sweetlydreamed-blog · 7 years
|| or uh, maybe not.  I just realized it’s midnight and I haven’t eaten today.  Replies later tonight or tomorrow.  :) 
|| sorry for the absence.  Peruru is one of my slower blogs I think, so I’ve been on my primary’s.  Time for some replies!
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sweetlydreamed-blog · 7 years
|| sorry for the absence.  Peruru is one of my slower blogs I think, so I’ve been on my primary’s.  Time for some replies!
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sweetlydreamed-blog · 7 years
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The detective fought back the urge to scoff at the boy’s question. “Do I look okay, kid?” He scowled, taking a moment to push himself off of the trash bags he had landed on. He was at least relieved the bags broke his fall. He was sure the demon intended to splatter him onto the pavement, but luckily he had piss poor aim.  
“Damn it… Wait till I get my hands on that ugly son of a bitch. I swear, I’ll wring his friggin’ neck–” He furrowed his brow, taking a moment to glance back up at the boy. He couldn’t help but feel something strange, though he couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was he was sensing. “Don’t tell me you saw all that. Shouldn’t you be off playing video games or hanging out with your friends or something?”
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Kid? Oh, right-- Peruru doesn't interact with enough humans to remember how SMALL he appears to them. He's sure his baby face doesn't look any older than 14 to this man. There's a moment of debate to be had, where he thinks about whether he should pretend to be a mortal, or reveal himself. This person is clearly familiar with the SUPERNATURAL.
There is a flutter of color at his back as he hefts up into the air, hovering above the injured man. "I'm not a kid, actually. I'm probably a good bit older than you-- um, I think that demon is probably getting away."
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sweetlydreamed-blog · 7 years
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        She’s  called  softly  out  of  her  dreams  with  the  same  sort  of  pull  waves  experience  towards  the  shore;  a  gentle  in  and  out  of  consciousness  until  slowly,  but  surely,  she’s  blinking  against   the  blue-black  of  her  bedroom.  White  light  streams  across  the  floor, chasing  shadows  into  the  furthest  corners  of  her  bedroom,  and  it’s  only  then  she  hears  the  tap  against  her  window,  louder  than  what  had  initially  woken  her.  
        The covers  are  folded  back  and  she  stretches  with  a  tired  yawn.  One  hand  comes  to  rub  at  her  eyes,  seeking out  the  window—
        It’s  as  though  she’s  been  doused  in  a  tub  of  cold  water;  the  shock  of  familiarity  freezing  her  in  place.  It  hasn’t  been  terribly  long;  not  long  enough  that  she  could  forget  his  face,  or  the  sweet  lullaby  of  his pipe  music  (  the  very  one  that  sits  on  the  shelf  above  her  desk  ).  But  compared  to  all  that’s  happened  in  the  absence  of  his  presence— Nehellenia,  Chaos,  the  galaxy’s  rebirth… her  saccharine  sweet  memories  of  Peruru  seem  like  a  far-off  dream.  
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        Chibiusa  blinks owlishly  at  the  figure  in  her  window.  Once,  twice,  before  her  whole  visage  changes;  contorting  into  a  bright,  sunny  smile  to  rival  the  darkness.  She  scrambles  over  her  various  blankets  and  stuffed  animals,  thrusting  the  windows  open  with  abandon. A  cool,  sweet  air  rustles  the  sheer  curtains. ❝Peruru!  Is  it  really  you?❞
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&& tender eyes watch her face light up like daybreak over the horizon. A smile so bright he's certain it could chase away SHADOWS. The temptation to fling himself through the window and hug her tight is viceral and real. He resists, but he does light upon the window sill, carefully coming through the space.
She asks if he's real, and he can read it in cherubic features. She's just as excited to see him as he is to see her.
" C H I B I U S A -- "
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"I'm so happy to see you..." && he has no idea how chaotic her days have been of late, but he surely has care of it. He wants to know everything that he's missed. "Sorry to wake you, I hope you don't mind that I interrupted your dreams."
Those multihued dazzles of light fade from view as he tucks his wings away and slips through window, bare feet against plush carpet, and then the urge to hug her gets the best of him. He hugs her gently, a few inches taller than her still and laughs with uncontainable excitement.
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sweetlydreamed-blog · 7 years
                                                     S i l v e r   l i g h t                                  She turned her face up to the starlit sky                                   And on this night began to wonder why                               She knew that soon the day would come
                                                     B o r n   t o   b e                                          An heir of beauty and serenity                                         Into this world she entered quietly                                         To her surprise she was the one
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sweetlydreamed-blog · 7 years
Perking up nearly right away, she nods. 
“Yeah! It’s been a bit more popular lately. I’d like everyone to go with me, but it’s still early… Hm…do you think they’ll say yes???” 
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"I'm sure that they will! It sounds like a fun holiday! I wonder if I could walk around with my wings-- do you think anyone would figure out they were real?"
He hums in thought. "Yeah, let's ask the others too. What are you going to dress up as, Chibiusa?"
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sweetlydreamed-blog · 7 years
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"Are you talking about for Halloween? Oh, are you going with a bunch of people this year?"
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“Gathering candy should be a group effort. ❤ Don’t you think so, too?” 
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sweetlydreamed-blog · 7 years
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     I'll always be there in your dreams. And you'll always be in mine.
     He has never forgotten her. He couldn't say with certainty just how much time has passed, as it is a wily thing which flows differently for him. What he does know is that these streets are familiar to him, and he lights bare feet upon cool concrete, wings coming to a silence from the gentle hum of flight.
There is a moon above, painting the floor through her window in pallid light. He gives a knock, quiet enough not to disturb the rest of the house but hopefully enough to rouse her from SLEEP. Yes, he could wait for morning and track her down but he's too EXCITED! He wants to see her smile.
There is the familiar feeling of interrupted dreams from within the room, the call of it like a strain of music only he may hear. She's awake. He gives the window another tap.
The divine light of the sky shimmers through the iridescent color of his wings, throws stained glass patterns over her floor. He waits.
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sweetlydreamed-blog · 7 years
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"You don't look so good. You okay?" The question is only half rhetoric. Peruru, who wouldn't normally reveal himself to a grown human this way, pokes his head off the side of the building, where he's just watched the human get tossed into a garbage bin. Well, the demons gone now either way. Not catching up with them anytime soon.
"That was quite the fall..."
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sweetlydreamed-blog · 7 years
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劇場版 美少女戦士セーラームーンSuperS
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sweetlydreamed-blog · 7 years
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sweetlydreamed-blog · 7 years
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Sailor Moon Super S the Movie | Chibiusa and Peruru
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sweetlydreamed-blog · 7 years
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"Ah, are you looking for a gift for someone?" Peruru tilts his head, catching them looking in through the window of a sweets shop. He likes to watch the people come and go. "This one seems like a pretty good place. All the people seem so happy when they leave!"
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sweetlydreamed-blog · 7 years
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Pages are updated!!! LIKE FOR A STARTER--!
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sweetlydreamed-blog · 7 years
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He imagines when he stops her in the street it might be a little more than a SHOCK. He can't even put name to exactly how long it's been since he last saw her. But she's easy to spot out of the crowd going about their daily lives, she shines with a glow he will never forget.
"Usagi-san! Over here!" He calls out to her, waving dainty hands and a beaming smile. He stands below the crowd quite a bit, a good foot shorter than even Usagi herself. "Do you remember me?"
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sweetlydreamed-blog · 7 years
|| blog is still under construction! Started following some people though. Feel free to pop in to plot.
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sweetlydreamed-blog · 7 years
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More by the Artist Here
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