sweetfam-nsb · 6 years
Generation 2
Generation Two: Rose
You had everything you desired as a child but you were always longing for more. As an adult you have a hard time committing to relationships as you’re so focused on your career. If we had a workaholic trait in The Sims 4 you would have it. You have absolutely no maternal instincts whatsoever but you still love your child with all your heart.
Traits: Hot Headed, Snob, Romantic
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Career: Politician
Have only one child
Master the politician career and complete Serial Romantic aspiration
Master charisma skill
Leave someone at the alter (an interaction available during a wedding)
Get married for the first time as an elder
Ruby Sweet, hot-headed, spoiled, and egotistical finds herself in a bit of a dilemma when she’s left pregnant young at the start of her career as a politician. How could she ever have the time for this child? 
Do I just let it cry? Can I give it back?
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How could she bring a bastard child into the world? Stressed by recent events Marcus begins picking up on old habits again. 
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He is frequently seen sneaking drinks from the outdoor bar and even tried to flirt with Salt.
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She does the one thing she does not want to do when she tells Tobias; she proposes.
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A long, strenuous pregnancy brings forth a happy baby Amber Sweet. 
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Ruby decides this is what is important. Her baby, not her career, not her partying days, but her daughter. After her birth, due to her preeclampsia she decided it was best to not have another child anyway. She decides to go through with the wedding. 
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(Tobias & Vernon) (Salt in back)
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Reunited with her childhood friend Tobias, Topaz has a firm talking to with her sister about not marrying him to which Ruby refuses to listen. You may remember from generation 1, these two aren’t known for being the nicest to one another. 
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Then the moment happens, up there in front of family and friends. Dina & Nina Caliente. Don & Vernon Lothario. Her parents. Her aunt. Her sister. Her friends Jazmine and Isabel. She realizes one things. Her sister was right. TOPAZ SWEET WAS RIGHT. She was making a terrible mistake. How could she do this to her career? To her life? To be married so young to a man she wasn’t sure she even loved anymore? Promising an eternity before she even got to test the waters? A lazy, unemployed, pretty boy. No goals. No ambitions. No life for himself or thought to the future. She had to get away.
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Tobias was confused. Why? With no explanation, Ruby was off.
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Pepper and Marcus seen this as a perfect opportunity to steal the show by renewing their vows. They both needed this. The two never got to have a wedding of their own. It’s never too late. 
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Apparently the two weren’t too late for something else, because after their little post wedding rendezvous, Pepper became pregnant .... again. So close to being an elder, they considered their options, but decided to go through with the pregnancy. 
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Pepper asks Ruby to raise the children together as siblings when she passes because she knows she wouldn’t be around much longer. 
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Meanwhile Ruby tests the waters a bit, she becomes romantically involved with both her childhood friend Isabel Rocca and random stranger Ira Raghavan, mother of two (Pari and Shaurya). 
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Approaching the end of her life, Pepper dedicate the rest of her days to spending time with her family and retires from the scientist career. 
(to be continued...)
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sweetfam-nsb · 6 years
Generation 1:
Generation One: Mint
You’re a mischievous scientist that really loves the color mint. You’re career driven but still make time for silly pranks and outings with your closest friends. You love luxury and want the best for yourself and your family.
Traits: Vegetarian, Jealous, Materialistic
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
Career: Scientist
Master scientist career and complete Chief of Mischief aspiration
Master mischief and logic skills
Complete elements collection
Mother and matriarch of the Sweet family Pepper Sweet begins life in her humble abode nestled on the island off the coast of Windenburg. Secluded and away from the hustle and bustle of downtown, she begins to lay down her roots. But I’m getting ahead of myself, let’s start at the beginning.
From a young age, the stars and the sky has captivated young Pepper. She often found herself dazing off into space. Often tossed between foster homes, her roots were never laid out for her, she found herself struggling to keep up with school projects and work for save up for the day she knew was coming; the day she would no longer be a ward of Oasis Springs. Oasis Springs is a desert town, hot and humid, rough and tough, and she knew she needed to get away. One day some of her childhood friends took her to the bluffs of Windenburg. She knew this is where she needed to be.
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Once she had enough to save up, she began building her life from the ground up starting with her tiny house on the island and building it up to her dream home. She persisted in the scientist career and studied all night long every night. She didn’t want to slow down. Until she met him. Marcus Flex, the new guy that people often joked that they didn’t understand how he even got into the field in the first place. A typical jock; he could have even been one of the kids who used to know her around on the school yard when her heads were up in the clouds. 
Pepper knew instantly, she wanted him but would never be able to obtain him. Aside from his physical physique and “I don’t care” attitude, Marcus often had ladies swarming him, and falling like flies at the snap of his fingers. She couldn’t be with someone like THAT. There was no way a man like that could be pinned down by some relationship. Still she found herself jealous of the ladies that snuck past security at the lab just to see him and often played mischievous tricks on them which earned her quite a few enemies. But it didn’t matter. She had captured his attention.
Little did she know, Marcus had always had his eye on her. Quite the peripatetic himself, he recognized instantly her troubled past and distrustful ways. It was almost as if she was afraid to love, afraid of attachments, and to add to his young ego, scared to admit her feelings for him. But Marcus knew he felt the same and one thing led to another and Pepper became pregnant with their first daughter, Ruby Sweet. 
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Traditional as she was, Pepper instantly freaked out. How could she become with child without even knowing for sure if this was the man she would spend her life with. What if he left her behind? Their daughter? She wanted to give her daughter the family she always yearned for. Then it happened. He proposed.
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 Pregnant and all. She said yes. 
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Having no one to call a true friend or family to either of them, they eloped immediately (after finding something to wear of course), and Pepper thought she was finally happy. They welcomed a happy, healthy baby girl into the world and Pepper was able to be the mother she always wanted to be. 
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Then she fell pregnant again with their second daughter Topaz. But Marcus couldn’t handle the pressures of another child. He acted out by bringing another woman home in an effort to feel some sort of control over his situation. His non-committal ways that he thought he had repressed were coming back. Pepper caught them and Marcus was kicked out. 
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Bouncing baby girl Topaz Sweet was brought into the world, Pepper swore to protect both her daughters from any harm, even their own father if necessary. But the girls sensed the tension. Marcus was allowed to visit the girls, but never stay the night or even take the girls, Pepper would not allow it.
One day he came finally to apologize, Pepper still blinded by love, took him back. But the girls, whether affected by the change or not, consistently feuded.
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(Topaz left. Ruby right.)
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Well into their teenage years ....
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Ruby, being the oldest sister, was consistently blamed by her father. Feuding over the Lothario brothers, Tobias and Vernon, son of infamous Don Lothario and Dina Caliente.
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But Tobias captured Ruby’s eye and the two became inseparable. Meanwhile Pepper was too busy making scientific breakthroughs in her home lab, creating her sister, Salt Sweet. 
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She always craved the companionship and unconditional love of a sister for years but the clone scared her, so she created a cell in her lab, locked the lab, and left Salt to die. Until Topaz found her aunt.
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Confronted, Pepper could no longer deny what she had done, and Topaz agreed to keep quiet in exchange for their freedom. She took off with Salt and the family cat, Pixel, and never looked back. Ruby, happy her sister was now out of the house, enjoyed her time out and out of the spotlight of being in trouble. She spent her time partying with the local townie’s children and her childhood friends Jazmine Villareal, daughter of single parent Luna Villareal, and Isabel Rocca, daughter of Paolo Rocca and Jade Rosa.
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But upon doing so, on her twenty-first birthday, Ruby found out she was pregnant with Tobias’ child.
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Welcome to the spotlight generation 2.
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sweetfam-nsb · 6 years
Not  So Berry Challenge
Created by lilsimsie and alwaysimmingg.
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