symbrocktrash · 3 months
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Guys....I got into Ranma 1/2 😂😅😐😶
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symbrocktrash · 6 months
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I've been rewatching inuyasha for the twelfth time and i just had to draw his human form...hes so pretty
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symbrocktrash · 1 year
theyre actually married your honour
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symbrocktrash · 1 year
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206 notes · View notes
symbrocktrash · 1 year
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I've been rewatching inuyasha for the twelfth time and i just had to draw his human form...hes so pretty
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symbrocktrash · 1 year
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symbrocktrash · 2 years
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symbrocktrash · 2 years
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Woohoo! What a creative title! 🤭
Voting for next month’s couple starts tonight! Sign up only on Patreon!
dA // fb // pixiv // Instagram // ko-fi
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symbrocktrash · 2 years
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symbrocktrash · 2 years
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Knights x elemental visions
Suou hydro/sword Wave but its horse. Yknow those water mimics that are really annoying to fight? Yes that but make it horse, and he gets to ride it.
Arashi geo/spear Basically ZL tbh, shield on E, fuck you up on Q. Unrelated to how she works, but I tried to give her a semi crown without being too on the nose but idk if it worked…
Leo pyro/claymore Wherever he swings his claymore he leaves scorch marks, so kind of like him leaving behind music scribbles. You just always know where Leo has been, fighting or not.
Izumi cryo/catalyst No clue how he fights, maybe he doesn’t, but he for sure never makes direct contact. Has a sprint ala Yelan but ice glides instead of running.
Ritsu cryo/catalyst Ritsu puts up a shield (and goes to sleep), but he can/will also can cast on enemies (or allies I suppose….) that paralyse/slow/sleeps them.
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symbrocktrash · 2 years
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Leggo naruritsu tour!!!
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symbrocktrash · 2 years
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naruritsu (ritsu♀️)
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symbrocktrash · 2 years
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Silent Oath 🌕🎶
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symbrocktrash · 2 years
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So anyway--
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symbrocktrash · 2 years
can u make an entire list of crimes or ethically questionable shit all enstars characters have made ? ik its a lot to ask so feel free to decline
Hi anon, unfortunately as you said, that's a lot for me to handle </3 however, I understand you're searching for this to form your criteria or maybe because you're curious on "oh, is this really such a dark and twisted franchise as people claim?"
So I compiled a couple of important stories that you should read if you want to get the whole view of what's going on.
↳ here's a useful guide my friend Yue made on how to read the wiki stories through the wayback machine
Proceed under the cut to see the compilation.
! era
Main story — I've said this multiple times but reading main story is so so important (you can also watch the anime but I'd still recommend reading).
EP:Link — THIS IS. LITERALLY SO IMPORTANT. EP:Link is a huge part of the story and it makes the connection with !! story, so you should. obligatory read through this.
Reminiscence Events
Ok we're actually entering war era here. it's recommended to read these after already finishing main story (up to before SS should be fine) but I'll still link them here.
Rocket Start
Meteor Impact
Warning that these may contain mentions of war, death, cults, suicide, violence and overall very high depression levels.
Other stories
These are like. my personal faves if you want to discover how dark can this franchise get.
Star Festival
Human Comedy
Setsubun Festival
Wonder Game
And like there are a ton more. i wanted to add requiem and operetta but I thought that'd be too much and like. stop
!! era
Disclaimer. Since the wiki translations got took down in Augusts, most of these cannot be found in the wiki (even when using wayback machine) I'm still putting the links to their wikis in case you're curious, but if you want to read, I'd recommend searching for tls here on Tumblr, on Dreamwidth or Twitter (there are a ton of livetweets I promise).
Main story — Yes, the one that is currently getting tld in engstars. first part is kind of whatever to me personally, but it gets interesting as it advances.
SS Arc — THESE ARE INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR CRIMES. the SS are full of dirty dark stuff everywhere. you'll meet Gatekeeper, the !! antagonist who's just a neverending can of worms.
Reminiscence * Obbligato — yes. we got a reminisce in !! era. very important in case you like Alkakurei or Eden (or if you're interested in Gatekeeper and Godfather lore in general).
Other stories
Ok I'll admit I'm very biased and I don't read through everyone's events (specially since the wiki got taken down. finding the tls </3) but I still selected some faves
A dark nights passing
Antique Legend
Night Club
Black Snow
OK THAT'S EVERYTHING. I know this may not be what you were looking for. but if you really want to learn the crimes, why not read them yourself? I'm just trying to help in case someone wants to get invested into this.
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symbrocktrash · 2 years
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a special magic trick!
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symbrocktrash · 2 years
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i love you putting enstars characters on tumblr posts
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