syntheticsong · 6 years
         Variety shows? Just what kind of teenager was this guy? He definitely had a different upbringing from her, that was all that was sure. She watches him carefully as she took a few steps backward, making sure to quickly check behind her and Ai. If things went as planned, he would get there safely with minimal to zero suspicion thrown towards them.
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         Once she was safely tucked behind the wall, she coughs to alert him, and then throws a thumbs up. While their current distance was within speaking range, she wanted to get in character. She mouths, “Good to go,” and points into the alley, making sure to look ahead of and behind him. What really could go wrong? 
What could go wrong indeed? If that question had passed through Ai’s head it would have sounded quite resigned and rather sarcastic. As it was he suppressed the urge to sigh when Violet gave him a thumbs up- was this necessary...? No use complaining, time to take care of business.
Another thing he failed to notice: Violet’s actions, or maybe acting, had rubbed off on him, just a little. Ai gave a thumbs up at his side without looking back at her, and then set off for the alley.
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A quick peek down... good, the one who had shooed them off before was nowhere in sight. As long as Ai acted like he belonged, he could take a short walk down the street safely. Acting casual even when somewhere unfamiliar was easy when one wasn’t easily ruffled. He’d be sure to keep within Violet’s visual range, or at least keep her within his own.
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syntheticsong · 6 years
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“Reiji, don’t do it.” Did he even need to explain what he was talking about? Nope, he didn’t.
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syntheticsong · 6 years
Ah, maybe it was dumb of him to mention his poor navigational skills then try and walk away- of course he’d try to offer up some help to Kanata. Although the anxious thoughts of being a burden on someone he just met sprang to his mind, he pushed it down. Ai said he was heading int hat direction, anyways. It’d likely be ruder to refuse. 
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“Sure! I’d actually appreciate the help. And the company!” Was that… A bit too friendly for someone he just met? He felt a little bit of heat rise to his cheeks, but he covered it up by ducking his head and casting his gaze to the side.
“So, I- thank you, by the way- I’m not sure- which direction is it?” Wow, he’s so smooth. 
Another moment of fighting the urge to sigh came and went. Maybe he shouldn’t have said anything- he really didn’t need to. A second after that thought crossed Ai’s mind he banished it. No, that wouldn’t be right. He had developed enough of a conscience to feel that way and he wasn’t going to go against it now.
“This way,” was Ai’s reply as he both pointed in the direction indicated and started that way himself. “As long as you keep up with me you don’t need to worry about getting lost.” A while ago he might have gotten annoyed with all this, but dealing with some much more troublesome students, not to mention Reiji when drunk, made this situation a walk in the park.
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“I’m assuming you can afford the extra items I suggest?” The question of confirmation was in part to keep Kanata close enough to converse as they walked; Ai had picked up various methods of keeping people in range over the years.
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syntheticsong · 6 years
Closed with @sparklingemeraldidol
Festivals and events of this sort were not generally Ai’s cup of tea. He did like watching people at them and observing the many reactions and experiences of others, but attending them for the sake of personal enjoyment was a true rarity.
Yet for this festival he’d made plans to meet Reiji on the first night, both to make sure Reiji didn’t get drunk and cause him more trouble (again) and to continue a conversation they’d attempted to have a little while ago. What conversation? One that Ai was anxious about, uncharacteristic or not.
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“... Hahhhh... I suppose it figures...” He mumbled the words to himself, fingers drumming a nervous rhythm on his arm. An argument with Reiji from a little while ago had lead Ai to attempt to tell Reiji his most closely guarded secret... except Ai had fallen asleep, as it were, and when he woke up they’d decided to wait to talk. Ai knew he’d worried Reiji there, not that the concern wasn’t mutual.
Another sigh left him. “Is this what accepting a friendship entails?” was Ai’s next musing. He’d already checked his phone a few times for any messages from Reiji, just in case, despite that Ai was already at the meeting spot a half hour early.
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syntheticsong · 6 years
He seemed to be intensely focused, if only for a few seconds before responding, his reactions were straightforward- rehearsed even? Perhaps a side effect of being an idol back in his world.
His smile is even more eerie, was it hard for him to do? Maybe … He didn’t get to do it often? Although it definitely didn’t come off as malicious so she happily returned it. “Ai Mikaze, the Theatre Company- I’ll keep it all in mind. Normally I’d have to schedule around it but … Ah, I’m lacking a job here myself.”
Oh? he was interested in Superheroes? Maybe he was a fellow comic fan– but no he had asked what they were like … In person.
She raises a hand and scratches the back of her head, there were all kinds weren’t there? Just like normal people but … More, everything..
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“I couldn’t tell you completely, I met a few in my line of work but we were often at odds. I lived with one for a short while as well though. They’re sort’ve workaholics, the job never leaves their mind even when they’re supposed to be relaxing.” Her gaze softens a bit, remembering fond memories of her teenage years. “But they come in all different shapes and sizes, just because they’re ‘superheroes’ doesn’t necessarily mean they’re kind or helpful to everyone. Some are in it purely for the fame, which I can understand securing a good source of income but … Hm, they usually aren’t as interesting. All the same my world needs all the heroes it can get, so I won’t complain.”
That was a lot more talking than she was used to doing.
“Did they not have anything like heroes in your world?”
“Thank you. At the present time there is nothing I can announce regarding a production, but it shouldn’t be long before there is a finished production to be viewed.” Hey, he was used to show business; it was never too early to get the word out.
So he was right in assuming that “superheroes” were an existence in her world. That was interesting, or at least enough to warrant further thought. Further conversation too.
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“Workaholics... Then ‘superhero’ is a job as opposed to the comic book perception of being one purely for the sake of the public or self-fulfillment. That seems a more logical reason to take on such a job.” Ai nodded twice, understanding and accepting this.
He continued, “No, there are not people like that, neither as a job nor as a public service. While I have observed individuals with abilities beyond what is the norm, a ‘superhero’ is merely a comic book, movie, or book figure, a fictional being looked up to as an ideal but not as an actual existence.”
A pause, and Ai glanced to the side in brief thought. He looked back at Ba’al and noted, “Perhaps it’s because your world needs the assistance that it gets said assistance in the form of superheroes. The situation creating its own solution, so to speak. Where I’m from, it’s arguable whether superheroes would be necessary or not, or if their existence would also create the necessity.” If that made sense.
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syntheticsong · 6 years
Reiji gave him a nod, and he made to pick Ai up only for the other to insist he could walk before pushing away from him. This brought a frown to his lips since Ai looked like he was in no condition to move.
“The park is fine, though let me carry you.” The lat time he picked up Ai, Reiji took note of how heavy the younger idol was. Still, he was able to carry Ai over his shoulder despite the weight, so carrying Ai again would be no problem for him. However, he knew that Ai would be stubborn and refuse his offer, so Reiji settled for the next best thing and held onto him before gently guiding him forward. 
“You’ll have to lead the way, Ai-Ai. I still don’t know my way around this ward yet.”
“Haha...” Just a very quiet laugh with hardly a smile. “We’ll go straight for a few blocks...”
It wasn’t far, though Ai had a feeling it would seem long. Maybe he’d need that time to think. He didn’t mind. They both needed that time, really. A chance to sit down and rest for a while, and then talk.
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syntheticsong · 6 years
“Yes. He…wasn’t there long, but he was there.” And he disappeared just as quickly, though this time it was without a word. There we no messages left on his phone, nor was there any attempt to get in touch with him, which signified that the rulers of the last place moved swiftly before Aine could do anything. This fact didn’t help the guilt and sadness he felt upon realizing that his best friend had disappeared yet again. 
“Who knows. The creators of the last place worked in mysterious ways.” He wouldn’t have been surprised if that was some divine punishment for having failed Aine back home.
Upon hearing that Ai never researched Aine, Reiji looked up to him in slight surprise. “You never have? So you don’t know much about him?” He fell silent for a moment to process what Ai had said before speaking, albeit a bit more slowly. “If you want…I could…tell you what I know about him.”
Others might think Ai “should have” researched Aine at some point; why, though, would it benefit him to know more about someone who had no influence on his life now? Just because they looked and sounded similar didn’t mean there was any connection between them.
At least, that had been his opinion. No one around had seemed to agree. It never changed his mind.
And yet... here he was, curious. “All right, I wouldn’t mind hearing more about him.” Ai folded his arms, his head tipped, but instead of annoyance like that pose would usually indicate, his expression was open and relaxed, even mildly interested. “At least to understand somewhat why so many people compare me to him.”
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syntheticsong · 6 years
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“It will at least shied me from the sudden nudity.” She mumbles, face still buried in his back.
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“While I agree that all that nudity is unnecessary, as well as probably illegal, there are plenty of better things to hide behind.” He heaved a sigh. “Unless you’re hiding from someone in particular?”
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syntheticsong · 6 years
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“… Right. That said, it is… different from a friendship. You can be both too, my boyfriend is also my best friend.”
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“A dual relationship? Or does that make it a relationship that is multi-layered...?” Right, now he’s confused again. Not on account of Gaito’s description, just his own attempt to analyze too much.
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syntheticsong · 6 years
immolatusagnus replied to your post: And now they’re all stripping. Humans and their...
hides behind Ai, face burning red.
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“Apparently not everyone wants to join the spectacle. That’s the intelligent choice, considering the weather. But hiding behind me probably won’t help you much, Yui.” Though this is a slightly entertaining reaction.
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syntheticsong · 6 years
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And now they’re all stripping. Humans and their fascinating, if utterly idiotic pastimes. Time for some people watching.
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syntheticsong · 6 years
Reiji blinked in surprise, turning around to find Ai standing next to him. As soon as the surprise hit him, it vanished and was replaced by an unusually down, distant expression.
“…I try not to mention him,” he said quietly, pausing for a moment before continuing. “Your appearance and voice are exactly the same, yet your personalities couldn’t be more different. 
I admit that, at first I thought I was seeing him again when we met, though I know that you are not him.” Ai could never be Aine because he was his own person, and Aine was his.
“…Aine was in the other city, you know.”
That came as a surprise. “He was?” ... Why was that a surprise, anyway? Ai pushed the question to the back of his mind for secondary analysis and focused instead on Reiji’s words.
One hand lifted to his chin as Ai thought it over. “I wonder if that was intentional,” he murmured to himself. Never had he given thought to why he would look like someone else- his appearance was by purposeful design, meaning it could well have been just as much by intentional design that he looked like someone.
No matter. Let Reiji think he was referring to Aine’s presence in the previous city. Ai looked back to Reiji. “I’ve heard time and again of my similarities with this Aine Kisaragi but never felt inclined to research him.”
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syntheticsong · 6 years
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   ♪ ; “OH I see.” Haruka paused and nodded her head at Ai’s statement. “I guess that makes sense. Thank you, Mikaze-senpai.”
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“What sort of situations does it pertain to, I wonder? A general recognition of one’s boyfriend? Or specific scenarios with them?” Activate analysis mode.
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syntheticsong · 6 years
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“…I wonder if Aine is happy, wherever he is?” He remembered when Aine had been with him in Hive City, and with the current topic Reiji couldn’t help but remember him.
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“I’ve never heard you actively mention him before.” Ai didn’t mean to sneak up on Reiji or to eavesdrop, he just happened to be in the vicinity. “Are he and I really that alike?”
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syntheticsong · 6 years
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“… It took a rather long time to come to terms with my own feelings, and I still wouldn’t necessarily say I understand them, but I have heard otherwise. My boyfriend – Kanata – likely ‘understands’ better than I. Long and short, I have experience but very little. Make sense?”
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“It does. Experience, if only a little, is valuable. Same length of time in a romantic relationship doesn’t guarantee the same level of understanding of that relationship. There’s little difference from many other cooperative relationships. Duly noted.”
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syntheticsong · 6 years
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   ♪ ; “BOYFRIEND day? What’s that?”
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“Apparently a day to celebrate one’s boyfriend, although what exactly that entails I need to do more research on.”
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syntheticsong · 6 years
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“It’s different for different people, so it’s even moreso something one must come to their own conclusion about.”
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“One’s own conclusion... Even without complete information, that’s possible? Hmmm. Are you speaking from personal experience? I have little experience in such matters, as you’ve probably gathered.”
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