switchxd · 4 years
“Well then... I suppose this is a learning experience for the both of us,” XD chirped, grinning down at Dream innocently. Despite Gods commonly being seen as “all knowing” figures, it was clear from just this gesture alone that XD was far from that title. He was oblivious, and somewhat dense. But the good thing is—those qualities gave him the ability to tease without having to do anything differently.
“Does... this tickle more?” He dug all five of his fingers into Dream’s ribs, the gentleness of his previous attacks no longer important to him as he observed how the other responded. It was almost scary, seeing how seriously he was taking this.
{ @switchxd }
“Dream,” XD called, the invis effect gradually fading away to reveal the protector floating in mid-air while sitting in a cross-legged position. He tilted his head to the side, causing his hood to fall down as he slowly advanced toward his lookalike. “Has everything in the server been going OK?”
Well, it was his job to make sure of that, after all.
{ holy shit I never saw this and I have no idea how old it is im so sorry-}
Dream blinked as he heard a voice that sounded very close to his own, he glanced behind him before remembering, oh.
He let out a small sigh, crossing his arms as he stared at the ground. Was the server okay? No, did XD need to know that due to his own chaos and unstable mind, an egg was forming to fucking murder everyone on his watch?
No, No he didn't need to know at all.
“...It's been fine.”
{ @switchxd I AM SO SORRY }
51 notes · View notes
switchxd · 4 years
XD couldn’t help the slight smile which adorned his face as he found himself cooing over Dream’s reaction, resting his chin atop the lee’s head. He felt giddy watching his brother giggle away, it reminded him of a time when he wasn’t so old.
“Awe,” he mumbled under his breath, promptly cutting off any other sounds of fondness that may have escaped his lips after that slip-up. “Is this a bad spot? Are you one of those people that are ticklish everywhere?” And despite not intending to be teasy, XD does it again.
{ @switchxd }
“Dream,” XD called, the invis effect gradually fading away to reveal the protector floating in mid-air while sitting in a cross-legged position. He tilted his head to the side, causing his hood to fall down as he slowly advanced toward his lookalike. “Has everything in the server been going OK?”
Well, it was his job to make sure of that, after all.
{ holy shit I never saw this and I have no idea how old it is im so sorry-}
Dream blinked as he heard a voice that sounded very close to his own, he glanced behind him before remembering, oh.
He let out a small sigh, crossing his arms as he stared at the ground. Was the server okay? No, did XD need to know that due to his own chaos and unstable mind, an egg was forming to fucking murder everyone on his watch?
No, No he didn't need to know at all.
“...It's been fine.”
{ @switchxd I AM SO SORRY }
51 notes · View notes
switchxd · 4 years
XD cocked his head to one side as he took notice of Dream’s struggle to answer the question, before finally putting the pieces together in his mind. “Sorry,” he blurted out, realising how difficult it must be to contribute to his “experiment” when there is a constant distraction going on. “—for all the questions,” he added and moved his fingers down to Dream’s ribs.
He then began to softly tweak each of his ribs, his fingers climbing their way down Dream’s ribcage and back up again. “It’s just really... interesting. And weird, but, in a good way.”
{ @switchxd }
“Dream,” XD called, the invis effect gradually fading away to reveal the protector floating in mid-air while sitting in a cross-legged position. He tilted his head to the side, causing his hood to fall down as he slowly advanced toward his lookalike. “Has everything in the server been going OK?”
Well, it was his job to make sure of that, after all.
{ holy shit I never saw this and I have no idea how old it is im so sorry-}
Dream blinked as he heard a voice that sounded very close to his own, he glanced behind him before remembering, oh.
He let out a small sigh, crossing his arms as he stared at the ground. Was the server okay? No, did XD need to know that due to his own chaos and unstable mind, an egg was forming to fucking murder everyone on his watch?
No, No he didn't need to know at all.
“...It's been fine.”
{ @switchxd I AM SO SORRY }
51 notes · View notes
switchxd · 4 years
XD’s curiosity only grew as Dream explained, and he soaked in his brother’s tiny smile like a sponge. That reaction wasn’t much—but it was enough to be adorable. His wiggling fingers wandered down to Dream’s armpits and gently scratched at the hollows, with the protector keeping his eyes peeled for any new reactions he may get.
“Is everyone ticklish?” He asked casually, acting like nothing was out of the ordinary. He couldn’t decide if he still only wanted to know more, or if he just wanted to see Dream smile and laugh. But he’d settle for either. “Does everyone like being tickled?”
{ @switchxd }
“Dream,” XD called, the invis effect gradually fading away to reveal the protector floating in mid-air while sitting in a cross-legged position. He tilted his head to the side, causing his hood to fall down as he slowly advanced toward his lookalike. “Has everything in the server been going OK?”
Well, it was his job to make sure of that, after all.
{ holy shit I never saw this and I have no idea how old it is im so sorry-}
Dream blinked as he heard a voice that sounded very close to his own, he glanced behind him before remembering, oh.
He let out a small sigh, crossing his arms as he stared at the ground. Was the server okay? No, did XD need to know that due to his own chaos and unstable mind, an egg was forming to fucking murder everyone on his watch?
No, No he didn't need to know at all.
“...It's been fine.”
{ @switchxd I AM SO SORRY }
51 notes · View notes
switchxd · 4 years
“So...” XD gently grabbed hold of Dream’s wrists, holding them far above his head, both to prevent him from moving away and to give himself access to a few more potential tickle spots. He gently raked his nails up and down Dream’s arm, just barely avoiding his armpits for now. “Can... arms be a ticklish spot?” He inquired, tilting his head to the side as he scanned Dream’s expression. Though it was difficult to tell exactly what he was doing from his all-white eyes.
{ @switchxd }
“Dream,” XD called, the invis effect gradually fading away to reveal the protector floating in mid-air while sitting in a cross-legged position. He tilted his head to the side, causing his hood to fall down as he slowly advanced toward his lookalike. “Has everything in the server been going OK?”
Well, it was his job to make sure of that, after all.
{ holy shit I never saw this and I have no idea how old it is im so sorry-}
Dream blinked as he heard a voice that sounded very close to his own, he glanced behind him before remembering, oh.
He let out a small sigh, crossing his arms as he stared at the ground. Was the server okay? No, did XD need to know that due to his own chaos and unstable mind, an egg was forming to fucking murder everyone on his watch?
No, No he didn't need to know at all.
“...It's been fine.”
{ @switchxd I AM SO SORRY }
51 notes · View notes
switchxd · 4 years
XD’s fingers slowed for a moment as he processed Dream’s response, despite being a God he was rather slow when it came to comprehending things. They then sped back up again as the cogs in his brain began to turn once more, finding himself even more infatuated with this whole “tickling” thing than he was before. “Everywhere?” he echoed, the curiosity clear as day in his voice. Uh oh. Now he’s intrigued.
“Can you give me your arms?” He asked, the innocent tone in his voice rather deceiving considering the plan he had set out for his brother. Though it wasn’t as if he was trying to be “sneaky”. He was just eager.
{ @switchxd }
“Dream,” XD called, the invis effect gradually fading away to reveal the protector floating in mid-air while sitting in a cross-legged position. He tilted his head to the side, causing his hood to fall down as he slowly advanced toward his lookalike. “Has everything in the server been going OK?”
Well, it was his job to make sure of that, after all.
{ holy shit I never saw this and I have no idea how old it is im so sorry-}
Dream blinked as he heard a voice that sounded very close to his own, he glanced behind him before remembering, oh.
He let out a small sigh, crossing his arms as he stared at the ground. Was the server okay? No, did XD need to know that due to his own chaos and unstable mind, an egg was forming to fucking murder everyone on his watch?
No, No he didn't need to know at all.
“...It's been fine.”
{ @switchxd I AM SO SORRY }
51 notes · View notes
switchxd · 4 years
XD’s face steadily kept it’s neutral expression, only broken when his lips quirked upwards into a tiny smirk. That seems to be the closest to a smile he’ll allow himself to show people with his mask off, which is generous by itself. “Can’t help myself,” he said. It came off as an excuse but it was somewhat true, he’s a curious person and he didn’t know ticklish backs were a thing. It’s all just for science. “And don’t give me that look.”
The light tracing slowly evolved into gentle scratches as he explored Dream’s back. He treated this as you would an experiment, he was thorough and never left any of his back untouched, but he was still very soft with every touch. “Where else can people be ticklish...?”
{ @switchxd }
“Dream,” XD called, the invis effect gradually fading away to reveal the protector floating in mid-air while sitting in a cross-legged position. He tilted his head to the side, causing his hood to fall down as he slowly advanced toward his lookalike. “Has everything in the server been going OK?”
Well, it was his job to make sure of that, after all.
{ holy shit I never saw this and I have no idea how old it is im so sorry-}
Dream blinked as he heard a voice that sounded very close to his own, he glanced behind him before remembering, oh.
He let out a small sigh, crossing his arms as he stared at the ground. Was the server okay? No, did XD need to know that due to his own chaos and unstable mind, an egg was forming to fucking murder everyone on his watch?
No, No he didn't need to know at all.
“...It's been fine.”
{ @switchxd I AM SO SORRY }
51 notes · View notes
switchxd · 4 years
“Shhh...” XD hushed him, shifting his position to allow Dream a more comfortable way of resting against him. The protector had been touched more today than he had been almost his entire life, and although the affection was strange and foreign, it was welcomed. “No more ‘thank you’s. You deserve someone to be there for you.”
It didn’t take long for XD to catch on to Dream’s squirming. It also didn’t take a genius to put the pieces together almost instantly. He barely knew what tickling was—it was introduced to him not too long ago—but it was still a surprise to him that the back could be a ‘sensitive’ spot. He kept quiet, simply increasing the speed of the tracing, keeping a close eye on the reactions he received.
{ @switchxd }
“Dream,” XD called, the invis effect gradually fading away to reveal the protector floating in mid-air while sitting in a cross-legged position. He tilted his head to the side, causing his hood to fall down as he slowly advanced toward his lookalike. “Has everything in the server been going OK?”
Well, it was his job to make sure of that, after all.
{ holy shit I never saw this and I have no idea how old it is im so sorry-}
Dream blinked as he heard a voice that sounded very close to his own, he glanced behind him before remembering, oh.
He let out a small sigh, crossing his arms as he stared at the ground. Was the server okay? No, did XD need to know that due to his own chaos and unstable mind, an egg was forming to fucking murder everyone on his watch?
No, No he didn't need to know at all.
“...It's been fine.”
{ @switchxd I AM SO SORRY }
51 notes · View notes
switchxd · 4 years
XD was never the type to be “emotionally connected” with people. He found relating to others and recignising their pain difficult, and had trouble empathising. That doesn’t mean he would never try—he’d tried and failed several times—but after a good while he accepted that he just wasn’t good with emotions. But this time, he felt as if he could somehow feel Dream’s hurt. And he was torn between being incredibly thankful for this, and wanting to go back to being completely oblivious.
“You don’t need to thank me,” XD reassured, gliding his fingers up and down Dream’s back in order to offer him some more comfort. “I’ll always be here.” And he meant that literally. It wasn’t as if he could just leave. At least, not anymore.
{ @switchxd }
“Dream,” XD called, the invis effect gradually fading away to reveal the protector floating in mid-air while sitting in a cross-legged position. He tilted his head to the side, causing his hood to fall down as he slowly advanced toward his lookalike. “Has everything in the server been going OK?”
Well, it was his job to make sure of that, after all.
{ holy shit I never saw this and I have no idea how old it is im so sorry-}
Dream blinked as he heard a voice that sounded very close to his own, he glanced behind him before remembering, oh.
He let out a small sigh, crossing his arms as he stared at the ground. Was the server okay? No, did XD need to know that due to his own chaos and unstable mind, an egg was forming to fucking murder everyone on his watch?
No, No he didn't need to know at all.
“...It's been fine.”
{ @switchxd I AM SO SORRY }
51 notes · View notes
switchxd · 4 years
“No,” he repeated himself, this time a little more sternly. XD never thought of himself as “better” than anyone. He may accidentally come off as a little prideful at times, but all he saw himself as was a protector. A protector of people he thought deserved better than he did. “Neither of us are perfect, and neither of us are any better than each other. I don’t care what you’ve done or what I’m capable of—we’re still equals. We’re still... brothers,” that didn’t roll of the tongue easily for him. He was never really open to the idea of having a family, but somehow, thinking of Dream as his brother was different. It was a nice thought.
After a few moments of silence, he figured it would be best for Dream to see his face too. As a show of trust. He wanted Dream to believe him whenever he says he trusts him, when he said he thought of them as equals. So he reached up, pulling aside his mask and revealing his glowing white eyes. “Do you... uhm,” he began awkwardly. “...want another hug?”
{ @switchxd }
“Dream,” XD called, the invis effect gradually fading away to reveal the protector floating in mid-air while sitting in a cross-legged position. He tilted his head to the side, causing his hood to fall down as he slowly advanced toward his lookalike. “Has everything in the server been going OK?”
Well, it was his job to make sure of that, after all.
{ holy shit I never saw this and I have no idea how old it is im so sorry-}
Dream blinked as he heard a voice that sounded very close to his own, he glanced behind him before remembering, oh.
He let out a small sigh, crossing his arms as he stared at the ground. Was the server okay? No, did XD need to know that due to his own chaos and unstable mind, an egg was forming to fucking murder everyone on his watch?
No, No he didn't need to know at all.
“...It's been fine.”
{ @switchxd I AM SO SORRY }
51 notes · View notes
switchxd · 4 years
XD sighed at Dream’s comment, slowly reaching out his gloved hands and staring down at them for a moment. His expression remained unreadable, even behind the mask, but it was easy to tell he was deep in thought. He then snapped back into reality, gliding over next to Dream and taking a seat, pulling his legs up to sit cross-legged.
“...no,” he shook his head, awkwardly flumbling with his hands. The God had many regrets in life. Most of which he can no longer fix due to the curse of his immortality. But those mistakes stuck with him, and will stay with him for as long as he lives. “That isn’t true.”
{ @switchxd }
“Dream,” XD called, the invis effect gradually fading away to reveal the protector floating in mid-air while sitting in a cross-legged position. He tilted his head to the side, causing his hood to fall down as he slowly advanced toward his lookalike. “Has everything in the server been going OK?”
Well, it was his job to make sure of that, after all.
{ holy shit I never saw this and I have no idea how old it is im so sorry-}
Dream blinked as he heard a voice that sounded very close to his own, he glanced behind him before remembering, oh.
He let out a small sigh, crossing his arms as he stared at the ground. Was the server okay? No, did XD need to know that due to his own chaos and unstable mind, an egg was forming to fucking murder everyone on his watch?
No, No he didn't need to know at all.
“...It's been fine.”
{ @switchxd I AM SO SORRY }
51 notes · View notes
switchxd · 4 years
XD shook his head, much to his own dismay. “...but I can find out,” he said, hoping to lighten the mood a little. He’d learned quite a lot about the vines and weeds that were growing from this supposed “egg”, he knew how quickly they grew, he knew the effect they could have on people, and he knew how much of a complete nuisance they were. “I know a bit about the weeds that ‘thing’ produces, if that is helpful to you at all.”
{ @switchxd }
“Dream,” XD called, the invis effect gradually fading away to reveal the protector floating in mid-air while sitting in a cross-legged position. He tilted his head to the side, causing his hood to fall down as he slowly advanced toward his lookalike. “Has everything in the server been going OK?”
Well, it was his job to make sure of that, after all.
{ holy shit I never saw this and I have no idea how old it is im so sorry-}
Dream blinked as he heard a voice that sounded very close to his own, he glanced behind him before remembering, oh.
He let out a small sigh, crossing his arms as he stared at the ground. Was the server okay? No, did XD need to know that due to his own chaos and unstable mind, an egg was forming to fucking murder everyone on his watch?
No, No he didn't need to know at all.
“...It's been fine.”
{ @switchxd I AM SO SORRY }
51 notes · View notes
switchxd · 4 years
XD let Dream pull away from the embrace, kicking his feet off the ground and levitating once again. He could never stand for too long, his legs weren’t used to it. Looking at his clone, he felt a sympathetic look spread across his face, which was unfortunately hidden by the mask. Oh well, he supposed. I’ll have to find some other way to cheer him up.
“Do you know what it says?” XD inquired, the cogs in his head turning as he both listened to what Dream was saying, and tried to think of a way to make him feel... not-so-shitty.
{ @switchxd }
“Dream,” XD called, the invis effect gradually fading away to reveal the protector floating in mid-air while sitting in a cross-legged position. He tilted his head to the side, causing his hood to fall down as he slowly advanced toward his lookalike. “Has everything in the server been going OK?”
Well, it was his job to make sure of that, after all.
{ holy shit I never saw this and I have no idea how old it is im so sorry-}
Dream blinked as he heard a voice that sounded very close to his own, he glanced behind him before remembering, oh.
He let out a small sigh, crossing his arms as he stared at the ground. Was the server okay? No, did XD need to know that due to his own chaos and unstable mind, an egg was forming to fucking murder everyone on his watch?
No, No he didn't need to know at all.
“...It's been fine.”
{ @switchxd I AM SO SORRY }
51 notes · View notes
switchxd · 4 years
XD never wanted to leave him. But he felt as if he had to. Apart of him always knew that, if he was the only one with access to creative mode in an anarchist server, things would grow sour. And fast. And so he resorted to the only other option he could think of which would still leave him with oppurtunities to meet and talk with his... his brother. And hey, at least with this role he plays, his powers are actually useful for something, right?
He remained silent for a moment, processing what Dream had said. Confusing, but not the worst thing he’d seen in his many years of immortality. “Did the red weeds come from this device?”
{ @switchxd }
“Dream,” XD called, the invis effect gradually fading away to reveal the protector floating in mid-air while sitting in a cross-legged position. He tilted his head to the side, causing his hood to fall down as he slowly advanced toward his lookalike. “Has everything in the server been going OK?”
Well, it was his job to make sure of that, after all.
{ holy shit I never saw this and I have no idea how old it is im so sorry-}
Dream blinked as he heard a voice that sounded very close to his own, he glanced behind him before remembering, oh.
He let out a small sigh, crossing his arms as he stared at the ground. Was the server okay? No, did XD need to know that due to his own chaos and unstable mind, an egg was forming to fucking murder everyone on his watch?
No, No he didn't need to know at all.
“...It's been fine.”
{ @switchxd I AM SO SORRY }
51 notes · View notes
switchxd · 4 years
XD let out an almost inaudible gasp as he was pulled into a hug, though it didn’t take long at all for him to melt into the touch. If Dream wanted attention—he was gonna give him attention. Only problem is that XD didn’t exactly know how to respond to this at first. He made a few awkward, unsure gestures with his hands, before slowly reaching forward and finally returning the hug, lowering himself onto the ground and softly running his hands through his clone’s hair. Comfort was the best way to go about this, right?
“...and I have all day to listen to it.”
{ @switchxd }
“Dream,” XD called, the invis effect gradually fading away to reveal the protector floating in mid-air while sitting in a cross-legged position. He tilted his head to the side, causing his hood to fall down as he slowly advanced toward his lookalike. “Has everything in the server been going OK?”
Well, it was his job to make sure of that, after all.
{ holy shit I never saw this and I have no idea how old it is im so sorry-}
Dream blinked as he heard a voice that sounded very close to his own, he glanced behind him before remembering, oh.
He let out a small sigh, crossing his arms as he stared at the ground. Was the server okay? No, did XD need to know that due to his own chaos and unstable mind, an egg was forming to fucking murder everyone on his watch?
No, No he didn't need to know at all.
“...It's been fine.”
{ @switchxd I AM SO SORRY }
51 notes · View notes
switchxd · 4 years
This has been sitting in my inbox for 16 days now.
Well deserved too, considering it’s such a blatant lie.
0 notes
switchxd · 4 years
XD may not seem like it at times—but he’s an observant man. He picked up on the small sigh and the slight hesitation Dream showed towards answering the question, and frowned. He’s lying.
“Remember it’s my job to make sure everything is running smoothly,” he said, trying to inadvertently coax Dream into telling him the truth. But it wasn’t as if he was going to force him, that’s not what XD was about at all. If he wasn’t going to be honest with him then fine. It wasn’t as if he could do anything about that. “Let me know if anything goes awry.”
{ No worries! I gave a late response too :) }
{ @switchxd }
“Dream,” XD called, the invis effect gradually fading away to reveal the protector floating in mid-air while sitting in a cross-legged position. He tilted his head to the side, causing his hood to fall down as he slowly advanced toward his lookalike. “Has everything in the server been going OK?”
Well, it was his job to make sure of that, after all.
{ holy shit I never saw this and I have no idea how old it is im so sorry-}
Dream blinked as he heard a voice that sounded very close to his own, he glanced behind him before remembering, oh.
He let out a small sigh, crossing his arms as he stared at the ground. Was the server okay? No, did XD need to know that due to his own chaos and unstable mind, an egg was forming to fucking murder everyone on his watch?
No, No he didn't need to know at all.
“...It's been fine.”
{ @switchxd I AM SO SORRY }
51 notes · View notes