sweetmisery-me · 2 years
Fire to fire, ashes to ashes chapter 3
Chapter 3 - all my life, I have been hiding myself
Aemond Targaryen x reader 
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trigger warning: attempted rape, swearing. 
The flight from Kings Landing to the Riverlands was an easy and quick one and you departed on the first lights of the morning. Siberion roared happily as he took off for the open skies while Vaghar followed you shortly after, her immense shadow obscuring the city as her wings took her higher and higher.
You slowed down a bit to smile and wave hi to Aemond, the expression on his face was unreadable.
At times you didn't really get him.
Despite the contrast they had torn Rhaenyra’s and Alicent’s families apart over the years, you still managed to have a peaceful relationship with Aemond.
First, you had not partaken in the fight for Vaghar at Driftmark some years prior. It’s not like you didn’t care at all but you silently believed it was Aemond’s right to claim whichever dragon would accept his bond, even though at that time you had not considered the military power that came along with the posses of the largest dragon of the world.
In fact, much like your father, you often preferred to watch things unravel from afar, never letting the court gossips and schemes seduce you and get you involved.
You often felt like a ghost in the royal family, being there but not feeling really seen but instead of seeing this as a disadvantage, you used it in your favor to live a life far more freer than any of them could ever hope, sneak out whenever you wished and makings friends with the small folk.
You were of royal blood thanks to your father but your mother was unknown to you; you had being brought to court by Daemon shortly after being born and Viserys had legitimized you as y/n Targaryen but ever since, even though you were considered a true valyrian in every aspect, thanks to your silver hair and deep purple eyes,  you never stopped wondering about your real mother.
Was she one of the many harlots Demon had frequented during his youth or was she a noble lady,  whose reputation had been protected from a scandal? 
Daemon never spoke of this with you, in fact he merely spoke at all.
When he had married Laena Velaryon you had often joined them and the twins in their travels around the world but more often than not, you were on your own, whether it was the red keep or Dragonstone. You craved freedom and never stopped in the same place for too long. Not that there was somebody to really try and make you stay.
Your relationship with your father was a bond made of mutual respect, unspoken comprehension and love for the dragons and he really let it have it your way.
You trusted his instincts and protectiveness and you shared the same distaste for the Hightowers. Your eyes had been following Alicent and Otto moving undisturbed in your ancestors’ home for too many years, scheming and plotting and putting your own family against each other for the sake of their stupid house. 
You did not blame the children but made sure not to interact with their mother and grandfather more than necessary.
When you lived at the red keep, you always managed to spend time with helaena and aemond since childhood, often collecting bugs in the gardens with the second born or studying the history and language of old valyria with Aemond.
Still, your feelings for each other had not changed much during the years. You liked him and respected him, having even told him that claiming Vaghar had been a badass move, but you were still too young to further elaborate your relationship.
At times, thought, when you felt lonely at the Red Keep he was always the one you headed to for company or for a flight . Sometimes, you felt his burning gaze on you from across the room and  when you turned around your eyes met him for mere seconds, leaving you puzzled yet wishing he would look at you like this more and more.
Flying together was a way to convey your shared passions so you made sure to invite him to join you as much as possible, to which he always responded with a low chuckle but in the end he was always up there with you.
In the skies, you felt the Queen of your own kingdom, swearing you would never trade this freedom for crowns or thrones.
This was Aemonds and your first flight together so far away and according to Alicent it would be a way for Aemond to get away a bit from the capital and to prove his worth as a knight of the seven kingdoms.
A small number of gold cloaks followed you from land but you managed to reach Riverrun two days before them.
On the first days of your tour you stayed at the ancestral castle of house Tully, dining with the lord and his family, hunting, dancing and enjoying yourselves.
You were forced to spend most of your time with the lord’s daughters and the ladies of the castle while Aemond was always out with the men.
You tried to ask about more important matters such as : had the harvest been good? Were the taxes too hard or bearable for the people? Did they wish to tell you something to refer to the king?
But the ladies dismissed you with laughs and kept asking with a blush about the famously handsome knights and lords that lived in the capital. 
Y/n sighted. This was not what you had expected.
You found yourself involuntarily thinking about Aemond more than you would admit, often wondering where he was, what he was doing and if he was enjoying himself, unlike you.
Right now, you really wihed you were flying together instead of being stuck there.
The thought of the ladies gathering around him to give a look at the white haired prince and rushing in hope to get his favors, though, left you with a bitter feeling in the guts and you didn’t know why.
Suddenly Lady Miranda, Lord Tully’s second born daughter, asked you about the Targaryen princes and which one you found more attractive. She bet it was Aegon, for they had heard he rode the most beautiful dragon in the world and was the noblest knight to have ever graced the kingdoms.
You suppressed a laugh but they kept going “ And what about Prince Aemond? Well, poor thing, there is not much to say…did you come here to find him a wife? Well that sure seems like an hard quest, at the moment only a blind girl would fancy him, although they say that despite his state, he is not a bad swordsman..”
You suddenly paid attention to your interlocutor and answered with a cold voice “I would be more careful to speak about a Targaryen prince in such a manner, my lady. Prince Aemond is not only to be the finest knight in the Kingdom but he is also the most respectful and charming man you will ever find at court and…”
You immediately shut up, not knowing what had come over you. You had learnt to ignore stupid voices and gossips but you still felt you had to defend Aemond with all your being now. Why?
You excused yourself and started walking away from the now silent group of ladies, frustrated by the situation, when you spotted Aemond standing mere feet from you.
His only eye immediately captured yours with silent intensity and you kept eye contact for seconds that felt like ages before storming out of the room.
You headed to Siberion without sying a world and flew away.
You had no destination in mind and just wanted to be a bit in the air to calm yourself.
Suddenly you spotted a castle on a hill and a pink walled city below you. Understanding your mindless flights had taken you to Maidenpool, you descended and headed for the famous Jonquil’s pool, deciding to have a soothing bath in the magis waters you had heard many stories about.
Once you were about to reach the bathhouse, you heard a loud rumble and noticed a shadow as big as the whole town had just landed next to you.
Aemond dismounted and came towards with long steps, whispering sharply “Care to at least try and justify yourself, y/n? You left everyone without a word and now you are here alone at Maidenpool? You know how many ill-intentioned would be more than eager to attack a Targaryen alone? 
You looked at him, surprised by his display of attention towards you but then remembered it was just the duty the king and queen had given him.
“I just needed to get away for a while. The Tully ladies were driving me mad, I felt caged at Riverrun..,.at least you are free to move around as you please..and besides I just want to see if the legends about Jonquil’s magic waters are true. it’s not like anything can really happen here… You answered 
“would you like to join me”? you added 
“I will be controlling the borders and watching for your safety from afar” Aemond simply said.
You gave up and headed for the hot spring.
Once in the water, you felt reborn.
The warmth was engulfing you in a tender embrace and you felt all your worries being washed away.
You started swimming around, moving back and forth. Suddenly, between the steams of the hot water, you spotted a long shadow standing some feet away from you. You realised it was Aemond.
He stood proud, the sword in his hands planted on the ground, his back facing you.
He looked serious and firm like the statues of old Valyrian gods, yet fascinating.
You suddenly wished he felt more than the simple duty of being your protector, you wished he would really care about you in more than a way. 
You stopped in your tracks for a moment and your mind went back to the words of lady Miranda, which had upset you so much.
Sure, you were defending Aemond’s reputation for he deserved that and more to you but were you also…relieved that other women did not lust over him? You could not say but felt your heart twist in unknown, confused and tangled emotions.
To distract yourself, you could not resist and, getting closer, splashed him with some water.
He turned around abruptly but, hearing your laugh, he relaxed and chuckled “having fun, aren’t we?”
You kept getting closer to him, getting bolder and splashing him some more.
Suddenly the steam dissolved and you were right in front of him, your body bared before his good eye.
When you realised he was seeing you, you froze where you stood and blushed hard but did not attempt to cover yourself. The force of his gaze was magnetic and you could not escape it; it took you seconds to realise he was not turning around either but instead was taking you in shamelessly, his cheeks only a bit red.
You held his gaze until you were snapped out of the moment and, with a laugh, splashed him in the face and then ran away. 
“Catch me if you caaan” you screamed happily.
He followed you from the shore, spotting you here and there, half hidden by the stream.
The innocent game had turned into an exciting chase of stolen gazes, laughs and carefreeness.
Suddenly you disappeared into the white stream and he lost your figure.
You kept swimming and venturing downwards until you reached the limit of the pool.
Deciding to go back you looked around one last time and you spotted a dark figure moving towards you
“Aemond ?” you called with a hint of malice in your voice, for you really wished he would see you again
But it was not him.
Suddenly two harsh hands wrapped around your middle body and got you out of the water.
A dark haired man with a long and dirty beard seized you and muffled your screams with a big hand on your mouth.
“What do we have here?  little dove got lost? every once in a while I get lucky and find one of you little stupid ladies here “ he stated proudly 
After a good look at you he smirked and added “ How strange, a white haired dove, it seems …I wonder how i got so lucky to get my hands on a targaryen whore….
Remembering your fathers teachings, you tried to free yourself by kicking his knee but he was stronger than you and with a backhanded slap stopped your attempts to escape.
You finally managed to scream but he reduced you to silence again.
“You will do me a great service, my lady… I bet your family will pay a lot to see you free again but first I think I'll take my pleasure with you. After all it is not everyday one can say he has fucked a dragon”
Your face turned pale and you felt sick as he started caressing your soft exposed body, fondling your breasts, pinching your nipples and moving his hand everywhere he could reach.
You started crying silently again and watched him as he unbuttoned his trousers.
You were not ready for this, you started panicking, violated.
He pushed you down to the ground and held you in place by your wrists as he hovered over you with his big smelly body.
You managed to let out a faint cry again, just as he was aligning himself at your entrance.
You felt him press his member against your folds and you screamed again, the man too busy to cover your mouth.
As he was about to start pushing in, you felt a roar.
The steam evaporated to the flap of wings; siberion was in front of you, growling and snapping his fangs at the man.
He retreated almost immediately, his half soft ridiculous dick exposed as he tripped in his own trousers.
You were too shocked to say anything but Siberion anticipated you and moved his neck in front of your frame, shielding you and waiting for your command.
Benefiting from your shocked state, the man tried to get away but the cold blade of a sword pressed against his neck.
“I wouldn’t do that, you scumbag cunt” Aemond’s voice growled, sharper than the blade.
The man instantly knew why they said not to wake up the dragon.
Now he had managed to piss off three of them and the price would be high.
Aemond looked at you with worried yet deadly eyes, demanding blood but kept your eyes on the ground, your still wet body shaking and trembling.
Before Aemond could end the man’s life with a single swing of his sword, you screamed “stop!”.
Aemond looked at you questioningly but did not reply.
Without looking at your assaulter, you stepped in front of him and simply said “dracarys”
Siberion roared and breathed yellow-bluish fire on the doomed man, erasing his body from existence.
After that you collapsed but Aemond did not let your body touch the ground, wrapping you in his strong arms and covering your still naked body with his dark green cloak.
You hugged him and, without saying a word, you stood there and cried.
You spent a couple hours simply holding on tight to Aemond’s body, his big frame hovering over you protectively and his hands patting your head and caressing it softly.
Vaghar and Siberion laid on the ground around you, as if to shield you away from the world.
Aemond kept whispering sweet valyrian words and melodies the whole time to calm you down.
At dusk you got out of your numb state, as if you were emerging from a fever dream and you decided to spend the night at Lord Mooton’s castle. The noble man simply had to glance once at the dragons outside his house and welcomed you inside in no time, offering you a dinner fit for a king and a queen.
You ate almost nothing and went to your room.
Once there you started collecting your thoughts. You still felt those lurid hands on your body, violating and humiliating you. Your first intimate touches had been stolen by the violence of that filthy being. 
You could not believe you had been so stupid, Aemond was right… after all, you were just a body and a name to exploit to those people, nothing more. 
You decided you would never travel disarmed and feel helpless again, You were glad for Aemond but you felt humiliated at your powerlessness, you would be able to defend yourself in the future, you would train and never allow anyone to touch you again without permission.
This resolution made you feel better but you could still not fall asleep.
Looking at the moon for counseling, you started thinking about Aemond again. He had protected and comforted you and your heart could not help but beat faster at the thought of his large, gentle hands shielding you from the cold.
You wanted that again, over and over.
With the excuse of asking him to train you, you searched for his room.
You found it after mere minutes and knocked nervously.
Aemond was on the other side of the door, a soft expression on his face.
“Are you having troubles sleeping, y/n?” he inquired
“Will you invite me in or not, aemond?” you asked in an almost inaudible voice.
He moved to the side with a puzzled expression and you entered the room.
You both stood in silence until you declared “I just wanted to thank you for what you did earlier. I was reckless and should have listened to you but in the future I will be able to defend myself, if you will allow me to be trained by you in the sword fight. I will be strong and you won’t need t…”
Aemond cut you off by cupping your face with his large hands and you felt him burn with urgency yet softness “ what happened is not your fault, y/n. That shitface shouldn't even have dared to look at you. I should have been there sooner and defended you with my life, for I promise you, you won’t ever fear again with me by your side. I would die protecting you”
Your eyes widened at his confession while his words buried themselves in the most hidden corners of your conscience and you looked at him with fondness “Aemond,I could only dream of these words..”
You hugged him and he rested his chin on your head, murmuring “I will never forgive myself for allowing another man to touch you or to even desire you in that way…”
“I want you to desire me like that” you murmured without really thinking about it.
Aemond's gaze met yours with surprise “ I would never defile you or take advantage of you, y/n… I am not like that scumbag or my brother…”
“I know that, my dear Aemond, “ you smiled shyly while twisting a strand of your hair, “ but does my opinion mean so little to you? If I were to choose among any man in this world, you are the only one I would willingly give me to right now. I know you would never harm me…”
“Would you give yourself to me, y/n? Are you sure about this?”
“Yes, Aemond, I want to be yours entirely” you said with the most serious tone.
Aemond was rather funny to look at, at that moment. He stood there, wordless but with the cutest expression on his now quite red face.
Nobody had ever spoken those words with such fierceness yet sweet sincerity to him. Sure, he had been with other women in the past but you were an entirely different matter.
In that moment he felt the luckiest man alive.
You giggled and stepped closer to him.
Aemond closed the space between your bodies with a single step and he took you by surprise by saying “ Besides, it was only my pleasure to defend you, my dear y/n after you did the same for me this morning, putting those ladies in their place”
You felt your cheeks flush with delight and embarrassment. He had heard you, then.
But then you got serious again and said “I know they are just stupid girls but had they tested me any further, I think I would have enjoyed hearing their dying laments as they burnt”
Then you laughed and Aemond looked at you with adoration in his eye(s).
Aemond opened his mouth a bit and exalted a soft breath, then he smiled and moved his forehead closer to yours, not daring to touch you yet.
Your nose lightly bumped against his and before you knew it, you chose to take the lead. First you kissed the tip of his nose, then his cheeks, his forehead and last you lingered over his soft, beautiful lips.
His lips immediately responded to yours, finally placing themselves where they should always have been.
Your first kiss felt lighter than the clouds you always touched while flying on Siberions back.
Not feeling satisfied you closed the distance again, finally filling the hole you often felt in your chest whenever he was in the same room as you, by claiming his lips as yours.
He returned the kiss with crescent fervor and impatience and in no time his hands found their way to your hips while your hands tangled in his long shiny hair.
You kept kissing until your hand reached the back of his head and his eyepatch.
He stopped, suddenly aware and insecure of it.
You smiled and asked for his permission to remove it.
“are you not gonna be disgusted by it, my lady?” Aemond asked with a hint of insecurity and shame.
Right now, he could not be more distant from the brooding, dominant mask he always wore thighlier than his eyepatch. 
“I want to see you, Aemond. I do not care about it… besides, you should not flatter yourself so much, you know ? there are far worse terrors in this world than a missing eye” you simply replied with a sincere smile.
He lowered his head and placed your hands on the patch, signaling you to go ahead but before proceeding, you raised his chin with two fingers, making eye contact with him.
With the eyepatch off you could finally see all of him, his full scar, the missing eye, the dead and cicatrized tissue around the old wound.
Both Aemond and you held your breath, waiting for each other’s response, Aemond fearing your rejection and you too occupied contemplating all the peculiar and charming traits of his face, thinking they would be enhanced and complimented by a gem in place of the missing eye. 
You got closer carefully and planted a light kiss on the scar.
Aemond finally relaxed, smiled and, finally taking action, picked you up by the waist, kissing your nose and making you giggle.
He placed you onto the bed and looked at you with intensity, the proximity of your body almost intoxicating his senses and making him lose his usual composure.
The events had unfolded really fast and now he was on top of you, looking down at you with a hungry expression.
You cupped his face with your hands and dragged him down to rest on top of you.
You felt contrasting emotions within you, the desire and the fire he ignited in you burned like destruction and raw needs, but his closeness also brought you immense peace at this moment, both feelings you had with him and him only.
That night you spent many hours lying comfortably  into each other's arms, sharing kisses that were sweet, passionate and desperate for each other's mouth at the same time, telling each other many things you had never revealed to anyone else, secret wishes and memories from your shared childhood and the hopes you had for the future.
That night felt like the tenderness you often had been deprived of in the past and the promise that from now on, no matter what would happen, you would always be there for each other.
author’s note : I wanted to go feral and unleash the hard smut but I decided to save it for the next parts hehehe
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sweetmisery-me · 2 years
Fire to fire, ashes to ashes
Chapter 2
note: I did not originally mean for the chapter to be so long but here I am. 
pairing: aemond targaryen x fem!targaryen reader 
warnings:minor nsfw, lightly smut 
Chapter 2: The twin flames 
Thankfully this time you were not abruptly woken up by visions of doom but by Aemond’s lazy kisses down your spine, his arms engulfing you in warmth and safety. You sighted content and turned around to take him in, his morning face was soft and relaxed, unlike his usually stern and focused demeanor.
With a quick peck on the nose you let him know you were awake and proceed to snuggle further into his embrace.
All of a sudden his purple eye shot open and stared at you with concern and suspect
“ Do you think I have a short memory or will you finally tell me what was the matter with you last night? I have never seen you so shaken and to be honest, y/n it is quite unlikely of you to be so indiscreet to come directly to my rooms at night. We both know you are not exactly the stealth one between us” he mumbled softly
Soft, protective, tender. 
As opposed to the rest of the world, this was what the infamous one eyed prince was with you.
Your father would damn you if he knew of the deep relationship you two secretly shared but you could not help it. Maybe it was your Targaryen blood that drove you to Aemond like a moth to light, maybe it was something more.
After all it was not Aegon, nor Daeron or Jacerys, no. It was Aemond and Aemond only, it had always been him.The same fire burned in you, the same love for the skies and the magnificent beasts that took you between the clouds.
Where Aemond had a more rough and violent nature, though, you balanced him with your carefreeness and curiosity for life.
Sometimes you also marveled at the resemblance Aemond shared with your own father, Daemon Targaryen, both in aspect and in personality. Many were afraid of the two dark princes, often saying they embodied the same wicked side of the targaryen coin but you loved them both. So similar yet so different, always the second sons and always the men of action, always wanting to prove themselves the better one.
Anyway, now your father was at Dragonstone with Rhenyra and the rest of their tribe while you were paying one of your usual visits in the capital, not caring much about the lingering conflict between your families. You were a Targaryen, you rode a dragon and you had a good relationship with the Green kids: it was only your right to stay in the red keep as long as you wished, you would not fear anyone in the very house built by your ancestors.
You trusted Aemond with your life, he was the first one you had gone to after your nightmare and there, in his arms, you finally felt safe enough to speak.
“I simply had a very strange and creepy dream, that's all. I was also cold and could not fall asleep after so here I am. You know I sleep better when you warm me” You simply admitted. You were not sure about what you had seen tonight nor could grasp its meaning.
All you knew was it had frightened you.
Aemond did not seem convinced but let it slide for you two had other plans in mind now.
Noticing he still had his eyepatch on, you moved your hand along his cheek, caressing the outline of his scar and, finally reaching his eye, you proceeded to remove the eyepatch. Slowly, carefully but yet reminding him silently you did not care about his eye nor did you fear it. In fact, you were the very one who had gifted him the shiny blue sapphire he sported in the empty cavity in place of the long lost eye. 
He watched you closely the entire time, following every slightest move but implicitly trusting your hands, your touch.
You moved even closer and placed your soft lips on his. What started as a tender kiss soon turned into a display of passion, one’s mouth devouring the other’s and your tongues burning and battling for dominance.
Feeling your body as an extension of his own, aemond gripped your waist while you proceeded to straddle him, moving up and down in his lap and causing a delicious friction between your bodies. Soon you were both panting and moaning into each other. It was always like this, you inevitably ended up as a tangled mess of limbs, sweat and passion almost every time you managed to sneak away from indiscreet eyes.
But now you were becoming less and less cautious and more and more lost in each other's body to care. After all you were dragons, who would dare to menace you?
Yet, when a sudden knock interrupted your ministrations, you shot up and tried to move away. Aemond, though, did not feel the same urgency and was quick to drag you down again onto his broad chest, not the slightest preoccupied by the disturber.
“Your mother requests your presence at the dining table, my prince. She reminds you that today you are expected to….”
Aemond stopped listening, huffed and tried to keep you with him some more but you were already escaping his embrace with a sweet laugh and covering yourself with a hooded robe.
“There are better and faster ways to get away from here, you know, my prince?”
He smiled with that wicked smile of his that you found so charming, while you pulled out a beautifully crafted silver whistle with emeralds on it and started blowing it.
In mere seconds, a loud roar was heard and a cascade of blue scales and flapping silver wings were stationed in the air in front of aemonds window.
Without a word you jumped on the dragons’ back, content sounds coming from your companion as you stroked his back and whispered good boy in valyrian.
Aemond joined you quickly, placing himself beyond you on Siberion's back.
“soves, siberion”
The dragon started navigating the skies above the city faster than the winds that perpetually howled against Storm’s end walls and, with some rapid movements of its big wings, he escorted you on the seashore below the red keep, in a spot particularly indicated to reach the castle without being noticed.  
You placed a kiss on Siberions face before he flew away again into the horizon.
Do you know where he is going? asked Aemon absentmindedly as you both watched him fascinated ,envying his freedom.
“Wherever he pleases I guess, maybe to dragonstone or around Harrenhal. Sometimes he is seen in the Vale as well. Father says he must really appreciate the sheep, and some other remark about the women of the vale I didn't really pay attention to”
Aemond said "Wouldn't you rather keep him in the pit with the other dragons? just in case you need him to …” but you cut him off quickly
“He will always come to me and you know that very well. I would rather chain myself up in the black cells than lock him up in the pit. Aldrīzes buzdari iksos daor "a dragon is not a slave".
You looked at him with solemnity and without saying another word you returned to your everyday life in the red keep.
You focused as long as you could on your bread and butter at breakfast, trying to look distracted and pensive but in reality you could not stop trying to listen to what Alicent was whispering to Aemond at the table.
Something about a betrothal to a high lady of the realm from an important house, to secure more alliances and strengthen the family. She was urging him to choose one of his liking or at least pretend to care the slightest about the matter.
Aemond seemed unfazed by his mothers speech, after all it was nothing new, he had always been expected to perform his duty.
He had always been the more serious and judicious brother but now he would rather perform his duties in his chambers with you, he thought.
Since you had started seeing each other secretly and rather frequently, his head and his heart couldn’t have been further away from any idea of marriage.
The simple thought of you two being separated and obliged to spend your life with another partner seemed unbearable and the logical solution to all this could have been a marriage proposal between the two of you but there were problems and many.
One of them was called Daemon Targaryen.
As if you were reading his mind, your eyes met his and you smiled subtly. 
Alicent noticed his distraction and scolded him silently. She knew you were doing something to him, she was losing her grip on him, after all you were your fathers daughter and god forbid that Daemon Targaryen ever brings anything good to that family.
Suddenly you noticed that Helaena, who was sitting next to you, was mumbling something about dragons and horses, the horns are calling.
You looked at her excitedly, she had done it again: through the years you had often noticed that her odd way of speaking and muttering was not the mere nonsense of a fool;  if you actually paid attention to the words you could find a sort of prophetic relation to what happened some time after. Most people dismissed her demeanor but you knew better. You knew stories about the dreamers of your family and how they had foreseen many things. Once without really thinking about it you had called her “My Daenys” and she had looked at you with happy eyes.
She was a special girl and not only did you actually see her and care for her, but you had started growing more and more interested in what seemed to be a dark gift of hers.
Meanwhile your eyes started scanning the room in search of Aegon but when you didn't spot him you didn’t really bother to inquire further. After all, his activities were well known to most people. You weren’t particularly fond of Aegon, even though in the past you had flown together many times on the back of Sunfyre and Siberion.
Now the real deal was flying with Dreamfyre and Vaghar as much as you could, gods didn't you love racing them to dragonstone and back and most times you and Helaena and your faster dragons won and you got to make fun of Aemond and Vaghar, calling the most dangerous dragon in the world affectionately a Grandma, not bothering the larger beast could swallow you whole if she wanted to.
Aemond and Vaghar shared a very special bond, a relation born from Aemonds’ sense of inadequacy for not possessing a dragon and the will to prove himself. You sensed Aemond's calmness during your flights together and cherished it but sometimes Vaghar’s mighty roar and insidious shadow made you hope he never conveyed to her his darkest instincts and get things out of hand.
Another thing you loved madly about flying was the ability to roam the realm as much as you could. Kings Landing felt too narrow at times and so you were often off to the Eerye, Lannisport, the riverlands or the reach.
The hand of the king had tried and argued that a noble girl should be glad to be seen at court with her family as he wanted to keep you as close as possible, under his watch but you had simply replied with “the royal family should be seen outside the castle by the people. Aegon often organised tours to see the folks and so did Jaeherys and Alysanne. I will do that for you and tell you about the state of the realm you so much wish to rule, even though you don’t seem really eager to leave your place here, Hightower “
You often went to visit King Viserys, who was becoming weaker and sicker as the years passed by. He often stated he saw both his brother and his mother, Alyssa in you and he always gave you his blessing whenever you told him about your next journey. 
After all, he said, you had a dragon, what could go wrong?
Your father made no objections, you were to choose your own path as you didn’t have a significant position in line for the throne but the Queen had expressed her fears about you flying around alone so she had suggested Aemond escorted you the first time you stated you were to visit the Riverlands alone.
That was her mistake, she now recognised.
For the tragedy that had happened that time had bonded you two forever.....
to be continued! Part three in the next days if you still kike it :)
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sweetmisery-me · 2 years
A thousand nights we've been calling your name Close your eyes but I won't go away We're there for you The cold embrace that you don't wanna feel Must not be... but you know it is real We're there for you God I must contain the wayward fantasy And where did all those wicked dreams come from Pictures in the dark They seem so eerily real tonight I pray my mind is wrong
Avantasia, the haunting 
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sweetmisery-me · 2 years
Fire to fire, ashes to ashes
Chapter one of Aemond targaryen x fem! Targaryen reader multichapter fic. The reader is the daughter of Daemon Targaryen.
English in not my first language so I am aware there may be many mistakes. Advices and recommendations are always welcomed but  impoliteness is not ! 
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A vision of fire and blood.
The night breeze of Kings Landing felt uncharacteristically cold on your body, eliciting goosebumps on your naked arms and robbing you of all the remaining sleep. Fully awake, you shivered and sighted. You hated the cold. You were a dragon after all and, if  heath felt like pure bliss to you, the cold made you feel extremely uncomfortable and powerless. Some people may call your behaviour odd and exaggerated, even, but  during the winter, when it was just too unberable, you often traded your bed in the Red Keep with the never ending warmth and company provided by your dragon. 
Siberion, a magnificent beast with dark blue scales and silver wings was your love and pride and the being you had been connected with since you were three, when you egg had hatched in your bed while you were sleeping. You had woken up to the joyful shrieks of a little blue lizard and, immediately aware of what had happened, you had rushed to the fireplace, to make sure the little dragon did not feel cold. Your maids had found you both there the next morning,  snuggled up in the ashes of the dead fire, sleeping peacefully and dirty. Obviously when your father had been told of this by the alarmed women, he had dismissed the with a delighted chuckle. The rogue prince couldn’t bother less for a bit of dirt, his daughter was a true targaryen and her dragon was the ultimate proof of her heritage, despite all the malevolent voices about her nameless mother. 
Suddenly you were snapped out of your first memory with siberion. You had remembered it, the real reason why you had woken up in the first place. The dream was now clearer than a memory and you started shaking uncontrollably.. 
You could still see the dragon falling from the sky and collapsing to the ground, opening a hole in the centre of the earth where you helplessly started falling in. The dragon was roaring in agony, his once beautiful wings torn , his own fire  devouring him. You were screaming and crying in pain as well, his torment one with yours. You remember despairing and thinking “ he won’t be able to fly anymore, he won’t see the sun rising at dawn nor the lonely moon during starless nights, he won’t dance between the clouds, he won’t be ... free anymore” 
“Not for another 200 years, little flame, not until the stormborn, but it will still be too late..” a voice answered you.
Old valyrian chants echoed all around you and suddenly you were in a dark hallway, surrounded by stranger voices and whispers. When you were alble to see again, a black statue in the shape of a dragon stood in front of you. You started getting close, inexplicably  drawn to it but when you were just about to touch its polished obsydian wings, it started bleeding. You jumped back but an ancient distorted voice came from the blood and started screaming old valyrian words, which still burned in your mind 
“ you managed to avoid the doom once but it is coming for you and it wont stop unless you take all the power: all or nothing !  
blood to blood, ash to ash. claws will kiss  fangs and fire will dance with death; the god’s cruel eye will laugh beneath blind men drowning in fire and blood; the dragons grave will be covered in snow ..” 
you got up, breathless and sweating, as if you had just woken up from the hypnotic and terrible vision again. The anguish brought by the dream could not be described with rational thoughts- You felt your head burn and hurt and in that moment you knew you were achingly craving for the comfort of one person only.
The cold and stoney walls of the castle were as familiar to your touch as were Siberion’s scales and the path you were following was well known to your bare feet, having travelled it endless times. Even now that you were walking almost mindlessly, there you were.
You felt a shiver run down your spine when you stopped in front of the door, his door, but you soon realised it was not due to the coolness of the night but  anticipation. 
You almost dind’t have time to knock and wonder if he would have opened in a reasonable amount of time or left you no choice but to reach the window on dragonback when the door opened slowly.
Your eyes were met with the sight of a pale face framed by a cascade of silver locks and a single violet eye shining in the moon light. His inquisitive half raised eyebrow immediately dropped when he met your tired and pleading eyes.
Without saying a word, Aemond  moved to the side and let you into his room.
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