instead stood a man she didn’t recognize.
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       Startled, she pressed back against the counter, a hand on her chest, and blinked several times, confused and embarrassed. “Oh, you are not JC. No, not ‘t’all—ah...” Her voice faded while Lyza examined him closely. The man was handsome, rugged yet well-kept together, with dark curly hair and large dark eyes she couldn’t look away from. She was taller by a few inches, even in her light blue canvas flats, but that didn’t bother her, if only because he wasn’t short—she was just tall. Had she met him elsewhere under other circumstances, she would’ve tried to get his number or take him home with her. Lyza bit her lip nervously, thinking of how to lessen the awkwardness she’d created, yet drew a blank. 
@peeblesofnewyork   ( neil )   new faces, new places
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sweetdamages · 7 years
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sweetdamages · 7 years
i hope this video gives you mellow soft boyfriend vibes
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