sweetillusicn · 2 years
closed event starter for @untimelytales (Cahil)
While sudden winter storms weren’t unheard of, Sally did have to admit that the way the snow was coming down was a bit surprising for her. Earlier in the night, it had been more decorative than harmful. But now, it seemed that the peaceful snowfall had turned sour. Thankful that she’d decided to wear combat boots and a jacket as part of her outfit, Sally decided to head out into the snow. She figured that maybe if she struck before it was too heavy, she could book it back to her apartment. However, it seemed that she wouldn’t be getting back, as the snow began to intensify. Sighing, the short brunette ran to the first place she could find: the Emporium. However, she wasn’t expecting to nearly collide with someone else upon entering. Letting him go in first, she quickly followed, shutting the door. “I take it you didn’t come here to shop either?” She joked, sticking her hands in her jacket pockets.
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sweetillusicn · 2 years
Although Frank didn’t regret spending time with Brian, he was currently regretting a few other things. Namely, his decision to leave town hall. It would be just his luck that the snow would start coming down as soon as he decided to leave. He was also starting to regret heading into the Trolley Car Cafe. But at the time, he’d had enough of the snow kicking his ass and no way of knowing that he would be stuck there. Or who he would be stuck inside with. “With the way my luck runs, it probably will.” Frank muttered, staring out the window as if he could will the snow away. What was it that his family always said about magic? You had to want it and let yourself have it. Staring intently at the snow, he began to repeat one word in his mind: stop. However, when the snow kept falling, Frank let out a breath and sat back in the chair. “I’m glad you think I look smart, but honestly, I don’t know.” He said, offering up a shrug. “I’d tell you to google it but…google doesn’t really work here.”
event starter for @sweetillusicn ft. frank and alejandro
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alejandro was on his third cup of coffee, his naturally abundant energy only causing his restless legs to grow even more restless. he watched the windows as if his will-power would be the sole reason why the storm would cease. that proved to be untrue after the few minutes he could handle staying silent. “oh my god, this really can’t go on forever, though. right? like, snow stops at some point. i’ve never seen snow — way too fucking cold, honestly — but it does stop. and then people make the little snow people and do the wings in it and all that? how long does that take? you look smart enough to know, so you would know. what’s the longest it’s ever snowed?” he talked continuously, no filter between mind and mouth.
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sweetillusicn · 2 years
Contrary to the look on his face, Frank wasn’t actually annoyed by Brian’s invitation to the ball. He may have been unable to wrap his head around why Brian had asked him of all people, but he wasn’t annoyed by the decision. If he was being honest, he was actually caught quite off guard; they’d only known each other for a short amount of time, and Frank wasn’t sure if this was supposed to be a friend thing or a date. Either way, he wasn’t quite sure what to do, now that the day had arrived. Usually his friend hangouts were either online or as a small group and they just played video games or watched movies. And as for a date…he’d never felt that way about anyone before, so he wasn’t even sure where to begin. However, he immediately snapped out of his thoughts upon feeling a hand on his own, jumping slightly before realizing that it was Brian. “I…” He trailed off, letting out a sigh. Usually any attempt to get him to dance would end in him giving a hard no. However, Brian’s pleading touched something inside of him. He was someone who was genuinely interested in Frank. And Frank didn’t get the feeling that Brian would judge him if he managed to fall flat on his face. “Okay.” The last thing he needed was the thought of Brian pestering him until he said yes. “But be prepared to get some ice for when I inevitably fall.” He figured he might as well warn the other that he couldn’t dance now.
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𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 : the masquerade ball 𝒂𝒗𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 :  @sweetillusicn​
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while brian practically had to beg frank to come to the dance as his plus one, he was left wondering if they were here as friends or more. that wasn’t something he was going to bother to ask, at least not tonight. there was no way that he was going to ruin the night for himself. regardless of what this was, he wanted to do his best to enjoy every moment he was gifted with tonight. he had just returned from grabbing them both some ice water when he latched onto the other’s hand. “ everyone else is out there dancing… i feel like we need to have at least one dance together. pretty please with sugar on top? ” his pleading came out as almost a whine as he stared up at the other, batting his lashes slightly for added emphasis. “ i’m prepared to annoy you until you say yes if that affects your response at all. ” he playfully teased.
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sweetillusicn · 2 years
Although Adrien wasn’t the best dancer, it didn’t bother him. He didn’t need technical training; in his mind, all one needed to truly enjoy dancing with someone was the ability to let go and get out of their head for a bit. So that was exactly what he did. The alcohol at the ball definitely helped him loosen up a bit (although he made sure not to drink on an empty stomach). Along with that, the song that began to play, while unfamiliar to him, had a good beat and good energy to it. Which was why when he heard someone address him, a smile made its way onto his face. “I was waiting for the right moment. With all those people lining up around the block to get a chance to dance with you, I didn’t want to steal you away from them.” He knew what it was like to have a bunch of pissed off people attempting to chase him, and wanted to avoid the situation here if possible. “And that’s alright. I love a good challenge.” He’d managed to impress people like that before…although that was usually with his piloting skills. “But you’re right: this slow dancing is boring. We should liven things up a bit.” Chuckling softly at the compliment, he held out a hand to lead the other to the dance floor. “I’m glad you think I have nice eyes. I think yours are rather captivating as well. Probably the best I’ve seen all night.”
masquerade starter for @sweetillusicn ft. adrien and amaury
while amaury knew how to do it, it didn’t mean he enjoyed dancing so properly. it was far too mechanical, too distant. he’d fallen in love with how people danced in the small little clubs in paris – bodies close and hands free to touch. he’d taken a break from said dancing, sipping at his flute when he looked over at someone. “when are you going to ask me to dance? i must warn you, it is quite difficult to impress me – and ballroom is boring me. you at least have pretty eyes for me to stare at. it would be quite a treat for you to dance with me as well, non? i think i rank rather high in looks here.”
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sweetillusicn · 2 years
Upon meeting Audrey’s eyes, a smile was quick to form on the former plushie’s face. “I’m so glad you think so!” She exclaimed, letting out a nervous breath she hadn’t even realized she’d been holding. Considering it had been her first time shopping for an outfit like this, it was nice to know that she had picked something that looked good. Especially since nothing had seemed right before she’d found the suit. “Maybe,” She replied teasingly, “unless they’re all on you first.” Considering how gorgeous Audrey was, it was inevitable that all eyes would be on her at some point. Taking one of Audrey’s hands in her own, Cherry let out a chuckle. “I am excited!” Never in her life did she think she’d be going to a party like this. “Are you?”
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closed event starter for @gvlesofsong (Audrey)
“So…how do I look?” Cherry asked, biting her lip as she stepped out of the bedroom. While she was excited to try the clothes she saw humans wearing, she was completely out of her element when it came to anything fancy. As a result, she’d enlisted Audrey’s help. She trusted that Audrey would give her good advice when it came to clothes, especially now that she was human. “Did I pick out a good outfit?” Dresses weren’t her thing, so she’d opted for a pantsuit instead.
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sweetillusicn · 2 years
closed event starter for @antiifragiles (Lilith)
Although Mul was enjoying her time at the ball, there was one specific person that she hadn’t gotten to dance with yet. As a result, they began to wander through the crowd, keeping their eyes peeled for the other blonde. Upon finally spotting her, Mul let out an excited squeal and made their way over. “You look absolutely ravishing, Lil!” She said, taking the other’s hands. “I bet everyone swooned when you walked in.” They couldn’t help but add with a wink.
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sweetillusicn · 2 years
closed event starter for @gvlesofsong (Clem)
While he’d technically learned his lesson from the last time he’d eaten a large amount of sweets, Fend couldn’t help but want to try everything that the ball had to offer food wise. Everything looked so delicious; he’d never seen so many tasty desserts in one place before. But he had a feeling that even if he went slow, his stomach would not agree with the plan. However, a thought occurred to him upon seeing a couple further up in line put food on their plates. Dessert was always better when shared, especially when at a party like this. Turning around to the person behind him, Fend shot him a friendly smile. “Would you wanna try all of the desserts with me? I haven’t had any of them before. And if you haven’t had any of them before, I figure it could be fun!”
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sweetillusicn · 2 years
closed event starter for @lullabiesofwoe (Ceylan)
Although Fend found himself on the dance floor more often than off, he was determined to talk to as many people as he could when not dancing. He was curious as to what other people were up to: what they thought of the food, if they were enjoying the atmosphere, and if they’d gotten a chance to dance yet. And if not, he was up for helping change that. Which was why when he spotted someone sitting on the sidelines, he excitedly made his way over to her. Sitting down at the table, a smile made its way onto his face. “Hi!” He greeted brightly. “Are you having a fun time?” He sincerely hoped that she was.
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sweetillusicn · 2 years
closed event starter for @untimelytales (Dixon)
While Rick should have known better than to drink what was probably spiked punch, the thought didn’t occur to him until it was too late. Heading over towards one of the tables, he spotted Dixon and waved. “Hey Dixon.” Rick greeted warmly. “If the band’s okay with it, would you wanna go up there,” He motioned to the stage. “and sing with me?” Rick was usually not one to suggest a thing like that outside of karaoke. But with a few cups of spiked punch in his system, the idea sounded like a fun one. Especially since he was starting to get bored with the band’s taste in music.
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sweetillusicn · 2 years
closed event starter for @untimelytales (Roo)
“So…I know it doesn’t exactly match, but what do you think?” Fend asked as he began tying his shoes. Usually he would’ve gone for a more subtle look, but when he’d come across the suit, it had practically screamed ‘pick me’ at him, reminding him of how he used to look. The shoes, socks, and mask had also practically done the same thing. “Do I look ready to party?” He asked, motioning to his colorful ensemble. “Because I think you look ready to party!”
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sweetillusicn · 2 years
closed event starter for @untimelytales (Peter)
Despite having left the ballroom in favor of trying to figure out more of the town, Jane inevitably found herself drawn back in when her stomach started to grumble. Weaving her way through the crowd, she tried her best to avoid those who seemed to have had one too many. The last thing she needed was to knock into someone or fall flat on her face. However, it seemed that her feet had other plans, as her her speed combined with her lack of balance in heels sent her falling onto the floor. Biting her lip to hold in the cry of frustration that threatened to escape, Jane looked up, realizing that she’d fallen near someone. Someone that she recognized, despite his face being partially obscured by a mask. Removing her heels, Jane dusted herself off and stood up, getting a better look at his face. “Peter?” She asked, squinting at him. “Is that you?”
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sweetillusicn · 2 years
closed event starter for @gvlesofsong (Mara)
While Vas was thinking of shaking things up while at the ball, that wasn’t her main priority for the night. She was here to have a fun time with Mara, and if she managed to paint the town red in the process, that would be a bonus. Spotting the other dressed in all green, a genuine smile curled up on her lips. “Mara, you look absolutely stunning.” She stated, offering her hand out to them. “I feel like I should be asking you to be my muse.” Although in her mind, nothing she could conjure up would ever hold a candle to Mara. 
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sweetillusicn · 2 years
closed event starter for @gvlesofsong (Eden)
Rick was certain that ever since he’d asked Eden to go to the ball with him, a permanent blush had remained on his face. However, he felt that it was worth it; he’d liked Eden ever since they’d met. And even if the whole town was going to be there, Rick was counting it as a date. He only hoped that Eden was too. Arriving at her apartment, he rung the doorbell and waited. When the door opened, Rick felt his jaw drop. “Eden…I…you look…wow.” Despite having an arsenal of words to describe her, it seemed he was having trouble getting them out. “You look breathtaking.” 
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sweetillusicn · 2 years
closed event starter for @gvlesofsong (Audrey)
“So…how do I look?” Cherry asked, biting her lip as she stepped out of the bedroom. While she was excited to try the clothes she saw humans wearing, she was completely out of her element when it came to anything fancy. As a result, she’d enlisted Audrey’s help. She trusted that Audrey would give her good advice when it came to clothes, especially now that she was human. “Did I pick out a good outfit?” Dresses weren’t her thing, so she’d opted for a pantsuit instead.
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sweetillusicn · 2 years
closed event starter for @lullabiesofwoe (Odessa)
While getting dolled up in heels and and dress was definitely not Sally’s thing, dances surprisingly were; she’d been to her fair share of them throughout high school and college. Although the dances in Spooksville were nothing like this; usually they had a theme much more morbid than ‘winter masquerade’. However, as much as she enjoyed being crowned queen at the end of Spooksville’s vampire themed dance, she had to admit that this dance was a nice change of pace. The ballroom was beautifully decorated, and the food was much more extravagant than what you’d see at a high school or college dance. But on the down side, she felt a bit like a sardine with the amount of people in the ballroom; she didn’t mind crowds, but there were a lot of people that had shown up. As a result, Sally decided to head outside for a bit; she could use the fresh night air, and hopefully there wouldn’t be as many people sitting on the steps. Upon reaching the steps, she noticed that there weren’t a lot of people. Just one. Making her way down towards the other, she shot her a smile. “Is this seat taken?”
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sweetillusicn · 2 years
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Bert’s outfit for the Winter Masquerade Ball
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sweetillusicn · 2 years
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Sally’s outfit for the Winter Masquerade Ball
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