swordstance · 3 months
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She had to think about what the difference between a black hole and a quasi-black hole was, but once she figured it out, she figured it wasn't really important, as long as it was safe. She huffed out a bit, hands on her hips, though she grinned a little. "No worries, I'm definitely not touching that," she said, her grin turning into a grimace as she pictured herself being swallowed into a quasi-black hole. Not fun.
But there was no way she, a Cloud Knight, would feel sick and make Welt have to change his battle approach! "No no, we can proceed as usual, Mr. Yang, I'm fine!" she insisted.
Welt then held up a gear and circuits and asked her if anything looked strange and.... Sushang's expression went blank. She knew nothing about technology besides like... cell phones. She was good with phone. "Uh... it looks... fine?" she said. Quick, come up with something useful Sushang!
"Maybe the automatons attacked us because they're being controlled by the Medicus, but I wouldn't be able to tell that, sorry," she said, hanging her head.
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“Quasi-black hole, but yes. It’s safe—though I still wouldn’t suggest trying to touch the cane or getting too close.” He had hoped to avoid its use for now, but apparently the Medicus had different ideas in mind. Well... he’ll be fine. 
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“And if you begin to feel sudden changes in pressure or sick, please let me know immediately and we’ll think of a different plan of approach.” It felt like the smartest bit of advice Welt could offer, picking up a stray gear and bit of circuitry to give it a good scrutinizing look over. No signs of weld tampering, but then again it wasn’t like he was that familiar with the engineering on the ship. 
“It’s the least we can do as guests, Miss Sushang—though speaking of, does there appear to be anything strange to this to you?” He held the piece up and pointed. “It’s not much to look over, but even a little bit might give us an idea to why these automatons attacked us.” 
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swordstance · 3 months
Starter for @starlighttrain
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She sees him out of the corner of her eye. At first, she's not sure it's him. Then he turns around and she's shouting: "Silent but deadly! Dan Heng!" Waving wildly in his direction, she doesn't care if people are staring as she sprints toward him, careful not to hit anyone with the too-long sword strapped to her.
She comes to a screeching halt in front of him. "You're back! I heard... rumors of something crazy happening in the Asdana -- that you were involved in? Are they true?"
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swordstance · 3 months
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Wait, wait, wait. Excuse me? Sushang thought. What was that?
Was that what she thought it was? A black hole?!
I think that was the last of them, he says casually, after whipping out a literal black hole.
"Hang on," Sushang said, putting her hands out. "I heard rumors, but was that a black hole you just popped out of your cane?" She took a step back, sword tip on the ground as she leaned against it. "Okay, Sushang, focus. Yes, coming from this part of town, Mr. Yang, sir. Thank you for the Nameless' help!"
Phew. Good recovery.
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@swordstance - smol starter!
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The fizzle of the star cracked in his ears and the deeper pit of his mind, watching the remaining sparks of dark matter consume inward before what remained of the automatons fell to the ground. Huh, maybe he really was losing his touch after all this time. Usually no evidence was left with 10000g force... 
“I think that was the last of them.” Hopefully so, he could feel the familiar gravitational pressure already. Damn it, well, so much for providing productive help. “Miss... were you absolutely sure the remnants were coming from this part of the Luofu?” 
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swordstance · 3 months
renewing my starter call :) hit that like if you want a smol thing!
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swordstance · 3 months
trying to figure out where my google docs are so i can make them accessible...
// I'm sorry I was gone for so long, but I was trying to finish all the new story quests so I didn't get spoiled! I'm finally done!
And I think I'm going to make a Robin sideblog, unsure yet :3
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swordstance · 3 months
// I'm sorry I was gone for so long, but I was trying to finish all the new story quests so I didn't get spoiled! I'm finally done!
And I think I'm going to make a Robin sideblog, unsure yet :3
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swordstance · 4 months
starter for @stardustaces
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"Kyu, Kyu!" Sushang runs up to her, grabbing each of her shoulders with both hands. "You have to help me!" From the panicked expression in her eyes, and the way she's breathing heavily, it seems to be an emergency.
However, once she's gathered enough air in her lungs to get what's happened out...
"I fell asleep and totally missed my shift! I'm in big trouble!" Maybe she should back up, she reflects, so she's not shouting in her friend's face. She does this, taking a step back. "Can you maybe... talk to my supervisor? Smooth things over? They're big fans of yours, you know?"
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swordstance · 4 months
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"Happy mother's day to my mother! She's on the Xianzhou Yaoqing, and I'm on duty so I can't see her. So tonight I'm lifting up a lantern in her honor!" A pause. "And I'll call her..."
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swordstance · 5 months
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sneaks in here and offers up one (1) starter call! Like the post if you want a starter!
I may approach you in DMs with an idea as well if you like the post! :3
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swordstance · 5 months
*         send   META   +   a   word   ,   a   name   ,   or   phrase   and   i   will   write   a   head  canon   based   off   of   this   !!!  
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swordstance · 5 months
It's me, by the way, May of @bladedhunter!
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swordstance · 5 months
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Li Sushang grew up with two loving, if slightly oppressive, parents with high expectations. They always wanted her to be focused, strong, smart, and high-achieving, but Sushang, even though she wanted to be a renowned Cloud Knight, has always been a little easily distracted by stories and having fun – but this is natural for a child. Still, with a propensity for helping others in need, she did well enough to be accepted into the Cloud Knights at age 15. Her parents always wanted her to become a Cloud Knight, and Sushang is lucky she wanted to be one, too.
As a new Cloud Knight from the Xianzhou Yaoqing, Sushang wields her family’s greatsword (which is very heavy and tends to unbalance her sometimes at the start, but she’s still very good at using it). She’s whimsical and bad at writing and reading, as her parents like to remind her. But she’s also kind and energetic, and at 15 years old, she's eager to adapt and learn about people and make friends.
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