system-x · 4 years
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dissociation pride flag
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system-x · 4 years
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The first comic uploaded to this blog! 😎 This one is about how OSDD 1-b functions compared to DID
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system-x · 4 years
Yo if you’re a boy with mental illness, a boy with disabilities, a boy who is/was an abuse victim, a boy who has an ED, a boy with trauma, I need you to know that you are not a burden, that you don’t need to “harden up”, that you are very brave, and that you shouldn’t just have to “get over it”.
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system-x · 4 years
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I made a chart.
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system-x · 4 years
Probably not great but we’ve just been letting the days slide by and blend together. Just giving our brain a break from having to constantly think about time while we can.
Caw keeping track of time is already hard but now it practically bumped up into Expert Mode in these wonky times and I don't know about you, but I'm no expert at telling time
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system-x · 4 years
You are not a bad child or a problem child for not being neurotypical and showing symptoms
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system-x · 4 years
yknow what?
shoutout to the boys with DID/OSDD-1. shoutout to the boys who struggle with their gender identity because of the fact theyre in a system. shoutout to the boys who share a body with nonbinary or girl alters, making their life just a little bit more confusing. shoutout to the trans guys in systems who have to deal with not being able to transition because their alters disagree, or shoutout to the trans guys in systems whos transition is more difficult because they dont feel connected to their bodies. shoutout to the guys whose appearance in the headspace doesnt match their body at all. shoutout to you guys.
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system-x · 4 years
How would one even begin the process of being diagnosed with a dissociative disorder?
To be honest, I’m not sure how someone would set out to seek a specific diagnosis because that was not my experience. I didn’t set out to get a diagnosis. I set out to get help with my inability to function and cope with basic parts of life. 
If you think you have a dissociative disorder, then your focus should be on getting help for whatever is causing you distress. And you don’t actually need to get a specific diagnosis to do that. Your therapist just needs to put something in your charts so that they can bill your insurance, and most therapists will prefer to put down something less stigmatizing than a dissociative disorder, so don’t be surprised if your initial diagnosis is anxiety or depression. They aren’t “invalidating” you. They’re doing you a favor. Therapists are taught to diagnose with the least stigmatizing diagnosis that fits when they are making their initial diagnosis. 
The diagnostic process varies depending on where you live. It varies depending on the preferences of your therapist. It could even vary depending on the practices of the mental health clinic you’re going to, or what insurance you have. This is a whole big bucket of “It depends”. 
But the bottom line is that your focus should be on getting help, and your ability to get help does not hinge on getting a specific diagnosis. 
I apologize for unloading this rant on you specifically, but this is years of frustration of seeing people send asks or post in forums asking “How do I get a diagnosis?” instead of “How do I get help?” 
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system-x · 4 years
it’s insane how much cats trust us like they really choose to fall asleep near us because they know we’re not a threat and that it’s safe to be here if we are 🥺
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system-x · 4 years
By law, it should be
REQUIRED to have wheelchair ramps at every door
REQUIRED to have elevators in every building
REQUIRED to have braille on every sign
REQUIRED to have auditory options for every text
REQUIRED for children to learn d/Deaf standard sign language in school
REQUIRED that everyone learn how to do CPR and how to detect a stroke
REQUIRED that areas with strobe/flashing lights have proper warnings
Stop calling it disability "friendly" or "accessible". Start calling it the fucking standard.
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system-x · 4 years
System Ask Meme!!
🧣: How much discourse is there, if any, over clothing?
🎒: Who fronts at school/work?
💃: Is anyone more clumsy or coordinated than the others?
🖍: Does your handwriting/art styles differ between alters?
🔥: Any hot-tempered alters?
🦊: Any animal alters?
🎃: Any spooky alters? (Ghosts, vampires, werewolves, etc.)
🍊: Favorite fruits?
🌆: Favorite place outside of inner world/mind scape?
⛺️: Favorite place in inner world/ mind scape?
⚡️: Are any alters afraid of lightning/storms?
⭐️: Do any alters especially like space?
🌮: Spicy or mild?
🌼: Favorite flowers?
🎾: Favorite sports?
🍏: Sour or sweet?
🥬: Favorite vegetables? Are any littles especially adverse to vegetables?
🌎: If you could travel anywhere, where you you go? Does this destination differ between alters?
🌊: Can all alters swim? Is anyone afraid of water?
🦋: Are any alters afraid of insects?
☔️: Favorite type of precipitation?
🦄: Any fictives?
🍬: Favorite candy? Do any alters hate another’s favorite or vice versa?
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system-x · 4 years
DID/OSDD1 Ask Meme But It Isn’t Just About Alters
1. How old were you when you found out you had DID/OSDD? 2. What symptom disrupts your day to day life the most? 3. What is your favorite grounding tool? 4. What has your experience with therapy been like? 5. How often do you switch? 6. What does recovery mean for you? 7. What aspect of recovering do you look forward to the most? 8. What is a day in the life of your system look like? 9. What is your external support system like? 10. How do you record system activity? 11. How does dissociation feel for you? 12. What music do you relate to your disorder? 13. What has your experience with the DID/OSDD community been like? 14. What media comforts you the most? 15. Are there any popular coping/grounding tools that don’t work for you? 16. How does DID/OSDD affect you physically? 17. What aspect of recovery are you working on right now? 18. What co-morbid conditions interact with your DID/OSDD the most? 19. Are you a trauma-over-sharer or a take-my-trauma-to-my-graver? 20. How much progress towards stability or recovery have you made since finding out about having DID/OSDD? 21. What does safety mean for you? 22. Are there any emotions you struggle with experiencing or are isolated elsewhere in the system? 23. How do you comfort distressed alters? 24. Do you prefer internal (like thought and feeling) or external (like written notes) communication with alters? 25. What makes you happy?
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system-x · 4 years
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the quote is from a post by @stoffberg
click for better quality
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system-x · 4 years
Already read the first book last year, my fiance got me Children of Virtue and Vengeance for Christmas and I’m reading it now. Love the series and I hope the movies do the book justice. The visuals could be stunning based on the descriptions. I’m glad Tomi Adeyemi and the series are finally getting more attention!
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“Her fantasy novel Children of Blood and Bone, the first of a trilogy about a young girl’s battle with a prince over bringing magic back to West Africa,  is going to be released some time next year. But it’s already got a seven-figure publishing deal with Macmillan, and a massive deal with Fox Studios too, with the latter acquiring the movie rights pretty early on in the day for a book that hasn’t even been published yet.”
Source (x)
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system-x · 4 years
Who else often gets stopped mid-conversation to be told to lower their voice even though you didn't realize your volume had raised? It's very frustrating because I have trouble with volume control and sometimes my voice just naturally raises without me realizing maybe because I'm getting excited about what I'm talking about. It can be a bit discouraging to be constantly interrupted mid-sentence to be told to lower your volume.
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system-x · 4 years
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The perfect room.
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system-x · 4 years
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