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Is Thermage Eyes an Effective Treatment for Sagging Skin?
They say the eyes are the windows to your soul, but they may also be your most attractive physical feature. The results are rarely as dramatic as surgery, but most patients report mostly positive or pleasing results. According to a recent survey of Thermage eyes patients, over 80 percent of respondents were happy with the results six months after initial treatment. From botox to dermabrasion, patients are far more likely to undergo a procedure if it means they don't have to actually go under the knife. What is Thermage for eyes? A truly non-invasive procedure that can be completed on your lunch hour, Thermage was created by a company that shares its name. The goal for most of these girls is not to turn back the proverbial clock, but simply to look their age. Why does it happen? The skin of the upper eyelid loses elasticity as we age and becomes looser, baggier, and more wrinkled. More than two hundred thousand of them were successfully performed! As popular as it may be, non-invasive (non-surgical) options are on the rise. Of course, like Fraxel treatment or Botox, Thermage is not permanent. The procedure is presently the only non-surgical option the treats the skin on the upper eyelid, since treatments that rely on lasers steer clear of this delicate area. Using radio-frequency to tighten your skin might sound like a new concept, but it has actually been around for decades. They claim that Thermage eyes can help tightened the skin on the upper eyelid itself without surgery and without lasers. Women in particular spend an awful lot of time caring this area, since it tends to age faster than their faces. They spend beaucoup bucks on lotions, creams, and cosmetics that claim to reduce wrinkles, but rarely do. In particular, Thermage has proved remarkably effective at treating swelling under the eyes and the dreaded crow's feet lines on the outsides. http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/is-thermage-eyes-an-effective-treatment-for-sagging-skin. Thermage eyes works by applying a small electric current to the outer layers of the facial skin, which causes the collagen to contract or tighten. This helps them maintain that 'fresh eye' look far longer than they would have without it. The result is smoother skin around the eyes. The good news is that both doctors and patients agree that the treatment is relatively pain and side effect-free. While most women treat this almost inevitable condition with over-the-counter lotions and skin creams, a significant number of them opt for a surgical option. Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, was the third most popular cosmetic procedure last year. The treatment does not cause swelling, bruising, scarring, or any of Thermage NYC the sometimes permanent side effects that are associated with cosmetic surgery. What result should you expect?
Because it is a relatively new cosmetic procedure, the success rate of Thermage eyes varies widely. This growing rugosity often leads to a loss of total skin volume around the upper face, and almost always results in crow's feet on the sides of the eyes and wrinkles both above and below the eyelids. Some patients have one or two procedures completed each year
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Do Anti-Cellulite Creams Really Work?
It will look a lot lumpier with a thin cotton cover that it will with a thick canvas cover to camouflage it." The over-the-counter alternative to Retin-A is a metabolite of tretinoin called retinol, but the concentration as which it can thicken the skin to improve cellulite -- if it can at all -- is unknown, she said. Perhaps the solution is simply accepting cellulite, Donofrio says. "I like to think that in some parallel universe, somewhere, the lumpy distribution pattern of fat was picked by society to be the beautiful one, and all those with the smooth pattern were labeled as boring," she said. http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=125038&page=1. If patients really want to try something to get rid of cellulite -- beyond diet and exercise -- they can try the creams, but she suggests buying the inexpensive variety, and giving it eight weeks to work.
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One doctor said that he has heard anecdotally from his patients that the creams help eliminate the appearance of cellulite, but there is no medical proof to back it up. "I have never read a convincing research article that explains how anti-cellulite creams work," said Dr. "It is unrelated to weight gain or loss. Brody, a professor of plastic surgery at the University of Southern California. "So-called cellulite is the natural anatomic contour characteristic of many women's thighs and buttocks," Brody said. But the question is how much is needed in the products to achieve the effects, because too much can dry out the skin and cause it to redden and peel, Wells said. Other creams boast the ingredient dimethylaminoethanol or DMAE, an antioxidant derived from fish that when combined with amino acids supposedly stimulates the muscles to contract and become firmer. No Scientific Proof But doctors told ABCNEWS.com there is no scientific proof that cellulite creams are effective in getting rid of cellulite or reducing its appearance. Women who believe that they can eliminate cellulite through creams, or even weight loss, are likely to be disappointed, said Dr. "It's all suction and massage. What they say is 'help the appearance of cellulite.'" Caffeine is in almost every cellulite-reducing product that shows any benefit, because it helps blood flow to the skin and works like a diuretic, Wells said, adding that it flushes you out. "In removing moisture from the skin, it firms it, albeit temporarily," Wells said. Retinol is supposed to work by being able to penetrate the skin, exfoliate it, and increase collagen production, which makes skin thicker and hides the dimpling fat. Garry S. Why spend the money on the spa treatments? I thought I was on to something." But all she got for her efforts was some red skin. "Instead of fat being stored diffusely it is stored in little pockets separated by fibrous strands called septae." Contrary to what patients have heard or read, cellulite is not the result of toxins, poor circulation or clogged lymphatics, she said. "If the skin over the cellulite is thicker, the cellulite won't 'bulge' out so much. So Carlson avoids wearing dresses or skirts and wears a skirted bathing suit to the beach.
She's not alone, and that is why the interest in anti-cellulite creams is so strong. Linda Wells, editor-in-chief of Allure magazine, says the new products claim to help with the appearance of cellulite, and do not say that they can banish it completely "No cream will get rid of cellulite," Wells said. Donofrio, an assistant professor of dermatology at Yale University School of Medicine, and Tulane University School of Medicine, agreed that there is no scientific proof that the creams work, and there is no concrete way to measure cellulite, either. But there is a lack of medical data showing that the products can be absorbed well into the fat through the skin surface, Shelton said. Reaching the Fat Cells Donofrio said there have been a few small trials by cosmetic companies or physicians who are "testing" their own products, but she questions how the cellulite is measured. One 1999 published study showed no improvement in cellulite for 56 women who had tried a tissue-kneading machine or aminophylline cream, one of the ingredients in current anti-cellulite creams. "The main problem is twofold: Do these ingredients have any merit when applied topically, and at what concentration?" Donofrio said. Shelton of the New York Aesthetic Center. Let's say you have a down comforter that is lumpy. There is absolutely no surgical or medical solution to women's dislike of this appearance except for the psychological self-deception of wanting to believe the ads." Cellulite Is the Norm Dr. Though excess weight and a lack of exercise can contribute to the problem, even thin women grapple with it. According to a study by Neutrogena, 70 percent of women have cellulite. Ron M. Open just about any women's magazine and you'll find ads for anti-cellulite creams that promise to reduce the spongy, dimply, cottage cheese-looking skin that causes distress to so many women. The products tout caffeine, retinol and the antioxidant DMAE as the special ingredients that help reduce the appearance of cellulite, which first surfaces on the hips, thighs and buttocks of millions of women during adolescence. Both caffeine and aminophylline, ingredients found in the creams, are dehydrating chemicals. It is postulated that they perhaps show benefit by changing the water content of the skin overlying the fat, and change the look of that skin. "And they don't really say that they do. But only Retin-A, which is available by prescription and is known generically as tretinoin, has been proven to do that. "Retin-A thickens the uppermost skin cell layer -- this has been scientifically proven," Donofrio said. "We do know that they do not create long-lasting effects. The topical therapy must be continued to maintain the results." Theoretically, at least, cream ingredients such as methylxanthine -- caffeine is one form of it -- are chemicals that reduce fluid retention, which can make cellulite worse. More women have it than men, because women have thinner skin, so it shows more clearly. Wrestling With Cellulite Over the years, Vivian Carlson has done everything to stay in shape: she runs, goes to the gym and eats healthily, but has had no luck in getting rid of her cellulite. It is "pretty ludicrous" to think that a topical agent could get through multiple layers of skin and into the fat, but even if that were possible, no one has studied at what concentration it would be possible, she said. There is also no standardized means of measuring cellulite, making it difficult to gauge whether improvement has indeed taken place, she said. In fact, one study that compared cellulite fat to other fat found no biochemical differences. At one point, she even took a dust buster to her inner thigh, hoping to suck the dimply skin away. "I heard about the treatments they give at the spas -- this wasn't so different," Carlson said. She tells her patients that cellulite is normal, and is likely the product of genetics and hormones. "Cellulite is a storage pattern of superficial fat," Donofrio said. Lisa M
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Do's and don'ts for DIY skin care
So if you have a wound and you keep putting hydrogen peroxide on it, it won't heal." Only use it on the first day of your injury to clean a cut or a wound, she advised. http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/25/living/pantry-beauty/index.html. Olive oil can even be used to effectively clean oily skin -- and is often used as a binder for sugar or salt scrubs. For silky, shiny, smooth hair, Day recommends putting coconut oil in your hair, letting it soak in for a bit, then massaging in some shampoo before rinsing. "I see it on people at the beach if they're having a Corona or a margarita," she said. (Lips don't have oil glands, so they're especially sensitive," Day said.) "Lemons have a chemical called psoralen, and the psoralen makes you exquisitely sensitive to light. "It's a spice. But it has a major drawback: It stinks. Story highlightsHoney, olive oil and tea are great pantry products for your skin, dermatologist Doris Day saysCitrus and spices can irritate skin, the "Forget the Facelift" author saysSalt, sugar and baking soda are effective exfoliants, Day saysPerhaps you've come across a recipe or two on Pinterest for perfect skin. But they come with a risk. "You have to be careful with the egg white mask because egg whites sometimes have salmonella, and if you end up ingesting it by accident, you can actually get salmonella," she said. "Honey is published widely in medical literature for its use on wounds and diabetic sores," she said. Milk can actually spoil on your skin, and it's not strong enough to deliver any lactic acid, she said. People have been using substances like olive oil, yogurt, vinegar, honey and aloe for skin care for ages, Day said, and now there are scientific studies that explain why they work. "Depending on the concentration, you can use it for everything from cleaning your furniture to get the calluses off your feet to help soothe your skin." It can help dry out a poison ivy rash if you use a small amount of Epsom salt in a bath, she said. Tea If you want to get antioxidants on your skin, use tea, rather than the often-suggested berries, Day said. "You can put blueberries on your face, but that will just stain your skin and probably you won't get enough of the blueberry's antioxidant effect to make a difference," she said.
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Steeped tea bags can effectively de-puff your eyes by themselves or strongly brewed tea can add antioxidant treatment to cucumber slices. "White tea has the highest levels of antioxidants and caffeine, so that would be my preferred one for the face," she said. But Day warns against it. "It can bleach, but it can irritate," she said. Baking soda, as well, can be used as a fine-grained exfoliant, and may have antiseptic and brightening qualities as well, Day said. Dissolved epsom salts can also exfoliate the skin when used in high concentration. They are gentle on the skin, she said, and good for treating irritation. Just pop off a piece of an aloe house plant and rub it directly on your irritated skin, she said. So if you're looking at a beauty recipe that calls for rubbing orange juice on your face or lemon wedges on your lips, stop reading. It's simple to add salt, sugar or baking soda to any cleanser you already have and make it a scrub. In a mask, yogurt can deliver enough lactic acid to actually treat certain skin conditions. Think twice Here are some ingredients Days says to approach with caution, or consider other options.
Vinegar Plain old white vinegar has historically been used as a deodorant, and it does stop body odor, Day said. "But in a pinch, there are things you can use at home." You just have to pick carefully and learn a little bit from the past. We wondered, should you ever put your skin and hair at the mercy of your kitchen pantry? "For the most part I prefer drug store or department store or cosmeceutical products from your dermatologist because they're actually tested on the skin and they go through certain quality control measures," said New York dermatologist Dr. "Because they squeeze the lemon and get a rash on the back of their hand. "So these days, unless you know the source of the eggs, I would be very careful with that one." Spices If a DIY facial scrub recipe calls for cinnamon, use it at your own risk, Day said. But whether you're holistically-minded, frustrated with drugstore finds or having a beauty emergency, it's not always wise to experiment on your face with that thing you saw on the Internet. It's excellent for treating eczema, she said. Aloe Aloe, like honey, is great for treating wounds, Day said, and other skin irritations. Honey also helps preserve homemade salves, so you can use them for more than one application. "Over-the-counter products that contain turmeric use turmeric extract, and those are better on the skin." Citrus Citrus fruits, like lemons, can irritate skin, Day said. A little bit of these oils massaged gently around the eyes can help hydrate wrinkly skin under the eyes, but take care not to get it in your eyes, she said. She includes honey in her recipes for acne treatment, eye de-puffing and exfoliating scrubs. "I think that would be irritating. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory, she said, and she often suggests adding it to meals. "But it will stain your skin orange and you won't get enough absorption from using it on your skin to get the benefit," she said. If you put pepper on your skin, you can burn your skin." But your skin can benefit from spices in your food, she said. So if you do that, and go out in the sun, you can actually blister," Day said. We asked Day, who has a few DIY recipes of her own in her book, "Forget the Facelift," to guide us through the "dos and don'ts" of homemade beauty treatments. Think different Here are some of Day's favorite pantry beauty ingredients. Honey One of Day's go-to products is honey. "Peroxide is toxic to skin cells. If you shampoo after you've got water on your oil-soaked hair, it will be greasy for days, she said. Exfoliants Salt and sugar are excellent exfoliants, Day said. "But it can sting when you first put it on the skin, so you have to be a little patient that way," she said. Oils Olive oil and coconut oil are Day's favorites for home hydration. It activates in about 10 to 15 minutes, and it takes about 24 hours to wear off. "It won't work," she said, "and it's expensive." Instead, Day said, reach for the yogurt. We've seen them too: banana and orange facials, spicy acne masks, olive oil cleansers and more. It is antiseptic and creates a barrier on wounds that's breathable, like skin, she said. Yogurt Some DIY facial treatment recipes use milk for wrinkle-banishing properties, but Day said it's silly. "It's killing the yeast and certain bacteria," that can make you smell bad, she said, "but then you smell like vinegar." Adding essential oil to vinegar helps, but does not eliminate the salad smell entirely, she said. As for making your hair shiny -- another thermage price often-suggested use -- "it might have an effect on the hair cuticle, closing it," she said, "but I don't know that I would use it in the hair." After all, coconut oil works better, she said. Egg whites Egg whites can provide a temporary tightening effect, a little relief for oily skin, Day said. "Epsom salts are an all-purpose type of thing," she said. Doris Day. You wouldn't get enough of a concentration of cinnamon and you can probably even get blisters," she said. It's the splatter pattern of how they squeezed the lemon, and the sunburn effect." Hydrogen peroxide Like lemons, peroxide is often suggested as a home remedy for lightening hair color. It is anti-inflammatory, she said, so it's great for the pain associated with burns and poison ivy
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Court Rules in Favor of Syneron, Denying Thermage's Motion for Preliminary Injunction
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For more information, please contact Domenic Serafino, President, Syneron Inc., at Tel. Please visit www.syneron.com. Founded in 2000, the corporate, R&D, and manufacturing headquarters for Syneron Medical Ltd. ELOS (Electro-Optical Synergy) is a proprietary technology of Syneron Medical. in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California. The Company's innovative ELOS technology provides the foundation for highly effective, safe and cost-effective systems that enable physicians to provide advanced solutions for a broad range of medical-aesthetic applications including hair removal, wrinkle reduction, rejuvenating the skin's appearance through the treatment of superficial benign vascular and pigmented lesions, and the treatment of acne, leg veins and cellulite. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. The court found that Thermage had failed to establish a likelihood of success on the merits and was therefore not entitled to a preliminary injunction. All other thermage side effects names are the property of their respective owners. http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20040928005499/en/Court-Rules-Favor-Syneron-Denying-Thermages-Motion. (866) 259-6661 ext. "Syneron will continue to vigorously defend itself against this lawsuit by Thermage who has chosen to litigate rather than compete in the market place," Mizrahy added. is located in Israel. Syneron has offices and distributors throughout the world including sales, service and support subsidiaries located in Toronto, Canada (Syneron Inc.) and Grunwald, Germany (Syneron GmbH). In a 12-page opinion, the court denied Thermage's motion for a preliminary injunction. About Syneron Medical Ltd. manufactures and distributes medical aesthetic devices that are powered by the proprietary, patented ELOS combined-energy technology of Bi-Polar Radio Frequency and Light. Moshe Mizrahy, Syneron's CEO, said that the company was "extremely pleased that the court found that Syneron's challenge to the validity of the patent at issue has substantial merit." The decision was particularly important to Syneron, the first and only company in the world to combine the use of light and radiofrequency ("RF") energy in a medical device for dermatological and medical aesthetic treatments. The court found that there was substantial merit to Syneron's position that Thermage's patent claim, which Thermage filed after it saw Syneron's products on the market, was not supported by the written description of the patent, and that Syneron had raised a substantial question regarding whether the claim was "enabled." The court also held that Thermage's patent claim was vulnerable to invalidation based on two prior art references. Syneron, the Syneron logo, Aurora, the Aurora logo, Polaris, the Polaris logo and ELOS are trademarks of Syneron Medical Ltd. +972 4 909-6200, email: [email protected]. YOKNEAM, Israel & TORONTO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. (ELOS) won a significant legal victory in their defense of a patent infringement lawsuit brought by Thermage Inc. "The court clearly saw Thermage's action as an attempt to claim that which it did not invent, and rejected it," said Mizrahy. 247, email: [email protected], or Moshe Mizrahy, CEO of Syneron Medical, at Tel. 28, 2004--Syneron Medical Ltd. and Syneron Inc. Syneron Medical Ltd. In the lawsuit, Thermage sought a preliminary injunction against the sale of Syneron's Polaris WR wrinkle treatment device in the United States
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New Procedure Dubbed 'Inside-Out' Face Lift Claims to Smooth Skin
Christine Lee, a dermatologist, helped pioneer a new treatment that's known as the inside-out face lift. The procedure uses a laser that delivers targeted heat from inside the mouth, Lee says.
Jacki Adams, a popular model during the 1980s, has posed on the covers of magazines including Vogue and Elle, but years of outdoor sports exposed her face to days of wind and sun. With plans to return to acting, Adams hoped to smooth out some facial lines. "I prefer to look good for my age, rather than look another age," she said. Adams visited Dr. They said patients could get better results from lasers used directly on the skin, or from less expensive treatments such as fillers. "The general consensus is that with laser therapies, that is best accomplished from the outside in not the inside out, but again, it's a new procedure. Results can last for months, she said. http://abcnews.go.com/Lifestyle/procedure-dubbed-inside-face-lift-claims-smooth-skin/story?id=27154418. There's a new treatment for saggy, creased skin around the mouth that works from the inside out to tighten soft tissue and produce a smoothing effect on the surface.
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Dr. Lee at her Walnut Creek, Calif. "When you go inside the mouth, what it does is causes immediate contracting, and that tightening makes this nasal labial folds by the side of the mouth seem like they're plumping up," Lee said as she performed the 30-minute procedure. "Good Morning America" spoke to some doctors who were skeptical of the procedure. practice The East Bay Laser & Skin Care Center, Inc. The before and after results on model Jacki Adams who tried a new treatment for saggy, creased skin that works from the inside out to tighten soft tissue and produce a smoothing effect on the surface. Jennifer Ashton said. Lee says her procedure "has some of the same effects a filler does but appears much more natural, and you're not having to inject a foreign substance in your face." Her patients undergo several treatments that cost about $1,500 per session. I think people should proceed with caution until we know more," ABC News' Dr
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Cellulitis of the Legs
Poor hygiene can also be a contributing factor. Cellulitis is often confused with cellulite that is characterized by dimpling of the skin; but both are totally different. In some severe cases, the infection may also spread to the lymph nodes. Cellulitis can also be caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, which are found on the skin and the mucous membranes. Visiting your physician is the safest way to diagnose and treat any health condition. http://www.buzzle.com/articles/cellulitis-of-the-legs.html. These bacteria are commonly found on the human skin and in the throat. It could be a wound, burn injury, insect bite, tattoo, athlete's foot, animal bite, surgical wound, skin rash, or dry, cracking skin. Symptoms and Causes Symptoms of cellulitis of the legs include pain and tenderness in the affected area that may become red and swollen. Those with a weak immune system are also prone to develop this infection. Consult a qualified practitioner for such treatment. You can prevent this skin disorder by boosting your immune system and practicing proper hygienic practices. Application of cold compresses is good for relief from pain. During the initial stages, cellulitis is characterized by skin rash, which may cause itching. The rash may disappear leaving small marks. In normal conditions, they do not cause any harm; but these bacteria can cause infection, if they gain entry into the body through any break in the skin. If it is not completely cured, the person may develop infection repeatedly. Once they gain entry to the deeper skin layers, the bacteria spread rapidly and may enter the bloodstream, lymph nodes and other body parts, leading to complications. Cellulitis of the lower legs is often confused with deep vein thrombosis.
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Cellulitis is caused by bacteria, that are already present in the human body; or those, which enter the body from external sources. The wounds have to be cleaned and disinfected regularly. Elderly people, and those with eczema, psoriasis, lymphedema, skin ulcer and HIV/AIDS, are vulnerable to this condition. However, severe forms of cellulitis cause permanent rash, which are red and swollen. This skin infection may cause severe debility or even death, if left untreated. However, legs and face are more prone to get infected. This happens when the deeper layers of the skin are severely infected. These bacteria enter the body through the cuts or cracks on the skin and cause infection. With antibiotic therapy, cellulitis of the legs may disappear within a week, but severe cases need more time for complete cure. However, severe pain is considered a symptom of necrotizing fasciitis, a complication caused by cellulitis, and needs immediate surgical repair. Physical examination is considered the most reliable method to diagnose the condition. The skin would be warm to touch. In most cases, Group A streptococcus bacteria, are found to cause cellulitis. In kids, the most common cause is Haemophilus influenzae type B, which can lead to serious infections. Some herbal and homeopathic medicines are also found to be effective for treating cellulitis. Cellulitis is a bacterial infection, which causes inflammation of the superficial layers of the skin as well as the connective tissues beneath them. Severe cases of cellulitis infection may require intravenous therapy too. Treatment Treatment involves use of oral antibiotics to fight bacteria. Wounds should be cleaned and dressed properly, to prevent this bacterial infection. Usually, the infection follows any injury that involves a break in the skin. The affected person may also develop fever and chills. Pain relief medication may also be administered. Above all, approach a doctor as soon as you develop the symptoms, and prevent the spread of infection with proper and timely treatment.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice. Apart from that, some physical and medical conditions, like diabetes, pregnancy, obesity, etc., are also considered as risk factors. Cellulitis can affect people of all ages and may develop on any part of the body
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The four stages of cellulite; Identifying which stage your cellulite has reached is the first step to tackling those lumps and bumps. By JOYCE WALTER.
Dr James Fleming says: "The cellulite is housed in non-uniform cells, like boxes, which don't stand up straight. Skin will look smoother for a few days and if done regularly it may give longer-lasting results. We can but dream.. http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Thefourstagesofcellulite;Identifyingwhichstageyourcellulite...-a098408797. Pregnancy will also contribute, due to the surge in sex hormones. The treatment Do the steps suggested in stage one. Cut down on alcohol, which dehydrates the cells and increases their levels of toxins, making cellulite worse. Consider switching to a non-hormonal contraception if on the Pill. Try a body wrap. AS THOUGH you didn't have enough to worry about, scientists have how graded cellulite into four levels. And this will ultimately make it harder to lose fat. You may be tempted by surgery or liposuction but Dr Bowler advises against it for cellulite. It is the only treatment which has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and been shown to work. You are fitted into an elasticated body stocking and a therapist uses a hand-held machine to lift, roll, and massage the skin. They're spelling out what we knew all along - cellulite gets worse with age. But the idea is that if you can identify which stage your orange peel legs have reached, you can tailor-make your cellulite-busting plan to hopefully regain smooth, youthful thighs. When you're in your teens, the blood supply to the fat cells under the skin is healthy and free-flowing. Try Crystal Clear X-Cell Lip Gel pounds 49.99 for 125 ml, or Roc Retinol Body Contouring Concentrate, pounds 21.99 for 150ml, or far cheaper and just as good, go for a simple Aloe Vera Gel. Fat cells are starved by a lack of circulation. WHO GETS IT: Most common in women over 40 who have had children, worse after menopause. The treatment If you're overweight, go for a healthy, moderate weight-loss diet. This increases circulation and may help you lose water from the fat cells. The massaging action will help boost circulation to the area and some key ingredients may lessen the appearance of cellulite for as long as you use them. The hard truth is, your cellulite will probably be with you for life. Do some activity every day, even if it's only a brisk 20 minute walk. Cut down on fatty and processed food to prevent adding to those fat cells. By stage four there's not a lot of hope. Ginger helps boost circulation Massage your thighs and bum or book in with a professional. Increases circulation. If you smoke, stop. You might notice a blotchy skin tone in these areas which can feel a bit colder to the touch. WHAT HAPPENS TO THE CELLS: Collagen and elastic fibres in the skin harden and begin to break so they don't hold the fat cells together as well as they should, which gives the uneven appearance. Time to learn to love your body, ripples and all. CONTACTS Dr Patrick Bowler, 020 7224 2465 Endermologie: Harley Medical Group 0800 085 9085, Lasercare Clinics 0800 028 7222. Supplements: Cellasene Forte, pounds 29.99 and Hoffels Ginger & Ginkgo in Garlic, pounds 7.19, from health food shops. But time, hormones, smoking and a lack of exercise all cut off a good blood flow to the fat cells and they respond by enlarging, changing shape and doing whatever they can to get more blood flow. As a result your skin feels cooler and gets thicker - and this makes it even harder for blood to reach the cells. So doing whatever you can to increase the circulation into these cells is the key to tackling cellulite, says Dr Patrick Bowler, a London-based cosmetic dermatologist who has worked with Italian researchers on cellulite. He says: "A woman with stage one or stage two cellulite will almost certainly progress to the next stage within five to 10 years if she doesn't take steps." You can easily reverse cellulite at stages one and two but it gets harder to shift by stage three. This is a special form of deep-tissue massage that uses a machine to target cellulite and pummel it into oblivion. Each 30 to 45 minute session costs from pounds 40 to pounds 70 and a course of 10 is recommended, with once-a-month top-ups after that. HOW IT LOOKS: The lumpy bits are very noticeable and can even be seen through clingy clothing, altering your silhouette. WHAT HAPPENS TO THE CELLS: The collagen breaks down almost completely in areas and may form scar tissue, increasing the lumpy effect. Or drastically cut down. Liposuction is only good for women who have dieted and exercised but still can't shift deep pockets of fat on the hips and buttocks." If you're a healthy weight, relax and don't throw your money away on expensive treatments. According to Dr James Fleming, author of Beat Cellulite Forever (Piatkus, pounds 6.99) the ingredients to look for include escin (or horse chestnut extract), topical retinoids and aloe vera. Don't be tempted by crash or fad diets as these will trigger your body's metabolism to slow down because it is protecting itself from starving. Eat more oily fish as these have been shown to help reduce the level of cholesterol and fat in the blood which will increase circulation to the fat cells. These may be combined with electrical stimulation or clays or creams containing cellulite-fighting ingredients such as seaweed, co-enzyme Q10 or dead sea minerals. So keep up the exercise, don't smoke, stick to a healthy diet and drink lots of water. The skin is cool due to poor circulation and can look blotchy and tinged with grey or blue. WHAT HAPPENS TO THE CELLS: There is a serious impairment of local blood circulation and the fat cells swell, mass together and harden. Elastic and collagen fibres in the skin break and weaken, becoming less able to contain the bulkier fat cells beneath. WHO GETS IT: Typically affects women over 35, especially those who have been on the Pill and/or had children. The treatment Do what's recommended in stage sone and two. Invest in a course of endermologie. Salon wrap treatments are priced from pounds 35 - pounds 60. Cellulite supplements, such as Cellasene Forte and CellAssist often contain plant and herb extracts such as gingko, grape seed bioflavanoids and kelp which are said to increase circulation and break down fat. New research from Italy has shown that those with stage two cellulite, who took Cellasene Forte for 12 weeks, combined with exercise and a better diet, could reverse their cellulite by 70 to 80 per cent. Rub creams into it. CellAssist from Superdrug, pounds 14.95. Body wraps: Ionithermie 0175 3833 900, Phytomer 0808 100 2204; Boots Health and Beauty, 08450 708090; CACI; 020 8731 5678. Cellulite creams: Crystal clear X-Cell Lipo Gel, mail order, 08705 934 934. CAPTION(S):
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1 A better diet and exercise will shift early stage cellulite; 2; Visible dimpling is common in smokers and those on Pill; 3 Your late 30s and a couple of kids contribute to this stage; 4; Just accept that it's there for life but minimise it with diet; CURVES: A perfect, cellulite-free bum. Skin in these areas is likely to be less elastic, drier and thinner, with tiny veins showing. Smoking decreases circulation in every single tiny blood vessel in your body, including the ones in your skin and thighs.
Drink at least five pints of water a day to help flush out toxins. HOW IT LOOKS: A dimpling which is visible to the naked eye but mainly in small, localised areas. The fat cells look like a line of boxes under the skin and the stronger the collagen network is, the straighter the boxes will stand, and the smoother the surface of skin will appear. WHO GETS IT: Most common in women between the ages of 30 and 35, who might have a healthy diet but may slack off exercise. But do not mistakenly assume you are at stage four as it is often not the case. What stage is your cellulite? HOW IT LOOKS: A slight dimpling of the surface but only noticeable if you squeeze the flesh between your hands. WHAT HAPPENS TO THE CELLS: Fat cells start to enlarge and hold more water and toxins. WHO GETS IT: Most often seen in women under 30, especially if on the oral contraceptive pill as cellulite is influenced by oestrogen levels. The treatment Exercise is the most important factor as it increases blood flow, burns fat and tones your muscles - essential for smooth, taut thighs. The best exercises for cellulite include brisk walking, running, cycling, using a step or cross-trainer machine or step aerobics. He says, "Cellulite is in the upper layers of the skin and you can't suck out that bit of fat without causing more dimpling. Try Banana Boat Aloe Vera Gel, price pounds 1.20 for 100ml, or Holland & Barrett Aloe Vera Gel, price pounds 2.99 for 100ml. HOW IT LOOKS: By this stage the cellulite is very evident over the thighs, hips and buttocks. These treatments use materials such as clingfilm, foil and rubber to wrap the skin very tightly. And treat yourself to some flattering, looser-fit clothes. Sucking these with endermologie will pull the boxes back into shape." It shouldn't hurt, except in the purse
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