sydocs · 7 years
OC; Leo Arce
Full Name: Leo Arce
Age: 16
Gender: Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Gay
Race: Hispanic
Physical Description: Leo is tall and lanky (5'10" and more leg than boy) with tan skin and messy dark brown hair. He has chocolate brown eyes and wears slightly crooked over-sized glasses. His body is splattered with light freckles and tiny moles. He dresses like he somehow got lost in a combination h&m and retro memorabilia store and did what he had to to survive. He constantly carries around a backpack that's a mess of neon colors and is filled with a range of items from cereal bars to a cool rock he found once.
Personality: As Leo has progressed into teenagehood, he's tried more and more to become the "high school coolness personified" type, but he's known his classmates since elementary school and everyone remembers the time he cried while watching "March of the Penguins" in science class in the third grade. He is the definition of "once a dork always a dork" no matter how vehemently he denies it. Despite his strive to be cool, he's still extremely loyal to his best friend Alex and wouldn't leave him if you paid him. They've known each other since diapers and both hold the secret that they both cried while watching “Airbud” despite being 13 at the time, so they're going to be friends for eternity. Leo makes friends easily due to his open friendliness and relaxed attitude. Even with his friendliness and wishes for true popularity, Leo can still be socially awkward. He dreads awkward silence and tries to fill quiet moments as well as he can.
Family: Leo lives with his moms (Alexis and Samantha) and his little sister Jamie. He's close with his moms despite their jobs keeping them busy and is the textbook teasing older brother to Jamie. (She can tease him right back and he's so proud.) He attends every single one of her soccer games and tries to embarrass her at every opportunity. He loves seeing his extended family during the holidays and is always the light of family get-togethers.
Relationships: Leo is closest to his friend Alex, but he has several other people he considers actual friends. (He has a lot of people he knows but fewer hes close to.) When not hanging out with Leo, he can usually be found with various skate park kids. Hes only really friends with Guppy and Bee (both nicknames) but considers them rest of them cool. Later on, his tight duo becomes a trio with the addition of Maya, who meshes with them like they’ve been friends for years.
Education: Leo is a generally good student. He’s athletic enough to do good in gym and takes home ec as an elective (it contains more math than he expected, but he does fine.) He struggles a bit in math and chemistry, having trouble remembering the formulas and combinations.
Hobbies: Leo spends most of his free time at the skate park (dragging Alex along if he can) and lounging around Alex’s living room playing video games and terrible quality movies. He also takes dance lessons and films short videos of him dancing for his various social media accounts. He mainly does ballet and tap, but can do various other styles. 
Hardcore believes in ghosts
Shared love of space and NASA with Alex
He cant cook for shit
Has a monthly lego set sleepover with Alex (and sometimes Jamie)
Wannabe arcade rat (hes great at skee-ball) 
Tries and fails to bring back retro slang constantly
Has 2 cats that he owns a zillion outfits for
Star wars gay
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