synesurfer · 7 months
a twitter thread that actually killed me
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synesurfer · 9 months
💚 Slytherin Party Playlist 💚
(Headphone Use Recommended!)
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synesurfer · 9 months
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Suki 𐦍
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synesurfer · 1 year
Tainted Love playing from another room Soft Cell
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synesurfer · 1 year
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synesurfer · 1 year
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synesurfer · 1 year
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Blumarine ethereal details at SS 2021
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synesurfer · 2 years
Herbs, Stones & other stuff for medical uses - BIG LIST
I will keep updating this list, so please drop down below some herbs (& other stuff) you haven‘t seen on this list
For cuts: Aloe (as a gel or cream);pot marigold (as an ointment or a tea applied topically - to make tea from tincture, use 1/2 to 1 tsp. diluted in 1/4 cup water. You can also steep 1 tsp. of flowers in one cup of boiling water for 15mins, then strain and cool.); Marshmallow - Althaea officinalis; Tea tree oil (as oil or cream); Gotu kola (as a cream containing 1% of the herb); Chamomile(as an ointment or cream);coneflower(as a gel or ointment containing 15% of the juice of the herb); Slippery elm bark(Mix 1 tsp. dried powder in one cup of boiling water. Cool and apply to clean, soft cloth. Place on affected area); Manuka Honey; bloodstone(placed on the wound and close it with a bandage very carefully); Taru bali oil;
For fever: Onions(either onion slices around the house to prevent the expanison of bacterias and/ or a big slice of onion in each sock and wear it overnight); Honey-ginger tea(Boil one teaspoon of grated ginger in a cup of water for 2-5 minutes, strain the concoction and add a teaspoon of honey, drink this tea twice daily to get respite from (viral) fever); Tulsi leaves - tea(chew a few tulsi leaves or drink Tulsi water); Garlic(Add 2-3 crushed pods of garlic to a quarter cup of warm water drink it or have it in the form of soup); Black Pepper(Boil a cup of water add 1 tsp of crushed black pepper and few tulsi leaves, sip this tea all through the day to fight (viral)fever); Amala(take an amala or a concoction of amala every day); Oregano(Brew oregano tea along with turmeric powder and drink this twice daily); Basil(Take about 20 basil leaves and boil them, now add 1 teaspoon of crushed ginger in the strained basil water, and boil until the solution gets reduced to half. Add a little honey and drink this tea two or three times a day for three days to get relief); Cilantro leaves(putting a handful of cilantro leaves in a blender with about 1/3rd cup of water, blended thoroughly and strained, can help alleviate symptoms of fever. Take 2 teaspoons of remaining liquid three times a day to help lower fever); Gotu kola (as a cream containing 1% of the herb);
For burns: Manuka Honey(applied on the wound), Taru bali oil; Aloe(as a cream or gel); pot marigold (as an ointment or a tea applied topically - to make tea from tincture, use 1/2 to 1 tsp. diluted in 1/4 cup water. You can also steep 1 tsp. of flowers in one cup of boiling water for 15mins, then strain and cool);
For headache: Tulsi leaves - tea(chew a few tulsi leaves or drink Tulsi water); Basil(Add 3 or 4 fresh basil leaves to a cup of boiling water and allow it to simmer. Once simmered, sip the tea slowly. Alternatively you could chew some fresh basil leaves (this also helps freshen breath) or inhale the steam after boiling the basil in a pot.); Catnip(The flowering head can be taken in tea form. To make catnip tea, place 1-2 tsp of dried catnip flowers into a cup and pour over hot (not boiling) water. Wait 10-15 minutes and sweeten with a little honey or lemon to mitigate the woody taste); Chamomile tea; Mint tea; Lavender(for lavender infusion, use 15 to 30g of dried lavender flowers per litre of water. Adults can also inhale essential oil for quick relief); Rosemary(The herb can be applied in oil form directly to your temples to ease headaches or migraines. Alternatively, vapour can be inhaled, or it can be used in tea. For rosemary tea allow the water to reach boiling point, pour over the herbs and allow to steep for 10-15 minutes.); Fennel tea(Fennel tea can be made with either seeds or fresh stalks. For fresh leaf tea, pour one cup of boiling water over the leaves and allow to steep for 15-20 minutes, once steeped remove the leaves then top up with more hot water.); Willow bark - tea(use ground bark, adding two tea spoons for every 230ml of water. Allow to simmer on the stove for around 10 minutes then remove. Let it steep for another 30 minutes, straining the bark from the liquid using a coffee filter or fine mesh strainer.);
For period cramps: Motherwort(It’s often taken as a tincture but you can purchase loose herb to make tea.); Chamomile tea; Ginger tea; Cinnamon tea(decoct a big batch of cinnamon tea to sip on throughout the day, which can also be useful for slowing a heavy flow); Bloostone(wear around the neck or, most powerfully, suspended around the hips); Other red stones can also be very beneficial: string red stones or beads on red cord or a silver chain long enough to wear as belt. Cornelian, red coral, rubies, and garbets are all suitabke. Just look for the color red
For a cold: Tulsi leaves - tea(chew a few tulsi leaves or drink Tulsi water); Manuka Honey (eat 1 tsp of Manuka Honey); Astragalus(you can slice up the root and add it to soups and stews while they cook (but take them out before serving)); Basil(Take about 20 basil leaves and boil them, now add 1 teaspoon of crushed ginger in the strained basil water, and boil until the solution gets reduced to half. Add a little honey and drink this tea two or three times a day for three days to get relief); Black Pepper(Boil a cup of water add 1 tsp of crushed black pepper and few tulsi leaves, sip this tea all through the day to fight (viral)fever); Catnip(The flowering head can be taken in tea form. To make catnip tea, place 1-2 tsp of dried catnip flowers into a cup and pour over hot (not boiling) water. Wait 10-15 minutes and sweeten with a little honey or lemon to mitigate the woody taste); Cinnamon(add it to your tea); Cowslip(Use cowslip as a decoction to loosen phlegm and chest congestion. Place the roots and water (1 cup of water for every 1 ounce of root) in a pot and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain and drink); Echinacea Tea; Elderberry(make a tea with the flowers); Garlic(Add 2-3 crushed pods of garlic to a quarter cup of warm water drink it or have it in the form of soup); Ginger tea(or Pour a cup of boiling water over a half a teaspoon of powdered ginger and steep for 10 minutes. Pour off the liquid and discard the powder. You can also use it as a gargle for sore throats); Horehound(Forget the store-bought cough syrup and make your own with Balick's recipe: Boil 1 oz fresh or dried horehound leaves in 2 cups of water for 10 minutes. Strain off the leaves and measure the remaining liquid. Add twice as much honey as liquid and mix well. (Be sure to use genuine honey—fake honey is out there!) The syrup can be stored in a sealed bottle in the fridge for up to 2 months. The dosage is 1 tsp up to 4 times a day to soothe a cough.); Lemongrass(Pour a cup of boiling water over 5 to 6 fresh leaves or 1 tsp of dried leaves. Another way to use this soothing herb is in the bathtub (kind of like making a giant cup of tea that you can soak in). Simply put a mesh bag filled with chopped leaves under the hot water as you fill your tub.); Licorice Root(Make licorice tea by simmering 1 tsp of the root (dried and sliced) in 1 cup of water for 10 minutes and strain. He says you can have 2 to 3 cups a day for up to 7 days.);Marshmallow - Althaea officinalis (Simmer 1 cup of water for every 1 oz of root for 20 minutes & strain); Mullein(Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 to 2 tsp of fresh leaves and steep for 10 minutes before straining. He recommends running it through a coffee filter or cheesecloth to filter out any remaining irritating plant hairs); Red clover(Drink the herb as a soothing tea by steeping dried flowers in hot water for 10 minutes.); Sage(Make a tea by pouring 1 cup of hot water over 1 tsp of dried sage or 2 tsp of fresh leaves. Steep for 10 minutes and strain. Sage is also recognized in Germany as a treatment for excess sweating); Slippery Elm(Enjoy this tea 2 to 3 times per day by pouring 1 cup of boiling water over 1 to 2 tsp of the powdered bark.); Yarrow
For nausea: Artichokes leaves(pour 150ml hot water over 1 tsp of artichokes leaves); silverweed tea; Ginger tea; Chamomile tea; melissa leaves(1-2tsp of melissa leaves, pour over 1 cup of hot water & let steep for 10mins);
For stomachache: Put a (not used) piece of paper on your stomach - after your pains are gone, discard the paper.
For ear infections: Houseleek(Cut a few leaves in half and squeeze two or three drops of their juice into the sick ear. Let the liquid work for a few minutes, then turn over to drain the liquid from the ear cavity); Mullein(To make a quick batch of pain-relieving mullein oil, get a cup of good-quality, organic olive oil and heat it lightly (just warm it up — don’t cook it) in a small saucepan. Add a handful of dried mullein leaves, crushing them with your hands as you add them. Stir with a wooden spoon, cover, and let sit for at least half an hour.That’s your bare bones oil and it will keep in the fridge for a few days. For extra virus and bacteria-fighting power, throw in a couple of crushed cloves of garlic and a handful of St. John’s Wort (in a pinch, you can open up five or six capsules of powdered herb if you have it lying around, keeping in mind that fresh or dried whole herbs are always preferable). Adding a quarter teaspoon of vitamin E oil will help keep this mixture fresh for a few months.While you’ve got your ingredients out, I suggest making a nice strong mullein oil the traditional way. Grab a clean mason jar. Throw in a handful of mullein, St. John’s Wort, Calendula flowers (if you happen to have any, you know, just lying around), and two crushed cloves of garlic. Fill with olive oil, leaving ½ inch of space at the top, and add vitamin E oil as a preservative. Seal and place in a sunny window. Shake daily and let steep for at least two weeks (a month is best). Check the oil every day. If the mullein seems to be soaking up a lot of oil, top off your jar to the ½ inch mark. You want to make sure your herbs are always submerged.After a month, strain the oil, and store it in amber bottles in a dark, cool place. This oil should keep a good six months to a year. Always smell the oil to check for rancidness before using (this depends on the quality of oil you start with, by the way).To use: Filter your oil into a small, sterilized dropper bottle (boil the bottle in water for ten minutes, soak the dropper end in hot water for the same amount of time) and add 3-5 drops into the painful ear. Gently close the ear with a cotton ball, and rest for 5-15 minutes. After that, turn the head and let the oil drain out. Sometimes nothing will come out; that’s OK. Address the other ear, if needed.Keep this up for as long as pain persists. NOTE: if you have a ruptured eardrum, do not use ear oil. See a physician. Also see a physician if you have a fever, other symptoms, or if the pain lasts longer than a few days);
For acid reflux:Almond nuts(without skin; eat 1 hand of nuts - before swallowing it, make sure you have a mashed consistency - eat another hand of nuts if u can still feel the burning; Chamomile tea; Catnip tea; papaya tea
For Hemorrhoids: Aloe Vera Gel( How to harvest your own Aloe vera: Cut the outer leaves from the stem - only the biggest and healthiest leaves. After cutting it, remove the green outer layer of the leaf and take the jelly consistency out. Put that in a blender and blend it. Now u can use it for 1 Week in a closed container ( stored in the refrigerator ).
•Crystal Gemstone Warning Spells:
Crystals and gemstones offer warning service in adittion to their other gifts. However, in order to provide this information, they must actually be un contact with your skin.
Rubies allegedly fade or grow dull in the presence of anemia or blood-related disorders
Turquoise fades and/or cracks in the presence of ill-health
Coral grows paler and less vivid in the presence of illness
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synesurfer · 2 years
God bless diet Coke
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synesurfer · 2 years
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synesurfer · 2 years
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pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
request: Just saw your post! Could you do a fred x reader with a no voldy au? Thanks and love your work
warnings: partying, drinking, some more sexual kissing actions but no smut
Quidditch season has always been your favorite season. You tried as much as you could to watch the Gryffindor team practice and you were always there at the games. You loved the intensity of it all, you loved watching your friends play, you loved the high energy feeling the whole school of Hogwarts has when it’s a game day.
The thing you love most of all? Partying you with your boyfriend, Fred, after a win for Gryffindor. The wildest parties are always when they beat Slytherin. Since Fred and George know about the secret passage to Hogsmeade, they always sneak off the get butter beers and other treats for the party. And once you three got older, they started sneaking some fire whiskey in too.
This party was the biggest one yet. It was the last game of the season, they won against Slytherin, and it was the last game the Weasley twins will ever play for Hogwarts. Needless to say, they went all out. Fred, George, and a few of their friends put together their money to buy as many drinks as they could. Butter beers, fire whiskey, some non alcoholic sodas. They convinced their favorite house elf to make some deserts and snacks for the party, and they put what seemed like hundreds of decorations all around the common room. By 9pm, the party was already booming with no end in sight.
“Y/N! Do shots with me!” George called.
“Shot?” you asked Fred. Not for permission, but to see if he wanted to do one too.
“Maybe later! I’m going to find Harry and Ron!” he called out.
George had already poured your shot for you, and Lee Jordan was positioned with a camera across from you two.
“We’re gonna do two,” George said. “So we each have a photo!”
You two linked arms, just as him and Fred normally do, and threw back the shots. When you looked at the photos you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Freddie! Come look at this!” you yelled, hoping that wherever he was he could hear you. Fred came bouncing over, Ron and Harry in tow. “Look at George’s face after the shots!”
The four of you laughed, George’s face contorted as the burning shot went down in both pictures, and yours did not.
“You lot try it! Y/N has never made a face over any drink!”
The boys took shots themselves, and only Fred kept a straight face.
“What can I say boys? Me and Y/N are in sync,” Fred declared. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you close for a kiss. “Wanna dance?”
“Please,” you smiled.
Fred took you by the hand, both of your arms extending out as he walked backwards towards the center of the room. His hands never left your body. Your back was pressed against his front and your hips rocked to the beat of the music. Your left arm went up to touch his hair as his mouth began to trail down your neck, littering it with kisses. Your body’s never stopped swaying.
“Freddie,” you whined as he began to nibble on the base of your neck a bit. “We’re in the middle of a crowded room!”
“What?” he acted innocent. His hands found their way to your hips and he quickly turned your body around to face him. He bent down to whisper into your ear, “everyone knows you’re mine.”
Fred took your hand and brought your arm straight up. He distanced himself a bit and guided your arms to have you step to the beat around him in a circle. He wanted to show you off.
When you reached his front again, your hands slipped around his neck and his hands went to the small of your back.
“And are you mine, Fred Weasley?”
Fred kissed your lips this time, “as long as you’ll have me.”
Your moment was interrupted by Ginny, who pulled you two out of the center of the room to follow her and the rest of your tight knit group outside.
“Are we doing this now, George?” Fred called out, clearly knowing what this was about.
“Of course! It’s almost midnight!”
Fred pulled on your arm to run and catch up to his twin.
“What is this about?” Hermione asked. You all were running now. You, Fred, George, Ginny, Harry, Ron, and Hermione to only the twins know where.
“You’ll see!” George shouted back.
Fred and George pulled out their broom sticks, seemingly out of no where. Once you all made it to the court yard the boarded their brooms and took off to the skies.
Orange and purple fireworks began to litter the sky. They were using so many different variations of sizes and patterns and tricks to the way the fireworks moved so you never saw the same one twice. Animal shaped ones would swoop down and zip in front of you, little ones surrounded each of you and cascaded down like rain drops.
The two of them were laughing as they flew around and tossed out their sparkling tricks. Then the words they spoke to each other whenever they were up to something they’re really proud of was heard from the sky:
“Ready, Fred?”
“Ready, George!”
“I helped them with this one,” Ginny beamed.
The biggest firework yet was at first a large, purple box. Then it opened. A huge ring with a very exaggerated size diamond glittered out as the box disappeared. It stayed in the sky longer than the others, and as it fizzed away, Fred and George flew back down to the ground in front of you.
“I know you said you wanted to wait until we graduated, but we’re so close now that I couldn’t wait. I wanted it to be huge and extravagant and a big show for you,” Fred said, walking off his broom directly to you. He got down on one knee and pulled out a purple box of his own. “Y/N, will you marry me?”
“Yes, yes Fred Weasley a million times yes!”
Fred got up and cupped your face in his hands and kissed you passionately. The click of a camera was heard, you didn’t even know someone had a camera on them! When you pulled away, Fred took the ring out of the box and slipped it on your finger.
“It looks just like your Mum’s,” you cried happily.
“That is her ring!” Ron shouted. “When I asked why it was gone she wouldn’t tell me!”
“She gave you her ring?” you gasped.
“When I told Mum and Dad I wanted to marry you, she insisted. Said she’s been waiting to give it to me since you gushed about how much you loved it last Christmas,” Fred smiled.
You could help but cry. This was the most perfect moment. Your friends, and soon to be family, were here, you got to dance around with your boyfriend at a party one last time, and no one else was around so you could only be with the ones closest to you.
“We should probably get inside,” you laughed. “Hate for my fiancé to get detention for proposing after dark.”
“We got permission from Dumbledore,” George said proudly. “Every teacher, prefect, and head boy and girl knows we’re out here and to not disturb.”
“Good,” you smiled. You wrapped your arms around Fred’s neck and pulled him into a kiss. “Because I never want this moment to end.”
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synesurfer · 2 years
All Bark No Bite
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request: “can you do a fred x reader enemies to lovers trope? maybe they're at 12 grimmauld place during summer of ootp? readers in order and that's why she's there but like they get tired of their constant fighting and molly yells at the both of them and then fred kisses reader just to prove something to his mum”
pairing: fred weasley x reader enemies to lovers
warnings: cursing, blood, mentions of food, mentions of alcohol
word count: 1.7k
You were seated at the long kitchen table at 12 Grimmuald Place with Molly and Arthur Weasley, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Tonks, and Severus Snape for an Order of the Phoenix meeting. The whole Order wasn’t here, but plenty were around to discuss some recent matters. The most recent being Harry Potter.
“He deserves the right to know!” Sirius exclaimed. “He’s going to have to fight this war whether we like it or not. Harry’s who he’s after!”
“He’s too young!” Molly argued.
“And Y/N isn’t?”
“I’m 19! Older than some of the new Death Eaters!”
The meeting continued, plans about a new mission were discussed, and then finally, the meeting was adjured. And in came the younger lot currently residing at Headquarters.
“Y/L/N,” Fred scoffed.
“Weasley,” you glared.
You had briefly gone to school with the younger kids in the house. Your last year at Hogwarts was two years ago, when the Weasley twins were fifth years, the trio was in their third, and Ginny, whom you fondly call Baby Weasley, was in her second.
You were on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, even made captain before Wood took over. You and George got along just fine, but Fred? He was a different story. He flirted with you, teased, even pranked you a few times. You weren’t even in the same year and you still couldn’t shake him.
Fred daily makes major protests that you’re an official Order member and he’s not. Especially since he’s 17. If you thought your bickering at school was bad, this summer was horrendous.
“Gonna get drunk with Sirius and pass out in the bathroom again?” Fred questioned.
“Gonna bitch for four hours because I’m in the Order and you’re not?” you backfired. “Always been jealous of me Weasley, haven’t ya?”
Fred looked like he was about to implode. But George stepped in before he said anything too out of line. Making a scene certainly won’t grant him entrance to the Order any time soon. You winked at him as you leaned against the counter, popping some jellies into your mouth.
“Baby Weasley!” you beamed when Ginny came into the room. “Care for some candy?”
“Not too much or she’ll spoil her dinner!” Molly called out.
“Oh well of course,” you said sophisticatedly as you slid the box of candy behind your back for Ginny to take.
“I saw that!”
“Honestly Y/N,” Remus tutted jokingly. “Head Girl in your time yet such a miscreant.”
He joined you in leaning against the counter.
“You’re one to talk! Sirius spills all his secrets when he’s drunk. You’re an enigma like me, Remus Lupin,” you turned your head to the side and looked up at him, grinning wildly. He laughed and shoved you playfully. “Besides, I learned it from you! Living with you my last two years of Hogwarts has made me the innocent troublemaker I am today.”
Days like this continued throughout the summer. Order meetings, splitting your time between talking with the adults and teens, showering your former classmates with goodies from Hogsmeade as a peace offering for not telling them Order secrets.
Until one day, halfway throughout the summer, when you were caught in a fight with three Death Eaters in Diagon Alley. You weren’t expecting it. Snape didn’t tell the Order this was happening, which means it might not have been this planned attacked. It was just three followers that decided to create come chaos.
You dove in front of a little boy, no older than 8 years old, and took a curse that was aimed at him. At a child! You cried out in pain as the curse hit your back, no doubt causing a large gash. You told the boy to run and find his parents. Somehow you made it to your feet. With your wand armed, you began blocking spells and firing curses and jinxes. Luckily some of the people around the busy streets took note and came to fight back. Not many, not everyone was ready for a fight. Not everyone needed to be in a fight. Some people had more to lose. When the Death Eaters felt like they created enough damage, they disappeared. In pain and out of breathe, you took your chances of apparating safely back to Grimmuald Place.
You slammed open the door and hobbled into the house. You tried to make it to the kitchen but your knees gave out a few feet away from the doorway. Gasps were heard and Remus rushed over to you.
“Death Eaters. Three of them. Took a curse for a kid,” you grunted through the pain.
For some reason, Fred began to take charge. He conjured up a soft pad that stretched across the table for Remus to lay you down on. He was probably trying to prove himself. Why else would he be helping you? You hated each other.
“Y/N? Where does it hurt?” Fred asked you. If you weren’t in pain you would’ve teased him for sounding like a Mother.
“My back,” you said through gritted teeth.
Molly rushed in with supplies. She wasn’t a healer, but all of the Order members tended to have a least some knowledge on the art of healing. They had to. We did dangerous stuff.
Molly instructed that you needed to be flipped over so you could sit up and drink some potions for the pain. Remus and Sirius did the work, you cried out. Your head was tilted back and your eyes were clenched shut. You were writhing in pain. Your hands clutched onto the closest thing to them, you didn’t even know what, but one of them felt like somebody’s hand. Evidently, it was Fred’s.
“Y/N you have to drink!” he yelled over your shouts. You didn’t answer, only made more yelps. He tore away his hand from yours and held your head up so you weren’t tilted back anymore. His other forced the potion down your throat. And another. They were quick to hit you. One must’ve been a dreamless sleep potion, because you were out like a light.
You woke up the next morning, shocked and confused. Why? Because Fred was in a chair asleep. Next to your bed. You nudged his head until he woke up and he was met with your very weirded out look in your eyes.
“What are you doing here?” you asked.
“Oh um,” he stuttered. “I’ll go get Remus.”
You laid back down against your pillow very confused. Anyone else- literally anyone else being by your bedside asleep would’ve phased you less than this. You-Know-Who himself
could’ve been there and it would’ve brought less of a reaction.
Remus came in with a potion and some chocolate in his hands, “Eat. You’ll feel better.”
“I used to steal from your chocolate stash you know,” you told him.
“No, you stole from the stash I hid for you so you thought you were stealing from my stash. Mine was in an enchanted drawer in my desk,”Remus said.
You gasped, “I don’t know whether to be hurt, or touched.”
You drank the potion and ate the chocolate bar you were given while Remus sat on the chair to make sure you finished it all.
“So what’s the damage?”
“It was dark magic. We stopped the bleeding and the pain, but there’s going to be a long scar down your back that probably won’t go away,” he told you.
You nodded. You weren’t at all surprised. You’d be more surprised if they didn’t hit you with dark magic.
“Why was Fred in here?”
“He didn’t leave your side,” Remus said, his voice evident that it had been surprising to him too. “Held your hand, petted your hair anytime you stirred, even carried you up here himself.”
You sat back stunned. You weren’t sure what you would do if he walked into the house as hurt as you were. He probably didn’t either until it happened.
Two days later, you were fully back on your feet and back into business. Back into meetings. That morning you came downstairs with a spring in your step. You were feeling like yourself again.
“Mornin’ lovely people!” you sang as you entered the kitchen. “And Fred.”
He rolled his eyes and scoffed, “like you’re so grand.”
“I happen to think I’m the grandest.”
“Yeah, for a gremlin, maybe.”
“You’re just grouchy because you’ll have to leave the room soon so we can have grown up talk,” you condescended.
Fred stood up out of his seat to face you.
“Is that all you got? Grown up talk? That curse must’ve taken the bite out of your bark,” he seethed.
“You can barely even bark, Weasley! Off the quidditch field you’re just a scared little puppy!”
“Off the quidditch field, you’re still a bitch!”
“ENOUGH!” Molly shouted. “You’re acting like children! Honestly, Fred, I thought after Y/N woke up you’d be a lot nicer to her given as you never left her side! Are you two really incapable of being nice to each other while we’re all living under one roof?!”
You stood eye to eye. He might tower over you, but you were still a force.
“No, Mum. I’m not incapable,” he said.
Fred’s hands cupped your face and pulled you into a kiss. You were taken back for a moment, not fully sure if it was happening. Then, you accepted it. You hopped up so you were sitting on the counter without breaking away from
his lips so your heights were more on par with each other. You wrapped your hands around his neck and deepened the kiss. You bit and tugged lightly on his lip as you pulled away, a subtle way of not allowing Fred to have all of the dominance in what just happened. You smirked at him. He was feeling proud of himself.
“Well wasn’t that quite a show,” George piped up. “Truly left nothing up to the imagination.”
Molly crossed her arms and shook her head, but her face showed she wasn’t mad at all. It almost looked proud? Amused? Whatever it was, it wasn’t mad.
“I get the feeling that wasn’t the first time they did that,” Ginny said.
You stifled a laugh and drank your tea, trying to hide the blush on your face.
“As far as your concerned Baby Weasley- it was,” you winked.
Molly shook her head and held her hands up in surrender.
“Alright! Point proven you two, a bit too showy for this early in the morning, but point proven,” she admitted.
You laughed for real this time, smiling at Fred.
“A good show,” you said. “I’d see it again.”
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synesurfer · 2 years
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synesurfer · 2 years
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devon aoki for vogue japan, 2002
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synesurfer · 2 years
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𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪’𝙫𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙛𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙖𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠 𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙡
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synesurfer · 2 years
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synesurfer · 2 years
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Pumpkin Chai Latte with Maple Whipped Cream & Clove Caramel
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