I can behave normally around books
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list of mundane things that feel like ancient human rituals
cleaning or wipe your bare feet
breaking off a piece of bread and handing it to someone
putting the weight of a basket on your hip or head
eating nuts or berries while hunched over close to the ground
seeing something startling just out of your line of sight and very quickly stepping or leaping on to a larger object to get a better view
cupping your hands into running water to wash your face
the unanimous protection of a baby or child in a public space where women are present
when an elderly woman laughs and grips your forearm tightly
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Winnie Ille Pu
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Who the heck translated Winnie the Pooh into Latin. Why would you ever do that.
(It is a rhetorical question: I am aware of the translator on the cover.)
I found another Pooh book in Latin!
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I do appreciate the culture of Tumblr as a historian because on Twitter I would be expected to talk straight academia, on Instagram I would be expected to post perfectly staged photos of my reenactment costumes, on TikTok I would be expected to make videos propagating badly revised history, but here I can just whip open my laptop and tell the world that I think Thomas Jefferson was a little bitch with no context whatsoever
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This painting is incredible, you could use it as a demonstration piece to show new restorers the various damage and decay patterns of canvas paintings because it's got all of them
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REPOST : Roman stylus 70AD, in comon vanacular translates into “i went into the city and all i bought you was this lousy pen” , link and full translation in the comments [640 x 320]
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If you are ever looking for furniture you’ve got to go to an antique store. Now when I say antique store, I don’t mean the boutique downtown that will charge you $700 for a lamp. I mean the trashy place up the street on a big lot with tables and chairs piled up for miles outside. The kind that stretches 75 miles back in a cold room with no descernable path through it. You will find the best, sturdiest, and coolest shit for amazing prices. If it’s in the middle of nowhere it’s even better because you can haggle.
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a lot of ppl in the notes of the previous post are mentioning museums hoarding stolen cultural objects which is important beyond measure but museums shutting down due to lack of funding will not result in repatriation of cultural materials, they would most likely be auctioned off to private ultra-wealthy collectors to recoup some of their debt and we'd never find these objects again let alone be able to repatriate them. i understand the desire to say 'fuck museums let them die' for this reason but it won't have the result you think it will, and it will also mean that all of their ethically sourced and donated materials (which for most museums are the vast majority of their collections) will no longer be cared for by experts but again, sold off to private collectors who can do whatever they want with them or deteriorate in storehouses indefinitely. this would be catastrophic for public history and collective knowledge-sharing across the globe across cultures, and museums in post-colonial and run by/for racialized or otherwise oppressed ethnic groups will fall first because they receive FAR less funding than the large western institutions. just repeating phrases and sentiments you've seen online as a form of performative activism without knowing anything about what you're talking about does more harm than good and doesn't make you look smart or clever just foolish it's so deeply annoying and frustrating
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The discovery that we had it backwards and that more realistic cave paintings are generally older than more abstract ones is exciting from an anthropological perspective, because it demonstrates that art movements have existed for as long as art has, but I have to imagine there’s some poor biologist out there somewhere going “you mean to tell me that our Paleolithic ancestors had the ability and means to record realistic, highly detailed depictions of contemporary flora and fauna the whole time and simply chose not to?”
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Me: So yeah, casual english has completely changed since then. Nowadays instead of 'There was a crying baby on the bus today' you would say 'Me when I'm in a being loud and annoying competition and my opponent is crying baby on bus.' And then you'd post this picture of Squidward. Oh, uh, Squidward is a guy from a cartoon-"
Reanimated Corpse of John Wilkes Booth: *Has been staring angrily at a penny for the last 15 minutes and not listened to a word I've said*
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one of my professors, a historian who has been interviewed as an expert in various documentaries, said that the secret to documentaries is saying something very obvious, as slowly as possible. for example, if you say “the romans…….. enjoyed their dinner parties” or "being a gladiator... was... very... dangerous" then the filmmakers can get that clip and immediately pan over some cool pictures of mosaics or something. this has forever changed the way i view documentaries
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I love that some museums put “artist once known“ next to works from historically marginalized groups were the artist was never credited
Now they need to do it with like. Their entire clothing collections
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This is very good and you should pay attention to which members of congress say it
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hey sorry your boyfriend fell into the public library book donation bin. yeah he’s being used to fund vital community programs and support services. yeah beanbag chairs too. if you pay your overdue fines we’ll give him back though
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Are y’all watching CSPAN rn they had to physically restrain Mike Rogers from going after Gaetz
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Scotland stole a memorial pole from the Nisga’a Nation - but it’s now being returned which is good. Hopefully the first of many stolen things.
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im having feelings about the uffington white horse again
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