syotakuu-blog · 7 years
{ 白い騎士 } – nonludum.
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    celestia had been sitting but for a FEW moments before syo arrived. as scarlet hues fell upon her – it was NEAR impossible to recognize her under the almost GARISH costume she donned. it was almost enough to make her LAUGH and an amused grin appeared upon her face. of course – if they were around MORE people the gambler would have likely been angry but for now it was SURPRISINGLY hard not to laugh ( something she NEVER truly did )
          “ the pleasure is all mine, i ASSURE you. “
    the words come easily, her composure second nature by now. as she sits across from SYO she shifts her grin to one that is far more blank – her usual CROCODILE grin now that her bemusement has settled a bit. she has to ADMIT that it was SURPRISING how well behaved she was acting. it was unlike anything she had seen of her previously.
       “ and where did you find that GET UP so rapidly? “
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genocider syo beamed, scarlet eyes filled with pride. ❝ as an avid cosplayer, ❞ she begins, her voice refined, her back ramrod straight and her lips ever so slightly pursed, ❝ it is absolutely IMPERATIVE to know how to sew something together last minute. you know how it is with unreliable cosplay groups, dear--sometimes, they can be impossible ! ❞
syotaku let out a practiced laugh, something so forced and polite it could be nothing other than outlandish. this was a skin she had donned, a battle skin for when she would be in an audience with the queen ! the queen whose land was locked into battle with syo's own, and syo was the brave hero who would charm the queen with her grace and poise !
daintily, the doujin creator takes a sip of the tea. ❝ my my, this tea is absolutely exquisite !! not that i expected anything less from someone so refined as you, madam celestia, madam. ❞
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syotakuu-blog · 7 years
{ 白い騎士 } –  truuthbullet.
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All of the colour drains from Naegi’s face. This is it. His secret is revealed, and therefore, his life is over. Now Touko knew that he read doujinshi, and, on top of that, he was reading her doujin—
Wait a second. 
“I… I didn’t know you wrote doujin.” Despite feeling utterly embarrassed, his tone of voice is soft and curious. Whoever this person was, she didn’t seem to act like Touko, which was curious considering that she looked a whole lot like Touko. But, one thing was for sure: with how much she went on about literature, Makoto can’t for the life of him imagine Touko ever writing doujin. 
He glances down at the cover of his own book ( oh yeah, he remembered enjoying this one! )and scanned for the author’s name. 
Genocider Syo.
—Okay, now he’s confused. Was this an alternate pen-name? Did Touko write doujin that she was ashamed of? An idea stirs at the back of Makoto’s head—a crazy idea, but he wants to test its validity nonetheless. 
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“Genocider Syo… is that you?" 
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raucous laughter fills the room as genocider syo doubles over, clutching a shaking stomach with tears in scarlet eyes. clearly, this yahoo's never seen the REAL DEAL, the su~pe~ri~or personality !! and so, it is the young prodigy's duty to educate him !!
❝ kyahaha !! of COURSE it's me ! what, you think fu~ka~wa would ever ' sully her hands ' with masterworks like these ?? oh no, she'd rather write doujins in her head than in her hands. even she has urges like any other teenage girl. but i'm different from her and every other DISGUSTING creature on the planet !! i'm only interested in the 2-D--not two-dicked, mind you, but two-dimensional !! ❞ the student swoons dramatically, clearly wrapped up in some other reality. ❝ REAL humans will disappoint you every time, but here in my boys' paradise, i'll ne~ver be disappointed again ! ❞
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scarlet eyes now snap to the other, tongue lolling out of a slightly open mouth as he's taken in. ❝ oh, so this is my fanbase ? i would have thought it'd be more cute girls, but you work too, i guess. ❞
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syotakuu-blog · 7 years
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…and their Mother
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syotakuu-blog · 7 years
{ 白い騎士 } – truuthbullet.
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“Field research?!”
The entire concept behind this statement is so foreign, so… so wrong, that Naegi still can’t believe it even as the words escape his mouth. Was Syo just using him as some kind of…kissing guinea pig for one of her doujins? That was screwed up, even for her.
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“You know, I… I don’t think that kissing people without their permission is the best way to gather research. I mean, I’d probably kiss someone I had a crush on better than I would one of my good friends, right…?”
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syo huffed, placing thin hands on hips as swirling red eyes sized up the other. ❝ since when are we GOOD FRIENDS, na-e-gii~ ?? ❞ she asked with a toss of her hair. ❝ it's important for all girls to NEVER befriend a boy. after all, attractiveness is di~rectly correlated to mystery. that's why you like those BAD NEWS GIRLS, maizono and kirigiri. ❞
there was another sigh, the doujin creator playing with her skirts in restless irritation. ❝ anyway, it's too late for you to do anything about it now. your character is definitely either a bad kisser, a boy's love protagonist, or both. ❞
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syotakuu-blog · 7 years
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syotakuu-blog · 7 years
{ 白い騎士 } – truuthbullet.
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Makoto hastily rushes to his bed, but he’s too late. Panic sets in: why was Touko underneath his bed? Why was she acting so weird? Now that she had already rolled underneath, it would only be a matter of time before she finds his secret doujin collection ( which he, ironically, hides under his bed ). He has to get her out of there, and fast.
Naegi grabs onto his classmate’s heels and, with much effort, begins to pull her out.
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“Gh… Touko… get out from under there…!”
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upon snatching the first tome she touches, syo allows herself to be pulled out from under the bed. she is dusty and dirty but altogether triumphant, holding a doujin happily in her hands.
❝ let's... hnnn... let's seee here...~ ❞ The doujin creator scans the cover and immediately lights up. ❝ why naegi-kun, i never knew you were a fan of my... fan of my... aaaaaah-CHOO !!! CHOO !! ❞
a giggle erupts from the student. ❝ good thing i sneezed twice ! can you imagine the scandal if fukawa woke up on the floor of your room~ ?? ❞
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syotakuu-blog · 7 years
{ 白い騎士 } – nonludum.
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    “ then i will take your word, SYO. do not make me REGRET this break from tradition. “
   there was still something in the other’s very TONE that worried her. it was certainly unprecedented that celestia spend her tea time with another person. it was completely UNUSUAL for her - something she could not remember doing outside of necessity with some more high brow gamblers. it was all too NATURAL for her now to simply remain alone. it was far easier.
    and YET she also found herself the slightest bit excited for this, not that it showed on her face. though she would have rather been with someone more level headed such as togami or kirigiri, she supposed there was worse company to be had. in short – at LEAST she was not junko.
       “ yes - very well then. i will see you THEN, best of luck with those preparations. “
      because celestia had a few preparations of her own to make, ,includng changing into a new outfit of deep maroon before arriving at the location and sitting at a pristinly covered table to await her guest.
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syotaku arrived in a black dress with no shortage of frills and lace, eyes shining even underneath the thick layer of white makeup, not unlike a geisha. a beauty mark was painted onto the writer's face; not where it usually was, but just to the side of her upper lip. she beamed and smileed and curtsieed to her classmate, flexing her gloved fingers as she struggleed to sit down.
❝ madam celestia... !!! what a--hehe, pleasure it is to HAVE you here... !! ❞
it was evident that she had done LITTLE research on this, but there must have been something to say for enthusiasm and self-control. syotaku was now in character, fully prim and proper in a way that lined up specifically with delusion. the normally hyperactive student now sat still, a practised smile on her lips, sitting just as celestia did. 
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syotakuu-blog · 7 years
{ 白い騎士 } – @truuthbullet.  x
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The only thought that flows through Naegi’s mind, stuck on an endless repeat loop is: what is going on here? Immediately, he struggles to push away from the other student. The taste of her mouth is forever burned into his memory, and the feel of her long tongue… eugh!
He and Touko were best friends. Why did she suddenly decide that it was okay to kiss him? It must have been purely to get some kind of reaction from him( and if that were the case, then it totally worked ).
“Wh—Why did you—?”
He needs to wash his mouth.
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for a moment, there is absolutely NOTHING but tongue, slobbering, snivelling, sickening. a sound escapes syotaku, a wet and altogether repulsive noise as the writer smacks lips and presses a finger to a saliva-thick chin.
❝ hmmmm... no, no, no !! that was all wrong !!! my main character will have to be a muuuuch better kisser than that~ !! so much for field research... ❞
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syotakuu-blog · 7 years
{ 白い騎士 } – truuthbullet.
Makoto rolls out of bed and onto the floor. He stays there for a moment, not moving a muscle. It doesn’t seem like today is the day for anything special or monumental, but Makoto decides to head to the dining hall, anyways. Maybe starting his day off will slowly get him back into the swing of school life.
After getting ready for the day, he swings open his door, only to find a certain classmate standing in front of the doorframe.
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Naegi tries to regain his composure, but his girlish scream doesn’t help matters. It looks like Toko is standing there, but something about her seems… different.
“Uh… h-hi, Toko. I didn’t expect to see you there…”
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syotaku disregards the other entirely--neither personality has ever been one for decorum or grace. while syotaku is willing to put on a delightful show for a certain FAVOURITE gambler, these sorts of theatrics are a waste of energy on the herbivore man.
and so it is. the doujin creator shoves past the other, giggling fanatically all the while. ❝ i'm sure naegi-kun has some juicy secrets under his bed...~! ❞
and thus, syo falls to the floor, offering the boy a quick wave before rolling under his bed and out of sight. 
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syotakuu-blog · 7 years
{ 白い騎士 } – ultimctepoet.
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( 詩 ) -          
      ❝ Really…? ❞
 The poet never thought about writing anything explicit, since her category was  mainly poetry && her mind was an innocent one, she knew Syo was the Ultimate  Doujin Creator, but she honestly didn’t want any part of it. Not in writing or in real  life… But it was nice to gain this new knowledge from Syo.
      ❝ – I never knew that, but… I don’t have much desires. I just do          what I do, you know? My main desire is to write… I sound like          a downer… ❞
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syo sighed, petite fingers tapping against a mauve forearm. in the doujin creator’s almighty opinion, writers were meant to be personalities. to simply be a wallflower, to observe and then write... well, you might as well be a SCIENTIST holed up in a lab !! what was the point of writing if you didn’t feel what you were writing ??
therefore, syo’s response was delivered with a harsh sneer, hands on hips. ❝ well then, you’re a writer of the WORST quality. a downer is an understatement. NO desires ?? you may as well not be human. ❞
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syotakuu-blog · 7 years
{ 白い騎士 } – aquasdestiny.
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Okay this was getting…progressively very very weird. Aqua wasn’t sure just how to respond to this, but she was attempting to do her best. Right? Like - the words Syo were saying made sense. They were things Aqua understood. But there were some CONTEXT cues she was definitely missing to grasp the entire picture.
“Well that’s too bad, then. Perhaps she’ll change her mind in the future. Especially if she makes more liberal arts friends.”
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syo giggled, scarlet eyes  s w i r l i n g  in glee. this young woman was such a LOVELY distraction, a top-tier opening act ! almost as fun as by-a-ku-ya !! but all opening acts eventually had to make way for the MAIN EVENT !! so syo sighed, crossing arms and tilting heads. 
❝ that's what i'm sa~ying. fukawa and i would fit riiiight into our respective worlds if we only just had blue hair !! ❞
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syotakuu-blog · 7 years
{ 白い騎士 } – nonludum.
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      it was quite the random THOUGHT - but for a moment, celestia wondered what actually went on wi=thin syo’s strange, unsophisticated head. certainly there were some kind of MANIC and delusioned words wiggling through her head - if the gambler was to guesss such a thing. it just seemed as if that would be the case, going hand in hand with her TYPICAL behavior.
        “ yes. in any CASE, i would not recommend being late. it is dreadul manners, you know?
    there was something within the other’s mere TONE that made her dreadfully worried about the event. after all, she was risking her REPUTATION for this plan. how someone could constantly remain so boisterous and enthusiastic for conversations was something unknown to her – then again, what did celestia know? hell – her own identity was a LIE to herself. maybe she was just the slightest bit curious as to if the other had something DEEPER going on.
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syo immediately elected to bounce on impatient heels--to be able to b a s k  in miss celestia's presence for even a moment was excitement enough, but ohhh... the thought of being alone with her, in a room with her, being able to write douuujin upon doujin about her once teatime was over... it just set the writer on fire !!
anyhow, THE HOUR WAS FAST APPROACHING. syo knew that preparations would have to be made. already, it was evident that a number of people would need to help with the ensemble for the event. plus there was the trouble of staying in control the whole time. fukawa would UNDOUBTEDLY bring the whole place to ruin with her sniveling suffering snob attitude.
❝ i wo~n't be late, miss celestia madame, i proomise !! ❞ the doujin writer cheered. ❝ but if you'll--eheheh... excuuuse me, i need to make my PREPARATIONS !! ❞
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syotakuu-blog · 7 years
{ 忠実な信者 } – @truuthbullet.
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❝ i’m off to INSPECT macintosh’s room !! he looks like the sort to have a juicy stash of boy-on-boy inspiration. ❞
and with that morning announcement, the doujin creator sets off on a crucial mission.
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syotakuu-blog · 7 years
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welp. i’ve been gone for awhile. i’ve been really caught up in summer course + two new jobs, so i 300% have not had the time to write. thank you all so much for your patience with me!! below the cut is just a little list of my threads and the status on ‘em. i hope to get more active-ish on my blogs soon. (also i apologize in advance to those who follow me on multiple blogs cause there are gonna be a lot of these). please do let me know if i’ve missed anything or you want to drop a thread!
@aquasdestiny    → blue hair, drafted
@nonludum    → teatime, drafted
@ultimctepoet    → she writes no smut, drafted
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syotakuu-blog · 7 years
{ 白い騎士 } – aquasdestiny.
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Confused would be putting it lightly. She kept smiling as the girl before her erupted into near-hysterical laughter, but didn’t really know what exactly was so funny. However, it didn’t seem like Aqua was being LAUGHED AT, so she didn’t mind too much. Other than just trying to piece together what was going on from what seemed to be a mostly internal thought-process on Syo’s part.
“You don’t think she’d think it’s cool, too?”
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syo just baarely managed to wipe away the tears caused from such an UPROARIOUS bout of laughter. to think fukawa would approve of a-ny-thing genocider did... it was just so hilarious !
a hand on syo's hip was meant to display the SASSINESS of the alter. ❝ n~ah, definitely not. she calls herself a... kehehe, liberal arts girl, but she'd never get her DICK WET with something like thi~s. ❞
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syotakuu-blog · 7 years
{ 白い騎士 } – ofyakuuza.
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           “ don’t even think of doin’ that. you’re just gonna get a bunch of news             articles linkin’ back to my ol’ man. it’s not worth your time anyway so             just– move the fuck on. “
           thank god there wasn’t much more than that floating around about           him on the internet. most of the stuff people knew about the name           ‘ kuzuryu ‘ came from rumors and speculation anyway.
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syo sighed. really, so DIFFICULT. he really wasn't making life easy for the poor doujin creator; it was like the teenager had been dropped into a fantasy world infested with unimpressive little dragons that yipped and snipped at your ankles. annoying, huh ??
❝ fi~ine. if ya don't wanna tell me, i'll just have to call you SHRIMPY. ❞
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syotakuu-blog · 7 years
{ 白い騎士 } – aquasdestiny.
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“Fukawa? Who’s that?” A romantic partner perhaps? Or a PARENTAL figure. The girl looks a little younger than Aqua, so it could be a parent. “I think you should do what makes you happy. It wouldn’t be permanent after all.”
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syo lets out a peal of laughter !! it's SOOO great that this girl's met the better self before seeing fukawa's ugly mug !! and to think she's asking the RECESSIVE personality to go against the master !! it's just so fuckin' hilarious !!
❝ kyahaha !! imagine fukawa waking up and seeing that her hair's been dyed !! her brilliant braids bright blue !! she'd NEVER be able to live it down ~ ❞
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