sweethomelima · 5 years
Fun At the Zoo
Who: Mercedes Jones, Sam Evans Feat. SJ, Mike Chang, Bruno the Bodyguard and MJ
What: Fun at the Zoo.
Where: Akron Zoo
Notes: None
Mercedes stepped out of the town car, as SJ excitedly stepped out after her. "Bruno we can take it from here you can go get wifey, and the twins, your tickets will be up front." Bruno smiled, when Mercedes extended her stay in Ohio, she sent for his wife and his twin boy and girl 4 year olds. Bruno smiled. "I think I will wait until this Sam guys comes." She rolled her eyes. "Sam is cool I promise." "Yeah we will see." Mercedes looked around the parking lot seeing if she could spot Sam. She and SJ both wore blue Jeans, though hers were hip huggers showing off her curves, and their spiderman shirt.  Even Bruno matched them, his family would do the same. She smiled seeing him walking over to them. Bruno stared at her. "Friend my ass." He mumbled.
Sam couldn’t help being excited at the idea of heading to the zoo with Mercedes and SJ. Like she had suggested, he had worn a Spiderman shirt. He’d had a few to choose from. He was still a little bitter Mercedes and SJ couldn’t ride with him. Well, she said she couldn’t. There had been a time she’d loved his old truck. As he pulled into the parking lot, he spotted Mercedes, SJ and a big guy who he assumed had to be her bodyguard. He parked a couple of spots over and climbed out. His eyes fell on Mercedes and widened a bit. “Wow. You look...” he cleared his throat and looked down at SJ. “Your shirt’s awesome, dude!”
"Shut up." Mercedes mumbled back as Sam came closer. He looked at her and she blushed. She wanted to ask how she looked but didn't. SJ stood proud as he looked at Sam. "You are matching us! Mom look I have that shirt!!" Mercedes loved seeing SJ so excited. She turned to Bruno. "Sam is here now you can go." Bruno eyed Sam. "I'm Bruno, and I am leaving them in your care, if anything happens to them I am holding you responsible."
Sam had chosen his shirt correctly, clearly. He grinned. “You have good taste then!” At least they could have some time alone and Sam could pretend Mercedes had never left. He put a hand on the man’s, apparently Bruno, shoulder. “Don’t worry! I have two younger siblings who gave me plenty of experience!” That, and he’d protected Kurt Hummel enough times in high school that he knew he could take somebody on.
Bruno shook his head. "You have no idea what you are getting into. Fans will run up to them, wanting to touch Mercedes, get her to get pictures, this isn't like babysitting your kids. But you will see." He turned towards Mercedes . "Merce we will see you later." He left and Mercedes looked at Sam. "I just have to get the tickets and we can go."
“I can fight off crazy fans!” Maybe. Sam didn’t have any experience with that. He had gone out to dinner with Rachel and Kurt when they came to town, but not many people around Ohio seemed to care about Broadway. He watched the car go before nodding. “Yeah. I brought cash, so...”
Mercedes shook her head as she lead them inside. "Sam, I got this, you are our guest, also I am only paying for Bruno and his family, I got a few free vouchers. So its totally on me today, though... I will take you up on paying for lunch if you are so inclined." SJ reached up for Sam's hand as they walked into the building. 5 minutes later they were walking out the back the the Penguin exhibit and SJ jumped excitedly. "SJ loves Penguins."
Sam didn’t like letting other people pay for his things, but he wasn’t going to argue. “I’m definitely buying lunch,” he mumbled. His prickly feeling dropped when SJ reached for his hands. He knew kids well enough to know it was because he was new, but he was fine with that. As long as his son liked him... without knowing Sam was his father. Would they ever end up approaching that? “Yeah? You know when penguins mate, they mate for life!” He shot a look at Mercedes quickly before turning back to look down at SJ.
Mercedes shook her head, she knew Sam, knew he was not above paying for everything. It's why she said that she got a voucher, he was a prideful one. As she watched Sam and SJ, Mercedes shook her head at Sam's words. Mercedes sat back watching Sam and SJ quietly.
SJ seemed to see many things around them and Sam was more than happy to discuss them with him. The only thing which would make it better would be if this were a normal thing. He couldn’t dwell on that. “My favorite’s the lion because I really liked Lion King when I was little!”
Mercedes felt horrible that this was their first outing as an, for all intended purposes a family. SJ seemed really taken with Sam and Sam with him. She watched them talk Lion King and Tigers, she followed in silence until someone ran up to her. "Can I have a picture?" Mercedes turned to look at the guy. "Un sure." she said. As he pulled her close his hand grabbed her behind, she pushed him away from her. "Hey!" She said pushing the guy off of her, he smiled pulling her back to him. "Come on Mercedes I am your biggest Fan, I was a year behind you in school I love you."
Hearing the commotion, Sam turned around. “Hey, look! You can feed the giraffes!” he announced as he looked at the habitat next to them. He handed SJ a couple of bills. “Why don’t you go ahead? We’ll meet you there!” He might not have known any sort of bodyguard skills, but he could certainly pull a guy away from her really well. “Hey! What the hell is your problem?”
The guy pulled Mercedes back to him but she pushed him harder away from her as Sam walked up. "Nothin' going on just realizing that fame has made "Mercedes Jones" a bitch." Mercedes looked at him and rolled her eyes, "Really because I don't want to be felt up?"
Sam stepped between them. He was trying to keep his cool here. The last thing to make Mercedes think he was ready to be in SJ’s life. Of course, nobody was allowed to talk to any women in his life, and especially not Mercedes. He didn’t have time to think, or even realize what he was doing, before his first collided with the other man’s temple.
Mercedes glanced over to SJ who was pleasantly enjoying the Giraffes when she saw Sam, hit the guy . Bruno arrived just in time to block Sam before the guy could hit him back. Mercedes looked at Sam angrily.  "I can't believe you just did that! What were you thinking?" Mercedes stormed away and bruno shook hi head with a smile. "Well that was fun. Don't worry she will get over it, I punched my first guy too."
It happened so quickly. One second, he was punching the asshole and the next, Bruno was back and in front of him. He bristled. “I was trying to help,” he mumbled before shaking his head. “Mercy! C’mon!”
Mercedes turned towards Sam as Bruno took care of the guy. "Sam, this is why I wanted Bruno here, not because you are incapable of protecting people, but because you have no experience with this! I am not the old Mercedes who when we went to the Lima Bean people ignored." She sighed,. "You can't punch out every jerk who gets handsy, Trust me I want too as well but anything I do, its being watched." Turning back to SJ who didn't seemed phased at all, she sighed. "I never wanted SJ to be apart of all of this, it's why people barely know about him. When I tour he is backstage with people I trust or my mom comes and watches him, I never wanted to put him in a light he didn't want to be in and I think I am doing a good job on that. But when things like this happen it makes people want to dig into my life and I can't have that."
Sam sighed. “I was trying to be calm!” And if it wasn’t Mercedes, he would have simply threatened the guy. His feelings got tangled up in the situation and he couldn’t help it. “I never ignored you and... and why not? Why can’t I defend you?” He knew it was a good idea to keep SJ out of all of this and she’d done well enough he’d had no idea the boy even existed. They shouldn’t dig. If they dug they might — “They might find out about me too, but SJ doesn’t embarrass you like I do.”
"Calm? That wasn't you being calm that was you defending me like you did after we got married and that jerk came at me." Her features softened until he said that he was an embarrassment. "Shut up, just shut up with all that! I have never called you or ever thought you were an embarrassment. If this is what you feel about yourself that is your issues but don't put that on me." She wiped the tears that fell and took  out her purell to clean SJ's hand and then took him over to the Pony Rides in which he grew excited about.
“I said I tried! I didn’t say I stayed calm!” He knew he hadn’t stayed calm and it was his own bad. Sam threw up his hands. “I don’t know what you want me to do!” He followed her, leaning in to whisper in her ear. “Your fiancé doesn’t even know you were married to me.” Still, at least legally.
Mercedes hadn't paid attention to his temper tantrum, not until he whispered in her ear. It sent a shiver down her spine. She swallowed hard moving forward. letting SJ get onto the pony and taking pictures of him as he went around. "What was I supposed to say? Hey my  baby daddy and I are still married but don't worry he is never coming to L.A. so that's good."
Sam smiled briefly as he watched SJ ride the pong before turning back to Mercedes. “You didn’t tell have to tell him we were still married, but you didn’t even tell me if he knew you were ever married which makes me think he doesn’t!”
Mercedes looked down to her hands. "He knows I was married, he just... he just doesn't know that I am ..." she turned towards Sam. "What does it matter Sam? What does any of this matter to you?"
It made sense. Mercedes hadn’t really known until recently apparently. She considered it up to Sam to finalize everything with the papers she swore he had sent her. He shook his head. “You know why it matters, Mercy. You know me better than anyone.”
SJ went around a second time and Mercedes cheered him on before looking at Sam. "Sam, you are making this too hard. I want you to have a relationship with SJ i truly do. But if you are doing this just so you can try to get back with me it can't happen. It can't happen because I am engaged to be married and my life is in LA and your life is here. Let sleeping dogs lie Sam."
“They’re two separate things, actually,” Sam announced. She couldn’t possibly think the only reason he wanted to be in SJ’s life had to do with some ulterior motives. “Related things, but separate. I wanna know my son. I always wanted kids.” He shrugged. “Always wanted you too.” He looked around. “Really? I don’t see your fiancé here! Why’d you tell him you were staying?”
"Well good because all you can have is him." She took another picture of SJ and tried to focus on him but Sam was weaseling his way into her mind and thoughts. "Stop saying that please.  You can't want what you already had." She rolled her eyes at him. "For your information I told him that SJ and I were staying because he needed to be around his family."
He shook his head. “I can want it if it was taken away from me. We were stupid kids! It’s different now! Look, tell me this doesn’t feel right. The three of us...” Sam trailed off and shook his head. “So you’re not even gonna tell him you’re with SJ’s father?”
She couldn't lie to him and tell him that the three of them, at the zoo as a family felt right, it felt like it was meant to be but she was happy, her life wasn't in Lima, Ohio. "Sam, it's great that you get to spend this time with SJ, lets just enjoy it. And it's not like he needs to know every person SJ hangs with."
Sam sighed and shook his head. He wasn’t ready to drop the topic, but he would for now. He focused on the blond boy. “What about SJ? Gonna tell him?”
"Gonna tell SJ what?" She asked looking at Sam.
“About me?” He didn’t meet her eyes because he didn’t want her to see the look in his when she told him no. That much felt inevitable.
"Oh." Mercedes looked at SJ who was getting off the pony. "I guess we should probably do that sooner rather than later. I just don't know how to do that. How do you tell a child a guy he just met is his dad?
Sam shrugged. “I don’t know. It was probably easier when you told me about him.” The first time he’d heard, regardless of what she said.
Mercedes sighed. "Tonight. He is having so much fun and I think this is one of those sit down talks." SJ ran up to them. "That was awesome, I want a horse." Mercedes laughed, "SJ you visit Shiloh at the stables all the time back home." "Yeah but he's not mine." Mercedes shook her head as they walked towards the eating area. "How about you guys go get us something for lunch and I will grab us a table? Sam can I get a Chicken Salad croissant and a cherry and raspberry mixed ICEE." She  smiled towards them before going to find a table as her phone rang.  She hesitated before answering. "Brian hi." "Hi yourself Mercedes, I haven't heard from my Fiancée in  two days  so I thought I would check in." Mercedes glanced at Sam and SJ walking together. "That is because I have been busy." "Busy? Spending time with your ex husband if I heard Bruno correctly." Mercedes rolled her eyes. "Bruno had no right to tell you that." "I am still your manager first. And when someone gets into a fight with one of your fans I need to do damage control."
Sam nodded and was about to agree when SJ ran up. He let the topic drop for now. “Got it!” he said with a quick salute that SJ mimicked. “So you ride horses? That’s pretty cool. You like a cowboy or something?” SJ nodded. “Kid, if you’re not into country music yet, you have the right teacher. What do you want? A cheeseburger?” “How did you know?” SJ asked, astounded. “Magic.” And the fact that most kids liked cheeseburgers. He paid and they waited off to the side waiting for the food to be finished.
Mercedes sighed as Brian kept talking. "Look, I am just giving Sam and SJ time together before I leave." "Why, because he hasn't wanted to be apart of his life for what? 8 years?" "Brian," she didn't want to have this conversation. "Look we will be back I  L.A sometime next week." "Will you be spending all of your time with your ex." "So what if I do? I have to tell SJ who his dad is." "WHAT?! No way are you doing that!"
When the food came out on two trays, Sam rearranged the food so that SJ’s was on one and his and Mercedes was in another. “Think you can carry that?” Sam asked. “I’m strong,” SJ insisted as they walked over to where Mercedes was. Noting that she was on the phone, Sam tried not to sit too close. Just close enough she could spot them and he could hear her end of the conversation. His eyes lingered on her for a second before he turned back to SJ who was currently rambling about the fact Sam had asked for no pickles on his bed and how wrong it was.
Mercedes sighed. "I am going to tell you this once and i hope you are listening correctly. SJ is my son, not yours, I will decide what is best for him and he has spent 8 years without a dad." "Yeah because he chose not too." "Maybe so, maybe he did but maybe he didn't! He said he never got the letter and when I didn't hear from him I could have called. But I didn't because you convinced a hormonal pregnant woman who was desperately missing her husband, that Sam didn't want to be with me. Maybe if I was in my right mind things would be different." "And maybe we wouldn't be together right? I knew you going back to Lima would do this you still love him." Mercedes spotted Sam and wiped her eyes. "Brian I am gonna go, I am going to go back to Sam and SJ and enjoy this time we have here. You and I will discuss this later." She hung up and walked over to Sam and SJ. "Now this looks so good guys."
He occasionally contributed to the conversation, earning a laugh when he said he’d never eat Kevin from Spongebob. SJ then proceeded to tell him how cucumbers from pickles and sea cucumbers were different from one another. At least he’d gotten his mother’s intelligent. A small smile spread across his face at the idea that she was finally believing he didn’t know about SJ. That wasn’t who he was. If he had known about his son, he would have worked something else. SJ smacked his arm. “Are you listening?” He was pouting. “No, I saw a bird!” SJ laughed as Mercedes walked up. “We got the same food, mom!”
Mercedes grinned. "You did? Well that is awesome!!" She took her tray. "Thank you Sam." She said as she took a sip of her drink. "So what are we going to do next?" SJ looked up. "Can we go see the otters?" Mercedes nodded, we sure can."
Sam nodded slowly. “Everything okay?” he asked, hoping the fact that he was eavesdropping wasn’t too obvious. He ate a french fry and smiled. “You know, the otters were the best part in Finding Dory.”
Mercedes ran her hand through her hair before going to her croissant. "Ummm well I mean it's just." She looked at SJ. "Nothing I want to get into right now." As they ate she smiled watching Sam and SJ, this was the right choice, they needed to know each other. "So are we ready to go?"(edited)
Sam nodded. He’d ask her about it later. Right now, it was fun to listen to SJ jump from topic to topic. He truly did have a lot in common with Sam. As they wrapped up eating, he nodded and collected the trays to put them where they belonged before catching up with the pair. “Otters hold hands so they don’t float away in their sleep and I think it’s pretty cool.”
Mercedes sat back as Sam and SJ walked towards the otters. They were having fun and in the back of her mind, she couldn't stop thinking about Sam's question, this did feel like it was how it should be, and she felt guilty about that.
He stood behind SJ and read the sign on the display aloud. “Did you know otters are c — car...” he trailed off and squinted at the word as SJ looked up at him. “What does carnivorous mean?” Sam’s cheeks went slightly red. “Uh. They eat meat.”
Mercedes slipped her phone out of her pocket, taking pictures of Sam and SJ they looked so much alike and were so cute together. As Sam dig in deeper by saying Carnivor she felt someone touch her shoulder. Dreading this moment she turned but smiled widely as she saw Mike, carrying a child on his hip. "MIKE!!" "CEDES" Mike hugged her and she hugged him taking the little boy in her arms. "Look at MJ, he is getting so big, what are you doing here?" Mike smiled. "Yeah well so is his momma, she is pretending she isn't about to pop any day now. And I am here to see my parents before the next tour." he looked at Sam with SJ, "Cedes, when did Brian start looking like Sam." "That is Sam you fool." she said laughing. "He met SJ and I here." Mike looked at how Loving Sam was going to be. "They look good together." Mercedes eyes widened.  "Wait... you know?" Mike smiled. "I suspected."
SJ read the rest of the sign. Sam laughed, explaining that a couple of words tripped him up. He didn’t want to explain the whole thing aboutI dyslexia. SJ’s hand was on the fence when Sam set his hand on his shoulder once more. “Let’s go see something else.” “I wanna see what mom wants next!” SJ said before turning around. “Uncle Mike!” he shouted and ran over to hug Mike as Sam saw the other man. He rubbed the back of his neck. Obviously Mike would know about the ‘divorce’... which hadn’t actually happened. Mike wouldn’t know that part. “Oh, hey.”
Mercedes eyes widened. "What?!" "Merce I am not stupid and SJ looks just like Sam's twin. I just wanted to wait until you finally said something." She was about to say something when SJ ran to him. MJ squealed reaching out for SJ and she bent down as the smaller child hugged the older one. Mike looked at Sam. "Hey Sam! Long time no see." Mercedes stood back up shifting MJ on her hip.
He watched the kids for a moment and smiled a little bit. “Yeah, it’s been a minute. How’ve you been, dude? Besides having a kid! Damn!” Sam wondered for a moment what SJ had been like at that age.
Mike smiled. "Two! Tina is at home getting ready to pop!" Mercedes smiled shifting MJ, "Mike dances for me now. He creates my style and movements and I love it he is still very talented."
“Damn, you guys are still together?” Sam had to wonder how many of the other couples they’d graduated with were together and hadn’t crashed and burned like his and Mercedes’. “Dude, that sounds awesome!” He was beginning to think his career paled in comparison to any of his high school friends.
Mercedes watched Sam and Mike talk and stood back not wanting to interrupt. She SJ and MJ made their way to the petting Zoo, knowing that the guys would follow.
“You screwed up,” Mike said once Mercedes and the kids had separated from them. “With what?” Sam asked, as if he didn’t know. As they caught up with Mercedes, he gave Sam a knowing look.
Mercedes put MJ down as he and Sj petted a goat. She joined them when a small white one waddled over to them. "Awwww these things are cute." SJ smiled. "I want one mom." "Yeah not happening." MJ laughed. "Want one, want one."
Mike grinned when the two of them repeated each other. “Hey, we’re having another kid, not a kid!” He grinned at his own joke. Sam hummed. “My parents never got me a goat. And I asked. A dozen times.”
Mercedes looked at Sam and shook her head, "Yeah thanks for that gene." She said looking back to the kids.
Sam grinned. “I’d get you a goat but I don’t have that kind of pull in your life!” SJ groaned.(edited)
Mercedes got them some pellets to feed the goats and smiled as she took pictures.  Mike nudged Sam. "You know?"
Nodding slowly, Sam sighed. “Yeah. I do know. I didn’t — for some reason, she’s convinced I knew the whole time...”
Mike ran his hand through his hair leaning into Sam. "So what are you gonna do about it?"
“What do you mean? I’ve made it perfectly clear I want to get back together. She’s made it perfectly clear that she doesn’t.”
"Yeah she said the same thing when she dated Shane." he shrugged. "Just saying."
“We’re adults now,” Sam replied and shook his head. “I’m supposed to sign the divorce papers.” Mike looked at him. “Yeah, I never signed them. So what?”
Mercedes looked at the guys. "We are going to the sheep." "Sheep! Sheep" MJ said as they walked away, Mike looked at Sam. "You mean to tell me that you and Mercedes are still married? That the papers weren't sighed, she is your wife and you are her husband? Wait til Tina hears this.?
Sam smiled as Mercedes told them they were headed to the sheep and he rolled his eyes. “Yeah! Tell Tina who will tell Blaine who will tell Kurt who will tell Rachel and then the whole world finds out from there!”
"Sam you are missing out on the big picture! You love her you want her you are the father of her son and you are still married to her! That means that you have a chance."
“Is it surprising I missed the big picture?” Sam asked sarcastically as they began to walk towards Mercedes and the kids. “She wants me to sign the divorce papers. Doesn’t really sound like a chance.”
Mike sighed. "I have been on tour with Mercedes twice, that tool she is engaged too, he has been asking her out  for years and she always said no. Then a rumor hits  2 years ago that you Sam Evans are dating and all of a sudden, she is dating this fool. She thought you moved on and so she did too. But I know she loves you still. I feel it and I think you do too."
Sam snorted. “I never dated! I mean, I went out a couple of times, but it was nothing! Who said that I was dating?” Probably didn’t matter. “I knew that dude was an asshole!”
Mike shrugged. "Who knows you know Glee gossip spreads like wild fire. " he patted Sam's back. "Look if you want her tell her make her realize you want her if you don't then let that asshole have her."
“I did tell her. She said she moved on,” Sam said, as if he wasn’t persistent — especially when it came to Mercedes. “But it’s good to know you think this could work out...”
Mike shrugged. "Doesn't matter what I think what matters is if you are gonna let that man raise your son or if you are gonna fight for your family."
Sam nodded, gave Mike’s shoulder a squeeze and walked over to SJ. He still felt like he should keep his distance from her for a while. “Sheep smell like sh — bad things.”
Mercedes stood grabbing purell and cleaning both kids hands. "Okay guys I think we are done for the day. How about Ice cream?"
He watched the kids cheer in unison while Mike bent down to scoop MJ into his arms again. “I love ice cream,” Sam replied like she was talking to him. “Me too!” SJ shouted and Sam gave him a high five. “Wow, it’s like you’re a mini me!”
Mercedes didn't miss the mini me comment, she just smiled and lead them towards the ice cream cart before they headed out.  She turned to Sam and chewed her bottom lip. "Did you still wanna do this later?"
Sam nodded. “It’s not like we should make him wait anymore. Right? It’s not fair to him.”
"Not fair to any of us." She said with a sigh. Well we get ice cream and we will meet at my parents place later."
“Yeah, that’s the best place to do it. I still haven’t cleaned my apartment,” he said with a slight smile.
Mercedes rolled her eyes. "Uh huh." She hugged Mike as they exited the Zoo, smiling and turning towards Sam. "I will see you  later. Come on SJ." SJ hugged Mike and then hugged Sam as he followed his mom to Bruno. Mike looked to Sam.  "I am in town for a few more days so if you need anything call me. And don't give up."
Sam smiled at Mercedes before hugging SJ tightly. “I’ll be there.” He turned to Mike and nodded. “You’re either lifesaver or an asshole. We’ll find out later,” he said with a smile as he slapped the other man on the back before jogging up to his truck.
6 notes · View notes
sweethomelima · 5 years
Text || Samcedes
Mercy: Sam, hey its Mercedes
Mercy: Oh if this is the wrong number Sorry.
Sam: No, I told you I didn't change it
Mercy: No this isn't Sam, or no it is Sam because I didn't change it?
Sam: this is Sam
Sam: I didn't change my number
Sam: always been here.
Mercy: Well okay hi. Hope you had a good day today.
Mercy: First I wanted to thank you for not acting weird or anything last night. SJ had fun talking Marvel with you.
Sam: Yeah, you too!
Sam: I was kind of in my element there
Sam: I could've fielded DC too
Mercy: I am sure he would have given you a run for your money, he loves the Flash and Batman.
Mercy: So we are leaving tomorrow and I wanted to see if you had the papers, and if you wanted to see him again before we left.
Sam: I am an expert in Batman!
Sam: Already?
Mercy: Well he will be glad to hear that.
Mercy: Our lives are in L.A. Sam.
Sam: I have them
Sam: I didn't sign them yet
Sam: I'm still reading them
Mercy: Sam there is nothing there that would cause any issues. It's just a divorce.
Sam: My mom said never to sign something you haven't read
Mercy: Okay I understand that
Sam: Just gonna take me awhile.
Sam: idk how long
Mercy: Sam what do I have to do to get you to just sign them now?
Sam: I need to read them. I said that
Mercy: Sam I know if I leave here without them they will never get signed. Why are you holding on so tight to something that was over years ago? Its a divorce stating what's yours is yours and what's mines is mines, simple to the point.
Sam: I just said I wanna read them
Sam: that's it
Mercy: And you also said you don't know how long it will take you to read like 6 pages. I have to go, I can't be here for a long time.
Sam: we both know I'm not very smart
Mercy: That's a lie.
Mercy: You are smarter than you give yourself credit for.
Sam: Still can't read very well
Sam: so I can't tell you how long it'll be
Sam: I have to do other things too, like cleaning my apartment and go to the gym
Mercy: You can read just fine Sam and we both know that.
Mercy: Okay now I know you are playing games.
Sam: it does take me extra time. That's not a lie.
Mercy: I know that Sam, but cleaning your apartment? Really?
Sam: It's very dirty
Mercy: I bet it is
Mercy: I need you to work with me here(edited)
Sam: I am.
Sam: I'm going to read them! I already started!
Mercy: Fine.
Mercy: Soooo we didn't get to talk about you, how is your family?
Sam: Doing well, you know.
Sam: The kids are almost done with high school which makes me feel old but
Mercy: You are Sold
Sam: Don't remind meeeee
Mercy: How is your mom? I have been meaning to talk to her but I know she is might hate me.
Sam: For going to LA?
Sam: I don't think she does
Sam: she always said I should apologize for not going with you haha
Mercy: For leaving, for not telling her about SJ, even if you didn't believe it she would have.
Sam: Yeah, well. She doesn't know about him
Sam: Like I didn't
Mercy: You didn't tell her?
Sam: I've been a little busy trying to come to terms with it myself
Mercy: Maybe I should just go and let you mail it to me.
Sam: If that's your choice.
Mercy: Fine!
Sam: Great.
Sam: I'll send them
Sam: When do you need them?
Sam: I'll get them to you then.
Mercy: Monday
Sam: And when are you getting married?
Mercy: You don't get to know that.
Sam: Okay.
Sam: See, I'm trying to make sure I have them to you when you need them
Sam: I want to have time to think about it.
Mercy: What is there to think about Samuel?
Sam: A lot.
Sam: like maybe I should get to see SJ.
Sam: so maybe we need a custody thing.
Sam: I don't know
Mercy: That stuff I'm pulling? I wrote you and told you that I was pregnant, that you should just swallow your damn pride and come to me, and you sent back divorce papers, so don't get me started on that one.
Sam: You sent ME divorce papers!
Sam: and no letter
Sam: Jesus Christ, is this what you think is fun now?
Sam: Fucking with some townie loser you used be with?
Mercy: Are you serious right now?
Mercy: Like I can't tell if you are playing with me right now.
Sam: I'm very serious. It's not funny.
Mercy: Then stop playing around and be serious. I got your papers, which is why I find it funny that you never signed it. I get you were bitter but to abandon your pregnant wife?
Mercy: I always thought you were better than that.
Sam: I didn't do ANY of that
Sam: I mean, the last part happened inadvertently but I didn't send anything! Or get anything other than some divorce papers which, yes, I did not sign.
Mercy: My manager handed me the papers they were addressed to me, sent from you.
Sam: if I sent them, don't you think I'd have signed them first
Mercy: Sometimes you are scatterbrained.
Sam: I think you sent me divorce papers when you found out you were pregnant because you didn't think I was ready or something
Sam: I was
Mercy: Wow, for the record Sam, I thought you would be an amazing father. Ima gonna go.
Sam: Great
Mercy: It was nice seeing you Sam, if you could tell your parents before tomorrow about YOUR SON that would be great since I will let him meet them before I leave Lima for good.
Sam: How am I supposed to explain an eight year old I JUST found out about and how the fuck I missed that?
Mercy: Figure it out. I had too.
Sam: You keep acting like I knew.
Sam: Like you don't know me well enough to know I could never not step in.
Mercy: I told you Sam, I put that on everything, I don't know what happened, if you blocked it out, if you are trying to justify not being here by saying I didn't but I know my truth.
Mercy: I may not have told the world I have a child, because by the time I got on the scene and really started making a name for myself he was 2 and I didn't want that life for him, so I never said anything to maintain some privacy in my life. But you, I told you.
Sam: You didn't.
Sam: This isn't funny.
Mercy: No its not funny not at all.
Mercy: You really didn't know? Not in all these years? Because I swear to you I sent you that letter telling you about him.
Sam: I didn't get a letter.
Sam: Just divorce papers.
Mercy: This makes no sense
Sam: Hey, were on the same page for once
Mercy: Sam I promise you I sent you the letter, and then I got divorce papers in return
Sam: and I didn't send them.
Sam: if there was a letter, I'd have been there
Sam: could have called
Mercy: Call the man who refused to pick up his life and move with me for my dream?
Mercy: I couldn't call you, it hurt too much
Sam: You could have come back when you weren't recording.
Sam: I have a life here, Mercy.
Mercy: Come back to a man who didn't want me.
Mercy: I know that Sam, but I had a future there.
Sam: I did want you
Sam: I've always wanted you
Mercy: I guess it doesn't matter now does it?
Sam: Yeah
Sam: Your whole story is fucking me up
Sam: I don't get how this became my fault?
Mercy: I asked you to come with me Sam, I told you I wanted us to be together, I gave you the ticket to come. You didn't.
Sam: I said the same thing, but you didn't like my way
Mercy: I was scared, scared if I stayed in Lima, even part time, that I would lose myself.
Sam: Yeah
Mercy: I am trying to be honest with you. I thought you would just come when you were ready
Sam: I'm not ready
Sam: I know you and probably everyone else from glee "outgrew" Lima
Sam: I still haven't.
Mercy: I know. It's why I had to move on Sam, and you had to find someone who wanted the same things you do. You deserved that.
Sam: I never wanted anyone else
Mercy: Sam I just
Mercy: Sam I want you to be happy
Sam: Yeah
Sam: I said I'll send them
Mercy: Send what?
Mercy: Oh I wasn't even thinking about thing right now
Sam: I'm just saying. You want to leave again and I'm not stopping you
Mercy: I know you aren't. You moved on too.
Sam: I didn't.
Mercy: You did. You can say you didn't but the truth is if you didn't move on we would still be together.
Sam: because I didn't go to LA?
Sam: Why was I the only one who had to give something up
Mercy: You weren't! I had to give up you! SJ had to give up a father! You aren't the only one who lost something Sam, I lost you.
Sam: yeah, I lost you and him too.
Mercy: You can have a relationship with him if you want.
Sam: And so will your fiancé
Mercy: He's not a bad guy.
Sam: Hey, I never said he was
Mercy: Just thought you should know
Sam: I don't care about him
Sam: [ five minutes later ] No, we both know that's a lie. I hate him
Mercy: Why do you hate him?
Sam: You'll know exactly why if you stop and think for a second
Mercy: Because of SJ
Sam: Not Just
Mercy: What do you want from me Sam?
Sam: Do I need to say it!
Mercy: Well I certainly don't know
Sam: You.
Mercy:-[Deleted] Sam don't do this.
Mercy:-[Deleted] I just got over you...
[five minutes later]
Mercy: I can stay for a few more days so you can spend time with SJ.
Sam: Yeah, maybe we can figure out how to tell my mom lol
Mercy: I'm gonna let you do that one
Sam: No help?
Mercy: Fine
Sam: I doubt she'll buy the truth
Sam: Which you apparently don't buy either.
Mercy: Why wouldn't I tell you?
Sam: I don't know!
Mercy: I don't wanna go back around in a circle like this.
Sam: I just wanted to know why you didn't tell me
Mercy: And I keep telling you that I did. I wrote you I felt if I called you I would break down and a letter was safer...
Sam: I didn't get a letter!
Sam: I don't know why you don't believe me
Mercy: I don't know why you don't believe me.
Sam: Because I only got the papers you sent me.
Mercy: The papers I sent back to you
Sam: Right because I sent you unsigned papers
Sam: I thought you agreed I wasn't dumb lol
Mercy: I don't know what to tell you.
Sam: Okay
Mercy: So where does that leave us Sam?
Sam: Not where I want to be
Mercy: when are you free?
Sam: i'm free now
Mercy: I was going to take SJ to the Zoo, you can come with us.
Sam: I'm always up for being with you
Sam: And SJ. Really hoping he'll like me lol
Mercy: SJ loves you he's still talking about you. Just so you know going to a Zoo or park with me is often... crazy I wanna say.
Sam: Good.
Sam: is it bad I want him to like me more than your fiancé?
Sam: Probably not. I'm his father.
Sam: You think I don't remember how you get?
Mercy: it's not bad Sam, SJ is your son of course you want him to like you
Mercy: He will like you just fine.
Mercy: I mean it's been years
Sam: Hopefully.
Sam: And maybe I'll have to come to LA and see him.
Sam: I remember everything about you
[Mercy:Deleted] So you will go to L.A. for th-
Mercy: yeah maybe.
Mercy: I will have the car pick you up unless you just wanna meet us there
Sam: Whatever works for you.
Mercy: You gonna be okay being driven around in a town car?
Sam: Unless you're gonna let me pick up you two in my old truck?
Mercy: Soooo if I tell you something you gotta keep it secret
Sam: Now I'm curious
Mercy: My driver is my bodyguard, under my contract I can't go anywhere without him.
Sam: Are you saying I'm not able to protect you?
Mercy: Not at all its just in my contract
Sam: Sneak off
Mercy: Yeah I get fined for that
Mercy: He won't bother us, you won't even know he's there
Sam: I don't know if I believe that but!
Mercy: But?!...
Sam: But I'm good
Mercy: You gotta be clear babe you coming with?
Sam: Babe?
Sam: I'll meet you there
Mercy: What? Why did you call me Babe?
Mercy: Okay
Sam: You called me babe and I was questioning it
Mercy: I did?
Mercy: Oh I did, I'm sorry
Sam: It's fine
Mercy: We will see you there.
Mercy: SJ wants me to wear my "Spidermom" because he is wearing his, if you want to wear Spiderman you can
Sam: I got you
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sweethomelima · 5 years
Flashback Para || Goodbye || Samcedes
Who: Mercedes Jones, Sam Evans 
What: Mercedes tells Sam about her chance to record in LA and asks him to come with her. 
Where: Their apartment
Notes: none
Mercedes stood outside of her and Sam's apartment taking a few breaths before walking in, her news was life changing, it was amazing. This was a dream come true and she only hoped Sam would feel the same way. They had married young, right out of High School and it was worth it, she loved Sam truly did and staying in Lima to work on her music, while they saved up before moving to an unknown city was a smart call. This way they had the support of both his and her parents and they had each other.
The last year had been amazing, it brought them closer as a couple and friends, and it brought her closer to both his and her parents who were thrilled they were getting married. Though in order to get her to stay her dad did bribe her with a 2 bedroom luxury apartment but pretended it was a wedding gift. She always believed he agreed to her marrying Sam only because it kept her close to home. Walking in the house she placed her bag down. "Sam? baby you here?"
If you asked Sam, getting married was the best decision he made. There were people who told him not to propose while he was so young, but they didn’t grasp how much he loved Mercedes. She was it for him. There wasn’t anyone else who would make him feel this way. She was working on her music while Sam worked with the football team and tried to figure out what he was doing with his life.
Sam was doodling something close to comic art when he heard Mercedes. He left the spare bedroom and walked out to meet her. He put his hands on her hips and kissed her gently. “Hey! I missed you.” They haven't been apart more than a normal day, but it was the same thing Sam said each time he saw her — even in the mornings.
When Sam pulled her in his arms, she kissed him deeply, wrapping her arms around him. "Missed you too!" She kissed him once more before smiling. "How was your day? I hope it was as epic as mines," She said slowly pulling out of his arms and going towards the kitchen.
Washing her hands she went to the fridge to grab the chicken she took out of the freezer this morning. "When I say epic i mean EPIC!!!"
“Epic?” Sam asked. That sounded good. Maybe one of the local stations had agreed to play her demos. He was hopeful for her. Each step Mercedes made closer to success made him that much more proud of her.
He followed her to the kitchen. “Just worked on some new plays. You gonna tell me what happened or do I have to guess? I’m good at guessing games!”
Mercedes looked up at Sam and smiled. "You won't guess this, baby and I would love to see you try but its just... its everything." She giggled still unable to believe it herself. Going to the cabinet to grab her seasonings she glanced at him.
"Okay so you know I have been sending my demo out like crazy, wanting to get noticed for something. And it's been a year and still not bites. Well today I got bit!" She froze holding the lemon pepper in her hand then laughed. "That came out so wrong." She said as she continued to prep the food and talk. "So I am at the radio station you know doing my thing and humming while I work and this guy passes me. He goes, you have a beautiful voice." She placed the chicken in oven and washed her hands. "And I am like yeah thanks but humming is nothing wait till you hear me actually before you go saying that. He found it funny and said okay sing. now you know your wife is not afraid to drop a song anywhere so i bust out "And I am Telling You" and by the end of the song half the station is sitting there applauding and some were yes in tears."
He definitely knew about her sending her demo out. The longer it took, it seemed like the more discouraged Mercedes got. Sam would constantly tell her things would slide into place when they were meant to. It sometimes felt like he had more faith in her than she did.
Hearing her news, Sam bounced slightly on the balls of his feet. “What? I mean, I knew you could impress everyone, but...” Catching the attention of everyone at the station was another thing all together. It was big. He leaned against the counter. “Who was he?”
Mercedes smiled. "That is the best part. He owns this label called Epic Records, he was in from L.A. for some reason and when he heard me sing, he said I wow'd him. He had never heard such a voice that was not classical trained."
She moved over to him and sat in one of the stools by the island. "That's not even the best part, he did a video conference with his boss and had me sing for him and a few others at the label and they loved it! They want to sign me Sam, they want to sign me to sing for them."
Sam laughed as she mentioned the labels name. “Ah, no wonder you were saying epic!” He reached out, taking her hand which was lying on the counter. “I’m so proud of you, babe!”
In his head, he tried to figure out how things would work. “So what? You go to LA and record an album? Then come back?” He wasn’t sure the logistics of all of this.
Mercedes smiled with a nod. "Yep this who thing is Epic!" She felt on top of the world. And she just knew this was the beginning of great things for her, for them.
Hearing his questions she shook her head. "That's the thing, you know before we got married I had planned on moving to L.A. I mean that has always been our plan. So we would have to move there. But I am gonna have my dad and his lawyer look at the contract from what I see it's great, they will put us in one of the Label's Lofts, help us move out there and get settled and we would start working on my Album ASAP. I mean we would have to be there by next week but this is it Sam. My big break!"
Sam drummed his fingers on the counter. Sure, it had been their plan. Then they got married. They’d built a life here. Their families were here, and he might be a little more attached to his own than he should be.
“I mean... can’t it just be a trip? What’s so bad about Lima?” As long as he’d been here, he’d heard people talking about not wanting to ‘Lima losers’. Sam didn’t get it. Lima was nice.
Mercedes frowned. "Sam, it can't just be a trip, it takes a lot to make an Album, Lima is amazing Sam and its home, it will always be home, but this, Sam this is my dream. My Dream! It's everything I have ever wanted that wasn't you."
He shrugged. “A long trip? I can’t leave my parents or Stevie and Stacy!” Sam should have been expecting this, maybe even planned ahead. He knew she’d be a success but he hadn’t anticipated moving to LA. “Mercy, c’mon.”
"Sam, I am not saying you won't ever see your family they can come visit and we can come back here, Sam I love your family just like I love mines but this is the opportunity of a lifetime. I can't say no." She closed her eyes taking a breath. "Sam please. This is my dream. Please."
“I don’t see why it can’t be a trip,” he mumbled. She would have to go and record the album. Mercedes would have to promote the album. She would have to go in tour... but Sam didn’t get it fully. “This is our home!”
Mercedes went over to him and took his hands in hers. "This will always be our home, but I can't walk away from my one shot. And I can't do this without you.
“It doesn’t have to be forever,” Sam said. “It doesn’t — I’m not saying to stay away! I’m saying we can come back! It was different before, but...” But they were here now.
Mercedes shook her head. "Sam, I can't stay here. I can't grow here. In order for me to grow as an Artist I have to be there where the label can reach me, Sam this is a great opportunity for both of us."
Running a hand through his shaggy hair, Sam let out a sigh. “This is our home! It was different before, when we didn’t have any reasons to stay but look around!” He gestured around the room. “And I’m working with the team and talking to Mr. Schue about doing some things in glee! We’ve built this life...”
Mercedes let go of his hands. "Am I really hearing this correctly? You said that my dreams were your dreams and we would do this together. Sam I can't stay here. Every day I am in Lima, and not out there pursuing my dreams, i did a little. I am going to L.A. I am going to make my dreams, dreams I have had since I sang my first Chaka Khan Song with my mother's hairbrush come true. I can't stay here."
Sam didn’t know why things had gotten to this point with the conversation. “I’m still saying go to LA! You can — I just think it’d be nice to come back! What’s so bad about that?”
"Sam I will come back for a day or two, to see my family, friends but I am moving to L.A. I am living in L.A. My life is about to begin in L.A. and I need you there with me.  Lima isn't my life anymore. Please Sam."
His teeth sunk into his plump lower lip. Sam shook his head. “Lima is... why can’t we have both? It’s not like it would be impossible. It’s... it’s not.”
Mercedes ran her hands through her hair. "Sam once I start working towards this Album, once I start working towards making a name for myself, I can't just get on a plane and come back to Lima. I can't just pick up and come back here." She felt tears come to her eyes, because she knew that this conversation was taking a turn for the worse. "Sam please. We would go months, maybe even a year without seeing each other."
Sam shook his head. “Then I can come out and see you! That’s not...” he didn’t think he was cut out to be in LA. It wasn’t a place for him. “We could make it work, but... that’s not...”
"I don't want a long distance marriage! I didn't marry you to be apart from you!" She closed her eyes, shaking her head. "Sam, please come with me. Please."
He scratched the back of his neck. “I can’t give up my whole life. I can give up... there are parts but not everything.”
"You can't give up Lima, but you can give me up?" She turned towards him. "Is that what you are saying?"
Sam shook his head. “No! I’m saying we can make it work so we don’t have to leave Lima! I know everyone wants or leave but it’s... I think it’s a nice place. We could raise a family here!”
"I am not raising a family in Lima, I am not living in Lima! I am moving with you or without you Sam!" She said before she realized what she said. But she stood by it. "I am moving, I hope you are moving with me."
His face crumbled at the comment and he shook his head. “You know what? If you want to go without me, feel free, Mercy.”
Mercedes stepped back her heart dropping to the ground. "What?"
Sam shut his eyes. “I thought this could work. I could — we could come back to Lima and you said... you said you would go without me. I said fine.”
Mercedes nodded bitterly. "And that's it? You aren't even going to try in L.A.?
“We could make it work here. I don’t see why we can’t — why can’t we try it my way? If it doesn’t work, then we do your way!”
"Because it doesn't work that way Sam! Coming back here, after being there is like taking a step backwards and I don't want that."
“How? How is it backwards? You can do your album and I’ll come down a couple of weekends a month and then you come back! It’s not backwards!”
"Because that is the best way to have a marriage, seeing each other every other weekend. And when you do come down trying to fit time to see you, because I might have a session, or I might have a performance." She moved closer to him. "Sam please just come with me. Please."
Sam shut his eyes and shook his head. “You’re not working with me. This is... this is all about you, isn’t it? What I want doesn’t matter.”
"Yes it's about me! This is my dream Sam! My chance."
“It could work my way, but you won’t even try for me! I just have to do... whatever you choose.”
"You are naïve to think that Sam." She said walking out of the living room and the bedroom.
[Two Days Later]
Mercedes stared at the luggage in the living room. It seemed like her whole life was packed away in only a few short hours. She and Sam still hadn't spoken, and her heart was breaking. She turned to look around their apartment, then turned back to the door, waiting, praying for Sam to step foot back in the house so that she could see him, try to convince him before her flight to come with her. Both her parents and his said to give him time and she wanted too, but she was hours away from flying to L.A. she had no more time to give.
Sam had stormed out after the other night. He and Mercedes hadn’t spoken in two days. He knew she hadn’t left because she would have posted something about it online. Still, he walked through the doorway and spotted her ready to go. He cleared his throat “Uh, so you’re.... you’re really going.”
Seeing the door open, she looked up relieved that Sam was. She stood and nodded. "I am." She reached in her purse and pulled out a ticket. "You can still come Sam, we have to me."
Massaging his temples, he shook his head. “You don’t even want to try it my way? I’m just asking you to try.”
"And that's all I am asking you Sam. Just come to L.A with me. You might love it."
“I’m not saying I won’t, but why do we have to do it your way first? Why can’t we try... this?”
Mercedes looked at him. "Because I have outgrown Lima, Ohio." She said honestly.
“I haven’t!” Sam let out a soft sigh. “Maybe you’ve outgrown me too...”
There was a text to her phone and she sighed the car was downstairs. "Sam, I don't want this to be the end for us. I love you so much. But if I don't go and take my chance I will resent you for holding me back." She felt tears came to her eyes as she realized something else. "And if I make you come with me, then you will resent me."
Sam couldn’t look her in the eyes as she spoke. “Yeah, I love you too, but...” he trailed off as he moved away from the door. “I guess it doesn’t matter.”
Another text rang out through the room. "I guess not." She moved closer to him putting the ticket in his hand. "Its open ended. If you change your mind please." She couldn't even finish her statement. She kissed him softly on the lips then moved away from him grabbing her bags.
The ticket in his hand almost felt like it burned. As she kissed him, Sam could feel his own eyes tearing up. “Yeah, yeah. I — yeah,”
She went to the door, hoping he would stop her, but when he didn't she opened the door and left with tears in her eyes. She couldn't help but think that it was over between them.
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sweethomelima · 5 years
See You Again Pt.1 + Pt.2 || Samcedes
Who: Mercedes Jones, Sam Evans Feat. SJ
What: After 8 years of being apart Mercedes returns to Lima with Divorce Papers for Sam.
Where: McKinley High School
Notes: None
They say you can never truly go home again, at least that's what she felt as she walked down the halls of McKinley, her old high school. She didn't want to be there and if her soon to be ex would have signed the papers he sent her, she would be back in L.A. planning her wedding, but as it was, she was here whether she liked it or not. Getting stopped in the hall she smiled as she signed a few autographs. She was a hero of sorts to the kids in this place, she got out and made something of herself. A few of her classmates did the same, she thought her soon to be ex was one of them but he loved the small town life. He loved it so much so that when she was offered a record deal he let her leave and had no intention of following her.
She sighed heavily as she glanced through the door watching him go over sheet music. Sam Evans, the love of her life broke her heart. They had met right here in the choir room when they were students, dated, fell in love and married right after high school.  It was tough at times, her wanting to live her dreams and he just wanting to stay where they were. Eventually her dreams were too big for this small town and she had to choose. She chose to leave he chose to stay and now almost ten years later, he was where he wanted to be, and she, she was world famous, everyone who was anyone knew who she was, and that was great. She could face adoring fans and crowds of people, but as she opened the door and walked in, she realized, facing a 1000 screaming fans was easy. Facing your ex husband who basically abandoned you and your child, that was the hard part.
Sam’s eyes scanned the sheet music which was meant to be for this week’s lesson. He wasn’t the best person to give a lesson on love songs. His own love life had crashed and burned years ago. It might have been naïve to think Mercedes would come back from LA for him, but Sam held on to the hope. She could fly out for her career then come home — to Lima. Then he got the divorce papers which lived happily at the bottom of the drawer in the old desk he’d gotten from his mom. Over the years, they’d been mostly forgotten. He went on dates; he moved on. Mostly. Or not at all.
His lips moved as he read the lyrics printed underneath the staffs. He stumbled over a couple of the words. There was a lot of noise in the hallway. He wondered if it was Sue causing trouble. It usually was. There were footsteps approaching the door, and Sam thought it was one of the kids in glee. They would stop in randomly, for advice or if class was too much for them. “Door’s open,” he called behind him without looking up.
Hearing him tell her that the door was open, she hesitated a moment. What was she going to say to him? What could she say to him? "Hey can i have the divorce papers?" or "Thanks for abandoning your child"? She sighed heavily. It was now or never. Never, I vote never, her heart sang, but she knew she had o do it. Opening the door, she stepped in,  shutting the door behind her. Clearing her throat she walked closer to his desk.
"Sam." She said, not knowing what to add to it.
He heard the door shut and raised a brow. This was never good. Sam couldn’t count the number of times the kids had tried to have him counsel heir drama. They were almost worse than they’d been during his high school years. Almost.
“I’m sure whatever’s going on is —“ he started as he turned around, the words dying on his lips as he saw Mercedes. “Mercedes. Hey. What are you... why are you... hi.”
Mercedes straightened out her above the knee blue dress and leather jacket upon his gaze, she didn't know if he was staring at her because he was shocked or because he was wondering how she changed. Swallowing she nodded.
"Yeah hi... I am here because we need to talk and I figured if I called you of hung up."
Sam nodded slowly. He didn’t get up from where he was sitting, but he did set the papers aside. There wasn’t a time he would have hung up on Mercedes. He was, what most would call, in too deep almost from the moment he saw her for the first time. The feeling hadn’t changed.
“Well, you’ve been busy. Of course we haven’t talked. I get it. I mean, you knew where to find me.” He shrugged. Logically, he shouldn’t be upset but he was.
Mercedes sighed. "Yeah I knew where to find you and now i have." She stepped closer to him, pulling out a set of papers. "I am here because I need you to sign these papers. I will never understand how its been 8 years and you still keep dodging your decisions, but that is neither here nor there. Sign this and I can be on my way." she said placing the folder on his desk.
“My decision?” He was caught off guard by that. “I don’t think you can blame me for this.” Sam took the papers from her and glanced at them. They seemed identical to the ones he had at home. “Why exactly are you giving these to me again? I still have them.”
"Yes your decision Sam, but none of that matters I am giving these to you because you can't seem to get the hint that this is over, I can't stay married to you Sam, hell we have been a part longer than we were married. Just sign the papers and let's go our separate ways." She said placing her hair behind her ears.
“It’s all been your decision.” LA, the divorce, coming back. Sam hadn’t had a say in any of it. “You know I’d do anything for you,” he said softly as he set the papers down on top of the sheet music. “But I won’t do that.”
Mercedes scoffed. "Funny." She moved closer pushing the papers towards him. "Sam I am not playing around right now. I have to go back and get- I have to get back on a flight to L.A. so just sign it and I will be out of your hair."
He licked his dry lips and took the papers back before setting them a little further away. It was far from mature, but he didn’t care. “Yeah. I heard you were getting married. Maybe this one will stick.” He laughed softly. “I don’t have a pen anyway.”
"How did-" She shook her head pulling out a pen, he didn't need to know about her life and she didn't need to know about his, all of this was just drama that she didn't want nor need. "Here use mines."
“Google.” Sam shrugged. There was no reason to deny that he’d looked her up. It wouldn’t make any different. What was she going to do — find him pitiful? It was probably done. He shook his head. “This is stupid. I haven’t changed my mind.”
"Google? Okay fine whatever." At his comment she rolled her eyes and ran her hands through her hair. "God Sam do you have to be so damn stubborn? Still?" Her phone rang and if it wasn't for the fact that it was her sons ringtone she would have ignore it. Turning away from Sam she answered. "Hey Sweetie what's up? What Movie? I mean sure I don't know how much longer I will be here, just tell Grandpa I said go easy on the candy. SJ you better not." She laughed shaking her head as the boy hung up quickly. God he was just like his dad. Turning to Sam she shook her head. "Can we please just do this."
When her phone rang, Sam couldn’t help the rush of bitterness which washed over him. It was likely clear on his face. Grandpa? Okay, that was a little confusing. He swallowed hard. “Who was that?”
Sam asked who it was and she shook her head. "Like you care. Just sign the papers and I can be headed back to L.A. and out of your life for good."
Hadn’t his asking made it clear enough he cared? Fine. If she didn’t want to tell him, she didn’t have to. As much as he wanted to know, she didn’t really owe him anything. Married or not. He shook his head. “Glee is going to start soon,” he said. As if holding this off would make her stop asking. She might not leave Lima until he signed the papers. Why’d he like the idea?
"Well then if Glee is starting soon, maybe you should go ahead and sign the papers. That way I can get out of your hair. Sure you have other things you would rather be doing right now." She said folding her hands across her chest.
A lazy smile spread across Sam’s face. “No, I don’t. I never really have anything I wanna do more than talk to you.” He set the divorce papers to the side and held the sheet music again because he probably did need to get ready.
"Yeah I don't believe that." He  pushed the papers aside and she moved over to him angrily. "Why do you have to be such a jerk right now! I can't believe you right now. Just sign the papers Sam it's not that hard."
“Me? You came to Ohio to yell at me because I didn’t sign your divorce papers!” Sam sighed. “I have to read them over. It’ll take me a while! You know me. Stupid.”
"Stop it! No matter how I feel about you, I won't stand by, and listen to you telling me you are stupid. Joking or not. I came here because you act like its such a big inconvenience. Just sign the papers Sam, make things easier on yourself."
“How is it going to make things easier on me, Mercy?” he asked. “You’re going to get married to some guy who doesn’t...” Doesn’t care about her as much as he does. “Doesn’t matter. Don’t pretend it’s for me.”
He called her Mercy and she frowned, he knew what that nickname did to her.  "Sam," she said softly shaking her head. "Don't do this, you made your decision a long time ago and so did I. Sign the papers, let things go okay?" She moved over to him and sat on the desk next to him.. "Sam what we had, what we shared it was amazing and I don't regret it. But its been 8 years, we aren't the same people we don't live the same life or want the same things. I know you moved on so just sign the papers." She pushed them back looking at him. "Sign them and I will leave."
“I didn’t decide anything,” he mumbled, despite the fact he hadn’t followed her. Maybe it was the decision she made. “I haven’t, you know? I tried, but...” Sam trailed off and went back to scanning the sheet music. “I said I need to read them.”
"Fine." She said standing up. "I will stay during Glee and when the class is over I will sit and wait for you to "read" and then sign them." She said. Now that SJ was going to the movies with her dad she had the time.
Sam raised an eyebrow. “You wanna be a special guest? It’s all about love songs.” The whole town knew about their past. It would be hopelessly ironic if she were there for this lesson. “It’ll take me longer than that. It’s a thick packet.”
Mercedes shrugged. "Never said a guest, I said I will sit back and watch. And as for the papers. It's not the different. You even get some money out of this Sam. because no matter what I wouldn't have made it without you. I am almost up there with Mariah, Beyonce, and Whitney just like you said I would be. Let's end this right Sam and who knows maybe in the future we could be friends again. "
He shrugged. “If you’re gonna be here, would it be fair to deprive the kids?” Sam rolled his eyes. “I don’t want your money! I don’t need it!” In theory, he didn’t. He lived in a shitty apartment with a small dog so he didn’t get too lonely. Which, the more he thought about it, seemed incredibly depressing. He was too proud to accept anything. “Your fiancé know you were married?” Still was.
“Fine I will sing a song, whatever." She sighed. "I know Sam, doesn't mean anything. My Lawyer thought it was fair." She rolled her eyes. "What he knows or doesn't know isn't any of your business."
Sam smiled a little, thankful he had a guest for the class. It was easy to convince Rachel to come. She loved the attention. “I’m glad. I haven’t heard you sing in a while.” Never mind the fact he owned all of her albums. She was close to his top played artist on Spotify. “It’s kind of my business. Legally.”
Mercedes nodded. "Yeah." She ran her hand through her hair again looking at Sam. "He knows I was married and he looks past that. SJ likes him too so that's a bonus." she said before she could stop herself.
“SJ?” Sam didn’t recognize the name. Was he supposed to? “Is that your dog or something? I mean, I’m glad he doesn’t bite your fiancé.” It was a lie.
Mercedes sighed. "SJ isn't my dog." Was she going to tell him? Tell him that the baby was a boy names Samuel Joshua? She swallowed hard. He deserved to know the truth. "SJ is my son. He's 8." Before she could hear Sam's response the school bell rang and soon the door to the choir room opened and a bunch of kids walked in. "Guess it's time to sing."
“Son?” Sam wasn’t much better with math than he was with reading, but eight years meant... he paled, felt like he was going to throw up. He couldn’t show it though. “Uh, we’re doing love songs this week. Here’s Mercedes Jones.” His words were rushed and he moved to sit off to the side and let himself panic however briefly.
She was introduced so fast and Mercedes glanced at the kids in front of her, most of them giggling and laughing taking her picture. She cleared her throat. "Hi guys, I am Mercedes. You gotta bare with me, it's been awhile since I was in this choir room. Sitting in the chairs like you." She cleared her throat. "Love songs are something that will never go out of style. You have those, baby come back love songs, the you give me good love. songs. I mean me when I hear love songs I immediately go to Whitney.  She smiled. "I haven't practiced so bare with me." She said as she began to sing "Saving all my love."
His panicking subsided when she began to sing. Sam found himself relaxing. Something about this felt normal, like they were young again. As she wrapped  up the song, the students began to clap and Sam knew he’d have to lead the class once more. “Um, this week, focus on what love means to you. When I was your age I was... dating Mercedes Jones.” He laughed awkwardly and shook his head. “So. I’m sure you guys all have something going on.”
Mercedes bowed slightly when the kids applauded. Taking a seat when Sam started talking. When he said they had dated some of the kids whistled while some didn't believe him and looked to Mercedes for confirmation. She nodded. "Believe it or not, we did. For a long time."
Sam grinned. “Exactly! There are pictures. I swear.” Wedding photos, one of which he had framed and sitting on his bedside table. He’d lay it flat whenever he planned to bring someone home, a definite mood killer. “And I can think of plenty of songs I would’ve sang to her when I was your age.”
Mercedes smiled. "Glee club was always a place where we could express ourselves. Sam sung to me once or twice, we even had a duet."  She smiled thinking back on Human Nature. Someone yelled for him to sing and she smiled. "Yeah sing for them Sam."
Sam laughed a little. “I don’t really know what I’d sing,” he admitted with a shake of his head. He shook his head and grabbed his guitar. As cheesy as it was, he decided he’d play “This Town” by Niall Horan. It summed up his feelings for her fairly well.
Mercedes swallowed as Sam began to strum the song. She knew it well and knew what those words meant to him. She looked away feeling tears come to her eyes. "God Sam." She said to herself. Once he was finished the kids applauded and Mercedes did as well feeling a little misty eyed.
As he sang, his eyes subconsciously flickered to Mercedes a few times. He wanted to see her reaction. Though, when she looked away, he focused on the class. He wouldn’t think about that. He stood once he was finished and smiled. “So think about what love means to you.”
As the class droned on, she continued watching Sam and his students, it was great seeing him in his element, he was a great teacher and the kids really responded to him. She watched at the kids stood up singing their own love songs. A love triangle had her thinking of Finn, Quinn and Rachel, but she shook that off.
Most of the students performed, though the quieter ones seemed to be putting it off. Sam understood. Hell, some people might not even be dating in high school. As the class wrapped he called out, “It doesn’t have to be romantic love, guys! I love my family more than anything! Think about it!”
Mercedes sat by the piano, and once the class was over, took some pictures and signed autographs as they filed out the room. She looked over at Sam and grabbed her bag. "That was fun, I forgot how much I used to love Glee."
“I get to do this every day!” Sam announced with a grin. It might be simple to a lot of people, but he liked simple. He wouldn’t have fit in in LA Mercedes did. Losing her was the only thing he regretted. “It’s no performing to sold out venues, but it keeps me occupied!”
Mercedes nodded. "Well you are doing a great job with them." She missed Sam, not realizing how much until she was this close to him, but what they had was over, he would never be what she wanted.  "I am staying with my parents for the time being, if you could get the papers to me that would be great."
Sam nodded for a second before asking the question which had been on his mind. “How is your son eight? I mean, nine months plus eight years...” She was still here then.
Mercedes looked at him and shook her head. "Seven and a half months, SJ was early, and he just turned 8. What? Surprised I didn't get rid of it? I told you when I found out I was already four months. But it doesn't matter."
She had told him she was having a baby? His baby? When did this happen? “I’m pretty sure I would have remembered that, Mercedes!
"I am not doing this with you Sam, like I said, sign the papers and I will be out of your hair, you can go back to your life the way you wanted."
“This isn’t the way I wanted! Can you just — why didn’t you tell me you were having my kid? My phone numbers the same as it has been!”
"I did tell you! You are the one who didn't care!" she said, she was angry, she was hurt and she didn't want to feel that way anymore.
“I would not have forgotten that!” There were likely better places to do this. Anyone could walk in. Of course, he doubted she would go anywhere with him unless he signed the divorce papers, something he was pointedly not doing. “Mercedes, you know me! Are you seriously going to believe I would abandon a kid?” Overall, Sam thought he was a pretty good guy. A little goofy, but a good guy.
"I didn't think you would, until I saw it with my own eyes." Tears filled her eyes as she turned away from Sam. "I thought when you found out you would come for us, come to us but instead." She shook her head. "it doesn't matter Sam." she said sadly as she wrapped her arms around herself willing herself not to cry over him, over this, not again.
He shouldn’t reach out to lay his hand on her shoulder but he couldn’t help it. Sam just wanted to be close to her. “I didn’t know... don’t — I didn’t know!” Why did she think he knew about this and walked away?
He touched her and her body betrayed her, it went weak at his touch and she cried. She turned towards him, just wanting to be in his arms but not going to him. She stared at him tears falling. "I don't I can't." she said not being able to speak anymore.
Wrapping his arms around her felt natural for Sam. He let out a soft sigh. He didn’t know what to say. Mercedes seemed to truly believe he’d known, but he couldn’t figure out why. There was no call, no voicemail, no anything!
As he wrapped his arms around her she did the Sam, giving in to his touch and laid her head on his shoulder holding him tightly as she did so many times before.
Sam concentrated on the rhythm of her breathing and let his eyes slip shut. For a moment, he could pretend things hadn’t changed — pretend he wasn’t ignoring the divorce papers she’d brought, like she wasn’t only here to make her next marriage possible.
Her breathing showed as she was in his arms, her heart speeding up as she took in his scent. God it was so long ago since a man made her heart race like this. She pulled away looking at him, seeing not the cold heartless man she knew he was but the man he was so long ago.
Meeting her eyes, he didn’t know what to think. There was a part of him which thought, knew, she hated him. Sam didn’t know how she’d come to the conclusion and he couldn’t figure out how to change it.
Being close to him again, it brought everything back. The love, the closeness. She couldn't take it, take the want to kiss him, knowing how much it hurt to be with him, how much he hurt her. She pulled away from him. "I should go."
He wanted to keep holding on to her, but she clearly had other plans. Sam cleared his throat. “Yeah, um. Yeah. Yeah. I get it. You have... other things to do. Call our son.”
Mercedes sighed. "Look maybe you weren't ready, maybe you didn't understand but I told you." She said softly. Looking at him she could see the sadness in his eyes. "Here." she said picking up her phone and scrolling. She stopped on the picture. "Samuel Joshua. Thats his name or SJ for short."
“You didn’t tell me,” Sam mumbled. He would have been ready. He’d been ready in high school to watch Stevie and Stacey. Why wouldn’t he be ready for his own kid? It wasn’t worth arguing when he saw the picture on her phone. He gently took it from her hand.  “Fuck, he’s... beautiful. Is that weird?” People said it about babies and to him, SJ — Samuel Joshua — was one.
"No its not weird, he was a beautiful baby, he has your eyes. And reminds me of you all the time." She sighed taking her phone back.
He clenched his jaw. “Yeah. Why didn’t you... bring him?” Probably because she was convinced he didn’t want to see him for whatever reason she’d come to the conclusion.
Mercedes sighed.  "I thought about it, I just didn't want him to be met with disappointment."
“I love kids,” Sam said softly, gesturing around the room as if working with teens was comparable to being near an eight year old. “That’s — that’s about how old the kids were when I had to watch them while my parents worked!”
Mercedes sighed. She ran her hands through her hair, was she really about to do this? "Look my dad has a conference tonight so after I get home he and my mom are leaving why don't you come over and meet him, kinda like old time except we won't be fooling around in my room."
Sam nodded slowly. “Yeah, I can do that...” He assumed it would work best since he figured her parents had the same view on him as Mercedes did.
Mercedes nodded. "Okay, well bring the papers with you." She nodded before walking out of the room before she changed her mind.
[ timeskip ]
Sam couldn’t remember a time he had been this nervous. He sat in his car outside of the Jones’ house for a few minutes as he tried to calm down. It was more difficult than he would have thought. He eventually had to give up on it and headed to the door. He rang the bell, shifting from place to place. There was a box of Avengers’ legos he definitely hadn’t had lying around unopened. It would be nice to give to SJ, right? Who didn’t like the avengers?
Mercedes had been nervous, but was she nervous to see Sam again, or was it because he was meeting SJ for the first time. She wanted to believe it was all about SJ but she wasn't sure. Taking the Lasagna out of the over, she looked over to the couch. "SJ go wash your hands for dinner." she said, he hesitated for a moment but then did what she asked. When the bell rang, she smoothed down the dress she wore earlier, this time just without the jacket and ruffled her hair. She stopped shaking her head, what was she doing? Opening the door she smiled softly. "Hey Sam." she moved letting him in. "SJ can you come here please?"
Sam stood awkwardly on the doorstep, deciding not to step inside until he actually met her son. Their son. It was a weird concept to get used to. He was a ... father. Not a dad because he hadn’t been there at all, but a father.
SJ ran to the room, the little sandy blond curly headed boy with his mother's smile and his fathers eyes look at her. "Yes ma'am." Mercedes smiled. "SJ there is someone I want you to meet. This is Sam." SJ smiled. "My name is Sam too."
He swore his heart stopped when he saw the little boy. Sam could see the resemblance she was talking about. He could also see so much of Mercedes in him. “Hi. That’s pretty cool... um, good name. I brought legos?” Had he ever sounded this awkward? He looked towards Mercedes for assistance.
"Cool!!" SJ said at the legos, he grabbed them and walked away. "Hey!" Mercedes said and then SJ turned around. "Sorry. Thank you...wanna play?"
“Yeah!” That, Sam could do. He smiled a little at Mercedes as he followed the young boy. “So... what do you like to do?” He looked back to Mercedes, as if expecting her to follow.
Mercedes watched SJ leave Sam into the living room and instead of following them, she shut the door and finished dinner. She looked in on them as SJ smiled towards Sam and told him how much he liked video games and comic books.
When Mercedes didn’t follow, Sam found himself awkwardly standing near SJ. The more the boy talked, the more he found they had in common. He didn’t think he’d ever been so glad to have things in common with someone. “I have to agree, Miles Morales is the best Spider-Man, but I’m old and I liked Peter Parker!”
Mercedes walked in on the tail end of the conversation and smiled. "Did you tell Sam we were watching In to the Spider Verse tonight?" She said shaking her head. "Dinner's ready if you are hungry."
“That’s awesome!” Sam said, voice having gone from nervous to genuine. He wasn’t going to ask to stay, at least not yet. “You know me. I’m always hungry.”
Mercedes nodded. "Well we were going to eat and watch the movie, you can stay, won't hurt for you to hang with SJ before we leave for L.A. again." She said turning back towards the kitchen to make the plates. "SJ, grab some silverware for the three of us please." "Okay" he said jumping up.
Before they left. Right. They were still going to leave. Sam shook his head. “Yeah. If you want me to stay, I will.”
Mercedes shrugged, it wasn't about her. "I mean it's up to you not me."
“No, I’m going to spend as much time with both of you as I can,” he said simply.
Mercedes sighed, she didn't like the way he said that. As the night progressed it was hard not to fall back into the old patterns they had. By the time Into The Spider Verse was over, SJ had convinced them to watch both Infinity War and Endgame on the Firestick. After a few hours Mercedes awoke to a black tv screen. SJ was sleep on her lap and she was laying on Sam, his arm around her shoulder. When had they gotten that comfortable? She tried to sit up without waking either of them but in trying not to move SJ, she nudged Sam.
Things felt normal and Sam knew better than to let himself get used to this. He certainly shouldn’t have fallen asleep during the movie. He didn’t realize he had until something bumped into him. Someone. Mercedes. Right. He looked at her for a moment. “Uh, sorry. I should go.”
Mercedes gently moved SJ off her lap and laid him on the other side of the couch. She ruffled her hair looking at her phone for the time. That's when she realized she had four missed calls. Had she just not heard the phone? Looking at Sam she nodded. "Yeah I am sorry I don't even know how we got to sleep." She glanced at SJ. "I am glad you got to see him though."
Sam stood, awkward for the second time that night. “Yeah, it’s fine. It was... it was nice. I had a really good time.” He leaned down and hugged her quickly before he lost nerve. After a smile, he walked out the door. It wasn’t until he was on the doorstep that it struck him the divorce papers were at home. Oh well. Mercedes hadn’t remembered either.
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