sweetlypurple23 · 20 hours
Why are we rooting for the popular toxic fantasy book couples when we could be rooting for Laia and Elias? A book couple that always wanted to build each other up, never acted abusive towards each other, and fought tooth and nail to end up together.
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sweetlypurple23 · 20 hours
The Ember in the Ashes series absolutely deserves as much attention as all the most popular fantasy books. Those books are so beautifully written and carry such important messages. I’ve never read a book that’s felt so fanciful but still felt so relevant to this world.
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sweetlypurple23 · 8 months
"super girl" by super junior
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sweetlypurple23 · 8 months
Captain Yibo's 100% identified who choreographed which section. It's not called luck. It's called experience.
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sweetlypurple23 · 2 years
love stanning neji bc there's no drama. the man's already dead there's no neji discourse going on
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sweetlypurple23 · 2 years
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the birds are flying freely today; they look so happy
→ happy bday, my dear ellie!! @elliejoys 💙
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sweetlypurple23 · 2 years
Spark: Neji x Reader
Summary: Your and Neji’s life plays out infront of you as Neji jumps infront of Naruto and Hinata.
Notes: Italicized means it’s in the past. Was supposed to angsty but it turned more fluffy. Hope you like it.
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Keep reading
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sweetlypurple23 · 3 years
Neji hyuga relationship and family headcanons?
characters: neji hyuga
warnings: some suggestive (?), canonverse, tooth rotting fluff <3
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Neji Hyuga:
- let me just say, this man knows how to treat someone well. being with neji would be such a treat and you'd have zero complaints in your relationship.
- dating neji can be really fun, despite his serious nature on the outside.
- he cares A LOT about you, being a shinobi means you come across risks everyday, and neji would always tell you how much he loves you every single day. he'd hate to hear that something bad happened to you, it would crush the poor guy.
- lots of walks around town, neji likes to listen to you talk about your day or about new jutsu you've learned. he definitely is a boyfriend who listens more than he talks.
- neji believes you are the best thing that's ever happened to him, he tends to show you love in many ways, and kissing your hand is one of the things he does most to show affection.
- not really the pda type?
- once used his byakugan to see what was under those clothes 🙄
- neji is definitely the type to call you "babe", "love", "darling".
- he has a way with words, he'll make you melt on the spot whenever you two are laying in bed together late at night. he'd hold you close and kiss the back of your head while whispering sweet nothings into your ear, he loves you so so much, so please take care of this boy as much as you can.
- play with his hair, and he'll be like putty in your hands.
- he's definitely the type to go and see you the second he comes back from a mission, neji can get kind of lonely when he's without you for a long period of time; so definitely expect a bone crushing hug the second he comes back. it goes both ways for you as well, he's the only person you want to see when you come back to the village.
- lee and tenten are your number one fans 😭.
- guy always teases neji whenever he shows up late and has a hickey on his neck, he makes sure to point it out the second he arrives leaving neji a blushing mess 😭.
- he'd put his life on the line if it meant he saved yours, this guy will do ANYTHING to keep you safe.
- sometimes he'll lay on your chest and tell you about a mission, it's very random, but you honestly love the physical contact since neji isn't usually the little spoon when it comes to cuddling with you.
- "lee tried to give me a piggyback ride and i wasn't having it.."
- neji always makes sure to give you a kiss before you leave on a mission, he knows he may not see you for days or weeks, so he wants to make sure he can get a little something before you leave for a bit.
- such a sweetie 🥺
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sweetlypurple23 · 3 years
neji: *dancing and smiling*
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sweetlypurple23 · 3 years
Gai, Neji, Tenten and Lee: *screaming*
Kakashi, running into the room: What's wrong, Neji?!
Gai: Why are you only asking Neji? We're all screaming!
Kakashi: Because Neji doesn't scream unless it's an emergency. You three scream whenever you have the chance.
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sweetlypurple23 · 3 years
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To all the fellow ChongYun lovers - the ChongYun Kink Meme is now open and accepting prompts!
All prompts are being accepted, from the fluffiest fluff to the filthiest filth you can think of. The event will be ongoing, which means no deadlines. 
Check out the ao3 collection for more info. Feel free to message me with any questions!
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sweetlypurple23 · 3 years
|Kinktober Shorts|Day 6: Pictophilia(Neji Hyuga)
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Welcome to Kinktober shorts! For the days where I had multiple characters requested for the kinks, I'm going to write just a short bit of headcanons for them and the kink!
Warnings: Smut, porn, slight exhibitionism, pictophilia
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Neji is a little embarrassed about making a video together, but it’s something he’s wanted to do for a long time. You just look so good naked, and he wants to be able to keep that thought of you forever.
You’re both a little giggly and flustered when the camera turns on, but soon you get into your love making and the camera is soon forgotten.
Neji will watch this video when you are gone or he has to leave on a mission. He’ll touch himself and make himself cum with the sounds and the sight of you cumming all over his cock.
He might even brag about it a little to Lee, who’s so flustered but very curious to watch said video. Tenten needs to talk Neji out of it before he does show his teammate the porn you made.
Even still, Lee gets a hold of it, and honestly, he finds it to be so sexy. He shows Tenten, who also finds it sexy. It leads to them fucking for the first time.
And everyone is happy. You’ve made a sexy video with Neji, who showed his teammates and they got together. It’s something you are pretty happy about at the end of the day.
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sweetlypurple23 · 3 years
3.- Kissing above the rain.
Pareja: Gaaruka. (Gaara x OC)
Universo: Naruto.
Temática: Bajo la lluvia.
Gaara no era una persona curiosa por naturaleza. No en los temas astrológicos.
Se encontraba en la Aldea Oculta Entre las Hojas, debido a un asunto que tenía que atender con la Quinta Hokage, Tsunade. No era algo que le había llevado más de unas horas, incluso podía iniciar su viaje de regreso a la Aldea; sin embargo, eso no estaba en sus planes iniciales.
Siempre que viajaba a la Aldea Oculta Entre las Hojas, se quedaba uno o dos días para visitar a los amigos que había hecho en la Aldea. Una de ellas, era una niña de su edad.
Era muy tierna si quería encontrar una explicación rápido a su personalidad. Siempre iba de arriba a abajo, saltando y tropezando y aún así no perdía sonrisa en su rostro. Tenía ojos muy bonitos, los cuales eran de color rosa y siempre se encontraban brillando en excitación y alegría. Incluso tenía el color de cabello idéntico al de él. Pero para Gaara, el pelirrojo de la chica era más bonito que el suyo.
Desde que la conoció, debería de haberse sentido molesto, pues estaba acostumbrado a la quietud y paz que su soledad podía darle; sin embargo, entre más la veía más curiosidad le causaba. ¿Como ese cuerpito podía mantener tanta energía acumulada? ¿De qué forma la sacaba? ¿Le duraba todo el día?
En esos momentos, las preguntas le rondaban en su mente mientras veía como la chica brincaba todo el camino hasta a donde sería su cita.
Haruka era una amante ferviente de la astrología, no solo por parte de su Clan. Siempre buscaba indagar más acerca de lo que ocurría en el espacio exterior, las constelaciones y lluvia de meteoros eran su fascinación.
Gaara tenía entendido que su hermana no sabía absolutamente nada de eso, a palabras de Haruka, solo le diría cuando tuviese un gran descubrimiento y que ella no estuviese ocupada yendo misión tras misión. Desde entonces, la mayoría de las salidas que tenían, eran en el atardecer, casi para cuando la noche tuviese que caer.
Al parecer el acontecimiento iba a tener lugar en uno de los parques de la Aldea, donde podías sentarte en un buen lugar alejado de la gente y aún así tener una buena vista de los acontecimientos. Haruka se detuvo frente a él, haciendo que casi chocaran.
—¡Mira, Gaara-kun! — exclamó la pelirroja. — ese es un buen lugar. ¡vamos, vamos! ¡La lluvia de estrellas no tardará en empezar!
Haruka extendió una manta de color azul en el pasto, dejándola completamente lisa y sentándose en ella al instante. Al ser una persona observadora, no hacía falta llevar alguna pluma o papel para anotar. Su memoria era tan buena que incluso podía recordar cosas malas del pasado, así que optaba por usar eso para cosas buenas.
Gaara se sentó a su lado, mirando directamente hacia el cielo estrellado. ¿Era el mismo cielo que podía observar desde la ventana de su oficina en la Aldea de la Arena? ¿Había algo diferente?
—Esta lluvia de estrellas será una de las más importantes en el mundo astrológico.— comentó Haruka, mirando también al cielo. — Leí en un libro de astrología que ocurría una cada treinta y tres años la cual se llama Leónidas. No se si eso afecte en nuestras cosas.
—¿Has leído algún libro de eso de tu clan?
—No, no he querido llegar a esa parte aún. Solo se que hay un evento en particular que altera a mi hermana y que me beneficia a mi. — murmuró la chica. — pero no se bien cual es... ¡oh, mira!
Haruka señaló al cielo, viendo cómo las primeras estrellas comenzaban a pasar por la manta azul marino. Los ojos comenzaron a brillar le todavía más, y observó con detenimiento la caída de cada fenómeno en el cielo. Gaara debería estar prestando atención a lo ocurrido arriba, pero se encontraba muchísimo más interesado en observar a la chica.
Sentía, como en lo más profundo de su ser, una especie de calor comenzaba a inundar su pecho. La paz que solo podía encontrar en su soledad, no era nada a comparación a como sentía la paz en ese momento. Podía incluso acostumbrarse a la personalidad de la chica...
¿Lo notaría? Tal vez, pero su instinto le hizo acercarse un poco más a Haruka, tocando levemente su mejilla con sus labios. Fue algo ligero, pero la chica reaccionó y se tocó la mejilla. Rápidamente su piel se tiñó de color rosa y miró a Gaara confundida.
—¿eso porque fue? — la voz de Haruka fue tan leve, parecido a un susurro que Gaara no pudo evitar sonreír. Ni siquiera parecía molesta.
—Fue un impulso. — respondió. Haruka volvió a sonreír y le regresó el gesto.
—Fue muy lindo gesto. — la visita que la chica soltó hizo que el calor de su pecho se expandiera a todos los rincones de su cuerpo.
Haruka cerró sus brazos alrededor del cuerpo de Gaara, apoyándose en su pecho y continuó observando el cielo. Gaara posó su mano en el hombro de la pelirroja, disfrutando de la compañía.
Tal vez, Haruka pondría en su investigación que la lluvia de estrellas no sólo podía sentirse en el cielo, sino también en el corazón.
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sweetlypurple23 · 3 years
2.- Who Wants To Get Dominated.
Pareja: Xicheng. (Lan Xichen x Jiang Cheng).
Universo: Mo Dao Zu Shi.
Temática: Juego de Roles
—Ven aquí.
Jiang Cheng podía soportar cualquier tipo de humillación, su madre no había criado a alguien débil (si es que eso se podía decir criar), sin embargo, teniendo la persona que más le movía el mundo frente a él, hacía que su cuerpo entero temblara.
Lan Xichen se había quitado la cinta de la cabeza, la cual ahora estaba amarrada en el cuello de Jiang Cheng. Solo le había dicho que jugarían algo, pero no esperaba que... ese mismo juego fuera uno de roles.
Lan Xichen parecía notar su incomodidad. Con una sonrisa, jalo los extremos de la cinta e hizo que Jiang Cheng se acercara más a él.
—¿No captaste una orden? — inquirió Lan Xichen, viendo como Jiang Cheng tragaba duramente. La cinta con borde de nubes marcándose aún más. — ¿acaso debo disciplinar a mi propio perro?
Jiang Cheng no quería admitirlo, pero el simple hecho de ver a Zewu-Jun con parte del pecho descubierto, con las túnicas blancas y púrpuras esparcidas por todo el lugar de su habitación en Descanso en la Nube y con su miembro completamente erecto sobre su pantalón, lo calentaba de sobre manera.
Quien diría que el tan distinguido Zewu-Jun pudiera ser alguien con pensamientos muy extraños.
—Mirate. — murmuró Lan Xichen, pasando su mano por el miembro duro de Jiang Cheng, quien tuvo que morderse el labio para no dejar salir un gemido. — lo único que hice fue atarte, y estás así de duro.
—Cállate.— dijo Jiang Cheng, sin poder evitar el movimiento de cadera. Lan Xichen arqueó una ceja y se apresuró a atar las manos de Jiang Cheng detrás de su espalda con la misma cinta atada a su cuello.
—El que da las órdenes aquí soy yo. — replicó Lan Xichen, incando a Jiang Cheng frente a él, quedando cara a cara con su pene. Lan Xichen se sacó los pantalones y no tardó en acariciar el rostro del Líder del Clan Jiang. — No importa cuánto lo niegues, deseas esto más que nadie.
Jiang Cheng se mordió los labios, haciendo que se hincharan todavía más. No habían tenido ni un beso en toda esa sesión, y, por más que Lan Xichen lo deseara, le encantaba torturar de esa manera a Jiang Cheng. Tomó su pene y, con la punta del mismo, recorrió el contorno de los labios de Jiang Cheng.
No pasó más de un minuto antes de que el muchacho abriera su boca y comenzara a engullirlo poco a poco. El calor y humedad de la boca de Jiang Cheng hizo que varios escalofríos de placer recorrieran el cuerpo entero de Lan Xichen. Entre más sesiones de sexo tenían, Jiang Cheng se volvía cada vez mejor en la técnica de felación.
Habia aprendido con rapidez en que lugar le gustaba ser tocado, en que momento llevarlo hasta lo más profundo de su garganta. Sin embargo, lo que más le gustaba a Lan Xichen era cuando utilizaba su lengua, recorriendo cada rincón de su miembro.
El simple pensamiento hizo que tomara la cabeza de Jiang Cheng y comenzara a embestir contra esta. Nunca nadie me había provocado tanto deseo, ni siquiera el mismo Jin Guangyao. Jiang Cheng no pudo evitar las arcadas que provinieron desde el fondo de su garganta, ni tampoco los gemidos que salían de la misma. Ansiaba ser tocado, quería ser tocado, sin embargo el simple hecho de servir para el goce y disfrute de Lan Xichen...
—Vamos, chupa. — ordenó Zewu-jun aumentando las embestidas. — te recompensaré después de esto...
Jiang Cheng cerró los ojos, se preparó mentalmente para lo que venía. Solo esperaba no venirse sin siquiera un toque de Lan Xichen. Tenía que aguantar hasta ese momento...
El líquido blanquecino no tardó en caer en su garganta. Caliente y espesa, se permitió llenar su mente con solo el hecho de Lan Xichen enterrado en él, disfrutando cada rincón de él. ¿Estaba mal pensar así? Aunque... su relación era tan... tranquila en el aspecto del cariño que podía permitirse ver esa parte de Zewu-Jun. Una parte que solo dejaba que él viera en su intimidad.
La boca de Jiang Cheng encontró su libertad cuando el orgasmo de Lan Xichen terminó. Respiró hondo antes de que su boca se encontrara con la del mayor. Un beso profundo fue lo que bastó para que su propio pene temblara exigiendo su toque. Sintió a Lan Xichen sonreír contra sus labios y lo ayudó a levantarse.
—buen chico... — murmuró Lan Xichen acostandolo. — Dije que te recompensaría, ¿no? Sería muy malo de mi parte que tu amo no lo haga... ¿Hay algo que desees, A-Cheng?
"Por el amor de los Dioses. No me digas así cuando me tienes de esta manera..." pensó Jiang Cheng mientras besaba a Lan Xichen.
—Vamos, dime A-Cheng, ¿qué es lo que quieres?
Jiang Chen tragó con dificultad y, a sabiendas que no podría pronunciar ninguna palabra por el momento, solo bajó la mirada, extendió sus piernas y movió un poco sus caderas.
Lan Xichen tomó el frasco de lubricante que tenía en la mesa de noche de la habitación. Hundió un poco sus dedos en el liquido y los sacó completamente empapados. Dejó el frasco en la mesita nuevamente y no tardó en restregarlos en la parte más intima de Jiang Cheng.
No pudo evitar que su espalda se arqueara ante el toque, lo frio del lubricante en contraste a lo caliente de su piel. Con el movimiento, hizo que el dedo de Lan Xichen se fuera introduciendo poco a poco, sin tardar en meter un segundo.
Lan Xichen no se apresuró, no quería lastimar a Jiang Cheng, poco a poco podría ir aumentando la intensidad...
Jiang Cheng no pudo evitar mover su cadera haciendo que sus dedos rozaran ese punto dulce y saliera pre-semen de su propio miembro. Lan Xichen utilizó la mano que tenía libre para, por fin, rozar el miembro de Jiang Cheng, quien dejó salir un gemido ahogado ante el ligero toque.
No pasó mucho tiempo antes de que Jiang Cheng tuviera su orgasmo. El juego previo con el que Lan Xichen había empezado lo tenía al borde del mismo desde hacía mucho tiempo. Respiró profundo, recuperándose del éxtasis y dejando salir un quejido cuando Lan Xichen sacó sus dedos de su cuerpo.
���Lo siento. — murmuró Lan Xichen desatando el nudo de la cinta bordada. — Seguramente querías durar un poco más.
—quería otra cosa en realidad... — musitó Jiang Cheng sobando sus muñecas, Lan Xichen poniéndose encima de él. — a ti, dentro de mi.
—Oh... — Lan Xichen lo besó gentilmente antes de volver a pasar su mano por la parte baja de Jiang Cheng. — Bueno, tenemos el tiempo del mundo para nosotros, ¿no es así?
Lan Xichen siempre podría ser una persona tranquila, pero en cuanto a la intimidad se refería, era alguien totalmente diferente. Y Jiang Cheng no pensaba dejarlo ir tan fácilmente.
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sweetlypurple23 · 3 years
1.- In Your Eyes.
Pareja: Xicheng. (Lan Xichen x Jiang Cheng).
Universo: Mo Dao Zu Shi.
Temática: Contacto Visual.
Debía aceptar el hecho de que estar en ese lugar lo incomodaba. Era su primera conferencia de Cultivo como líder del secta. Yunmeng Jiang había logrado renacer de entre las cenizas y, con todo, él y sus dos hermanos podían volver a tener su hogar.
Sin embargo, desde que había terminado la campaña para derribar al sol, Wei Wuxian, su hermano adoptivo, había cambiado bastante. Antes podía saber con facilidad en donde estaba, que hacía o que no. Ahora era todo lo contrario. Apenas si lo veía salir de su habitación.
Suspiró. No podía preocuparse por un idiota cuando tenía preocupaciones mayores.
¿Cual sería la imagen que mostraría ante todos? ¿La de un niño? ¿Un adulto? ¿Ser el mismo? No, eso ni siquiera era una opción.
Mientras tomaba su tacita de té, notó como en la parte de enfrente del salón de encontraba el Líder del Clan Lan, Lan Xichen, platicando animadamente con el Jefe Cultivador, Jin Guangyao.
Jiang Cheng bajó la mirada unos instantes después, estaba acostumbrado a observar de lejos. Había sido así desde la vez que habían ido a estudiar a Descanso en la Nube, y había estado bien con eso. Lan Xichen casi siempre estaba ocupado con los deberes de secta y, aunque se repartía los deberes con su hermano menor Lan Wangji, casi nunca se veía por donde él caminaba junto con Nie Huaisang y Wei Wuxian.
Tal vez ahora, podría utilizar el pretexto de que ya era líder para poder acercarse a Lan Xichen. Pedir un consejo o tal vez...
Sacudió la cabeza. No, él no era un manga cortada. Ni siquiera soportaba la idea de imaginarse con un hombre, menos cuando su propio hermano parecía tener también esos ideales.
Volvió a alzar la mirada, notando que ahora estaba siendo observado detenidamente. No era una mirada hostil como la mayoría de los cultivadores, incluyendolo, sino una de completa amabilidad. Jiang Cheng no era muy bueno en leer los sentimientos de los demás, era demasiado orgulloso como para fijarse en gente sin importancia.
O al menos... eso pensaba antes de que asesinaran a sus padres.
Daba igual. Un cambio de la noche a la mañana no sucedía. Sin embargo, tener una razón para hacerlo... era lo que aún no podía encontrar.
No lo entendía del todo, pero el hecho de cruzar mirada con aquel hombre de túnicas blancas y azules, con la cinta bordada de nubes en la frente, hacia que su corazón se ablandara. Como si siempre hubiese estado acostumbrado a cruzar mirada con él. La sonrisa gentil que tenía en el rostro, lo hacía acordarse de su padre.
Tal vez la sonrisa no fuese para él, pero debía admitir que era un bonito recuerdo que debía mantener profundo en su corazón.
Si... tener a alguien que le sonriera sin miedo era algo por lo que valía la pena cambiar.
Cuando la conferencia de Cultivo terminó, Lan Xichen se encontraba fuera de la Torre Carpa, con Nie Mingjue a su lado, sin decir ni una sola palabra. Siempre le había encantado observar el paisaje desde ese lugar, aunque ahora, parecía que ese mismo paisaje carecía de algo.
No era luz, la luz del sol era suficiente como para hacer que sintiera el calor por debajo de sus túnicas. No eran cerros, las montañas y árboles decoraban perfectamente el campo.
Era como si ese campo no tuviese vida.
¿Qué era la vida en si? ¿En quién comenzaba y en quién terminaba? ¿Había una razón para vivir? ¿Una que no fuese responsabilidades de secta?
Continuamente observaba a su hermano menor, Lan Wangji, preocupado por Wei Wuxian, aún sin demostrarlo del todo. Sin embargo, esa preocupación, podría terminar lastimandolo de manera muy profunda. ¿Valía la pena?
La imagen de su hermano, mostrando felicidad después de tanto tiempo, era algo que valía la pena ver.
Cuando la palabra "felicidad" se formó en su mente, la misma le mostró una imagen de una persona con túnicas moradas, ceño fruncido y cara de pocos amigos. Aunque actualmente, tenía más una de preocupación. No era nada fácil convertirse en líder de secta de la noche a la mañana. Y si...
—¿sucede algo, Xichen? — preguntó Nie Mingjue.
—En absoluto. — respondió Lan Xichen, sin quitar la mirada del paisaje. — solo que este paisaje empieza a ser cada vez más bonito.
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sweetlypurple23 · 3 years
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I received an ask on this — to that Anon, I hope you don’t mind me addressing it in this format. I have touched upon this lightly in some asks and sometimes even avoiding it. But I finally want to put my thoughts in one place. I may not cover every perspective but I hope this somehow explains things and gives people an insight on the subject. You can also check this post by @rainbowsky with the question of BXG ‘don’t care’ about GG argument of some people.
Before I get to the meat of the Ask, I think it’s important to get a bit of background on what supporting a CP is and why GG/Web’s case can be particularly challenging to most of us. I also wanna talk a bit about the meaning of equality in fan support & how quantifying it is not black and white. Lastly, I will give you a couple of explanations on why that observation is rampant in the fandom.
WARNING: THIS IS GONNA BE A LONG POST SO GRAB A SNACK. 🍿 I also switch between all kinds of variations of their name. lol.
• What It’s like to support a CP like XZ and WYB.
In my ( and most of us ) former experience with doing RPS/RPF, It was always: A. two people in a band. B. two people in a show and then after that, we just drop it and delve more into the fictional shipping. C. two people that consistently interact in a variety show or in the same label. etc. These are people who are constantly together. GG/Web fell into one these categories before and at that time, the bias observation was not as loud as it is now. Most of the content had both of them in it. However, when they became two separate people who have stable careers of their own— it became more challenging. It’s not like having a CP that’s in a band that have a longer shelf life of having projects together. Add the animosity of their solo fans ( well more of rivalry ) during the Untamed ( even questions of why one person has more screen time during live events than the other, which also happens in het CPs mind you. ) promotion and even beyond that.
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Then you have BXGs. caught in the middle. Genuinely fond of the two boys and willing to support, but time and time again being questioned to pick a side. It’s as if, being neutral makes it a lesser kind of support. I get the mathematics of it, that if you are a weifen, all the money will go to XX but if you are cpf, you have to split your money so you can buy for both. However, money isn’t really the be all end all of fan support. The logic of Person A liking Pink vs Person B liking both Pink and Blue, therefore Person’s A love for Pink is more valid doesn’t make sense. This whole topic is what leads people to notice and have that subconscious thing in their head that goes ‘oh, they post more about xx so they are not a real fan of xxx’ when they go to BXG spaces.
Even BXGs ourselves, we go through that question of ‘how I wish xx is more active’ or ‘i hope xx posts selfies too like xx’ but we all have to face the reality that it’s not possible. There is no use in comparing. We can’t have it all. All the more have it all equally.
• Equality in the subject of Fan Support.
I have answered an Ask before about an Anon who wanted them to have equal success— of which I answered over here. It relates to this topic of BIAS because that all boils down to observable fan support isn’t it? What are CPFs doing. How is being a fan of two people even possible. Then comes the questions:
Who do they post more about? Who do they mention most of the time? How much do they spend for xx VS xx? Do they seem as happy or angry when something happens to xx VS xx?
How do we really quantify fan support? Who should be keeping a tally of what each and everyone of us does? and I guess the more important question is— is that even healthy?
1. Who do you post more about / mention most of the time.
This is something that is out of our control. I personally do not keep a tally of how many posts I made about each of them individually or together. They have different workload as well both in shows and endorsements. If Yibo has something going on, we post about it. If it’s GG who has stuff out, we post about that too. Up and Down. If any one of them has a new thing going on then it will be shared by BXGs and talked about. It’s that simple. People might notice Yibo’s face has more visibility in BXG spaces because that’s just it— he has more more stuff out. Like now, on weekends we have SDC and TTXS. and this year, he has an average of a new endorsement announced every 2 weeks. Is that his problem? Is that BXGs fault? Nope.
2. How much do they spend for xx VS xx
As I said earlier, money is not the be all end all. I still maintain my stance on this that it’s not mandatory to buy their endorsements. Do not spend mindlessly. But if you can, how can you spend equally? It’s simple right? Divide your budget in half. No. Personally, that’s not how I do that so I don’t even know how much I spent for them. My personal strategy is if I will use it and it’s not a nightmare to ship then I’ll buy it.
Next one is time spent which I think is more important. Connecting this on how much do you post about GG or Web, let me give you an example:
Yesterday, I posted 8 Yibo related posts and only 1 about Xiao Zhan. Those 8 posts were photos of his endorsements, preview videos and stuff about his new single. That took me not even more than an hour if you add it all up. The post I made for Xiao Zhan was a write up about why he is an Asian Games Ambassador. Which required alot of time spent on research and writing the actual post.
So the question is. Where’s my bias in this? Do I have a bias to Yibo because I posted more than what I did with Xiao Zhan? But wait. I spent more time and effort in doing that article for GG. So what now? Quality over Quantity? Who is the impartial judge to that?
BXGs are masters of Multi tasking. Talk about when they both have events and projects coming out the same time— we all try to post as much content as we can. It’s so hard to keep up. There are no off days for us. So spending time more on Yibo or GG is not even the question here, our time/resource is for both of them.
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3. Do they seem more happy or angry when something happens to xx VS xx
This actually depends on a specific person’s state when something happens. You might be having a shitty day when a bad thing happens to GG so you cry more vs you are more table when news comes out about Yibo so you’re not that affected. Also, what’s the news all about? Is it a particularly nasty rumor or just some bullshit we know isn’t true? That can affect someone’s reactions. Happiness and Sadness are interpreted in different ways so it’s not fair to using this as an absolute proof of bias. I’ll also just wanna add here that i’m personally more controlled when it comes to GG. I keep my words in check, making sure it’s more positive because of what he always reminds us to do. I am so careful with him that I even annoy myself.
There are more points and questions that I can add here and it goes on and on. which is just so exhausting if you ask me. I personally don’t give a shit what people think nor do I need other people’s validation. that’s why I avoided this topic for so long. people telling me I should be a Yibo solo and just stop being a CPF makes me want to smack someone. considering I started as Xiao Zhan bias and only liked LWJ ( yes, just LWJ and not Yibo but look at what I’ve become now! and I have no regrets). I don’t need anyone telling me what I know in my head/heart. It’s a matter of people projecting their feelings. It’s like, “hey why aren’t you as affected as I am towards this topic?” — we are different people. we don’t have a hive mind so we react in different ways. That’s my answer to that.
AND now we have come to the final part. The issue of (alleged) bias towards Yibo: why it’s happening & why people notice it.
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(Bobo doesn’t like the subject but we gotta talk about it. lol. )
1. Let’s start with the simple one which I already discussed, which is you see more posts because he has more stuff out. Simple. Just an episode of SDC can quickly fill up your timeline. add the preview videos and photos to that, your blog will definitely look yibo-centric.
2. There is no actual numbers or study to this one but alot of Yibo-solos became CPF. especially during the promos of CQL because of how obvious he was in his adoration of GG. Can you blame him tho?
3. More people relate to Bobo and he is more chaotic so more fans talk about him. Clown him. Make stuff related to him. This is just my observation, but most of us see GG as our senior. Someone we respect and must be in our best behavior in when we’re with him. Compared to Web who is a gremlin. If you see fanarts by c-bxgs, you can observe that because most of it make fun of Bobo ( but mostly teasing him ).
4. There is a bias. Alot of us either have a bias towards GG or Web. Depending on various factors and that’s fine. Yes. It’s fine. Omg shocking right? lol. Personally, there are days that I have alot of feelings towards Bobo and some when it’s all about GG. When GG has stage appearances I get really nervous, I don’t know why. It just depends.
The subject of Bias when it comes to CP fandom can be really tricky and my message in this post is that it shouldn’t be considered a bad thing. It should not be used to invalidate someone’s identity as a CPF who supports GG/Web. It’s not right to constantly question someone about how much of a fan they are. Well maybe if you’re an irrational person who can’t see the bigger picture then maybe you can. lol.
There is no number 1 or 2. There is just one place — standing side by side atop the snowy mountain.
To anyone who wants to jump in, feel free to reply or reblog and add in your thoughts. It doesn’t have to be about bias, it can be your own experience in navigating the dilemma of equality in a cp fandom. However, don’t start this post as a jumping board to start discourse. Do not submit an Anon ask of your thoughts, I will delete it.
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sweetlypurple23 · 3 years
Kisses and Hugs
with Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Kakashi, Neji and Lee
Naruto Uzumaki
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Naruto loves to kiss his (s/o) on the lips and cheeks
when he must go somewhere quick he would kiss you there or on the forehead
like Tsunade did
his kisses are gentle and sweet
also are his hugs
it doesn't matter if your in public or private, he would come up to you and cuddle or kiss you
when you talk to some or are working on something, he would come up behind you, kiss your lips first then neck and hides his face in your neck
loves to lie on your lap with his face in your stomach or face looking up to you
his beutiful god/goddess he would call you
because you are his light in the darkness and makes his life so much better
loves to play with your hair or hands
do the some to him and he melts
so cute
this boy deserve every attention from you
Sasuke Uchia
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loves to kiss his (s/o) on the lips and neck
he loves it and can expresion his emotion to you
his bresure angel
don't give kisses or hugs in puplic
because he is a shy guy
but his kisses are gentle and soft
before a mission he kiss you a little bit rough, because he don't know when he sees you again
in his hugs you feel save and protected
he holds you thightly, because he don't want to lose you
like his whole clan
if you play with his hair he melt
he just find it some relaxing when you do this
totaly softy for you only
when he is stressed out or tired, he would come to you and cuddle you for the rest of the day/night
he is very clingy to you because of his past
so give him all your attention you have for this cutie
Shikamaru Nara
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loves to kiss his (s/o) on the hands, knuckles, neck and chest
we all know he is the lazyst ninja in the whole village
he's not so much into PDA, but gives his best for you
like when you working on something, he would come up to you, take your hand and kiss your knuckles or hand with his eyes on you with admire
his hugs are heaven
on of the best huggers in Konoha
because his favourite time of the day is to be with you
his beautiful/handsome pillow
loves to cloud watching with you, his arms would be ariund you with your head on his chest or in his neck
when you going to sleep he would pull you close to him with his face in your neck or hair
also loves to play with it before he goes to sleep
Kakashi Hatake
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loves to kiss his (s/o) on the cheek, forehead and hand
he just loves the feeling his lips on his, with or without his mask
because their so soft
his kisses are slow but rough
would also surprise you with kisses here and there
he loves when you get flustered because of him
in his hugs you fell save from any harm in the world
he would never let you go
he hugs you tightly because of his past, so you hug him tightly back
would hug you from behind, nuzzling his face in your neck or hair
he loves how you smell like (f/s) ( favourite scent)
when your sleeping next to each other at night, his past would come and haunt him, he pulls you closer to him, hold you thightly to his chest with his face in your short/long hair
please hug this guy because he loves you so much and would never leave you
Neji Hyūga
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loves to kiss his (s/o) on the hands, knuckels and forehead
because this guy is a gentlemen
would kiss first your knuckles with his eyes on you and next moment he gives you the sweetest kiss ever
he is a shy guy when it comes to PDA
so he would only hold your hand, give you a peck or kiss on the cheek
but behind doors he is completly diffrent
would cuddle you with his face on your shoulder, give long passionate kisses and much more
loves to play with your short/long (h/c) hair
also loves when you play with his
it's calm him down
he's so a softy for you
because he is a jonin he dosen't have so much time, but when he haves time he would be with you
Rock Lee
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this guy just loves to kiss his (s/o) everywhere posible
would kiss you evrytime he sees you
i'm completly serious
when the day begins, first thing he does is kissing
for good luck he says
everytime he does sits-ups he would kiss you everytime he comes up
he loves to cuddle with you so much
give you bear hugs
would hug you thightly but not to much
you are his beautiful/handsome flower and no one's other so he hugs you protectly
would pick you up and kiss you then
isn't that cute
would also pick you up bride style and walk around with you
would some times play with your fingers
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