t0w · 8 years
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t0w · 8 years
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t0w · 8 years
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t0w · 8 years
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t0w · 8 years
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t0w · 8 years
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t0w · 8 years
Stop thinking about everything so much, you’re breaking your own heart.
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t0w · 8 years
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t0w · 8 years
friendly reminder that: Super delegates don’t vote until the national convention which is in JULY
Also friendly reminder that: Hilary has not won yet!
third friendly reminder that: super delegates are very likely to switch who they are voting for! They haven’t voted yet, the media is 100% lying to you about the numbers.
Another super friendly reminder that: Hillary is evil and a criminal with pending charges in federal court!!!
last super friendly reminder!!: saying you are gonna vote for Hillary is giving up on Bernie! He still has the DNC & if we all write letters to delegates and protest we can 1000% win this
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t0w · 8 years
Yo when did this become what feminism is about? Believe it or not it can take a lot of courage for a guy to approach a girl he finds attractive. I feel like the dude's response in the situation has way more to do with feeling awkward and embarrassed than anything else. Yet most of you would probably say "GOOD, he should feel awkward and embarrassed!" But why? There are respectful ways to turn somebody down. I feel like that's just a universal thing. If this were a situation where a girl finally mustered up the courage to compliment a guy she found attractive then he'd without a doubt be a douche bag for responding this way. So why is it okay the other way around? If he kept pestering her even after she respectfully showed that she wasn't interested that would be a different story. But to me this just sounds like being an asshole for the sake of gender equality.
last night a guy said to me “you are very, very pretty” and i said “i know” and he said like patronisingly “you KNOW?” and i said “you think you’re the first person to ever compliment me?” and he didn’t know where to go from there
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t0w · 8 years
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t0w · 8 years
Definitely take the day off and rest. Overtraining is a real thing and it can take a huge toll on you if you let it get bad. You'll end up weaker, have less energy, and basically accomplish the opposite of your goals. Recovery is 50% of the process when it comes to fitness; you have to listen to your body.
To workout or not to workout🤔💭💭💭
So I’m feeling tired. My legs ache and my body just feels drained, despite this I’m still beating myself up for wanting to bail on the gym plans tonight. Instead I’m wanting to opt to rest and relax. It’s annoying that I’m guilt tripping myself and now not sure what to do.
A) Suck it up and go workout despite the aches and soreness in my body.
B) Listen to my body, take the night off and rest. Get a shower, light some candles and just relax a bit with tumblr and Netflix.
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t0w · 8 years
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You’re never alone in the ocean.
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t0w · 8 years
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t0w · 8 years
If you see beauty in something, don’t wait for others to agree.
Sherihan Gamal (via pluiez)
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t0w · 8 years
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t0w · 8 years
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