system-contact · 7 months
// Last update on the matter, I and my blogs are no longer affiliated with the-blackened-dove(-archived), thxpatriarch(-archived), cxpescxwlsandcrxmes(-archived), unforgivendivine(-archived), decipheringmadness(-archived), thegreeksknewthescore(-archived), and ifyouwouldloveme(-archived), or any blogs under the same mun.
All lore/backstory/development with specifically those muses is considered outdated and will be ignored.
Other muses met through them or through shared RP are still connected as they were unless they wish to not be! Plotting/implying can be done to adjust as necessary.
This is the last I'll mention of it, I shall be on my merry way catching up on writing now~
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system-contact · 7 months
Send “FUSION ! ”and I will draw OR write what a fusion between our muses would look and act like.
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system-contact · 7 months
What Emotion are You?
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Your guilt gnaws at you like a cancer, slowly destroying you from the inside. It is a constant reminder of the mistakes you have made, of the people you have hurt, of the opportunities you have wasted. You deserve to suffer for what you have done, and the only way you can atone is by punishing yourself, by making yourself suffer. You want to torture yourself, knowing you let everything happen, and your pentinence will eat you whole. It is a small price to pay for the pain you have caused others, but do you truly deserve it?
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You are a pot of boiling water, your anger a bubbling liquid that froths and spits, threatening to overflow and destroy everything in its path. It is a consuming fire, an unstoppable force that burns everything in its path, leaving nothing but ash in its wake. Please, do not blame me- I was trying to protect you. Every bruise you inflict- trying to return your pain- strays you farther from humanity. When you enter purgatory, you will see the Devil’s face and think of yourself, for your rage turned you into a monster.
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Your denial is like a thick fog, obscuring your view and making it difficult to see the truth. It is a comfortable lie, a way to avoid the harsh reality of your situation. It is like a cloud that hangs over your head, a veil that hides your true feelings from yourself and the world. Poor soul, you can’t even look into the mirror without denying reality. It’s not your fault- you can blame everyone else. When you’re done, you’ll see what you truly desire.
Tagged by ;; Stolen from the Dash Tagging ;; @mxchineherald, @zaunseye, @the-blackened-dove, whoever else wants to! Tag me back so I can see!
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system-contact · 7 months
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( x )
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system-contact · 7 months
Id stopped, then slowly turned, the glow of his eyes locking firmly on...
this man.
Older, lean, scarred up, and with a pinpoint of warped orange staring back from one eye. He looked like just another amidst a sea of nanomachine infested old men who spoke like they had too much power, if only because they were standing just out of reach. His posture, his face, his voice, they didn't shake or give in.
But that was an easy enough problem to solve. He'd done it before, and he knew that stern look of confidence right before it crumbled.
Id stared, his own golden eyes glowing right back from a behind a shaded curtain of red hair. "... Alone is a word for it." He slowly cocked his head, as if matching the gesture from the other, his hair moving just enough that more of his face was visible. And offering, or a warning. The old man could choose.
"... You may call me Id." He took a step forward. "And you don't look like you're here by mistake."
There had been a new arrival in the undercity, and a rather unusual one, according to the reports he had been given. Crimson haired, strangely dressed, and young. He had managed to take down three of his patrolling chemtank guards, from what he'd been told. Silco stood at the edge of the alleyway, watching him as if to observe a wild animal out of its enclosure.
He waited for the young man to speak, tipping his head with eerie contemplation. "Oh? Alone, are you..?" he asked lowly, taking a step forward to begin closing the distance between them. "You're not from the Lanes, are you? No, I would have recognized you."
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"So tell me, then... Who am I speaking to?"
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system-contact · 8 months
what emotion are you?
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Your longing is like a ghost, a haunting presence that follows you wherever you go. It is a feeling that slips in and out of your mind, a reminder of what you have lost, what you will never have. Don’t you wish to feel their touch again? It’s too late, so let me guide you. You can resist, it’s expected. The passion of your heart is like a wound that never heals, a scar that won't fade. Not even you can stop it.
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You are a pot of boiling water, your anger a bubbling liquid that froths and spits, threatening to overflow and destroy everything in its path. It is a consuming fire, an unstoppable force that burns everything in its path, leaving nothing but ash in its wake. Please, do not blame me- I was trying to protect you. Every bruise you inflict- trying to return your pain- strays you farther from humanity. When you enter purgatory, you will see the Devil’s face and think of yourself, for your rage turned you into a monster.
tagged :: @mxchineherald tagging :: anyone who wants to do this -- tag me back!
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system-contact · 8 months
Kiss Tropes
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The Now or Never Kiss
The Last Kiss? No, it's not the last, but the characters don't know that. Death appears imminent — the temperature is rising, the room is filling up with water, the plane is about to hit the ground, the rope they're dangling from is about to break and drop them off the cliff, the room is on fire and the door's locked, the world is coming to an end… The point is, this is no place for unresolved sexual tension. The Not-A-Couple don't want to go out without revealing how they really feel. It's now or never. They kiss. This can also be 'Now or Maybe Never' kiss; one or both are heading into danger, or likely-potential death.
Tagged by Stolen from || @sanguine-salvation Tagging || anyone who wants to! Tag me back so I can see!
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system-contact · 10 months
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-Bylthe baird, if my body could speak
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system-contact · 10 months
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system-contact · 10 months
The sudden noise caught his ears instantly, and like the last ember in the ash, the glow of a golden eyes peered over his shoulder from between long strands of red hair. A lean but clearly muscled shape cast in black and the occasional flair or red and gold metal stood, calm but undeniably ready.
He wasn't sure where Fei left them, but he was out, he was pent up, and he had no where to go. Except out. Somewhere. Existing.
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There was a long beat of silence where he stood quiet and staring, then a low chuff of amusement as he turned fully, lips curled into a wry, cold little smirk as the words came out in a low, quiet voice. "Company. Just what I was hoping for."
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system-contact · 10 months
What Minor Arcana Tarot Suit Are You?
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The Suit of Pentacles
You're focus lies in the realm of the physical. While others are busy letting their emotions sway them you are pragmatic and rational. You are a grounded person who bases everything on the strong foundation of understanding the world around them. Your connection with the material world can at times make you seem too serious. It is important to understand that even though you understand it best, the world does not rest on your shoulders; you can rest. Thank you for the stability and surety you bring to the world. Your elemental connection is to earth.
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The Suit of Wands
You are ruled by your spirit. You are constantly considering the wider questions of life and the soul as you attempt to navigate a world that doesn't seem made for you. You have questions no one else considers and no one ever has any answers for you. As a result of this you have developed a creative mind to help develop your own answers and theories to understand the world. It is important for you to understand that though it may feel that way, you are not actually in this life alone-- you can rely on people outside of yourself. Thank you for the beautiful creations you bring to life. Your elemental association is fire.
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The Suit of Cups
You are ruled by your heart above all things, you move through life with love and tenderness as your first priority. You imbue everything you do with passion and true dedication. You have a tendency to lose yourself in the swelling of your emotions and lose all logical thinking. You may find it helpful to take a step away from the intense emotions that fill your relationships and consider things from an objective standpoint. Thank you for the kindness you bring to the world. Your elemental association is with water.
tagged by ;; @crimson--corvid tagging ;; whoever wants to, tag me back so I can see!
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system-contact · 10 months
How are you color coded?
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Black Coded
black, a study in secrets, the soul, and a love of the unknown. you love to tell people that you're dark - something along the lines of 'i like it as dark as my soul'? or maybe you're the sort of person to believe that the only thing you can trust is the darkness, and the things that lurk within it. maybe you're the sort of person who thinks that the light obscures more than it reveals, casting more into shadow than it illuminates, trusting only the shade as a friend. you don't think anyone understands you, and maybe to an extent no one knows the depths of your soul the way that you do. but that doesn't mean you should shut the entire world out. some people love the dark just as much as you, and that vantablack inside your soul isn't frightening to them. reach out.
tagged by ;; @laughing-hellblazer tagging ;; Anyone who wants to! Tag me back!
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system-contact · 10 months
How are you color coded?
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Green Coded
green, a study in living life, growth, and change. you're one of the people who often find themselves believing that anybody can be better than they are right now, should they put in the effort. you know when to quit, of course, but that tolerance is very high. you know when to put faith in the right people, but that knowledge was earned the hard way. the world is a dangerous place, and you know that. but that doesn't mean that life isn't worth living. the world is a place full of danger, of love, of wonder. you know that firsthand.
tagged by ;; @laughing-hellblazer tagging ;; Anyone who wants to! Tag me back!
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system-contact · 10 months
here's to us
for all the bullshit we've been through
for everything we've survived
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system-contact · 10 months
What D&D 5e class are you?
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You are a monk! Your power comes in equal parts from training your body and your search for spiritual enlightenment. All monks practice martial arts in some capacity, honing their bodies to be deadly tools even without using any weapons or armor, but some - often called ninjas - focus on stealth and striking from the shadows, while others prefer direct combat or even possess the ability to channel their spiritual energy - called ki - to produce magical effects, such as fire breaths or blasts of force. As they step towards enlightenment, many monks transcend ailments of the flesh entirely, including disease, poison, hunger, thirst and even old age. A monk a mobile and versatile combatant, whose resistance to ailments of the mind, flesh and soul alike makes them a difficult opponent to counter.
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You are a fighter! The base of your power is tireless martial training and a rigorous discipline. A fighter is any type of trained warrior, whether it's a soldier, mercenary, soldier, gladiator or knight. What they all have in common is an intimate knowledge of different types of armor and weapons as well as a trained combat stamina which allows them both to exert themselves to end battles quickly and survive prolonged assaults. Some fighters polish these basic techniques to perfection, while others practice complex combat maneuvers or even basic combat magic to supplement their martial prowess. A fighter is a seasoned and dedicated warrior who can battle effectively at any range, using a dagger, an axe, and a longbow with equal comfort and striking a balance between offense and defense on the battlefield.
tagged by ;; @laughing-hellblazer tagging ;; @thegreeksknewthescore, @arcanescholxr, anyone else who'd like to try it! Tag me back so I can see!
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system-contact · 10 months
(First Time) Meeting Interaction Scenarios
Send a symbol for our muses to (first) meet in the following scenarios (By default, ‘you’ refers to the sender of the meme and ‘my’ refers to the person receiving the meme. Include ↩ if you wish to reverse the muses for any applicable scenario ) 
🚌 - Sitting next to each other on public transportation ✍ - Being in the same classroom for a new class 👔 - Being co-workers in a new job 🤝- Our muses are partnered up for an assignment 💲 - Your muse is a customer/client of my muse’s job 🗺️ - Your muse is lost in an area my muse is familiar with ❗ - Something about your muse catches my muse’s attention on first glance 😈 - My muse feels the urge to pick on your muse ✊ - Our muses are competing  ⌨️ - Your muse followed or sent a friend request to mine on social media 🎮 - Our muses meet in an online game 🔒 - Our muses are trapped in the same room/area 🎤- Your muse asks mine questions for personal research or job  👉 - Your muse suspects mine of committing a certain crime  💰 - Your muse has stolen something from mine 🏪 - Our muses want to buy the same product and there’s only one left in stock 💢 - Our muses accidentally collide into each other  ✋ - Your muse is in trouble and my muse decides to lend a helping hand 💜 - Our muses meet in a blind date 👀 - Your muse witnesses mine doing something they don’t want others to see 🔍 - My muse has been asked to find yours by someone else 🔦 - Your muse has stumbled into a secret place only my muse knows about
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system-contact · 10 months
// one of the funniest things is my friends all watching my playthrough of Xenogears and immediately wanting to fist-fight Citan the more they learn about him djfghdjakfghdafh
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