[The wind howls, echoing endlessly across this barren landscape. It is only interrupted by a few unsteady, crunching steps. Then, after not even a minute, they stop.]
[GHOSTBOO sighs in frustration]
GHOSTBOO: There's no way in hell I'm walking this.
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[The wind howls, echoing endlessly across this barren landscape. It is only interrupted by a few unsteady, crunching steps. Then, after not even a minute, they stop.]
[GHOSTBOO sighs in frustration]
GHOSTBOO: There's no way in hell I'm walking this.
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dichotomy? more like dickotomy. lol.
GHOSTBOO: I hate you.
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Right. Here we go. Just gotta...
[The sound of a car door opening is heard followed by the sound of fabric rustling. GHOSTBOO hisses out a painted sound.]
[Something weakly thuds against the car]
GHOSTBOO: [Audibly pained.] Jesus. Is it really that hard for the universe to cut me some slack?
GHOSTBOO: [Moving as he speaks] It's... Wow. It's just. Still.
GHOSTBOO: I don't think I've ever seen things this quiet before.
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Ok, that's it. I can't stay in this thing anymore.
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ᓭ𝙹⚍ꖎꖎᒷᓭᓭ ᒲ╎リ↸.
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ʖᒷ⊣╎リ: ᓭ.ᓭ.⊣ ᔑᓵℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ∴𝙹.
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saw a post rejecting the soul mind dichotomy in favor of a trichotomy of heart and mind under the soul. What.
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is that what the googol ask meant?
statistically there are probably a lot of Martyns.
ok further information from the thing someone sent me is that he had to "betray people close to him twice" or something like that.
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statistically there are probably a lot of Martyns.
ok further information from the thing someone sent me is that he had to "betray people close to him twice" or something like that.
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google inthelittlewood
isn't it spelled googol
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how was weemble wonker jimble jamble death
can we just move on to figuring out who Martyn is please I'm trying to crack a case
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why aren't you with anyone now? that's sad. don't you have FOMO
please don't say these things to me I just woke up from deaths door I don't understand your sounds
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No information gained. I think I scared them off.
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hey anon do you know who Martyn is
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clarification: I was with people last time I checked but that was a bit ago
wait what?? who are you with??
I'm alone???
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wait what?? who are you with??
I'm alone???
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y'know, I might be feeling like an absolute pile hot garbage right now as I sit here in this humid car that smells like rotting meat, but at least I still have my entertainment.
what in the heck are these people doing with staples these days?
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