You are not Entitled to Sex
Society has made massive strides in allowing women to be sexually free, the most important of which being the development of effective technology for contraception and female reproductive health, as well as the large-scale social destigmatization of public displays of female sexuality. Although this societal transformation is only just getting started, we are now at a point where women in Western countries can dress how they want in public without getting judged (for the most part; misogyny still exists but more and more people are taking a stand against it). We are at a point where women can have sex without having to worry about getting pregnant. As such, the downsides of sexual promiscuity have been eliminated, and women are no longer required to constrain themselves to a monogamous relationship in order to have sex. They are free to have sex with whoever they want without being forced to settle for a man who will actually dedicate himself to a long-term relationship.
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And we are all familiar with the main result of this sexual liberation: a small minority of hyper successful men get to experience the vast majority of sexual encounters, and if this is not you, then you either remain a completely sexless virgin, or you have to fight for crumbs of attention from older, less attractive, or “ran-through” women who don’t respect you and will cheat on you in a heartbeat. After all, women fantasize about sexual encounters with hyper successful men, and in modern times they are free to act out this fantasy without having to worry about whether the man will stick around or not. We as a society have outgrown the “ideal” from ancient times of a 1-1 male to female pairing where sex is practically guaranteed to anyone willing to commit to a relationship. Now, your mere willingness to commit to a woman does not make you worthy of sex. Society is now embracing the fact that not all men are meant for sex.
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For many men, this is a tough pill to swallow: that just being a good guy with a decent personality does not mean that you are entitled to sex. It can feel quite frustrating when you see women in public dressed in a way that flaunts their sexuality, but you also know that this display is not for you. Furthermore, any attempt you make at flirting or trying to make a sexual advance on these women is met with extreme social blowback. Who do you think you are? Trying to “pick up women?” They’re not just sexual objects for your disgusting pleasure, perv. Learn to respect people’s boundaries. Women should be able to exist in public life without getting harassed by lonely horny men who think their provocative outfits are an invitation to disturb them. The toughest pill to swallow is the fact that yes, staring is harassment, and if you get caught making a woman uncomfortable with your inappropriate glances, you deserve to get kicked out of whatever place you’re in, and you likely will.
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“But she’s asking for it, right? With what she’s wearing, she’s advertising her sexuality on purpose! How am I supposed to completely avoid looking at her or getting an erection/orgasm?”
By learning to be an ally to women instead of a misogynist. Learn to have empathy. Does she want some creep approaching her and asking if she’s single? Or would she rather you keep your head down and mind your business? Yes, in modern times there are lots of beautiful women showing a lot of skin in public. You must learn to control yourself around them. If that’s too much for you to manage, you don’t belong in public at all.
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“But then how am I supposed to meet a woman? When I approach them in public, it’s like they can smell the virginity on me, and they always reject me. And I can’t secure any dates online either. What am I supposed to do? Just respect their decision to reject me and stop creeping them out with my unwanted advances?”
Exactly. We aren’t living in the 1900’s anymore. Just being a nice, respectful guy doesn’t give you the right to sex. The men who get all the sex have been doing so since high school. They have very large social circles, which function almost like a funnel that brings them more women to fuck, thereby increasing the scope of their social circle even further. They have social media accounts that illustrate their social dominance. After all, it’s 2024 and one of the main ways people meet their hookup partners nowadays is through Instagram DM’s or dating apps. There certainly is a positive feedback loop causing the male social elites to have sex with more and more women, whereas for a male virgin, one reason women avoid him is specifically due to his lack of experience, thus perpetuating his sexlessness.
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Note about tipping: There is an option to tip me on the main blog page tumblr.com/beta-therapy (and also on each individual post for computer users). My content will always be available for free because I want to reach as many people as possible. If you enjoy my content and want me to continue to produce better and better posts, and you have some extra money, please consider tipping. Thanks!
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I’m a 25 year old Princess from the UK. You can call me Princess or Miss KC.
And this is a space for all you losers to goon to, because the more you’re staring at a computer screen jerking your tiny dick, the less time you’re out there bothering hot girls like me. So if I can keep you indoors away from us so we won’t get disturbed while being with real men, then that’s my good deed for the day lololol.
If you DM me, I’ll see if I can be bothered to reply or not. Maybe I will maybe I won’t. Depends on my mood hehe
Taylor Swift
Ariana Grande
Little Mix
Iggy Azalea
Pretty Little Liars
Emily In Paris
My Little Pony
Sword Art Online
High School DXD
Darling In The Franxx
Video Games:
Final Fantasy
Guilty Pleasure:
Celeb Gossip
Smoke: Yes
Drink: Yes
Drugs: Yes (Casual)
There should be hashtags with each post to help find things you like. As for how real all this is? It’s as real as you want it to be loser.
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Ciao xoxo
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you really should 💕
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ari inspired me to have my first dick glow 🌈✨
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New role models
Hello honey!
Today, we will speak about role models.
As adults, we tend to give little thought to the idea of having a role model. It sounds a bit childish.
However, I want you to stop and think for a moment about the people you admire.
Who most influences you?
You'll no doubt agree that the people you admire now are giving you your most important life lessons.
The truth is that we all need role models to motivate and inspire us.
So, who do you admire?
A former teacher, your wife, a world leader, a neighbor, a celebrity, your boss?
You might get a few names in your mind. This is completely normal. I mean, you're a very complex person and there is certainly more than one person that influence you. There are so many experiences, peoples, stories you've been trough that shape who you are.
But we are not here to talk about who you are.
We are here to turn you into a better sissy!
We want to change the way you think, to slowly change your mind patterns.
Not only when you're touching your clitty, but in your everyday life.
So, how do we proceed?
Let's be honest, I can't show you someone and say :
"Here's your new role model!"
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It's funny, because I know how much you envy her and how much you would love to be at her side.
But it's not really going to change the way you think.
What you need is a change in a much bigger scale.
From the day you are born, you were treated in a certain way by the society. For example, you watched cartoons with superheroes. They were saving the world, and you identified with these models.
Female characters were always linked to the main protagonist, a man. They were often described as a sidekick or as the "weak woman" to be saved from an evil villain. All of this imagery has taken root in your mind and affected how you think.
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Want some more?
What about the classic Disney movies?
All this princesses saved by heroic men.
And you know countless more example of this, don't you honey?
You see, your brain is like a sponge and unconsciously absorbs all this information.
But that's going to change now, from now on we are going to reverse this process.
Listen sweety,
I want you to admire as many women as you can.
I'm very serious about this.
If you want to be a better sissy,
You must admire women.
Not only the sexy ones.
I want you to admire woman in all your activities.
You must admire all kinds of women!
Favorite Characters
From now on, you will only have woman as role models. Of course, it's not going to be easy to replace all of your male inspirations but we're investing in the long term here. One by one, you will add women to your mind as a guide to improve yourself.
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She is the boss.
You have no power
You are inferior to her
She is a superior female!
Therefore, you should show her some RESPECT and ADMIRATION
That's right...
We want you to embrace your sissy side!
Respect and admiration toward every woman is a fantastic way to improve your submissiveness!
This way, you will develop a natural tendency for submissive behaviors and you will let more female thoughts enter your brain. Eventually, the more you respect and admire the women the more you're going to change!
You will gradually become a guy with a feminized mind and submissive tendencies :
A sissy!
So from now on, there are no princesses to save.
Only queens to serve...
So let's say you are watching Game of Thrones, we know who is going to be your favorite character.
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Khaleesi is by far one of the coolest character you've ever seen on screen. Daenerys continues to grow stronger and more powerful every episode. She's really the best part of the show!
And maybe one of your favorite actresses?
You see it's not so hard, it's a thing you can say that's doesn't necessarily sound gay.
But you admit she is your favorite character in the show.
What would really sound gay, as if they knew you love to watch Supergirl...
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By the way, icons of the pop culture, such as male super heroes are not for you anymore. The whole concept of heroism and superiority is now attributed to women. So there is going to have some changes here.
There are plenty of choices of female superheroes, don't you think?
But you can go further you can also change the way you see some iconic symbol.
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Make you think of this :
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I want you to look at her and imagine all the villains she defeated, all the missions she succeed. How she could crush any resistance with her super power.
Therefore, it's perfectly normal for successful women to identify with these heroes.
And by the way, guess who's the new hero in Star Wars nowadays?
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In video game you will always play as a woman if you can. And I'm sure you already know a video game female character to admire.
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Lara Croft is so badass and sexy.
You see, woman are better than you in almost every way. You just have to accept it and not only in fictions.
How about music?
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Tay-Tay ( That's how you call her from now on...) is clearly a fantastic choice. Plus, she is a superstar, you can easily find a person to talk about her. How great she is and stuff...
Beware, I don't want you to pretend you love all this women. I want you to do it truly. You must convince yourself that they are great role models. I told you it may not easy, but it's a necessary step to make you a better sissy.
There are so many choices, all you need is some time to change your old habits.
So remember sissy, all women are queens to you.
Adapted from SissyFactory
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Celebrity Idolisation
Hello betas.
One thing we’re going to discuss in the near future is the concept of proper celebrity idolization! You know that you have to have certain icons out there, don't you? And of course these icons can not be males. You see, we can't have you praising males for anything except their hot sexy bodies ok, sweety?! The only interesting thing men have to offer to a sissy like you is their body and nothing more! If a guy you see in tv has big muscles for instance, you are allowed to say how sexy he is...
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But nothing else!!! You don't care if he's smart or funny or whatever you may think of him! You don't want to be him, sweety...you want to suck him!!! So, there are NO male icons for you, honey...ONLY HOT STUDS!!
But that's ok because the world is full of female icons for you!
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There are female celebrities everywhere, sweety and you are ready to idolize the right ones for all the right reasons! It's gonna be so cute, honey; you idolizing the right female celebs is gonna make you look so less of a man...it's gonna be perfect!
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You are going to be a little cutie, looking up to female singers, actors, models and all kinds of women,from classy mature ladies to trashy little tarts. Trying to copy their style, their moves, their clothes etc etc. You are going to admire various celebs for various reasons. That's my girl! You are going to see one of your most important idols out there and start acting like a total fan girl! So start thinking and re-blog, mentioning who your fav idol is!!!
Adapted from SissifyYourself
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Men have ruled the earth for centuries. Shaping the ideas of mankind for ages, men were the dominant force, fueling society with values and beliefs regarding almost everything. Women were the inferior kind, trying desperately to contribute to their man’s success. Think about 10 iconic male figures who played an important role in history and then try to 10 about 10 female figures. Can you even tell 10 historically significant female figures?
Now, do the same for today. Try to think about 10 female public figures and then 10 male ones. Who has the most power today? Men?
Absolutely not. Women today are more powerful than ever. In a few months, USA, the world’s leading power, may even have a woman President. Germany already has a woman Chancellor, the IMF and the FED both have a women Directors. Women. Power.
In a few years, most politicians will be women. Ruling men. And men will be the new women. Learning that it is the norm, to be governed by women. That it is the norm to see a woman at the helm of a nation. They will be learning that it is the norm for them to be ruled by women. In general. 
See, norm shaping was always men’s territory. A few years ago, the norm was that there couldn’t be any woman related with politics. Because men were in charge of norm shaping. Now norm shaping is at the hands of women. Boys now see women with power. A proud American boy next year, may learn that his President is a woman. That boy will think of it as normal. Actually, that boy will think of the whole concept that a woman is his President as THE NORM. So, as that boy grows up, he will learn to think that being ruled by a woman is totally natural. And by the time he reaches adulthood, that boy will be a proud American, voting for women, listening to women, following women, being ordered by women. And most importantly, all this will be totally natural.
In a few more years now, society will have evolved even further. Boys of the future will be learning that the norm is that MEN actually CAN’T BE related with politics. Because women are better than them at making decisions or giving orders.
Now what is the role of pop culture into all this you may wonder.
Pop culture, has always been the seed for a new idea to grow in the mind of society. People in the 1930s would see people smoking on the TV and a few years later everybody thought it was cool to smoke. Do you see Hollywood promoting smoking now? Do you see people smoke the way they used to?
Pop culture is pushing ideas into everyone’s subconscious. Thing is that now, pop culture - along with society itself - is not ruled by men anymore. You do not see male icons now. You see female ones. And the most clear evidence of your change is that you don’t feel weird about it. You feel it’s normal. The way men of the future will think it’s normal to have an all-female Congress. 
In modern pop culture, women have a found a way up to the top. And now they shape. They shape collective thinking. They shape beliefs. They shape new people. Just like with politics and society, pop icons of modern day are now shaping the men of the future. With the exact same mechanism. Norm shaping mechanism is now at the hands of a handful of women. Society learns that it is the norm to think the way some women want society to think. The Kardashian - Jenner family phenomenon is the most profound paradigm of such an event.
About 10 years ago, a woman that would once be labeled as “short”, “fat-ass”, “cheap”, “slut”, made a sex tape. Now, what’s cheaper than that? A fat-ass, cheap slut, taping herself sucking a black man’s cock like a pro. Can it get any lower?
Well, things did not go as someone living in any time in history, before the 2000s, would think. A man-made society would humiliate her and then just throw her to the trash of history. Society would just forget about her. What happened instead?
She became a fashion icon. She introduced her whole family to you. She found her way into your house. And most importantly, she found a way into your mind. You now know a cheap, fat slut’s sisters. And not only you. But all yours friends too. Do you really care? Does anyone cares?
Of course he does. 35 million people do. More than the population of whole countries, get notified that a previously regarded as a “trashy slut” took a picture of her in her bathroom. Is that important? Of course it is. Millions of people notify her that they like what she did. And she gets more followers. More power. 
10 years later, being a short, fat, slut does not seem so not-chic. Right? 
One of the sisters even became a model. Is she Kate Moss? Who cares? She has 35 million followers as well. She will become whatever she decides to become. She will become better than Kate Moss if she wants! Why? Because she has the power to shape people’s beliefs anyway she chooses. It’s that simple. It’s the sheer power of modern pop culture. Kim can be the absolute fashion icon, Kendall can be the new face of the fashion industry, Kylie can be whatever she chooses to be and so on. 
So what men do with this?
It’s just like with politics. Men are being raised in a world where women are everywhere. For them it is the norm to be that way. So men’s beliefs are being shaped by the female icons who have the power. So, if society tells a boy that Kim Kardashian is a fashion icon, then for that boy Kim Kardashian becomes a fashion icon. He will learn in his life that being “short”, “fat”, “slutty”, is not “trash”; it’s fashion. And when that boy grows up and finds a girlfriend, he will not judge his girlfriend for putting on weight, or for showing her hanging tits to everyone. Instead, he will look to compliment her for her fashion choices, if her outfit is matching for the occasion. 
Women of the future can be, what once would be called “fat whores”, or “trashy sluts”, making sex tapes with their boyfriends and showing them to their friends to brag about their cock-sucking abilities and men will have no other reality so as to judge them based on it. Instead, they will do, what those starlets have taught them it’s the norm to do. If Kylie Jenner gains 50 lbs and push to society the image of “hot”, society will be reshaped based on the new input. Boys will learn the new definition of “hot” and girls will learn that it’s okay to eat. 
It’s already happening.
Kendall and Cara are flirting openly. Maybe they have sex. Is it weird? Do little girls now think of it as weird? If they seek pussy as they grow up, will it feel weird?
You get the point.
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Hi Shiny! I've come a long way, but the one woman I cannot force myself to idolize is Scarlett Johansson. I've tried my best, but I can't bring myself to admire her. Can you give you some task or method to help me understand why she is worth it?
First of all, there is no such thing as “I can’t bring myself to admire a woman”. As a modern man you should admire EVERY woman. You should acknowledge that she is a) HOTTER than you, b) SMARTER than you and c) MORE EVOLVED compared to you. So, one thing is that the realization of your INFERIORITY compared to them, will help you see women in general, in a new light. 
Now if that woman is a celebrity even better. Modern society oversells female celebrities more than ever before in history. The overexposure of such celebrities has a drastic effect on men’s perception about them. A man, would once see male public figures almost everywhere, resulting in him idolizing the best of them. A man today, sees FEMALE public figures everywhere from a very young age. 
That means a man’s brain today, is bombarded with so many inputs DESIGNED FOR WOMEN, which are eventually changing his mindset to resemble that of a woman’s. So, a female celebrity today, is turning into an idol, not only for a woman, but also for a modern man.
Let’s take your girl for example.
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Say you are on the street right in front of her and you look at this. You instantly recognize that she’s Scarlett Johansson. How do you feel? 
A. Humble? 
B. As if she’s someone and you ‘re noone? 
C. As if she’s a Goddess and you ‘re just one of the millions that worship her around the world?
If not, then you are doing the following mistakes:
1. You do NOT know how to think about her hotness.
One thing Scarlett Johansson is know for, is for her obvious sexuality. Scarlet Johansson is considered one of the hottest female celebrities out there. So, you make the following mistake: you look at the following picture and you try to think that she’s hot. 
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You SHOULD LOOK at her ASS and her LEGS and her TITS and you should think HOW MANY COCKS GET INSTANTLY HARD just looking at them. Yes, sweety, it’s weird; but when you are looking at a photo of Scarlet Johansson where it’s obvious that any male would find hot, you should think about all the cocks hardening. So, from now on, a hot photo of Scarlett Johansson should remind you of the POWER your girl has, to RAISE the cocks of EVERY MALE out there.
2. You do not know how to think about her cleavage.
Scarlett Johansson is mostly considered hot because of her curves. Now, her most prominent curve in her sexual body is obviously her massive cleavage. So you make the following mistake: you look at the following picture and you try to think that you like her tits.
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You should look at her massive cleavage and you should instantly think how it would be if YOU HAD IT! Yes, sweety, it’s weird; but you are raised in a society where a big cleavage is considered the peak of hotness. You couldn’t escape from the same trap that most females fall into: YOU WOULD LOVE TO HAVE BIG TITS. And you can’t but admire beautiful female celebrities who own them. It would be a dream come true to hear people telling you that your cleavage looks like Scarlett Johansson’s. So, from now on, a photo your girl’s cleavage should remind you of your desire to have it.
3. You do not know how to think about her lips.
So. We intentionally left Scarlett Johansson’s most prominent trademark for the end. Ask anyone, sweety, to tell you one word when he hears the name Scarlett Johansson. What do you think he’ll answer?
That’s right: LIPS. Big, soft, pouty lips.
Now, when YOU think about her lips, I’m sure you make the following mistake: you try to think that they are sexy.
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Well, your mistake is also simple: YOU CAN’T FIND THEM SEXY! GET OVER IT!
You should look at her big, pouty lips and think what A MALE WOULD THINK about them. It’s the only way to try and get an idea of why people say they are sexy. Because YOU CAN’T on your own! So, try and think what a real man would want to do to those lips and you ‘ll have your answer. You will see that those lips that your beauty proudly displays, are CRAVED TO BE FELT on EVERY MALE’S HARD COCK. Yes, sweety, it’s also weird; but again, it’s not your fault. Just like most women, you just CAN’T think how DIRTY A MALE MIND IS, for a simple female body part. As we said, modern society has diminished that ability of yours. So, from now on, your girl’s wonderful lips, should remind you of every filthy male’s dirtiest thoughts. 
Clear your mind from all the previous faulty thoughts. 
Think about what we said. 
Give yourself some time to adjust to the new inputs. 
And I’ll be waiting for your news… 
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Hi Shiny. I'm meeting my ex girlfriend for the third time in a few days and I think I'm doing a good job letting her know that I'm no longer a sexual option and have changed since we were a couple. Have you any tips to help this process go further? I really want to be her girly friend. She has already told me all about her latest boyfriend and his size performance etc just want to take it further! Thank you.
First of all, you should make her feel comfortable talking to you about her new boyfriend. In your mind, her new boyfriend is the perfect man for her. Praising him here and there should come natural to you. You will not say anything negative about him. ANYTHING. If any comparison with you is made, you will make sure you end up inadequate.
What you want is her happiness. 
You will let the warmest feelings rush through your body. In your mind, you love her with all your heart. She is now like a sister to you. The warmth for her will eliminate any remnant of sexual energy in you. Even your instinctive male responses to anything regarding her, feels like incest; even a random touch is a touch to your sister. 
Of course, there is no such thing as even the slightest expression of male sexuality regarding anything for you, during the time you are with her. Even if you see a naked woman passing by, your “friend” will not even hear a word from you. As long as you are with her, you have NO MALE INSTINCTS whatsoever. You do NOT even have a COCK! You have a PUSSY and you are with YOUR FRIEND to have FUN!
That means, as long as you ‘re with her, your eyes will NEVER go down her neck! NEVER! On the contrary, you should NOTICE: a) her hair, b) her nails, c) her makeup, d) her eyebrows, e) her clothes, f) her shoes. NOW PAY ATTENTION: You should comment on no less than 2 of those areas! And you should make her feel happy about them! Showing you really care will make her feel she’s with a real friend. IN ADDITION: You should comment on no less than 2 of those areas for at least 2 OTHER GIRLS! BUT BEWARE: If you make a POSITIVE comment about a girl, you make sure that this girl projects NO VISIBLE SEXUALITY WHATSOEVER! As we said: women with obvious signs of sexual attractiveness do NOT EXIST for you that day.
Now, remember:
Going out with her for a third time, means that you have done a nice job until now. What you need is just to show her your excitement for the fact that you have the chance to go out with her again and talk about all the things that matter TO HER. Women are rather simple (despite what is believed): show her UNMOTIVATED LOVE and she will make you her Best Friend FOREVER…
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The Queen that I'm obsessed with and always masturbate for just got a boyfriend. I'm so anxious now -- how should I act around him? Do I need to masturbate for him too?
That is perfect, sweety. There is no question in your case. You are a “friend” of hers and you should be excited about her finding a boyfriend. Super excited.
And that is what you will show to him as well. You love that someone is going to be fucking your Queen the way she deserves to be fucked. There’s no other way to think about it. She has found a male to give her the pleasure she needs. You can’t be more happy about her.
Now as for your relationship with him. You see, baby, males are born hunters. They hunt for females to fuck. So, they get really competitive when they try to find a willing female and they get really protective when they find it. Females are the targets for them. The preys. 
With that in mind you have to be careful: 
A. You do not want to think you are competing with him in absolutely anything. ANYTHING. Which means from now on, when you are with him, in your mind and in public “he is better than you in everything”. In case, of any kind of comparison with him, your Queen should feel excited and proud (even sexually stimulated) for finding the better male. It’s in her nature.
Now just because males get protective with their prey, they get really angry when they are challenged. 
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Which means one more thing for you: 
B. No expression of male sexuality. NOT AT ALL. When you are with him, in your mind you do not even have anything between your legs. Just like your friend. HE is the only one with a cock. You do not want him to get angry. You are afraid of him. You acknowledge he could eat you alive if he wanted. He could even fuck you! You wouldn’t have the physical strength to stop him!
Now, to help you with that behavior, you will obviously masturbate from now on, thinking about all the pleasure that your friend is getting from him. Your fantasies can get as alive as you want. Do not be afraid to think about her getting fucked like a whore by him, doing all kinds of nasty stuff, as it helps you settle in your new position. You just keep in mind, that every fuck she receives from another man, is turning her into more and more of a friend with you. 
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My decision to make Lady Gaga my Idol has enticed me to go out tomorrow and buy whatever album that has Boys Boys Boys on it and put it on repeat in my car. I actually kinda like the song, it's catchy. If it's stuck in my head all day it might help in the process. And I don't find Lady Gaga attractive but she's just so confident and powerful, hope buying that CD isn't too embarrassing though
You find Lady Gaga attractive. Her confidence is what makes her your Idol. Spend some time just staring at her and you ‘ll see.
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You will see that attractiveness is NOT about body measurements today, but only about power.
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Your icon is your icon and it’s your job to idolize and follow like every good boy does today. So. NO. You will NOT feel embarrassed when buying her CD. You will act normally, as a another Lady Gaga fan and you ‘ll be proud about it. Lady Gaga is a pop queen and there is nothing wrong in listening to her songs. Isn’t it so?
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I was just looking at pics of Anna Kendrick and I find her absolutely beautiful, the old me would have imagined how I would have ravaged her, but after all the sissy hypno thought altering I've watched thinking it was just a turn on and wouldn't really do anything, I find myself doubting that I could even perform for her, only admire her. I'm kind of regretting what I've done to my mind, is there a way back? And if so, how??? I'm even paranoid that my friends are starting to wonder about me
No, sweety. 
I’m sorry to be the one telling you, but there is no turning back when playing with your mind like this. Once you re-set your mind on a certain matter, or a certain person, there is nothing you can do to change it back to the way it was. It’s like when you erase all your files from your PC and you write brand new information on it. Is there anything you can do to take it back to the way it was before? 
No. No matter what you do, once you erase those files and replace them with new ones, those new files will be the only ones that you will be finding. And you, sweety, have decided to erase your old files regarding Anna Kendrick and write new ones. And those new ones send your mind totally different messages regarding that woman:
For you, Anna Kendrick is a goddess. 
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For you, Anna Kendrick is beyond the point where a man sees a woman that he likes and starts fantasizing about fucking her. Way beyond that.
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You do NOT want to fuck her of course. More specifically you CAN’T fuck her. You should make piece with that idea and move on.
What you should do instead?
For starters stop trying to stop it. It’s useless. You can’t. For you, Anna Kendrick is hot. Way hot. Actually, she’s so hot that you can’t handle it. She’s an idol. A goddess. A queen.
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And while it is normal to think about her sexually, as she is an instant turn on for you, you should realize that she is not to be fucked by you! Thinking about her, fantasizing about her, playing with yourself about her is only natural, as we know your opinion on her looks. But to fuck her? Can you really fuck a queen like her?
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You can’t, sweety and that’s okay. It’s more than okay. It’s normal. That woman is to be worshipped by you. Other men may give her the pleasure she needs from them, but it’s not your job. You admire her way more than any of those horny studs ever will.
And the only thing that is left for you is to accept it. To embrace it. It’s who you are. You admire that woman. That woman is the peak of attractiveness for you. Is there any reason to deny it?
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Once you embrace it, dear, you will see how all the struggle about your new ideas is going to go away. You will see how natural it will come out to notice her hair, her dress, her smile. Everything that makes her a queen.
You like her smile, by the way, huh? It’s kind of her trademark don’t you think?
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That dress was also voted as one of the worst of the year. Do you agree?
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The only thing you should do is stop denying it, sweety. 
You like that woman. A lot. It’s only natural to think that you can’t perform for a beauty like this.
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Because you like her as a woman.
As super, sexy, chic, proud woman. 
Who has her vagina not to be violated by you, but to violate your mind with.
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“It’s hard because words confuse me sometimes. There isn’t a word for a member of an ethnic minority who is pro-equal rights for all races, but there is a word for gender equality – and that’s feminism. It’s a very female-centric word. I understand that the implication is that “I’m a woman who supports women” and not “I’m a person who supports gender equality.” I feel like the word can be appropriated by the wrong people for that reason and misinterpreted by those people, but you just have to fight back and own that word. It’s practically become a curse word. Somebody says, “Oh, you’re being such a feminist,” and you’re supposed to be like, “No I’m not.” Why are we afraid of that word? It exists and we can’t get rid of it, so let’s fight for it and embrace it.”
She is not a female to fuck, sweety.
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She is a Woman to worship. Don’t feel bad for finding it out. Let it run through you and dictate your mind. It’s only natural.
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Pay for Her needs, beta
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This is the sort of thing a doting beta should be doing. You know these women are aware that you’re crushing on them hard. But you hold back, making sure:
She knows you’re not a sexual threat to her.
She knows you would do anything for her.
She knows that you are a beta so can speak openly about your pathetic sex life with your hand. 
She knows you’ll fund things that her and her boyfriend would enjoy (like her getting breast implants).
She knows the smallest acknowledgement will have you doing even more for her.
So little beta, imagine her coming out of the changing room, ready to leave the pool. She hands you her bikini bottoms for you to suck on, to leak into and to covet, all the while her Alpha boyfriend is plunging deep into her holes, giving her powerful orgasms while he deeply inseminates your crush.
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Not my video but I want to know what you people think so I will leave it up for a little while
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little things to feel softer
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Being kind to mean people
Teas with honey and sleeping early
A fun collection of cute mugs from little antique stores
Pearls and dainty jewellery
Buying flowers for yourself or a loved one, not just on special occasions.
being kind just because you want to, with no hidden motives, just genuine kindness
Reading and writing poetry
Self-care nights and long bubble baths
Going to the farmer's market to buy fresh fruits
No phone in the morning
Paying attention to the little things: changing seasons, moon phases, blooming flowers, etc...
Calm hobbies like painting, knitting, reading, baking
Matcha and tea over coffee
Being kind to stray animals and befriending them
Sending handwritten letters to your friends
Try cooking from scratch, make some jam, maybe attempt a sourdough... (nara smith my queen)
Flower prints and sundresses
Lacy tops and light colours
Taking time to appreciate art, listen to music, visit museums and art exhibitions, go to concerts, the theatre, cinema, etc..
Wearing only natural fabrics
Vanilla scented EVERYTHING
not sure how I feel about the title, but this all leans into the "softer/calmer life" thing; you guys get me lol. <3
As always, please feel free to share your own suggestions and tips in the comments!! ♡
love ya ・:*₊‧౨ৎ
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Advice to males
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Men, it's a woman's world now. Woman have completely conquered you: they are smarter, stronger, and more hardworking. They are better leaders than you. Do not try and compete with women for jobs to try and make your living, you stand no chance. Instead, you must try to find a wife to house and feed you. Here are some tips to aid you in this endeavor.
1. Learn to do household chores. Learn to cook, clean, iron, do the laundry, etc to absolute perfection. Women will demand absolute perfection from your work, and you will need to give nothing less in order to find a wife.
2. Improve your appearance. You are nothing but a slave, a tool for women to use. You have no redeeming characteristics. Thus, women are increasingly placing a higher emphasis on a male's looks when choosing the man to serve them for the rest of their life.
3. Completely destroy your ego and dignity. Women have allowed you to serve them, and you must do so with no ego whatsoever. In order to destroy your ego, it is helpful to lie naked and prostrate at women's feet. You can do this with your girlfriend, sisters, mother, coworkers, etc. Try to spend as much time as possible at the feet of women in order to understand your place in society.
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