swiftsgrath · 9 days
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i cant believe furudate invented childhood best friends to lovers
(song is voyager by boygenius)
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swiftsgrath · 11 days
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happy pride, guys!!
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swiftsgrath · 1 month
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Yes i saw these scenes in s2 trust
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swiftsgrath · 1 month
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fucking. what?
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swiftsgrath · 1 month
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Wednesday S2 in production? Time for the hyperfixation that never actually left to come back in full force
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swiftsgrath · 2 months
If you're fifteen or older an still sleep with a stuffed animal please reblog this.
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swiftsgrath · 3 months
there is a huge difference between criticizing an institution and criticizing individual behavior. i can criticize the makeup industry without criticizing the 14 year old girl who uses concealer because she’s self-conscious about her acne; i can criticize the plastic surgery industry without vilifying the woman who decided to get a nose job after two decades of pointed comments and bullying. it is intellectually dishonest to respond to an institutional criticism as if it were a personal attack; on the flip side, it is cruel and unnecessary to leverage personal attacks in the name of institutional criticism
if i see one (1) more person respond to a perfectly reasonable beauty-industry-critical sentiment with “but i personally enjoy eyeshadow. why are you attacking people who like eyeshadow :(” or “exactly, all women who wear makeup are miserable and brainwashed” i am going to climb a tree and bite the top of it
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swiftsgrath · 3 months
Half-baked elemental abilities au where most people have earth, water, fire, air powers, and those who don't are nearly ostracized, definitely looked down upon.
The Luthors, as a rule, are all fire. The marry fire, birth fire, there hasn't been a single Luthor who doesn't use fire. Until Lena. She shows absolutely zero elemental ability, and is believed to be without any ability at all-- she maintains a decent quality of life physically, but emotionally she's abused and made to feel less-than all her life, and it shows.
Kara is definitely of the air. Exceptionally gifted, she even has the power of flight. Her adoptive sister Alex is Earth aligned, solid and steady.
When Kara meets Lena, she immediately sees Lena's kindness beneath her sadness. They quickly become friends, once Lena allows her in. Kara wants to be around Lena all the time, and Lena allows her to be. Through their friendship, Lena starts to relax and come into her own.
Over time, it's revealed that Lena isn't as powerless as her family believes-- she's attuned to water. Between the trauma of her mother drowning and the ire of her adoptive family, her power had been dammed up and hidden away, forgotten even by their user. Until Lena finds herself through the help of her new found family.
In the final confrontation with her brother, Lena calmly looks at Lex with a quiet confidence.
"You've fallen prey to your own hubris," she says. "Blinded by your power and your ambition."
"So you've found your own paltry amount of ability," Lex snarls back. "But it'll evaporate just like all water does when it meets a wall of fire."
But Lena isn't swayed. "When water is out of balance, it can certainly fizzle into nothing."
There's a low rumble as the shore shakes around them.
"But when it gains strength...."
A wall of water builds behind her, towering and poised to surge down over them both.
"Water quenches flame."
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swiftsgrath · 3 months
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Israel has killed more children in Gaza since October than in four years of worldwide conflict
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swiftsgrath · 3 months
🟢 You are still a writer even when you haven't written in a while.
🟢 You are still a writer even when you feel like you aren't writing enough.
🟢 You are still a writer when you feel like your work isn't good.
🟢 You are still a writer when other people don't like your work.
🟢 You are still a writer when you aren't published.
🟢 You are still a writer when you only have works in progress.
🟢 You are still a writer if all you write is fanfiction.
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swiftsgrath · 3 months
wish i could go missing for a little bit and no one would freak out and then i could come back and they'd be like "did you have fun going missing" and i'd be like "yeah, thanks" and then i could do that every couple of months or so and it wouldn't be a big deal
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swiftsgrath · 3 months
genuinely one of the saddest parts of this new era of the internet is how hard it is to rick roll someone now. with people's attention spans shortening so much, they wouldn't even get through the first few bait seconds before clicking off the video. like i saw a comment that ended with "btw i made all of this up" and the replies kept treating it so seriously because none of them finished the entire 4 sentence comment. and We're no strangers to love You know the rules and so do I (do I) A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guy I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
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swiftsgrath · 3 months
taylor swift and justin vernon didn’t write “there was nowhere for me to stay, but i stayed anyway”, “if i would've known how many pieces you had crumbled into i might have let them lay”, “are you really gonna talk about timing in times like these? and let all your damage damage me? and carry your baggage up my street? and make me your future history?”, “is it insensitive for me to say get your shit together so i can love you?”, “do you know you're demolishing me? and then you squeeze my hand as i'm about to leave”, “and if i would've known how sharp the pieces were you'd crumbled into i might’ve let them lay” for you to still sleep on renegade
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swiftsgrath · 3 months
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wine-drunk!supercorp waltzing happily in their living room with all lights off and a chopin classics vinyl playing
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swiftsgrath · 3 months
got my hands on a field guide of californian bugs and i found that there's this one bee species in southern california that looks like this
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(Actual bugs under the cut, CW for insects)
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swiftsgrath · 3 months
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Guys, stop being crap to creators. You aren’t hurting Amazon. You’re stealing from writers.
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swiftsgrath · 3 months
are we allowed to mourn what we never had?
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