system3rror85 · 7 hours
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im whuh??
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system3rror85 · 7 hours
Mutuals to have horror movie marathons with
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system3rror85 · 8 hours
urgent help needed/facing homelessness
hello i really hate to ask, but if you enjoy my shirt posts and have a few dollars to spare, I’m a black transmasc lesbian living in a transitional house and i have been having a rough couple months financially. July 15 is my last day here, I have to find a new place to live or move back with my abusive and violent family. Thankfully I have enough saved for first months rent but I need money for the security deposit and some basic furniture. Please consider helping me if you can spare anything, even $1-$5 helps me a lot and reblogs too. Thank you in advance i appreciate everything
ppal + kofi
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system3rror85 · 2 days
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slapped this together real quick. newest flag (diversity + sex + magic) + intersex inclusion bc I’ve never seen both at the same time 🏳️‍🌈
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system3rror85 · 3 days
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Spin Cycle. Oil on canvas, 8 x 10"
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system3rror85 · 4 days
I'm sorry, but I just don't think jokes about lobotomies are funny. I don't think the deliberate physical destruction of millions of mentally ill and mentally disabled people's brains, often without consent, frequently just to make them easier to manhandle, is a laughing matter. I think it's s humanitarian tragedy
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system3rror85 · 4 days
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system3rror85 · 5 days
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system3rror85 · 6 days
happy pride to every male & masc queer who feels alienated from the community during pride month. many places are taking to create "she+" and "femme & them" type events that conflate non binary identities with womanhood without creating similar spaces and events for mascs & men, leaving many trans men and mascs to feel totally alienated because their is no designated day or space for them to celebrate. while it's great to celebrate femininity & womanhood, we should be celebrating queer manhood and masculinity alongside it. it's important to have groups and events for all members of our community
if you feel alienated because you don't fit into these spaces, happy pride to you. happy pride to the butches and lesboys who don't feel safe going to lesbian events because of this. happy pride to trans mascs & men who don't have a space to go or a day to celebrate themselves. happy pride to non binary queers, genderqueer people and gnc people who are not feminine or female and have nowhere to go. happy pride to masculine and male intersex people who can't exist in the spaces they want to.
happy pride to cis masc and male queers who feel completely estranged from the community. happy pride to trans girls who are also men who cannot express their manhood at the risk of people using it as a weapon to misgender you. happy pride to the bigender and multigender people who are have to prioritize their feminine or female identities in order to make other people "feel safe." happy pride to the genderfluid people who don't get to talk about their masculinity or manhood. happy pride to the masc gays who feel alienated
we deserve to celebrate ourselves as well. take care of yourself this pride month
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system3rror85 · 6 days
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system3rror85 · 7 days
nobody talks about the fact that you can have all this crazy shit in your head, and want to open up and talk about your feelings but no matter what, you just can't make out the right words and properly put your thoughts and emotions into words
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system3rror85 · 7 days
Don't cheat yourself out of relationships and experiences just because you decided you're not good enough.
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system3rror85 · 9 days
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system3rror85 · 10 days
“Don’t wander away from yourself to get close to someone else.”
— Unknown
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system3rror85 · 11 days
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Audition (1999)
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system3rror85 · 12 days
we will never achieve gender liberation without deconstructing amatonormativity. btw
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system3rror85 · 12 days
i really want to see genderqueer be an identity we talk about in great detail this pride month. genderqueer saw more usage in the 90s and 2000s, with the rise of the term non binary we've seen more people gravitate toward that label as it becomes the more socially accepted term to use given its notoriety. i would like to bring back alternative labels for this experience, since our diversity is what makes us so unique and strong as a community
genderqueer is an identity that has a long history, and a myriad of definitions and folks who express it in different ways. it really can mean whatever the hell you want. it can mean that you're cisgender but express your gender in a queer way. it can mean that you're trans, take hormones, have gotten top and bottom surgery and dress however you want. it can mean that you dress "normal" and pass as cishet but have a queer gender on the inside. it can mean that you combine masculine and feminine aesthetics. it can mean that you strive for gender neutrality. it can mean that you want to be so ambiguously gendered strangers can't tell who you are.
there's no guidelines or rules, genderqueer is an identity meant to embrace the freedom one can have with gender expression. it can mean as much or as little as the person using it wants it to. it's a beautiful term that is just as flexible as non binary, and i do not postulate to replace that term, but rather bring light to another identity that may suit folks slightly better. it's a beautiful identity. it's what I came out as first in 2011 and I'm happy to be back at all these years later.
2024 is a great year to be proud of being genderqueer and to proudly tell people about this part of yourself. let's celebrate ourselves louder and prouder than ever before. there are many ways to exist outside of the binary, and folks deserve to know about older terms that have been used by the community as well as newer ones
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