sxinthunter · 9 years
Person A is a photographer either on their own or with a magazine/some other company. Person B is a model, aspiring or not. Bonus: The pictures boost both their careers (and maybe their love relationships.) Sexy Bonus: Person A works for a porn magazine and wants to get B to model. OT3 Bonus: Person C is the editor.
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sxinthunter · 9 years
[ ♛ ]  “I better look good with grey hair, being on the police force isn’t like some desk job.” There was too much stress, Eren would say, but then again Eren was prone to becoming more easily irritated as time went on with his job. Even if with the downsides to being a cop, there was always going to be the upsides. He was considered a hero around the town, much like the other officers, and it was rewarding to leave a scene with a good resolve.       “Yeah.” Eren let his hands finally fall, and take hold of Marco’s to bring him back out into the living room. His niece immediately came sprinting over to Eren, holding onto his legs with an almost iron grip. “I’m okay Renee, do you want to go sit down and wait for dinner?”
❝Baker’s Dozen❞ ||Closed w/ sxinthunter||
     “You’ll definitely look good with grey hair.” He smiled and brushed his fingers through Eren’s hair, his cheeks warming up as Eren spoke again. “Me too.” The freckled male hugged his boyfriend and spun him around a few times. “Okay, are you ready to go back out?” Marco smiled and cupped the other’s cheeks, squeezing them together a little. 
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sxinthunter · 9 years
Imagine your OTP in their first year at uni. Person A is a musical theatre enthusiast, but a very bad dancer - they injured themselves so severely on their first day of ballet class that they had to be withdrawn from the course and placed into a tech class, where they meet Person B, who is the kind of student actor that “sits in the corner smoking and reading Chekhov.”  Bonus points if they reunite on Broadway years later.  Bonus, bonus points if they have their first kiss at an opening night/awards show party.  If OT3, Person 3 can come in at any stage (classmate? Broadway costar? first meeting at party? You decide.)
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sxinthunter · 9 years
[ ♛ ]  It was clear that Eren was uncomfortable with the fact that his best friend of all people was his soulmate, and that the sign had to come at the absolute worst of times. He was on the edge of losing his job, his home due to poor financial issues, and on top of those two things, he thought of Armin as apart of family. They acted like a couple sometimes with the late night movie cuddles they shared, and the long drawn out hugs as well, but he had never really thought of Armin as anything farther than that! 
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    There was a silence that lingered in the air between the two, with Eren staring off to the side, his arms crossed over another. “I didn’t mean it in a bad way, Armin...” He sighed, and finally faced towards his friend. “I have a lot on my plate right now, you of all people should know... Just give me some time to think about this whole thing, okay?”
[ ♛ ] "This mark, it appeared this morning. I don't want it - I. Don't. Want. It." [sxinthunter]
“I…oh…” As Armin’s eyes looked down at his arm, she instantly recognized it. It was the same mark that had appeared just as mysteriously on her arm as well this morning. She knew what it meant, but never had she imagined that Eren was her other half with the matching mark. It wasn’t that she was opposed to it, but now that he expressed such dislike for it, she started to feel negative toward it. Even though they were soulmates, that didn’t mean anything could be forced. “Well…you don’t have to do anything about it. You could just ignore it.” What was the point of having a soulmate if you were unhappy?
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sxinthunter · 9 years
But what about an ereri au where Eren follows in his dad’s footsteps and becomes a doctor and starts a non profit clinic and Levi is part of some deep underground mafia and one day he gets banged up and ends up having to go to the clinic because it is the only one that doesn’t require any identification (in order to serve the poor who do not have insurance) only to get seen by Eren Jaeger who is so concerned because ‘wHY DID YOU NOT GO TO THE ER OMG YOU’VE BEEN SHOT’ but Levi’s too concerned with trying to win Eren over with these terrible pickup lines ‘did you fart because you’re blowing me away’ and Eren is just trying to make sure Levi doesn’t bled out and finally Levi is able to be sent home only to return the next day with another injury and Eren just cannot believe because- ‘JESUS CHRIST IS THAT A FUCKING GUN IN YOUR PANTS????’ and Levi can finally use the line: ‘no I’m just happy to see you’ (but spoiler there is really a gun in his pants)
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sxinthunter · 9 years
                    Jacksepticeye Sentence Starters!                                            (Some NSFW)
Typical conversation starters:
 "Don’t trust anyone, because everybody is a douchebag.“
“That shit is so deep, Adele could roll in it.”
“That’s not even a word, I’m making up words now, just to describe
how terrible my life is!”
“I have no idea what I’m doing…”
“Mama’s pissed right now…”
“I wish I could crush my neighbors with a wall…”  
“I don’t know why, but why the fuck not?”
“Look at the shadow…that is terrifying.”
“Don’t say things you’ll regret…don’t say things people can make fun of you over.”
“Oh, that is kinda clever…also kinda annoying.” 
“I demand wine. Wine!”
“Shh, no tears, only dreams now.”
“Something’s up, I can tell.”
“I’m complementing you, not trying to get into your pants…”
“ I’ve been eating pretzels, they’re so good. Have you ever just opened a bag of salty pretzels and you can’t stop eating them? They’re sooooo good. I want to make love to them…you heard nothing!”
“I actually don’t like seeing you that happy, could you be a little sadder, please?”
“I can barley hear you over the sound of how dead you are!”
“Could you just stop for five fucking minutes?” 
“All I did was kiss your wife…”
“You son of a dick!’
“Go fuck yourself!”
“Go stick your head in a dick!”
“Die, you mother fucker!”
“That’s bull to the shit!“
“I don’t like five, five can go to hell.”
“Shut up, I’m talking!”
“Hey! Wake up so I can kill you!”
“Oh yeah, that’s great….I’m so happy you’re talking to me…”
“Here take the phone, it’s your physiatrist, he says you’re an annoying asshole.”
 "Rome wasn’t built in a day…and neither were babies.“ 
“Do you mind if I fap?”
“They’re doing the hover hug.” “___, you lookin’ good!”
“You guys need a sex swing.”
“I’ll finger you, see what happens…”
“Did you get that sweet goat ass?”
“That’s a boy…stop humping the ground.”
“Is this an erotic statue of two men mud wrestling?”
“Should I slap the girl on the ass when she comes out?”
“Why don’t you take me out to dinner first, before you decide to fuck me?!”
“I’m getting smacked with my own snake!”
“Look at these plus-one biceps!”
“I’m a pretty little flower!���    “Oh, Jesus Christ, I do have the force!”
“That shouldn’t have worked, but it did.”
“I like it, how you can see through all the windows.“ 
“I came here for the same reason people go to the zoo.”
“That is a nice cauldron, a very fucking nice cauldron…”
“So…how you creepy bastards doin’?”
“This is not gonna be my first time in the bathroom with a goat in my lifetime, and last time was just as fucking magical.“ 
“You guys are yelling and I want ice cream!”
“Um…hello? Yeah, I’m here with two crazy people. Please get me out of here!”
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sxinthunter · 9 years
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heeeeeey I haven’t bothered you? mmmmmmmmmmm MORE EREN M ORE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE
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sxinthunter · 9 years
      [ ♛ ]  The topic of teaching archery... It was something Eren thought he never would have to talk about until he had his own kids that he would need to teach just like his father had. Those lessons almost permanently etched into his brain. “I don’t see why not.” There wasn’t any harm in doing it.       Eren quickly ate what he could of the tart, and kicked away his apple into the lake for the fish to peck at. Up on his feet, his pants were dusted off from the crumbs of the tart. “I’ll have you shooting at the ground, that way it’s easy to recover.” Eren remembered when his father had taught him to shoot at a tree, and half of the arrows that had been taken out that day were yards away in either direction of the tree. 
Witch ➝ half-the-freckles
     Marco watched as the stranger took a bite of the tart, and he could already tell Eren loved it. “Thank you, it’s my mom recipe.” He giggles and takes a bite of his own tart, humming softly as he chews. The freckled witch couldn’t help but to watch Eren from the corner of his eye, a small smile on his face. He isn’t so bad… and I suppose he doesn’t know I’m a witch, lucky me. Marco thought, slowly enjoying his tart. 
     “Could you teach me how to do archery?” The brunet suddenly brought up, looking over at his companion. 
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sxinthunter · 9 years
     [ ♛ ]  “Thanks.” Eren took a set down next to Marco, smiling when he was handed the lemon tart. “Homemade? They smell good.” The apple that had been shot down was placed onto the blanket that had been laid out, keeping it within his sights. Those damn ants tended to take his food away when he set them down for just one minute. “My father taught me, we have this huge line of archers in our family, so it comes naturally.”      The hunter took a small piece of the tart, and eating it, almost feeling it melt in his mouth. It was definitely homemade. “Mm, it’s really good.”
Witch ➝ half-the-freckles
     “I come here all the time.” Marco smiled and watched as Eren glanced around before pulling his bow and arrow out. Raising a brow, Marco turned his head to see what the other was pointing at, spotting a plump apple hanging from the branch. Can he shoot that? It’s so far away… Marco thought, but was quickly answered when the arrow hit the tree with a thuck! Turning to look at the man, the witch smiled and sat up a little. “Impressive…” He said, taking out a lemon tart from the basket to hand to Eren. 
     “You’re really good with that bow, who taught you?” The freckled male placed his hands on his thighs, hands and arms covered with intricate patterns of henna. 
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sxinthunter · 9 years
    [ ♛ ]   “My hair is already going gray, what are you talking about?” Near the back of Eren’s scalp did he have a few gray hairs growing in. He’d blame it on the stress of the police force, and other life stresses, but mainly being apart of the police. “I think I’ll look good with gray hair.”       Eren brought his head out from the crook of his boyfriends neck, smiling up towards the other. “I know we’ve only been dating for a short while, but in all honesty, I’m ready for us to move forward whenever you are.” Together they both had enough money to pay for an apartment room, and to have enough to spend on whatever they wanted on a weekly basis. 
❝Baker’s Dozen❞ ||Closed w/ sxinthunter||
     Marco hugged Eren close, a hand raising and resting on Eren’s strong upper back. “That’s good.” He chuckled lightly, and blushed a little before kissing the top of Eren’s head. “You’re amazing too… I’d say yes in a heartbeat.” The freckled male almost said in a whisper, resting his chin on top of Eren’s head, then closed his eyes and chuckled quietly. 
     The taller of the two just thought it was amazing that they both wanted to marry each other, even if they’ve been dating for just a few months. The two men had such a strong connection, they understood each other, they found comfort in one another. It was so perfect, and Marco never wanted it to go away. 
     “I’ll still love you even when your hair goes grey.” 
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sxinthunter · 9 years
     [ ♛ ]  A whine was released when the two broke away from their kiss, almost addicted to Marco’s lips at this point.       “A lot better.” Eren tried to stay as close as he could to Marco, listening to the other’s panting breath, and feeling his boyfriend’s chest rising and falling against his own. “You’re amazing, Marco.” It was difficult for Eren to not get down onto one knee right at that moment and propose to Marco, he loved this man with all his heart, and knew that wasn’t ever going to change. It wouldn’t change in a year, ten years, or fifty years.       The brunet rested his head down onto Marco’s shoulder, beginning to sway slowly with the other. “I’m going to marry you someday...”
❝Baker’s Dozen❞ ||Closed w/ sxinthunter||
     Chuckling lightly, Marco wrapped his arms around Eren’s waist and kissed him back. “I love you too, Eren. Always will, baby.” He pressed his lips to his boyfriend’s after he said that, humming softly as they stood there. This had to be one of the best Christmases Marco has had, his family was so caring, and Eren’s little niece was too adorable for her own good. A small part of Marco even wanted a kid because of Renee. 
     The two men kissed for a few minutes before finally pulling away so Marco could take a breath. “That was sweet of you, Eren.” The freckled male complimented, tapping the other’s butt which had been resting on Eren’s lower back while they made out. “How are you feeling, baby?” 
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sxinthunter · 9 years
   [ ♛ ]  Eren took Marco’s hand as the other stood, using the other to help his wobbling legs stabilize. It was incredible how quickly Eren was brought out from his episode, and how relaxed he felt. His muscles normally would have been so tight and tense that out stretching his arms almost became impossible. It was all thanks to Marco.      The officer looked up towards his boyfriend, smiling kindly. “I love you so much.” He whispered, and brought the other down to place a kiss onto his lips. “Stay here...” Eren mumbled, pressing into the other’s lips a bit more. I want to marry him. 
❝Baker’s Dozen❞ ||Closed w/ sxinthunter||
     Once Eren’s family had walked away, Marco smiled when Eren looked up at him, still holding his shorter boyfriend. “It’s alright, Eren. My uncle has PTSD too, so when I saw you I knew what was going on.” He cupped the brunet’s face and pecked a kiss to his lips. The freckled male was glad that Eren felt better, and was even happier it wasn’t a violent episode. Marco had to witness lots of those with his uncle. 
     Smiling again, Marco stood up and held Eren’s hand. “Ready to go back out? We can eat some delicious food and watch christmas movies.” He chuckled, waiting for Eren to stand up on his own. Now knowing that his boyfriend has PTSD, the freckled male was even better prepared if he ever had another episode at home, or on one of their dates. 
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sxinthunter · 9 years
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Read the rest of the comic here -> part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, x —– Just one more comic and we’re done~! Last part will be uploaded some time next week :) I hope everyone is enjoying this little series ;w;  oh and im sorry
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sxinthunter · 9 years
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   [ ♛ ]  “I’m not a child! I know exactly what’s going on, Levi. You and everyone else in the Corps treat me like I’m some five year old, always looking after me, and keeping me locked up. I don’t need to be treated like a baby! No one sits and just listens to me, my opinion means nothing!”
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    “ … ‘You people’?” Wow. Fucking wow. “You’re either on their side, or our side. And I sure as hell think you’d prefer being on the side I’m not going to decimate one’a’these days, hm? Check yourself, Eren, before I give you another lesson in discipline. This is far more intricate than your childish mind can imagine and right now, you are the Corp’s top priority. So go learn some patience and humility before I treat you like a dog and force it upon you.”
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sxinthunter · 9 years
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    [ ♛ ]  “I really don’t know what to think.” It was a lot to take in. The two had known each other for maybe years, and suddenly different feelings were beginning to be confessed. If he didn’t hadn’t Marco’s emotions correctly, their whole friendship could blow up in his face. “I’m flattered, I really am, Marco.” This was harder than he thought.      Eren sat staring over towards his friend, trying to catch any sort of premature reaction out of him, but there was nothing. “I can’t say that I accept your feelings, but I’m not denying them either. I don’t know what I want right now, Marco.”
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     Marco looked away and hugged himself, the two boys were sitting outside and it was beginning to get colder. “Y-Yes… what do you uh think?” The freckled male glanced towards Eren with a light blush on his cheeks.” 
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sxinthunter · 9 years
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  [ ♛ ]  As he stared at the ground, a blank expression adorned his features. No emotions hidden behind his emerald eyes, his lips pressed tightly together as he sat hunched. “So that’s how you really feel?” He asked, partly muffled by the sleeve of his sweater. 
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sxinthunter · 9 years
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I had to…
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