szemunn-blog · 11 years
Parents these days
As a young person in her early 20s, I don’t understand what’s wrong with parents these days. Have you ever noticed kids as young as 2 years old, spending their time with their head kept down and eyes glued to their iPads whenever you’re out in a mall or even restaurants? I know I sure did and these kids are not your average kids when back in days, we appreciate running around a field with friends playing catch or playing the skipping rope or hopscotch or just chatting with friends, exchanging tales of the day and having a good laugh about it. No, in fact these kids are the batch of kids whose parents would tell you, “Every other young kids these days are doing the same. What’s wrong with mine doing the same?” or “Kids these days are so smart! Before they can talk or walk, they already know how to open and surf and watch videos off YouTube.”. You know, it feels the same as though “Youngsters these days are drinking heavily, smoking intensely, and doing drugs and partying hard. So what’s wrong with my kid for doing the same?”. Yes, you may argue that it’s definitely a non-correlated scenario but isn’t the actions almost reflect the same thing? Monkey see, monkey do. Now more and more awareness and health articles are being researched and studied that such actions are bad. Really bad. Try telling a parent who practices such actions would tell you, it’ll be too cruel to take it away since they enjoy it so much, or it’s a way to keep them distracted so that I can have my own me-time, or what can I do since they don’t listen? Wow, I know, gone were the days where punishing your kids physically is a no-go, but the thought of “just-cuz-they-want-and-they-like-I-as-a-parent-can’t-say-no? Ridiculous, don’t you think? I know, I’m not a parent and I’m in no position to comment anything. But really, rationally, is this really the right way? The other thing I noticed is parents these days are those offsprings of late Baby Boomers were owning a TV or even a better fridge is a luxury. They are the main culprits to start such a culture, in my opinion. With the excuse of “because I had it hard back then, I don’t want my kids to go through the same thing as I did and they deserve so much better than my poor poor childhood”. I understand that this group of parents, which I presume should be in their mid-30s to late-50s, have gotten passed the hardest and poorest stage of their life. With the timing of the boom of the Internet, modern technology, better health care access, more education and better standard of living with steady source of income, I’m not saying it’s wrong of them to do so. It is their own hard earned money, so however they want to spend it is their choice. But the people they are cultivating are also the same group of people these days who actually turns the arrow and points back at their parents and blame them when somethings isn’t right. They would say, it’s cuz you gave me so much freedom, money and choices, that I became the person I am today. So you have no one but yourself to blame. Ironic, isn’t it? Then the parents would go on and blame the government for giving them "a better and growing economy which allows them to earn more and then their children were able to spend more and become who they are today" or the other stark fact is these late Baby Boomers never made it big. Probably they refused education, only relying on hard labor or skilled work to survive and never quite bringing the big bucks like those rich ones do. And the blame game starts all over again. Vicious cycle, really, and it'll come back and bite you in the butt before you know it. And so ultimately, who is really to blame? The media, for constantly portraying the rich and famous where it has come to a point where people says reality TV shows are real and not scripted, or the parents who does not exercise control, or the young themselves for being such people who would not take responsibility of themselves for who they are and how they become that way, or is it really the government's fault in failing to provide a balance in society thru education, will always remain a big question to me.
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szemunn-blog · 11 years
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Then comes the fried Yong Tau Foo. Nom nom nom.. XD #lunch #Ampang #yongtaufoo #foongfoong (at Foong Foong Yong Tau Foo (鸿鸿安邦酿豆腐))
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szemunn-blog · 11 years
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First come the boiled Yong Tau Foo.. XD #lunch #Ampang #yongtaufoo #foongfoong #KL
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szemunn-blog · 11 years
Insulting the Malaysian Agong
I don't know why people would want to insult the King. Politically, I can understand when people choose sides. But as a Malaysian, you cannot not want the King. It was established that way since Independence and will be this way till the end of time. People seems to have nothing better to do but to talk shit online, thinking no one is watching. Well, such obnoxious behaviour can only be displayed by a certain people of a certain rocket direction. Tsk tsk~ Serves those right for doing such stupid act! May they serve as a warning and lesson. Cuz I mean, don't like the King, then don't be a Malaysian. Simple.
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szemunn-blog · 11 years
Baby showdown this July 2013!
Now that the Tatums have little Everly and the Rooneys have little Kay, so now the race is on between Kim K and Kate Middleton. My take? Kim K to have a girl and Kate Middleton to have a boy. But you'll never know for sure. But one thing is for sure, that E! will be there to film Kim K's baby birth. Talk about publicity stunt! Can never forget that clip of Kourtney pulling her own baby out! Also, darling Harper Beckham is growing up so fine these days that Daddy Beckham says his little girl will live like Rapunzel, away from the big bad boys. Haha. Adorable!
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szemunn-blog · 11 years
Come August, and KBS will confuse with their drama lineups!
The way how KBS is lining up their new dramas are cracking me up. So they courted Joo Won to appear on Green Scalpel (Mon-Tues) who the forementioned lead will play an ausmtistic young man with the personality of a 10 year old, who becomes a pediatric surgeon. Say whattt!? Then they went on to court Moon Chae Won for Green Mes (Wed-Thurs) as a doctor who will see thru the journey of a young man who faces a developmental disorder that leaves him with the mindset of a child! Talk about drama and plot confusion in August by KBS! Lol
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szemunn-blog · 11 years
K-Stars' Shotgun Marriages and Weddings
So Baek Jiyoung tied the knot over the weekend with Jung Suk Won pregnant, then yesterday Kim Jae Won annnounced that he will wed his 3-months pregnant fiancee soon and today Lee Byung Hun announced that he's marrying Lee Min Jung this August. My next question is, is the wedding a shotgun or not? Lol. Jae Hee's case was seriously out of the park (a wife and son hidden from the public for more then 2 years), and Han Hye Jin is really getting people to rebut with 'are you sure it's not shotgun?' and next thing you know, there's the older idol dating a younger idol, or an older idol with his dead girlfriend. Lol. Not a single peaceful day in the k-entertainment world. Lucky for us, more juicy gossips to feast on. XD
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szemunn-blog · 11 years
People who waste food
Whenever I see people waste food, be it at home, at work or even outside, all I can do just silently shake my head and walk away, knowing what a terrible sin these people have done and hope for their kins to be much more aware and be more educated and not follow the same path as these people do, tho for some reason, I think being educated these days on such matters isn't suffice at all.
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szemunn-blog · 11 years
Hello tumblr!
Finally, a place for me to rant like Perez Hilton or Gawker, except with a touch of Callie. Hehe...
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