synthsol ¡ 3 years
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Hold me, love me, touch me, help me
Be the first who ever did
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synthsol ¡ 3 years
Candy Floss
Reader x Clyde Logan
Author note: well, this was supposed to be a smutty one shot and i wrote a damn novel. warning: sickly fluff. smut. daddy & breeding kink
Your move to Virginia came as surprise to everyone. You were known as a “city girl”, always had been. However, as you came closer to turning 30, things shifted. The city started to feel too loud, too dirty, even the air felt heavy and smothering. 
The long term relationship that defined the last 5 years of your life had fizzled and died. As a result, everywhere you called home was awash with a person you no longer loved. A pervasive stain you couldn’t remove. The lens which you viewed the city through had changed, and not for the better.
Not everything had gone to shit if you were honest. You were lucky to be in a career that allowed you to be creative. Finally, you had enough of a reputation to go out on your own, be your own boss, take on the projects you wanted to; it was hard work but blissful.
The urge to make a fresh start grew over a few months. To be honest, trying to navigate the likes of Tinder after being out of the dating game for so long made you want to hurl your phone out of the window. The number of unsolicited dick pics that arrived in your inbox was fucking depressing (they weren’t even good looking dicks). Most of your other friends were in long-term relationships, as you had been, and seemed busy with their own lives. There seemed to be no reason to stay.
One Sunday, as you were watching one of those antique hunting shows, a guilty pleasure of yours, the hunters were in West Virginia and sweeping shots of the countryside were shown. It was beautiful, so green and looked so clean. Opening Google on your phone you type in West Virginia and start to scroll through the results. Clicking into a rental property page for no reason other than to be nosy, you audibly whined at the gorgeous little cottages that popped up for about Âź of the price of your shoe-box apartment. With a sigh, you lock your phone and carry on watching.
A few days later, West Virginia was still on your mind. Each night you had been scrolling through cottages and imagining how you would decorate the inside, even going as far as to start a Pinterest board to feed the fantasy. It took a particularly awkward Tinder date, (in which you had run into your ex not once, but twice) and the consumption of a few wines to finally have a eureka moment. Why in God’s name were you still here? Nothing is stopping you from going wherever you goddamn want! And that was it.
Two weeks later you were hauling boxes into an almost Pinterest-worthy cottage in West Virginia. Jesus, the air felt fresh! You stood for a long time in the empty living room just enjoying the smell of wood and listening to the sounds of, well, nothing.
The silence at night was deafening, it actually freaked you out a touch, and you could only fall asleep with the television on. Your old morning routine of waking up and scrolling through social media for far too long had been replaced with long walks through the town and surrounding countryside. You had kept up your yoga and meditation practice which had been largely enhanced by the beautiful surrounds and the ability to do so outside on the grass, instead of on the fraying carpet in your old apartment.
Your only issue thus far was the cabin fever a side effect of working at home all day. In the city you would change scenery once or twice a day, favouring a few local coffee spots that offered bottomless cups and the local park. The town you had chosen to settle in was sprawling and minimal. However you hadn’t really searched for any possible spots, so one Monday you pulled on your sneakers, popped your laptop in your backpack and walked towards town.
You had walked past the bar Duck Tape many times on your walks and never paid much attention. It was just after 1 pm and although the parking lot was near empty, the open sign was lit up in the window. You could also smell coffee, which closed the deal and you were striding across the parking lot towards the door.
You pushed the mesh door open and stepped into the deserted bar. It was clean and tidy, with dappled sunlight that streamed through the windows, lighting up the largely wooden space making it feel cozy and welcoming.
“Hello?” You called out apprehensively as you made your way towards the wooden bar.
You heard heavy footsteps come up the hallway behind the bar and a very tall and surprisingly young (not an old barman like you expected) man emerged.
“Are ya lost?” He asked in a thick Virginian accent, raising an eyebrow. You were slightly taken aback, not just by the question but also how oddly handsome he was. He was built like a tree, tall and broad. You usually didn’t feel small, standing at 5″9 yourself, but this guy made you feel almost petite. He had strong facial features, that somehow worked well together. His large nose, kind eyes and soft lips were framed by long, thick raven hair. You usually didn’t think much of facial hair but his strange goatee suited him well. 
“Oh!.. ah!… nope! Actually, I’m new around here and was just looking for a place to sit and do some work for a few hours and saw, well actually, smelt your coffee” you blabbered, you could feel yourself blushing. Suddenly feeling slightly stupid that you thought you could use a local bar in this town like a cafe in the city. 
“Well, thatsa new one, we usually are pretty dead around this time a’ day, so make ya’self comfortable, I’ll grab ya a cup,” he said motioning to a table. It was then you noticed that one of his arms was prosthetic. Interesting guy, you thought to yourself as he walked over to the coffee machine. You could feel his eyes on you as you piled your slightly out of control hair on top of your head, securing it in a clip. It was very curly and a faded pinky blonde. You rather enjoyed playing into the “creative” stereotype that your career graced you with.
He came over with a steaming cup of coffee as you were unpacking your laptop and drawing tablet. “Wow that’s fancy, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone with a computer in this here bar,” He said as he placed the cup a rather comical distance from your computer. You chuckled and shrugged, “not really fancy, just tools of the trade”. He placed a little jug of cream and dish of sugar next to the cup and said “well, just help ya’self to more coffee and I will be around so let me know if you need anything” and started to walk off.
“Thanks uh…?”
“It’s Clyde”
“Thanks, Clyde, I’m y/n” you said, smiling at him. You couldn’t help but notice how stoic he was, didn’t really smile, but managed to seem gentle and kind. —–
Over the next few weeks, you spent most weekdays at the same spot in Duck Tape. It was a nice routine, arriving at about 1 pm and leaving by 4.30pm before the post-workday rush stormed the place. Clyde had even gone as far to place a little “Reserved” sign on the table, even though it was always empty when you arrived. You couldn’t deny the first time you saw it you almost audibly said “awhhhhhhh” and had a surge of butterflies. 
You became slowly aware of Clyde watching you work from time to time. But didn’t let on, you enjoyed the harmless attention. You, yourself sneaked a peak every time he reached up high, causing his shirt to ride up and his slightly chiselled stomach and snail trail came into view.  You engaged in casual conversation but often worked away in comfortable silence. You got the impression that Clyde was a quiet person, not entirely enthusiastic on forced small talk, much like yourself. You knew basic bits and pieces about Clyde now but only found out he actually owned the bar after his brother Jimmy paid him a visit. Jimmy was stunningly opposite to Clyde in personality, although also fairly handsome. He had taken great joy in finding you tapping away and had introduced himself, after a brief conversation Clyde had appeared. Jimmy grinned and practically yelled “Brother! ya didn’t tell me ya had a beautiful lady ‘ere every day” as he slapped him on the back. Clyde looked like he was wishing for death and you couldn’t help but giggle into your coffee mug. Jimmy winked at you on the way out. Clyde muttered “So sorry bout that” as he turned on his feet and disappeared out into the back on the bar. It was thoroughly amusing and left you smiling for days. 
You caught yourself thinking about Clyde more and more often, and you couldn’t deny, it was veering towards being lustful. It had really gone off the deep end when you noticed how huge his hands were. Also, you hadn’t been laid in goddamn weeks and your vibrator was receiving a thrashing. 
Seeing Clyde most days was now firmly routine. You were even getting rare small smiles from him when you arrived and announced yourself with a sing-song “Hi Clyde”. He had even taken to spending short breaks sitting next to you and watching you either draw on your tablet or work away in InDesign in fascination. He asked a question from time to time, and you would answer and explain the process you were doing or the current project you were working on. 
You had been working like a maniac recently in an effort to secure repeat contracts from several companies. Clyde seemed to have noticed and was more attentive in his coffee delivery as the dark circles under your eyes grew darker from working into the small hours.
One afternoon roughly 3 months after you first started frequenting Duck Tape you arrived at settled at your “reserved” table. Clyde put down your coffee and said: “Here ya go Flossie.”
You snorted a laugh and looked up at Clyde with a grin that visibly alarmed him and you said “Sorry, what!?”
“What? what did I say?!”
“You called me Flossie!” You laughed.
Colour tinged Clyde’s cheeks. “Oh shit sorry y/n, but ya hair reminds me of damn candy floss and-“ he started to ramble.
“My dad used to call me that when I was little!” You cut him off as you grinned up at him, “bits of my hair used to get in his face when I insisted on sleeping in my parent’s bed and he used to say, ‘your damn hair Flossie!’”
Clyde’s accidental pet name admission seemed to shift things. He seemed a lot less flustered. And your conversations seemed to get longer. You were also now exclusively Flossie or Floss, but only when no one else was around.
You took the pet name acquisition out on your vibrator.
“So Floss, when are ya gonna actually have a real drink here?” Clyde enquired one particularly warm afternoon as you packed away your things. You looked up surprised and met Clyde’s intense but gentle gaze.
“Well I guess I could come back in a few hours” you shrugged, “I’m just about to wrap up my current project this evening.”
Clyde thumped the bar with his (real) hand, making you jump slightly “We will celebrate then”.
We you mused. Butterflies stormed your stomach.
“Alrighty then sir, see you in a few hours,” you said to Clyde as you shrugged on your backpack.
“See ya Floss”
You half powerwalked home with absolutely no intention of doing more work. Fuck that. This is the cue you had hoped for. You had been far too shy and socially anxious to rock up during the evening on your own accord. Instead preferring to work into the night or curl up on the couch with a TV show, all whilst thinking about that handsome man, Clyde.
You were filled with nerves as you showered, exfoliated, shaved, and washed your hair. “Jesus Christ”, you muttered to yourself as you looked into the mirror. This isn’t a date you reminded yourself, but you felt like for a guy like Clyde this was as close to it as it gets. Not that he isn’t gentlemanly, more that he is too shy to ask outright. And you certainly weren’t one to make the first move either.
Being aware that Clyde had only ever seen you in borderline boring ‘work outfits’, which for you were soft tees and jeans or loose fitting dresses and leggings. You were a creature of comfort. You slipped on your favourite pastel pink, barely-there thong and matching lacey bra. Nice lingerie was something you treated yourself with often. You then spent far too long rummaging around in your closet for something that was neither too dressy, nor too casual. Eventually, you settled on a knee-length casual dress that fitted your waist nicely and accentuated your hourglass shape. You applied some fairly minimal makeup, as you did every day and haphazardly pinned back your wild locks. Content that you looked neither too dressy or too casual you spent the next half an hour agonizing over whether it was too early to go.
You anxiously walked the short walk to Duck Tape at 7 pm. The car park was notably fuller than when you usually visited, not that that was a hard feat. You could hear the chatter and sound of music floating out of the normally quiet bar as you crossed the parking lot. You pushed open the screen door after a few deep yoga breathes and the comforting smell of wood and beer greeted you. You noticed Clyde had snapped his head up the second the door creaked, as if on high alert. His up and down scan of your body did not go unnoticed by you but seemingly did to everyone else in the bar as they carried on chatting loudly.
You walked over to the bar and slipped into a bar stool giving Clyde a grin.
“Evenin’ Fl-, y/n” his stumble of names made you giggle and he winked at you.
“May I please have a vodka martini” you asked politely with a grin.
“Comin’ right up darlin’!” He said and started to busy himself with preparing.
Darling. Before you even had a chance to think about that, the display in front of you made you almost fall off your stool. Clyde was skilful, making a martini for you with one hand, complete with bottle spins and throws. It was fucking erotic. Your mouth was still hanging open as he slides the drink towards you. “Holy fucking shit Clyde, that was amazing” you exclaimed, looking up at him with raised eyebrows.
His cheeks became a bit pink as he shrugged it off “Lots of practice s’all”. Just as you brought the glass to your lips a pretty blonde sat in the stool next to you and put a hand on your shoulder “you must be y/n?!” You nodded, puzzled, and tried to shoot a look at Clyde but he was attending to another customer.
“So ya’ll are the one my big teddy bear of a brother is smiling about all the time! I swear to god I have never seen him so dedicated to opening the bar on time!”
Before you had a chance to react she was yelling “Clyde! Get me a wine will ya!”
Clyde turned and saw her sitting next to you and you saw a slight flash of panic pass across his face.
“Mellie, leave her alone…” he almost groaned.
She turned back to you and must have noted the blazing red that now graced your cheeks. She leaned in and whispered in your ear “I don’t know what you are doing but keep it up, I haven’t seen him this happy since he came back from Iraq.”
She gave your back a pat and jumped off the stool. Sticking her tongue out at Clyde as she walked off. You noticed Clyde trying to read your face, so you just sipped the martini as nonchalantly as possible. “Sorry about her” he muttered, “she likes to get in everyone’s business.”
You shrugged “she seems lovely, Clyde.”
As the night went on you chatted on and off with Clyde and various people who sat next to you at the bar. You remained in awe of Clyde’s barman skills, although no one else seemed at all surprised when he twirled bottles and shook drinks with absolute ease. You tried to ignore the growing throb between your legs as drink after drink was set in front of you by that giant hand.
It was a weeknight, so fairly empty by 10 pm, and Clyde migrated to the other side of the bar and sat next to you as he sipped a whiskey on the rocks slowly. “You look pretty Floss” he murmured to you soon after sitting down. Feeling slightly tipsy you giggled and rubbed his bicep, “you aren’t so bad yourself handsome!” God that bicep felt strong. You saw a slight blush tinged his cheeks. You chatted away for a while, and both failed to notice you were the only two left. Clyde had downed a few whiskeys, which seemed to have loosened him up as he had reached around and rested his good arm on the back of your chair comfortably.
At 11 you helped Clyde clean up and put the chairs on the tables so the floor could be swept in the morning. You perched on the bar waiting while Clyde took the rubbish out back. He came back and stood in front of you, from your position sitting on the bar you were actually almost eye to eye. Liquid courage seems to have possession of your limbs as you swung your legs out and wrapped them around Clyde and pulled him close to you. He smiled and raised an eyebrow, “whatcha doing Floss….?”
You looked him in the eye and grinned, placing your hands on his broad shoulders so his hair tickled your hands. “Mellie told me a secret” you whispered through your grin. Clyde groaned a little but his smile remained. You leaned forward and swept his hair away from his ear so you could whisper in it. “She told me that I make you happy.” You sat back and beamed at him. He studied your face for a second and then his big hand was behind your head and pulling you towards him.
Your lips met, he tasted like whiskey and his lips were soft. So, so soft. He pulled back and murmured “You do darlin’, you do.” It was your turn to pull him in, oh how you had been wanting to put your hands in those long locks, and when you did it was even better than you had imagined. You sucked his bottom lip as his moustache tickled your face. You licked along the seam of his mouth, eliciting the most heavenly groan. You pulled back with a giggle, one of your hands still combing through his hair. “Ya gonna kill me Floss,” he said in a husky voice. “Well you better walk me home before you have a heart attack,” you said with a coy smile as you jumped off the bar and strode towards the door purposefully.
You had never seen the man move so fast, he practically ran to his office to get the keys to lock up, pulling doors shutters shut at an impressive pace. After locking the front door he turned to you and you extended your hand and said: “I want a hand hug please.” He chuckled and took your hand. Conversation flowed easily on the way to your house and before you knew it you were at the front door, you unlocked it and practically dragged Clyde inside.
You turned and pulled Clyde’s head down and purred “Take me to bed.”
Clyde’s turned his head and looked you straight in the eye and growled: “Oh sweetheart, I thought you’d never ask”. In one quick motion he squatted slightly and picked you up with one arm, you squealed. He somehow seemed to know where the bedroom was and sat down with you still in his arm on the bed. His prosthetic arm seemed to be in his way, “do you want to take that off?” You asked, raising an eyebrow, at him. “Oh don’t worry darlin’ I don’t want to freak you out, having half an arm n all” he smiled.
“I love your arms, I think they are so fucking sexy, honestly, take it off if you will be more comfortable” you insisted as you rubbed his upper arms affectionately.
“Well, ok, but you just tell me if ya want me to put it back on darlin’.” He reached and pulled off the metal prosthetic, you took it and carefully placed it on your dressing table. Still sitting on the edge of the bed, Clyde smiled gently at you. You climbed into his lap, onto your knees so you were straddling him and ran your hands down his arms, the back up to his face and into his hair, pressing your forehead against his. He sighed and responded by running his hand up and down your back. “I’ve wanted this for so long,” you whispered.
“Me too Floss, ya so beautiful darlin’, I was just too chicken-shit to tell ya” he breathed. His lips met yours feverishly and you explored each other’s mouths, your hands were fumbling with his shirt buttons, his one hand trying to push down your dress straps. You were both failing spectacularly and you quickly stood and ripped your whole dress off over your head.
“Holy shit” he muttered as he drank in your pink lacy bra and tiny thong. Blushing you bent down and kissed his lips lightly before helping him pull off his shirt. His torso was toned and that glorious happy trail…. “fuck Clyde you are making me feel a bit self-conscious here” you muttered as you poked your remarkably untoned stomach. He pulled you toward him in a swift movement.
“Now you listen here” he growled quietly as he ran his hand over your hip and then arse giving each cheek a light squeeze, “these curves are the sexiest damn thing I ‘av ever seen darlin” he said as he kissed you right on the stomach. A giggle escaped your lips, you started tugging at his jeans that were now visibly tented at the front. He stood and stripped them off, remaining in a pair of briefs, and oh god, he looked like a big boy. You pushed him up the bed so he was sitting against the head board and climbed into his lap, his erection hard against your increasingly damp, clothed sex.
He ran his hand down your back and expertly unclipped your bra. He moaned at the sight of your hard nipples and full breasts, his hand was on one and his mouth on the other in record time. Even in his large hand, you were a decent handful, and he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying it. He gently squeezed as he sucked one nipple and then the other. A loud moan escaped your lips as you threw your head back in ecstasy. “Music to my ears sweethear’, fuck ya have perfect tits” he groaned before he continued his assault on your chest.
Growing impatient you started to grind against his hard clothed cock as he sucked your nipples. Your hand travelled down and palmed it greedily. Clyde pulled back and raised an eyebrow at you with a smirk, “what do ya’ want darlin’?”
All you could do was whine needily.
You reached into his briefs and grasped him, fuck, he was huge. Thick. You gave him a slow pump, you both moaned. Truth be told you were usually into far more foreplay, but Goddamn it, this wasn’t the time. Seemingly on the same page, Clyde pulled his briefs down, then yours and gripped your waist firmly with his hand and other arm. He looked you in the eye questioningly, you were growing rather fluent in the art of reading Clyde’s microexpressions. “Birth control.” You rasped.
He gave a small nod and then lowered you down onto his rock hard cock with agonising slowness, stopping when you gasped as the tip made contact with your opening. “Jesus, fuck, don’t stop” you growled, Clyde chuckled. The stretch was exquisite, you don’t think you had ever moaned so loudly as when you were fully seated. You sat there, muted for a few seconds, eyes closed.
“Holy hell darlin’ you feel so good, fuck, so tight,” Clyde said in a strained voice, “I’m not gon’ last long, FUCK.”
You started to move up and down slowly and the sensation caused you to throw your head back, “neither am I” you said through gritted teeth.
You looked down at Clyde, he was watching your breasts bounce as you moved, the sheer sight made you moan louder. His hand was alternating between cupping an arse cheek and tracing the curve of your hip. No one had ever made you feel so sexy.
Suddenly he slipped out and flipped you both, causing you to squeak as you landed on your back. “You are workin’ too hard sweetheart’” he said as he propped your legs on his broad shoulders. You had a magnificent view of his body. Oh, it was… beautiful.
He entered you again with the same cautionary slowness. The new angle was sublime. You felt every inch. As he started to pump you started to babble “oh my god, oh fuck, oh god, feels so good, please don’t stop, fuck!” The feedback causes a low moan to escape Clyde’s mouth. Propping himself with his partial arm he reached and started to rub your clit.
“Oh fuck, that’s going to make me cum!” You gasped, looking Clyde straight in the eye.
“That’s the idea darlin’ I ain’t gunna last much longer, your pussy is too perfect.”
The praise sent you over the edge and towards climax as you clenched around Clyde and rolled your eyes back in pure ecstasy. Watching you cum sent Clyde over the edge, he shuddered and let out a guttural moan as he came in you.
He pulled out and collapsed next to you. You rolled to face him, reached and started stroking his hair, smiling shyly. His eyes searched yours, before he leant in, kissing you softly on the lips and murmuring “Floss, you’re perfect.”
You hummed and buried your face into his neck, his skin was so warm…
Eventually, you got up and ran a bath, and you both got in, sighing contentedly as you leaned back against Clyde’s chest. He stroked your arm mindlessly, as you sat in comfortable silence.
Once in bed, Clyde whispered sweet things in your ear as he stroked your hair. You drifted to sleep in his arms, a smile on your face.
Things didn’t really change once your relationship became romantic, however, everyone found out pretty quickly as Jimmy walked in on you kissing at the bar. He had whooped loudly and pulled you both into a group hug.
Mellie had pulled you aside and given you a big hug, her eyes glistened with tears as she told you how happy you were making her brother. “I didn’t know if he was ever going to smile like he used to” she had gushed.
Neither of you was largely comfortable with PDA and you stuck to the usual routine of working at Duck Tape in the day. However, Clyde was spending most nights at your cottage as it was such a short walk. And really, you couldn’t keep your hands off one another.
You found out Clyde was an incredibly generous lover, the man was happy to eat you out for damn near hours, until you were almost crying from the sensitivity, not stopping until you came a number of times. He loved to worship your body, slowly taking in every curve, with his hand or mouth.
Quickies weren’t a thing, which suited you fine actually, as you could never orgasm that fast and having Clyde slowly luxuriate your body was blissful. I mean he did bend you over his desk one quiet day at the bar, but it wasn’t the norm.
Clyde’s face had been between your legs for a good 20 minutes one night, causing you to be in a state of euphoria which erased any verbal control. You moaned loudly “oh daddy pleaseeee”.
Clyde’s head snapped up, eyes flashing. Realising what you said, you giggled with embarrassment. “What did ya’ say?” He growled.
“Daddy?” You offered coyly.
“Oh darlin’, I will be ya daddy, but only if you are a good girl” he rumbled, with a look that suggested you were about to be ravaged.
His flipped you over onto all fours and slapped your arse, you moaned, the ache between your legs intensified.
“Oh please, please” you begged.
“Who am i?” Clyde demanded.
“Dadddddyyyyyyyy” you whined.
Clyde thrust into you hard and started an uncharacteristically punishing pace.
“Gunna put a baby in you” he puffed “make you mine.”
No one had ever said such a thing to you, but fuck, it was hot as hell.
“Oh yes daddy, please, make me yours!” You cried, your walls spasming around him.
That was Clyde’s undoing, coming hard in you with a loud “AH FUCK!”.
Leave me prompts for this fic?
I have no idea what I am doing.
Part II
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synthsol ¡ 3 years
Those Summer Nights (Sugar Daddy!Roger x Reader)
This fic was inspired by this anon over at @rogerfckintaylor!
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1500 words of 18+ smut with Sugar Daddy Roger. Unprotected sex and daddy kink. 😎😎😎
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synthsol ¡ 3 years
A Formal Request (Roger Taylor x Reader)
Summary: after realizing how…well acquainted Roger is with the female anatomy, the reader asks him to show her how to effectively get off.
Warnings: Light (?) Kinda Fluffy Smut, Language
A/N: I hope you enjoy this one! I’m doing something for Deaky next I SWEAR. I miss him so bad!! I’m still taking HCs/Senarios. As always, this can be read for Roger or Ben!Roger. All my love!
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“Why’re you so tense?” Roger rubbed at your shoulders, neither of your eyes leaving the movie you’d put on. The couch was a mess, and you sat over each other lazily.
“Don’t lie to me.”
You sighed. He always saw straight through you. “I’m just…wound up.”
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synthsol ¡ 3 years
Playing Dress-up (Roger Taylor x Reader)
Summary: Roger is distracted from his studies when the reader decides to do her best impression of him.
Warnings: Giggly sex, Unprotected Sex, Cursing
A/N: Don’t worry! I’m writing Deaky, too! Deaky’s fic will be much sweeter, but just as playful. Thank you for your kind words. I ADORE when people comment on my work! As always, this can be read for real Roger or Ben!Roger. All my love! Enjoy!
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Roger frowned into his textbook for about the 80th time. He’d read the same paragraph over and over, but it somehow made less sense everytime. He looked to the little neon green numbers glowing on the clock above the stove and sighed. He hadn’t even been working for an hour.
The bedroom door let out a little creak and he heard you walk into the kitchen. He kept his eyes on the book, trying to focus his fuzzy head. You cleared your throat expectantly, and he glanced over his shoulder at you.
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synthsol ¡ 3 years
All Grown Up
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WARNING: age gap (19 and 32), breeding kink, pregnancy mentions 
(here’s the age gap for all of u rog hoes, its super long i know lmao and i hope its even good cuz i always question my work ??? ugh anyways ily and hope u enjoy <3 also 1980s rog is the hottest thing ever so sorry for the pic spam lmao)
Word Count: 4,878
You never meant to fall for him. Some things are just unplanned. You had known him for forever, since you were tiny. Your brother Brian was best friends with him. You never would have thought that any of this would happen, but it did. It had been about two years since you saw Roger. You were busy with your studies and friends, so you weren’t around as much. You had just turned nineteen when you came back to town. You wanted to surprise your brother by showing up at his recording studio unexpectedly. 
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synthsol ¡ 3 years
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10/10 yes please
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synthsol ¡ 3 years
Chirps, trills, and squawking (blushy mammon?) Growls and snarls! Really anything to do with their animals, the motifs or their stage animals or anything? Scent marking but not just the MC but like mammon rolling in their sheets, Satan making sure their rad workbag smells like him? Claws and fangs! I really just spat out anything but I hope maybe one might inspire! <3 love the writing and I agree that the purring was just so good
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The Demon Bros Scent Marking GN!MC!
(Looks at you guys)
Probably the last one that thinks about scenting you, tbh. His pride won't allow it until he knows for SURE that you've stolen his heart.
Probably the last one that thinks about scenting you, tbh. His pride won't allow it until he knows for SURE that you've stolen his heart.
And then you'd better watch out, because he's always touching you from then on in some subtle way. Not too showy, but just enough that it gets his point across.
And then you'd better watch out, because he's always touching you from then on in some subtle way. Not too showy, but just enough that it gets his point across.
And then you'd better watch out, because he's always touching you from then on in some subtle way. Not too showy, but just enough that it gets his point across.
Gently caressing your hair away from your face, subtly brushing his arm against you, pulling you aside by the hips so you can avoid obstacles; that sort of thing.
In more private moments with you, he'll lean into the crook of your neck and rub himself into it, wishing he could just permanently ingrain his scent into you.
You're probably wondering why other demons are avoiding you, but can you blame them? You smell so strongly of Lucifer that it's pretty obvious he wants to keep others away.
Boi this demon started scenting you from the moment you made his lil greedy heart go doki doki. The Great Mammon?? Pining for a lowly human??? It's more likely than you think
He was possessive of you to begin with, so things only amplified once he started catching feelings for you. Now he's outright scenting you in front of anyone, whenever he gets the chance to do it.
God forbid he thinks you're spending too much time around the other brothers, because then you're never leaving his arms. He's blatantly scrubbing his face and head against you at every given moment, like an overly affectionate cat
Sometimes he gets so into it that his hair is all messy afterward, not that he really cares. When he's finished, he gives you a satisfied nod before going off to do his own thing.
Be grateful that you smell like THE Mammon now! Though do you really think that's gonna stop his brothers from getting to you-
It takes him SO long to work up to scenting you. Actually, he probably does it by accident before he even realizes what he's doing.
He moves on instinct, always moving a little closer when you're near him, carefully bumping his head against yours while his eyes are affixed to his tv screen. Might even snuggle against you for two seconds before pulling back.
If you touch his head, he's leaning to press his face into your wrists and lingers there for long enough to make you wonder what's going on.
And when he realizes that you're practically saturated in his scent??? This boy is on cloud nine. It's something so subtle, yet still present enough to let everyone know you're HIS.
That way, he doesn't have to say any mushy stuff out loud! He can just touch you a little, maybe give you his jacket, and you'll be marked for the world to see. It always makes him giddy when he thinks about it.
DEFINITELY an aggressive scenter. He's not shy about it, openly embracing you when he thinks you don't smell enough like him.
He wants his scent to permeate everything you own, every article of clothing, every pillow on your bed- He wants his presence on you to be known from the moment you wake up.
Not that you can really tell, with your human nose and all. But that's the way he likes it, knowing that he's leaving his mark and you're practically none the wiser (whether you know he's scenting you or not)
In tender moments with you, he likes to hold you in his arms while he reads. Your own scent calms him down, and he doesn't mind if it gets on him. Actually, that's probably exactly what he wants.
When he irritable, all it takes it a whiff of your lingering scent to put him in a good mood all over again. Though, that makes him want to seek you out so he can make sure you still smell like him-
At this rate, you almost permanently smell like Asmo. You thought he was touchy to begin with? Just wait until his feelings for you become apparent. Because now he can't keep his hands off of you.
He's always snuggling you when he has the chance, pulling your face into his chest so he can rub all over the top of your head. He doesn't care where you are, who's around, or what time of day it is, because he's GOT to be touching you.
Hell, he'll even spray you with his perfumes sometimes so you have double the Asmo scent.
And he knows his scent is absolutely perfect, so he wants to share it with you! The fact that you smell like him always has him happily humming away, content with the way he's marked his territory.
While Asmo is pretty open about giving his affections away, that doesn't mean he can't be a little greedy sometimes. He LOVES the look on another demon's face when they catch his alluring scent on you, but they know they can't lay a single finger on you.
He's not shy about the way he shows his affection for you, but he's probably the least likely to scent you. Not because he doesn't want to, but the instinct just doesn't pull at him as strongly as it does for the others.
That being said, he might not realize when he's leaving his mark on you, when he embraces you against him and leans into your neck to breathe in your scent. It puts him at ease and makes him forget about his hunger.
Sometimes it stirs up a different kind of hunger, and he finds that he just wants to hold you in his arms until he's satisfied. Don't doubt that he won't outright pick you up and carry you around the house.
He also likes to put his clothes on you, since they practically swallow you up, and it makes him feel like he's keeping you safe. And afterwards when he hugs you and finds that you only smell like him?? He's thrilled.
When you smell like Beel, his affections for you go through the room and he keeps patting your head, giving you hugs, and trying to feed you snacks. Now you smell even MORE like him.
He's a brat, and inherently the clingiest of all the brothers despite not always being so open about it. He keeps his deepest affections for you hidden away in his heart, but that means they all pour out when you two are alone.
His bed obviously smells like he does, so he uses you napping with him as an excuse to get that scent all over you. You always leave smelling like him, and his chest swells with pride.
Belphie can be handsy when he's sleepy and he's always seeking out your affections (because he's spoiled), so one way or another, you're going to smell like him.
He'll hold you from behind and lean into you, rubbing his head against your face. He'll claim your lap as his pillow and snuggle into your stomach. He'll constantly steal the pillows off of your bed and scent them so you smell like him when you wake up
He might not scent YOU directly all the time, but he's a sneaky bastard who's determined to make his mark somewhere, more often on your possessions. One way or another, everyone will know you belong to him.
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synthsol ¡ 3 years
Can I request the bros reacting to mc running up to them for a surprise hug? Fluff or crack works for me ahaha I hope you have a lovely day!
Think Fast! It's a Surprise Hug!
(Feat. The Demon Bros and GN!MC)
Who in the blazes is running down the hall-
Leaves his office ready to smite someone, when you suddenly crash into his torso and cling to him.
Takes him a minute to realize that you're hugging him on purpose, and not trying to play off running into him on accident
But did you really need to run down the hall for that?? Ngl it kinda strokes his ego to know you came rushing specifically to see him, but he'll never admit it.
"Running around the house just to hug me, MC? I'm flattered, but isn't there a quieter way for you to come to me? If you ask properly next time, I'll be glad to entertain you."
You fool... Mammon can sense when you're coming to him!! There's no surprise here except YOUR surprise when he catches you!
He's so smug about it too, spinning you around with a wide grin on his face before he pulls you in.
And when he's done, he'll promptly pull back and fight off that impending feeling of embarrassment that's creeping up on him.
Of course you'd wanna hug THE Great Mammon. Who wouldn't?? Though he can't deny that he was a little surprised when you just leapt at him like that-
"Tryin' to catch me off guard, huh? I saw ya from a mile away, so it's impossible! Who can resist huggin' me?" "....S-So makes it's only ME you're huggin' like that, ya hear?!"
His lightning fast reflexes are no match for your sheer speed... or rather, his weak gamer body doesn't let him dodge you
Gets mowed down oop-
Can't even be mad at you though because he's so 😳❤️ about you ACTUALLY wanting to hug him
So while he's recovering from his new concussion, he's stammering and fidgeting while he tries to figure out where his hands should go
"M-M-MC!! You can't just come out of nowhere like that, you know?! A-At least give me a chance to prepare my heart!! I don't mind hugging you, s-so warn me next time!"
You surprise the hell out of him when you come sprinting down the hall and suddenly cling to his back
Was about to kick into fight or flight mode until he realized it was just you. Instantly softens up awwww
You make him laugh though, looking all disheveled and grinning at him triumphantly.
How dare you try to be more mischievous than he is. Don't you know HE'S the king of surprises?? 😤
"Did you really come running just to catch me off guard? I'll admit you surprised me, you cheeky thing. But you'd better watch out, because I plan to get revenge. Why don't we make this into a game?"
You know DAMN WELL you see he's holding a curling iron wAIT A SECOND PLEASE
But you don't wait, and Asmo has four seconds to quickly put the iron down or he risks burning the both of you.
His cheeks are all red and he's clearly annoyed, but he can't stay angry when you came all this way just to hug him. Who said you could be so cute??
"MC!! What would you have done if I singed my hair, hm?? Or worse, my gorgeous face! That's it... as punishment, you have to spend the entire evening with me! Now sit down, so I can get you ready~"
Beel hears you take your running start, and internally panics. MC wait pls, his arms are full of so much food plea-
Soft "oof" as he catches you in his arms, watching in dismay as all of his snacks go falling to the floor
When they ask you how you're doing and you have to say that you're fine, but you're not really fine-
Doesn't know if he's happy to be holding you in his arms, or distraught about the food gone to waste. But tbh we all know he's gonna eat it off the floor so-
"Did something good happen? You're pretty excited. If you came to tell me about the 'buy-one-get-one' special at McDevil's, I already know about it. But.. since I dropped it all, why don't we get some together?"
Just kidding, Belphie knows there's a coffee table right there and doesn't want you smashing into it, so he's bracing himself for impact.
He doesn't open his arms for you, but lets you cling to him for a little while. Leans into it like the wee baby he is
Can't help but chuckle at you, despite trying his best to look like this is the biggest inconvenience in the world.
"Seriously, how can you always be so full of energy? Just looking at you makes me tired... so I hope you're okay with offering yourself up as my pillow. Don't move, okay?"
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synthsol ¡ 3 years
10, 11 and 22 for Diavolo maybe?? 👀👀
10. ♥ Do they include their partners in most aspects of their life?
In every aspect that he can, of course! If you’re someone who doesn’t let secrets slip easily than Diavolo is quick to divulge sensitive information that only Lucifer and Barbatos know to you, showing you’re one of the people he trusts most in the Devildom. He doesn’t often like to bring you into the more political side of his life but he enjoyed hearing your opinions on the matter, and there were times where he needed to vent to someone other than his two close friends. 
11. ♥ Do they make an effort to find someone with similar views, be they political or moral?
Diavolo doesn’t need someone who’s only a ‘yes man’. He wouldn’t like someone who disagreed with him just for the fun of it either but he likes someone who has a mind of their own; he would like if they had the same endgame in mind, such as wanting good relations between all three worlds. He doesn’t necessarily make an effort to find a person who’s even remotely politically involved, in fact, he thinks he’d prefer someone who isn’t trying to use him in one way or the other.
22. ♥ Tell us about a sacrifice they made for their significant other.
If you were human, even if you were magical, his reputation might temporarily tank depending on who you ask. Diavolo didn’t much care about the backlash as he had heavily weighed his options before making the relationship public, deciding that it would follow along with his ideals that demons and humans should get along as best they can. He knows there’s whispers about his potential incompetence, that you’re using him for something or you’ve managed to get him under your control but there are stark defenders of his right to date who he pleased. It was a big decision to go public with this romance as it could bring into question whether he could truly rule over the Devildom but Diavolo was willing to take that chance. 
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synthsol ¡ 3 years
1, 20 and 27 with Lucifer?
(1 was already answered!)
1. ♥ Do they seek out love or let it find them? Are they even interested in romance?
20. ♥ How did their relationship start?
You were practically dropped on Lucifer’s lap, gift-wrapped, yet the courting with him would continue on for at least a year as it was a big commitment for someone like him to make. You remember enjoying a nice evening with him, something most would qualify as a date but Lucifer hesitated to call it just that. You were startlingly easy to talk to which meant Lucifer found more things than he ever intended falling out of his mouth when you were together, half-heartedly accusing you of having some hidden charm ability though he knew that it was just his heart finally wanting a person to confide in. You can tell that his determination to push you into a certain friendly zone was beginning to break, that his real feelings were becoming louder with each day that passed and that he could no longer ignore the jealousy he felt at the thought of you belonging to another. When he finally sealed the deal he put just about all his baggage up front, none of which you were blind to since you had dealt with him for so long; he almost seemed relieved when you returned his feelings, knowing they were there but still wondering if you thought he would be worth the frustration.
27. ♥ Have they had dreams about their partner/the person they are courting?
The only place Lucifer could happily be with you, no problems at all, was in his dreams. This is long before he’d actually managed to come to terms with his feelings for you, where he’d picture you in all sorts of scandalous positions. You would come into his room while he was busy and offer him some coffee, kissing his cheek before telling him he should take a break soon lest he overwork himself. There were ones where you were in RAD and you’d pull him away from Diavolo with some half-assed excuse, hastily undressing yourself as you pulled him into a closet and practically begged for his attention. These dreams made it all the more difficult to focus when you were around as he could always remember what you looked like, eyes so full of a love he didn’t know if he deserved. He had never been so enamored with a person before and had to double check that it wasn’t Satan or Belphie pulling some type of spell on him, actually quite unhappy when he learned it was his own brain that would lead to his undoing.
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synthsol ¡ 3 years
Random Demon Brother HCs (Part 2)
Levi ->
Has seen enough hentai to know what he wants to do.
Being terribly shy, he’s opted for going into demon form and letting his tail do the talking.
Lucky for you, his tail has a mind of its own and much less shy than our precious otaku.
His tail may wrap around your leg and start rub your inner thigh, slowly inching towards the curve of your ass until you give him a hum of approval.
His other option is to wrap his tail around your neck while lightly tracing the outline of your lips until you open your mouth and begin to suck on the tip of it.
It will always end in amazing but rather rough sex, who’s complaining though? 
Belphie ->
Being the youngest and having spent the least amount of time with you has the STRONGEST desire out of his brothers to breed you.
He goes feral at the idea of stuffing you completely full of his cum and the brothers smelling him on you.
Of course they would be upset, he’s only known you for a fraction of the time they have.
All the brothers obvious jealousy fuels him to continue to do it.
Doesn’t like for you to shower after he fucks you, at least not until you’ve had dinner with him and all his brothers.
Oh? Going to have dinners with the other exchange students or Lord Diavolo and Barbatos?
Even better, everyone will know you’re his.
Beel ->
Will fuck you in the kitchen every time he’s on cooking duty.
Every. Single. Time.
It’s a weekly ritual the two of you have become very fond of.
The brothers assume the reason he orders food rather than cooking is to avoid scarfing down ingredients before he’s half way through making the meal.
Well, that used to be the case.
Now, he uses his uninterrupted kitchen duty time to lift you onto the countertops or kitchen island and start pounding into you.
Remember to periodically give him his favorite reward of going down on your sex and devouring you.
Your moaning only gives him more incentive to keep going.
Tag list: @theravencawsatmidnight
Part 1
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synthsol ¡ 3 years
Random Demon Brother HCs (Part 1)
Satan would be first to fuck you in the planetarium. He’s actually a hopeless romantic. What really get you is when he whispers into your ear “these aren’t the only stars you’ll be seeing tonight.”
Asmo will get more mirrors installed once you started fucking in his room. He’ll even remove the roof of his bedding so he can have a ceiling mirror installed. He wants to see the both you ad himself your most vulnerable states from all angles.
Lucifer is a man who loves to be called Master, will absolutely swell with pride. But if you’re in public, he’ll demand a Sir. When you get home, be prepared for some very rough or tender loving. Depending on how bratty you’ve been.
Mammon gets hard at just the thought of wrecking you in your room. He wants all his brothers to know that you’re his. That no matter what crap they say about him, it’s his scent that lingers in your room when his brothers come to visit.
(What do you think? Should I make some more hcs for the other brothers? Would you like more for these brothers?)
Taglist: @theravencawsatmidnight
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synthsol ¡ 3 years
Drunk Drabble pt. 2
Guys, I got so fucking drunk last night and wrote this but never posted it because I passed out lol
NSFW Lucifer x tipsy F!MC
TW: intoxication, slight dub-con
Minors DNI
You were a little drunk to say the least. Not totally wasted, you knew what you were doing. But all of your inhibitions flew out of the window.
"Lucifer, I'm just trying to get in bed - if you're there or not does not bother me."
Maybe it was your boldness, or rather your inability to walk a few stairs, but he helped you up the stairs to your room.
"Yeah, sure."
It was weird. Never had you imagined Lucifer to actually stay.
"Yes. MC?"
"Kiss me."
And he did. Slowly, with a lot of hesitation.
"Lucifer. Give me more."
And he did. He kissed harder, with passion. His hands wandered up and down your sides - goosebumps lingered after his touch. You subconsciously started grinding into him - letting your primal desires lead you.
"MC...Don't tempt me." His words contradicted his actions as he slowly slipped off your shirt. His kisses left marks all over your torso.
"Mm, Lucifer."
Your moans were the only thing he heard.
"MC, you better control yourself before I do."
As if a threat, you moaned louder.
Ripping off your pants, he kissed downwards.
Your moans were caught up in the air as he began pleasuring you.
"Don't stop."
It was a silly command, but he answered it and kept eating you out like it was the last meal he would ever have. It wasn't until you were soaking wet that he decided to drop his pants.
"Is this okay?" He asked.
Of course it was okay. Lucifer, himself, was about to fuck you.
You nodded in agreement and he plunged his thick cock into you. A strained scream erupted from your throat.
"Too much!" You pleaded.
He ignored it and pounded deeper into your pussy.
"Fuck, you're so tight."
"Luci-" You couldn't even form his name, his cock filled every inch inside you and it was the best feeling in the world. His hands were grabbing at your body like you might disappear at any moment. You hadn't felt so good in so long, and your climax would burst at any moment.
You shouted this. You didn't care who the hell heard you. Fuck it, let everyone hear how good Lucifer was fucking you. You wouldn't trade this for the world.
Every vein, every curve - his cock slipped in and out of your wet pussy. The build up of your climax was coming, but you wanted to come with him. Your hips moved on their own, bumping into him with each thrust - begging his impending orgasm to release inside you.
"So close," he ensured you. His perfect hair was stuck to his forehead, and his usually stern face was plastered with pleasure.
"Cum for me." It wasn't a command, but it might as well have been. He came inside you as if it was an order.
He kept going, making sure you would cum, as well. And you did. All over his cock.
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synthsol ¡ 3 years
What Lucifer and Beelzebub do when you Cum
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Pairing: Lucifer x Female!reader, Beelzebub x Female!reader
Genre: Smut
A/N: enjoy 😇
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After Lucifer gives you an orgasm; key word give. You only get to have what he allows. After letting you cum, you're trembling almost violently, unable to control the way your body reacts to such a long-awaited event after hours of edging. When he finally splits you open on his cock and gives you permission, your tiny frame convulses like he's never seen before. You clutch his shoulders and gasp for breath as he continues to drill himself as deep as possible in your snug little cunt.
Those innocent little eyes roll back, your legs shake, and you scream as clear fluid sprays from the pink, abused walls of your pussy and paint his toned abdomen with your essence. He doesn't mind the bite of your nails down his back. In fact, it spurs him on. You smell so good and you look so beautiful... how can he resist? Now with one large hand wrapped around your throat, Lucifer no longer cares when you cum. He just wants to see that absolutely ruined look on your face over and over and over again until he's satisfied
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Beelzebub would be much different. The gentle giant towers over you, his enlarged tip pressed hotly against your clenching hole, but he wants to make sure you're okay with this one more time.
This isn't the first time you've been intimate with the sixth brother, so docile and sweet. He'd been eating you out for a long time and evidence of this was still glistening on his chin as he leaned down to cup your face and give your puffy, tear-swollen lips a slew of innocent little kisses. As he leans down, you shudder as his tip accidentally slides in and pops past your opening. So much prep could only prepare you so much.
He keeps kissing you as he gently rocks his hips back and forth, rubbing your swollen clit, to work the widest part of his length into your dripping cunt and you squeeze his biceps and cum as your poor little hole finally accepts the first half.
Unlike Lucifer, Beel would stop, rub your cute little tummy bulge, smooth his warm hands down your thighs, and tell you how much he loves you.
He thinks you've never looked more delicious than in these moments.
Once you catch your breath, it's time to stuff you to the brim.
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no surprise, I enjoyed writing these. let me know if you guys want them for the other brothers and other characters in the game (except luke ofc)
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synthsol ¡ 3 years
What Barbatos and Diavolo do when you Cum
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@love-lost-insecure-blog you can find Mammon on this post and anon, Asmo will be coming soon!! Enjoy!
Pairing: Barbatos x Female!Reader, Diavolo x Female!Reader
Genre: Smut
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Barbatos had one gloved hand clamped over your lips, silencing any noise that threatened to escape and possibly alert anyone nearby of your predicament. After all, it would be rather unsightly and awkward should the Demon Lord catch his butler fucking the exchange student over his royal throne no less.
Not only that, but you had so graciously accepted the offer to help the butler prepare for the evening and earn a little extra cash. Now, here you were being fucked over the arm of Lord Diavolo's throne.
"Don't stop polishing on my account, little bunny," The butler teased, lips brushing seductively against your ear as he dipped his other hand into your cunt to rub your swollen clit, "Lord Diavolo has an appearance to make this afternoon. A throne anything less than spotless would be an utter embarrassment, don't you think?"
A muffled 'yes sir' fell from your lips as you lifted your shaking hands to finish the job.
"Come on pretty girl, you're not completely useless, right?" He sneered, lips brushing against the shell of your ear as you struggled to rub a dark spot off of the gold in front of you, "You want to cum like a good girl for me? You're going to cum all over my cock like the dirty little human you are, just make a bigger mess for me to clean up, right?"
You gasp and whimper against his hand, nodding tearfully as his fingers sped up causing you to struggle and writhe against his chest until you let go and the slick from your orgasm dribbled down your legs and stained the rouge carpet and the fine material of the butler's slacks.
Barbatos knew you couldn't help it, but that didn't mean you were exempt from punishment.
"Messy girl," He hissed, the slap of his hips against your ass only becoming louder and harsher, "You just made mess all over Diavolo's spotless carpet... I guess I'll have to punish you, won't I?"
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Diavolo didn't know if it was the way your precious little boobies bounced or the way your little hands would try to push back against his thighs or how after you came around him you would go nearly boneless in his arms and cry about how sensitive you were.
Maybe it was just the little cries you made while speared on his length that had gotten him addicted, maybe it was the fucked out look he'd catch in the mirror after one too many orgasms, he wasn't sure.
All the Demon Lord knew was that the moment your abused cunt forced his dick out and squirted all over the bed, he was more hooked than he'd ever been before.
He wanted to hear your breath hitch, feel you squirming away from him as he kept rubbing and spanking your weeping hole.
You twitched as he reinserted himself, but at this point you were too fucked out to do anything about it. You could only whine and beg him to slow down, tears welling in your eyes from sensitivity.
"Look at you, my beautiful cock-hungry little girl." He grasped your face and forced you to look at yourself in the mirror. The way your cunt drooled onto the bed as he thrust slowly against your cervix, the pink tissue of your pussy stretched terribly far to accommodate his girth.
"You're so pretty..." Diavolo leans down to nibble on your shoulder, "I'm so lucky to have such a sweet baby girl aren't I? I think you deserve a little reward..."
One big tanned hand slid down your stuffed abdomen and began to play with your folds. You squealed and grabbed his hand, pushing it away from you with whatever remained of your strength but to no avail.
"Darling, don't do that, don't push me away. I know you want more and I only want to give it to you, understand? I love you so much, my precious dove so let me make you feel so so good."
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Lucifer and Beel
Mammon, Simeon, and Solomon
Leviathan, Satan, and Asmodeus - Coming soon!!
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synthsol ¡ 3 years
I’ve got an idea I don’t know if you know of this older TikTok trend but it was call “drop the towel challenge” or something like that. It’s basically where the girlfriend walks over to their boyfriends naked in record their reactions. How do you think the brothers would react to their Mc doing this? Well that’s all have a great day and stay safe!
Oh yes, I very much do! Thank you for the inspiration! I used fem!reader since you mentioned girlfriend, so I hope this is okay! tags/warnings: 18+/NSFW, mentions of female anatomy word count: ~1.4k characters: all brothers
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☽ lucifer.
He’s sitting at his desk, poring over paperwork as per usual, when he hears the bathroom door open.
Not glancing up, enthralled in the documents before him until he hears the soft thump of your towel hitting the floor, forcing his gaze up to you, cocking an eyebrow in curiosity.
A smirk tugs the corner of his lips up as he leans back in his chair, gazing upon your naked form before him, his cock twitching beneath his trousers.
“You are quite the temptress, pet. Incorrigible, really. Are you that needy for attention?”
Making swift work of undoing his belt and zipper, his now-hard cock springs free, your gaze drawn towards it; your lips part to speak, but before you can say anything, a gloved hand reaches for your arm and tugs you down onto his lap.
“Perhaps you could make yourself useful and warm my cock for me as I finish this work for Diavolo. Though I don’t want to hear so much as a single whimper, not one moan to fall from those pretty lips until I finish. Am I understood?”
Lifting your hips, he stifles a groan as he slides into your wet heat, the smirk on his handsome face growing wider as he watches you clap a hand over your mouth in a feeble attempt to muffle a small cry of pleasure.
“Now, now, pet,” he purrs, kissing the side of your neck and rolling his hips up into you, “you’re going to have to do better than that. Remember, good girls get rewarded.”
☽ mammon.
He’s very flustered at first, a deep blush staining his cheeks scarlet as he turns from the couch where he’s getting the movie started.
“O-Oi! Just what do ya think you’re doin’!”
It doesn’t take much to get him hard when it comes to you, and this is no exception.
“Ya can’t just come out of nowhere with nothin’ on like that! I-I mean, can’t ya warn a demon next time?”
Your eyes settle on the growing bulge between his legs underneath his gray sweatpants, and you grin, sauntering towards him, eager to tease him even more.
His flustered state quickly changes to aroused, a grin splitting his face, and he bites his lip as he stands.
“So, ya think you can get one over on The Great Mammon?”
Without giving you time to respond, he grabs your arm and pushes your back to bend you over the arm of the couch, kneeing your thighs apart to press his cock against your entrance.
“No one gets one over on me, my pretty little slut. Now, ya better get to screamin’ for my cock for all my brothers to hear to make up for it, ya got that? Be a good girl for me, and I’ll get ya even wetter than ya were in the shower.”
☽ leviathan.
He doesn’t even notice at first when your towel drops to the floor, he’s so enthralled by the game on his computer screen, clutching the controller tightly in his grip and his headset covering his ears.
You have to reach out and physically turn his chair for him to look at you.
“Wha- MC! N-no, w-why are you... why don’t you have c-clothes on?!”
His hand comes up in a feeble attempt to hide the dark red blush on his face, but of course he’s starting to get hard... and is that an eroge game on his screen?
“W-wait! I-it’s not what you think...”
His gaze follows the abundance of tentacles on screen to your naked form before him, and he can feel himself twitching, suddenly more excited than embarrassed.
Shifting into his demon form, he snakes his tail around your thigh, caressing the soft skin and relishing in the way you shudder.
“W-well... maybe we could see how it feels... if you want...”
He lets his tail tease over your now-wet folds, rubbing it back and forth tantalizingly slow as you let out a soft groan.
“I learned some new positions from this game that I’ve always wanted to try.”
☽ satan.
The bathroom door creaks open, steam billowing from the doorway as you step out and glance upon the blonde-haired demon hunched over his desk, furiously scribbling notes in a book and murmuring to himself.
Warm, scented steam caresses his nose, though he barely lifts his head to glance your way, muttering a quick “hello, kitten” before turning back to his work, dipping a quill into the jar of black ink and resuming his notes.
Your towel drops slowly to the floor and you step forward until you’re standing next to his desk chair.
Suddenly much more aware of the warm presence at his side, he turns his body, raking his eyes up and over your body with a lopsided grin before discarded the pen haphazardly, ink spilling onto the desk.
“My, my,” he purrs, shifting into his demon form, “it would seem I have a very naughty kitten on my hands tonight. What am I to do with you?”
He pulls you into his lap, your legs straddling his waist and attaching his lips to your nipple, he suckles on a breast, rolling his hips up into you until you can feel the bulge growing between his legs, straining against his pants.
“I believe I’d much prefer to focus on studying you rather than translating this book.”
☽ asmodeus.
Normally, he’d join you in the tub, but tonight you had bathed solo and waited patiently wrapped in a plush robe for Asmo to return from the council meeting.
“Oh, darling, I’m back! Did you bathe without me?”
You quickly untie your robe, letting it fall to the floor as Asmo studies your now-naked form, tucking a stray piece of hair behind his ear.
“I can’t be upset with you when you look so beautiful, my darling...”
He moves to stand behind you, turning your body towards the large mirror and wrapping his arms around you before gliding his fingers along the curve of your waist and your hips.
His hands move to cup your breast, pressing his chest flush to your back.
“You know, you look gorgeous when you make those noises for me. Look at yourself in the mirror, so you can see it too, hm?”
Pinching a nipple and savoring your gasp, your eyes fixated on the mirror, his erection presses against your backside.
“Just like that, darling. I don’t want you to miss a single thing.”
☽ beelzebub.
You decide to take a chance on him being in the kitchen and make a very risky choice to walk through the House of Lamentation with nothing but a towel.
Scarfing down a sweet treat with one hand, he lifts the other in greeting upon seeing you, though he looks slightly perplexed at your choice of clothing, or rather, lack thereof.
“Hey, MC! How are y-”
The words are halted as your towel falls from your chest, revealing your naked form as you shiver slightly, stepping towards the roaring fire in the corner of the room.
His dessert is immediately forgotten, dropping to the floor as he crosses the room in a few swift moves, picking you up in his strong arms and placing you on your back upon the wooden table, wasting no time in spreading your legs.
“That was Madam Scream’s special pudding you made me drop all over the floor, but you taste even sweeter than that... so I’m going to eat you out and taste you until you push my head away and beg me to stop,” he growls, licking his lips.
☽ belphegor.
He’s already in bed, wrapped tightly in his blankets and resting his head against his favorite pillow, eyelids fluttering with exhaustion.
“Come on, MC, get in already. I’m tired.”
You say nothing, instead standing by his side and letting the towel fall; the soft terry caresses his cheek on the way to the floor, and his eyes widen quickly, smugly smirking as he, now wide-awake, rakes over your naked body.
“If that’s what you wanted, you should have just said so.”
He sits up swiftly pulls you down onto the bed on top of him, your legs splayed on either side of his waist as his cock strains against his boxers.
“If you’re going to insist on being such a fucking tease when I’m tired, then I’m going to fuck you until you’re ready to pass out like a nice little nightcap.”
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