t-lindamore · 4 months
hansons house
There's something so inherently magical, about
being slightly roughed up from a soccer game,
sitting on her bed, scrolling mindlessly on my, phone while she diligently folds laundry
listening to my endless incoherent complaints
that makes time stand still. Without a clock in sight
we'll make our way upstairs for dinner,
only to discover when looking at the oven that
everyone has already gone to bed. 
Being with you makes hours seem like seconds,
When I'm with you I forget I eat dinner at 5
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t-lindamore · 4 months
The flowers are blooming,
adding a pop of color to the green outdoors
The taste of peanut butter and strawberries,
a little bit salty some sweet
While I listen to my favorite songs,
wearing pink. I'm sitting by myself
My smile cannot be wiped off my face
a track meet is awaiting filled with friends
while doing what I love. Natural light streaming
in from the bay window
The simple yet beautiful pleasures of being alive and happy
I'm at peace
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t-lindamore · 5 months
Don't ask me why
Don't ask me why i dated him
I flourish in the freedom that comes with 
Sitting in my room in my own thoughts
Running around carefree
No one in the corner of my mind demanding attention
If put to the test 
Friendships will always win without question
On a scale a relationship doesn't even compare
Laughing till we can't breathe
I just love listening to music alone in my room
He’ll never compete with my individuality
Boys will never ever compare to the love I have for girls
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t-lindamore · 5 months
Simply Vain
Sometimes I pause in front of the mirror and think 
“I'm really fucking pretty”
So am I simply vain? 
Because how could people ignore how uniquely beautiful I am
Yet no boy has ever chased me 
Sure one fell head over heels but only because I let him
They must all be thinking I'm too far out of their league
Too pretty to even try their luck
Or I am simply vain
It's really just a thought 
I'd much rather look in the mirror and think I'm pretty 
Than pick apart every piece of flesh when I see my reflection 
So I'll live in my delusional world
where the boys are too scared and continue 
To be vain
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t-lindamore · 5 months
Best Friends
I’ve never had a bestfriend who I didn't love with all of my heart
Sharing a laugh on the beach or in the bathroom or even in the middle of class
Those moments will never be replaced by anything
In their presence I love everything about myself
I look at them and I can’t help but think about how amazing they are
How beautiful, and kind, and how much their soul glows
Friends heal each other
Friendships are meant to be forever 
It doesn't matter how far away they are or how much time passes between visits
Everytime I see them I become the happiest version of me
Helping me pick and outfit, gossiping in class, laying on their lap while playing a game
Making bracelets, and baking together even if it gets messy 
the smell of brownies filling the house
Endless sleepovers where we can’t pick a movie to watch so we just talk instead
talking for hours about otherworldly feelings, our deepest regrets, our favorite songs
Our silly little crushes and maybe even how we could have been the bigger person
I cannot lie to a friend and I know they'll do their best to understand
From the best hugs ever to being the silliest and everything in between
I LOVE my friends and I’m so glad I finally appreciate them
Because no one, no words can take them away from me 
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t-lindamore · 6 months
Sometimes girls are a little crazy
Have you ever met a girl whose completely sane
One who seems to live a perfect life
Well no girl is ever without a little crazy
Cleaning kitchens day after day doesn't help
Who wouldn't go a little insane when every man
 looks down upon you 
Everyday they wake up and claw their way 
Through the world 
A mother, a businesswoman, a teacher, an athlete
A girl is meant to be crazy because if she wasn't
Life would be boring and predictable 
Who wants that anyway?
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t-lindamore · 6 months
An inconspicuous bedroom in Westford
The room is a mess how can one even tell anything,
 about the girl who lives here.
A foam roller in the corner next to a backpack,
 repurposed each season for each sport
The bottomless container filled with reese's candies
A wall of dust covered trophies atop the bookshelf tell of a time long gone
Of a gymnast whose life revolved around learning the next skill, 
and being perfect.
The postcard hanging on a string from all the many places shes traveled
A book filled with memories, a ticket to a museum, 
a page signed by fifth graders because a yearbook was missing.
You can almost taste the bittersweetness of leaving 
in the christmas lights that never get taken down
She was determined and at times a little too organized,
 so as a new chapter approaches
There's no plan anymore and her room falls into disarray
In the books that haven't been touched, 
in years but are filled with pages written in german and english,
there are the memories of a childhood that always longed to be somewhere else
Something went right in the teal colored room 
with a picture of a solemn girl reading a book on its walls.
Through endless notes and posters from senior year sports 
Written by people who may have known her her whole life or simply a couple months
You can tell she was kind and never failed to care about other
One day her skills and experiences will give her an edge in success
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t-lindamore · 6 months
I’m supposed to be the one
I’m supposed to be the one who can't get you off my mind
Who can’t stop talking about you
Wanting to spend every moment with you
And writing sappy poetry about how much my heart 
Fills up when I’m near you
I’m supposed to be the one who needed you 
Yet you have surpassed me in every category of emotional
Attachment and I am at a loss
I’m supposed to be the one who wakes up thinking of you
Who can't stop looking at you 
Wishing you liked me just nearly a sliver as much
I don’t know what to do when you beat me at my own game
My stomach filled with butterflies at first but now
I simply feel dread as I roll my eyes and try to cover up my guilt
Never once has someone managed to outstage me 
In the never ending game of obsession
Noticing every little unimportant detail
I’m supposed to be the one who falls too hard
Not the other way around
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t-lindamore · 7 months
i miss your touch
When our knees are touching 
and our arms brush
Or I feel the whisper of your fingers
I feel invincible
My whole body fills with warmth, 
I’m wrapped up in the blanket of you
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t-lindamore · 7 months
A journey not so easy
Do I even want to go thousands of miles away
How can i ever say goodbye to the tens of people I love
However small my life would never be the same without them
Why did I decide going oh so far away was my dream
Maybe it was before I met you and even though 
You may not be my forever,
You made me realize I can’t part with my life here
So easily as i thought
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t-lindamore · 7 months
Do I even want to be loved?
Im torn between wanting to be loved
Having you tell me every second that you love me
Love the way I always have to be in control
That you love my dimples when I smile
Love how strong I am and how pretty my hair is
But sometimes I feel like you shouldn’t even love me at all
That I don’t deserve your affection
I always mess everything up
Never take credit for my wrongs
I’m to selfish in my actions
The urge to cut you off is overwhelming
I fight back the inevitable wall everytime I respond to you
It would be just so much easier to close myself off
Go back to living without someone who likes me (maybe)
The bags under my eyes describe my years of crying
One day I want to go home knowing no one will badger my behavior
Even if I have to live by myself for the rest of time
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t-lindamore · 9 months
Don't Fall
I’ve fallen too far I can’t go back anymore
Jumped off the cliff 
Now i can only hope you catch me before I fall to my death
Chewed my lip to pieces
You’e scrambled all my signals I don't know what to think
Little bits and pieces here and there 
Somehow they don't fit into the same picture
You have the power to break my heart
Yet you can't even look me in the eye
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t-lindamore · 10 months
Bullying is Complicated
You think its funny, just cracking a joke
I laugh through the pain inside
I’m fed up with it, I say
Then the whispers start,
Do you think I don't know
I tried being kind, but you never gave me the courtesy
I bottle it all up
Do you know I sit in the bathroom crying
Do you wonder why I always have to leave
I made a goal last year, I'll stand up for myself
What would you do if I did
Deny it most likely, tell me to grow thick skin
Little do you know, I have the skin of an elephant
It doesn't matter if you take a knife to it
I hope your grow to be more considerate
Not everyone is like you
I’m not stupid
No matter how many jokes I don't understand
I’ll still hurt
I’ll still know
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t-lindamore · 10 months
One Heart for Safekeeping
I leave my heart in a lockbox, with my grandma,
as I leave. She’ll keep it safe from any harm, protect
it from all my tears and struggles. I take a smaller 
heart with me to experience the small joys. So the 
Heartbreak doesn't kill me when my home of 
love shatters. 
When I return she’ll bring my heart to the airport
in a butter roll, chocolate, and a hug. Filled with 
love and a brand new smile, that not even my
darkest secrets can’t wipe away. 
My heart returns in the open fields and familiar
drives. Laughter creeps through as he jumps into
my arms. All my worries leave me when I enter
the familiar apartment, full of warmth, pictures, 
and a comfort I cannot explain. 
One day I won’t have to hand my heart to her
In my open palm begging her not to hurt it. I’ll
simply stay forever and build my own life on top 
of the priceless memories stored inside.
I’ll get to preserve my heart in my own chest
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t-lindamore · 11 months
Think Twice
You didn't mean to 
Simply harmless your actions were
They carry more weight than you would ever know
I’m losing friends one by one
I can't spend time with them anymore
Go kiss your new girl 
But always remember you ruined the other one
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t-lindamore · 11 months
Halloween at 18
She's living her best life at college with her new friends
She's over 3,000 miles away laughing with her sister
She's going out in costume kissing her boy
She's staying in doing her homework with her music
She’s giving away candy with her boyfriend 
I'm too young for college
I’m stuck longing to travel far away
I’m staying at home because that boy ruined my life
I’m trying to study with no avail for my test the next day
I’m alone writing my poetry
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t-lindamore · 11 months
Not quite figured out
I want silly little dances in the rain and cute little book dates
I want rock climbing adventures and amusement parks
I want to smile and blush
I want to joke and laugh
I want…
No actually I just want the feeling of comfort to be myself
To be stupid and competitive
annoying and frustrating 
I want to be loved 
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