sxxpremacist · 7 years
                 It was as though the mere thought of her scent alone triggered his senses to work again as he found himself besieged by it once more. The pureblood closed his eyes, his chin raised slightly upwards, and inhaled deeply, drinking in her fragrance that was uniquely her own, sweetly hers, as distinctive as magical signatures. He wanted to reach out for it, to possess it, to capture it,  HER,  but no —- he refuse to be so barbaric, that was the way of Gryffindors. There were other ways to bend silver, for example, apart from sheer force;  PATIENCE,  HEAT,  TALENT, and make no mistake, Miss Granger will bend for him.
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sxxpremacist · 7 years
I’m a jealous person. If you smile at someone else, laugh at someone else, talk to someone else, if you even look at someone else I’m going to lose it. But if you purposely try to make me jealous I won’t EVER give you the satisfaction of seeing me squirm.
Anonymous (via deadlythoughts-worseactions)
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sxxpremacist · 7 years
⊱ independent roleplay blog; multiship friendly; semi-selective ⊰
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sxxpremacist · 7 years
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⊱ independent roleplay blog; multiship friendly; semi-selective; 
              ⊱—— [ Hello! Thanks for taking the time to read my rules. A cookie for you! I’ll keep it brief and if I haven’t driven you away yet, feel free to drop me a message. ]
18+. I am twenty-one years old and of age in my country. I will not roleplay smut with underage roleplayers. It is a bit hypocritical of me as I’ve been smutting since I was 15, but times have changed and my bum is on the chopping block.
password. I will not be sending any password. Be assured that if you follow me and/or I follow you, I have read your rules. I expect the same from you.  
no godmodding. The turn off of all turn offs. This will make me drop you like a hot potato.
don’t steal. Icons, headcanons, drabbles, etc. I will put a link down below* for any icons I didn’t make. Take it from the source, not from this blog. 
drama. This blog is a place of comfort for me and if you’re being an arse for ANY reason, I will just straight up block you. I’m not a confrontational person and I’d rather use my energy on things that matter. 
ooc. If you want to plot, I prefer doing it over on the IM. Otherwise, do what you want. I generally talk ooc in tags or post replies. If I were to post something ooc, I will tag it with tbd or ;;mun speaks or ;;mun things
mutuals. As I’m very slow with replies, I will prioritise my mutuals. Anyone can send in an ask/meme and I will likely respond, but this is still my blog and I reserve the right to answer what I want. 
activity/replies. I have college 2 days a week and work 3 days a week that goes from 9 to 5. If you’ve replied, it is most likely in my drafts. You may remind me if you’re not sure, but PLEASE do not badger me.
starter. I’m terrible at whipping out a random starter so I will probably send you a sentence starter meme (or vice versa) and build around that. Don’t expect me to do starter calls too often either.
original muses. I’m sure you are a very good writer and you have an amazing muse, but if you don’t have a bio/about page for them, I am unlikely to follow you back. I am especially wary about OCs related to Lucius, I will probably stalk you for a while before I’ll even think of approaching/following you. With that said, this is still my blog and who I follow is my call and vice versa.
length. I will try to match your length, but if I can’t manage it for whatever reason I will speak to you about it. If that is something offensive to you, then you should not be following me. I love writing, but it does not come naturally to me and takes a bit of pushing -- hence the slow replies. If you find yourself unable to match my length for whatever reason, you can also speak to me and be rest assured that I won’t bite your head off. 
shipping. Lucius x Chemistry all the way. However, I won’t deny that there are certain characters that I ship Lucius with. You are free to ask me about them. but if you’re going to be judgemental and hateful about it, I will block you. I will not suffer such narrow thinking. I am always open to try new ships -- so if you want to ship, just let me know and we can plot. If it works, it works. If not, then it doesn’t. Do not throw a tantrum or I will block you for that as well. 
triggers. I don’t have any triggers, but I will not roleplay gore, animal abuse or underage sex. I will tag any triggering content as such: tw:trigger, ;;tw:trigger. 
smut. NSFW may appear on this blog and they will be tagged as such: tw:nsfw, ;;tw:nsfw. Smut is not a priority for me and I’m only likely to do it if the plot leads to it. Warning: You may cringe.
Lucius Malfoy icons can be found HERE.
Mun FC is Clara Oswald from Doctor Who. 
P.S I look NOTHING like Jenna Louise Coleman lmao
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sxxpremacist · 7 years
                   Lucius froze, towering and imposing past the balcony doors, as he stared at her in silent disbelief, bordering on horrified, & visibly struggling through the process of accepting the evident truth bared before him, and bared she was, indeed, much to the approval of his cock, the truth being that ----------  THAT  glorious scent from earlier, from now, tantalising and maddening, belonged to the mudblood Granger girl. 
                  It was as though the mere thought of her scent alone triggered his senses to work again as he found himself besieged by it once more. The pureblood closed his eyes, his chin raised slightly upwards, and inhaled deeply, drinking in her fragrance that was uniquely her own, sweetly hers, as distinctive as magical signatures. He wanted to reach out for it, to possess it, to capture it,  HER,  but no ---- he refuse to be so barbaric, that was the way of Gryffindors. There were other ways to bend silver, for example, apart from sheer force;  PATIENCE,  HEAT,  TALENT, and make no mistake, Miss Granger will bend for him. 
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                       Her bold attempt to escape prompted the Malfoy patriarch to sidestep in front of her, thrusting his arm across the doorway to block her way. When she stumbled back, however, Lucius almost leaped to catch her before he managed to temper his instinct as soon as her back hit the wall, eyes all wide and petrified. He was perplexed to realised the fear in them brought a slight pang in his chest, something tight and uncomfortable. He decided right then that he didn’t want her to fear him ---- if only to avoid such discomfort. 
                      Her next words threatened to be his undoing, “Y-You’re an a-alpha?”, a simple question, yet her realisation answered all his linger questions. For her to know, to discern, to recognise, could only mean one thing. “----...you can tell?” This time, Lucius dared to approach her. His movements were slow, but sure, small, but purposeful. It was only when he towered her, his chest almost touching hers, that he halted, head tilted to the side as he made an open perusal of her person, tongue darting out to wet his lips at the sight of her. 
                      Oh, how he wanted to devour her. 
                      “You are in heat, Miss Granger.” He made no attempt to conceal the knowing curl of his lips as he made the statement ---- not a question, no, for they both knew better. His hand rose to place his index finger under her chin, moving his thumb to hover over her bottom lip, “I can smell it.” At this, he leaned down to her neck and all but sniffed, then, “It is driving me mad.” came in a breathy whisper, more a comment to himself than for her, followed by a growl he didn’t think he was able to produce. 
                      It was  HER.  She caused this.  
                      Lucius straightened himself once his wit returned to him, but he kept his smirk as he looked down his nose at her, “To come here, in this state, that was incredibly brave of you. Or, perhaps naughty would be a better word. In this dress, no less.” He drawled lazily, then retracted his hand and forced it to stay at his side, “I would advise against going back inside. I am not the only Alpha present and you are clearly unclaimed.” 
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sxxpremacist · 7 years
Seeing Jonsa fans wind themselves up with elaborate theories about why Jon/Dany is a red herring or is going to somehow lead to a Jon/Sansa endgame is kind of hilarious.
A non-canon couple unexpectedly becoming popular is a tale as old as time. I remember back in the heyday of Harry Potter fandom drama, the Harry & Hermione vs. Ron & Hermione debate took place much in the same way. The series itself was *very* clear about where things were headed, and anyone who wasn’t invested in a particular outcome could see it coming from miles away. 
Similarly, to anyone who isn’t an overly invested fangirl trapped in the echo chamber that is tumblr (a.k.a. 99.9% of people who watch Game of Thrones), the show really couldn’t be more clear about which two characters are meant to be romantically involved.  
That’s why the Jonsa vs. Jonerys “debate” is nonsensical. It’s a waste of time. 
Because there is no debate.
This is going to be hard to swallow for a lot of people. But it’s nothing new in fandom. And I empathize with it, to an extent. I know how disappointing it is when you really want to see two characters together, and you’ve spent so much time fantasizing about it and convincing yourself it was going to happen. 
But let me tell you this: no amount of tumblr meta-ing and circiejerking about ~chemistry~ is going to change a single thing on Game of Thrones. 
Jonsa is giving me deja-vu
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sxxpremacist · 7 years
like, i find t*ylor sw*ft as annoying as the next person, but honestly?? tom brought this on himself. everyone and their grandma knows how petty she is and how she uses people for lyrics and shit and still chose to go out with her and wear that ridiculous “i love ts” shirt… i seriously love tom, but i can’t make myself feel too bad for him.
also, if i see someone else saying “when did t*ylor leaned how to dance? she’s slaying!” after seeing those basic white girl moves i’m going to kill a man
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sxxpremacist · 7 years
Jonsa is giving me deja-vu
Seeing Jonsa fans wind themselves up with elaborate theories about why Jon/Dany is a red herring or is going to somehow lead to a Jon/Sansa endgame is kind of hilarious.
A non-canon couple unexpectedly becoming popular is a tale as old as time. I remember back in the heyday of Harry Potter fandom drama, the Harry & Hermione vs. Ron & Hermione debate took place much in the same way. The series itself was *very* clear about where things were headed, and anyone who wasn’t invested in a particular outcome could see it coming from miles away. 
Similarly, to anyone who isn’t an overly invested fangirl trapped in the echo chamber that is tumblr (a.k.a. 99.9% of people who watch Game of Thrones), the show really couldn’t be more clear about which two characters are meant to be romantically involved.  
That’s why the Jonsa vs. Jonerys “debate” is nonsensical. It’s a waste of time. 
Because there is no debate.
This is going to be hard to swallow for a lot of people. But it’s nothing new in fandom. And I empathize with it, to an extent. I know how disappointing it is when you really want to see two characters together, and you’ve spent so much time fantasizing about it and convincing yourself it was going to happen. 
But let me tell you this: no amount of tumblr meta-ing and circiejerking about ~chemistry~ is going to change a single thing on Game of Thrones. 
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sxxpremacist · 7 years
Ohhh, how about Tormund talking to Jon about Dany? We sure saw Tormund was impress with our girl.
Headcanons? Let’s go with headcanons. 
Jon does everything in his power to keep Tormund and Dany from ever being in the same room together because he doesn’t trust Tormund not to recount every single embarrassing thing Jon has ever done and/or make jokes about his ‘pecker’
Tormund has a great deal of respect for Dany, especially after she rescues them. He often asks Jon how the Dragon Queen went for someone like him, when she could have had ‘literally any of the other far more attractive men in the world’
Dany is never quite sure what to make of Tormund but he does make her laugh
Tormund sometimes asks Jon to get in favors with the Queen, like setting up an unsupervised ‘dinner date’ with Brienne of Tarth (she always says no)
Tormund likes to talk about Dany with Jon whenever he can because Jon always gets defensive and he finds it very funny
basically ‘the one weird friend that’s really funny but you don’t necessarily want around in public’
Sorry it’s only a few; I know I got these a while ago and I wanted to finish them up but I’m kind of in a rush. 
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sxxpremacist · 7 years
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I wish the Hound were here. The night of the battle, Sandor Clegane had come to her chambers to take her from the city, but Sansa had refused. Sometimes she lay awake at night, wondering if she’d been wise. She had his stained white cloak hidden in a cedar chest beneath her summer silks. She could not say why she’d kept it. The Hound had turned craven, she heard it said; at the height of the battle, he got so drunk the Imp had to take his men. But Sansa understood. She knew the secret of his burned face. It was only the fire he feared. 
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sxxpremacist · 7 years
Daenerys and Drogo: falls in love after like 3 episodes after he raped her… “not forced”
Robb and Talisa: met, fell in love, and got married within ¾ episodes… “not forced”
Jon and Ygritte: met, fucked, established a relationship within ¾ episodes… “not forced”
Jon and Daenerys: didn’t think much of each other when they first met, over time grew trust one another, in over 6 episodes neither have made a move - only just stared longingly at each other… but that’s considered “forced”.. 😂💀
Anyway Game Of Thrones isn’t a fucking romantic comedy series. It’s not going to spend 9 episodes on the will they or will they not aspect of a relationship and only have them together in the last minute.
You don’t have to like Jonerys. No one is making you like it. But this “forced” argument is utterly ridiculous.
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sxxpremacist · 7 years
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Got Episode Moodboard ➤ The Spoils Of War.
“Flee, you idiot. You fucking idiot.”
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sxxpremacist · 7 years
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relationship moodboard: 1/?
jonerys - jon snow & daenerys targaryen
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sxxpremacist · 7 years
The Point is Not that Dany saved the Day.
This is not Episode 4 where we all are celebrating when Dany went in and fought the Lannister forces. It’s not there for a glorious battle sequence. Episode 6 is not about how Dany can save the day with her dragons. This is why the battle is not something to cheer for. The real suspense here is how the dragons are not really invincible; how easily they can die. How easily it is to die.
The point here is that one of Dany’s beloved children died for the sake of the lives of the people she barely even knew but she wished to protect. The point here is we finally see Dany not as a conqueror or a queen, but a person who lost something she cared about deeply, whom she have every reason to be selfish about, to be selfish for. The point is even though she has every reason to be selfish now, she wasn’t. She didn’t regret.
The point here, is really, this is the very core of her character. She didn’t save the day. She thrives to save.
And I’m done with people who keep belittling her for what she did here because of how powerful she is anyways. How she’s not really putting herself in danger because she has 3 freaking dragons. You know why people expect too much from her? Exactly because we view her as the only one capable, as the only one who has the power to flip the situation. But when she delivers, we just set aside what she did. The very same thing that led us to put her on a pedestal is the very same thing that we use to tear down her heroism.
With many people expecting too much from her, no wonder she is actually insecure about her position. Jon said it best, she’s not deserving of a Queen because of her power or anything, but because of who she really is. It was the best compliment you can give to a Daenerys Targaryen. It’s just of who she really is.
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sxxpremacist · 7 years
omg omg omg what do you reckons gonna happen during the dragon pit scene??? is cersei gonna go on a mad one and insult dany and jon's jus gonna become rage boi again and be like boii that is my queen you're talking to?????
I think Cersei will insult Dany somehow on her status as a monarch or something and Jon will crack his knuckles or something 
We know he will pledge himself to Dany during the showdown
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sxxpremacist · 7 years
This is not Episode 4 where we all are celebrating when Dany went in and fought the Lannister forces. It’s not there for a glorious battle sequence. Episode 6 is not about how Dany can save the day with her dragons. This is why the battle is not something to cheer for. The real suspense here is how the dragons are not really invincible; how easily they can die. How easily it is to die.
The point here is that one of Dany’s beloved children died for the sake of the lives of the people she barely even knew but she wished to protect. The point here is we finally see Dany not as a conqueror or a queen, but a person who lost something she cared about deeply, whom she have every reason to be selfish about, to be selfish for. The point is even though she has every reason to be selfish now, she wasn’t. She didn’t regret.
The point here, is really, this is the very core of her character. She didn’t save the day. She thrives to save.
And I’m done with people who keep belittling her for what she did here because of how powerful she is anyways. How she’s not really putting herself in danger because she has 3 freaking dragons. You know why people expect too much from her? Exactly because we view her as the only one capable, as the only one who has the power to flip the situation. But when she delivers, we just set aside what she did. The very same thing that led us to put her on a pedestal is the very same thing that we use to tear down her heroism.
With many people expecting too much from her, no wonder she is actually insecure about her position. Jon said it best, she’s not deserving of a Queen because of her power or anything, but because of who she really is. It was the best compliment you can give to a Daenerys Targaryen. It’s just of who she really is
The Point is Not that Dany saved the Day.
This is not Episode 4 where we all are celebrating when Dany went in and fought the Lannister forces. It’s not there for a glorious battle sequence. Episode 6 is not about how Dany can save the day with her dragons. This is why the battle is not something to cheer for. The real suspense here is how the dragons are not really invincible; how easily they can die. How easily it is to die.
The point here is that one of Dany’s beloved children died for the sake of the lives of the people she barely even knew but she wished to protect. The point here is we finally see Dany not as a conqueror or a queen, but a person who lost something she cared about deeply, whom she have every reason to be selfish about, to be selfish for. The point is even though she has every reason to be selfish now, she wasn’t. She didn’t regret.
The point here, is really, this is the very core of her character. She didn’t save the day. She thrives to save.
And I’m done with people who keep belittling her for what she did here because of how powerful she is anyways. How she’s not really putting herself in danger because she has 3 freaking dragons. You know why people expect too much from her? Exactly because we view her as the only one capable, as the only one who has the power to flip the situation. But when she delivers, we just set aside what she did. The very same thing that led us to put her on a pedestal is the very same thing that we use to tear down her heroism.
With many people expecting too much from her, no wonder she is actually insecure about her position. Jon said it best, she’s not deserving of a Queen because of her power or anything, but because of who she really is. It was the best compliment you can give to a Daenerys Targaryen. It’s just of who she really is.
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sxxpremacist · 7 years
A male character: "has a character flaw/does a mistake"
The fandom: UwU our son isn't perfect but it's okay! He has time to learn and improve himself!
A female character: "has a character flaw/does a mistake"
The fandom: ugh... when will she stop being so stupid and irritating? can she just disappear?!
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