t0xicityz · 7 months
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you & levi are historical figures.
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Eliza Harper was not particularly interested in history.
In fact, she often dozed off in the middle of class, right at her desk, listening to her teacher explain what exactly a titan was.
“Ugly monsters that have been extinct for like a hundred years now, I know, I know!” She would think, resting her chin in her palm as she watched the clock tick.
Every second that passed by was one second closer to being able to go home and hang out with her friends.
But, today, she learned about a group of heroes. A group of rather dashing heroes.
Her best friend, Anna, rambled on and on about being the descendant of an Eldian hero named F/N L/N, who — according to paragraph 3, section A — married another hero named Levi Ackerman.
And, well, that led to Eliza and her friends all hovering over a history book in the middle of their lunch period.
“This guy right here is really cute,” One redheaded girl said, pointing to a photograph of a blonde-haired man.
Eliza scanned her eyes over the tiny paragraph below his photo, squinting as she read his name aloud, “Armin Arlert . . . fifteenth commander of the Survey Corps . . . blah blah blah . . . oh! He’s the one who killed Eren Yee-gar!”
“It’s Yeager, idiot,” Anna said, playfully rolling her eyes. “But that’s not what really happened. This woman right here,” Anna leaned over, flipping two pages ahead. “This woman right here is named Mikasa Ackerman. The story in my family goes that she’s the one who really killed Eren! Such a shame, too. Eren was pretty handsome.”
“Okay,” the redheaded girl scoffed, “you did not just call that mass murderer cute.”
“How would you even know that?” Eliza blinked up at Anna, who took a bite of her sandwich, getting crumbs all over the history book. “There aren’t any real pictures of him. Just drawings. How can you say whether or not they’re accurate?”
“Have you been listening?” Anna took another bite of her sandwich. “I’m pretty much related to these people! I know everything. Did you know Levi Ackerman and F/N L/N were the strongest titan killers ever? And I’m related to them, so you guys should be a little nicer to me.”
The other two girls giggled.
Truth be told, Anna had often brought evidence to school regarding her family status in the form of old letters and pictures. But, even without the evidence, no one would dare question her story, as it meant that not only did she have some Eldian blood running through her veins, but she was related to former Island Devils as well. And peace was a funny thing. Not everyone in Marley had picked peace over hatred, and they raised their families to have the same poisonous mindset.
Things were better, certainly, but they weren’t perfect.
Even so, Anna was undeniably proud of her ancestors; she flipped through the history book eagerly with glistening eyes that shined bright with admiration.
“Tell us something else about these people,” Eliza smiled at Anna, who leaned in instantly with a wide grin of her own.
“Okay, so,” flipping a couple of pages, Anna paused as she spoke, “F/N L/N and Levi Ackerman didn’t get married and have children until after the great battle, but they were in love with each other for years before then! Both of them were in the Scout regiment together, fighting titans and saving each other’s lives — it’s so cute! And-And decades later, Y/N died of old age, and Levi died of a broken heart right after.”
“Well,” the redhead darted her eyes between her two friends, “that’s depressing.”
“Can you imagine someone loving you so much that when you pass away, they die soon after because they’re so heartbroken? I hope I can love someone that much someday,” Eliza sighed softly.
“Me too,” Anna said.
The three girls continued to flip through the history book together, even bothering to plan out who they’d want to dress up as for their school’s upcoming Dress Up Day.
As Eliza looked down at your photograph on page 57, she so desperately wanted to dress up as you, her favorite historical figure.
And, as she flipped the page to take a look at your deceased husband, she so desperately wanted to experience an adventurous love story as great as yours as well.
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t0xicityz · 8 months
Why So Quiet?<3
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PAIRING: Minghao x Fem!Reader<3
SUMMARY: minghao was quiet never talked and was cold to a lot of people but seems like it was different for you I wonder why.
WARNINGS: kinda NSFW, Bullying, harassment?
GENRE: angst, fluffy, slight smut
A/N: omg hey gals how have you pretty people been I totally didn’t leave you guys hanging lol
Minghao was sitting in the library chilling while listening to music when a bunch of his classmates sat right next to him and tried to to start a conversation with him but like always he was silent and didn’t even make the slightest sound, they groaned before just talking amongst eachother.
“Minghao the teacher wants to see you in her class right now.” There you were. He found you quite interesting to say the least but never talked to you either even though he kinda wanted too.
Minghao nodded before gathering his stuff while he was doing you were about to leave but someone roughly griped onto your hand. “Yah who told you that you can speak to us huh? Are you stupid or what?” They started laughing while you stood there not a care in the world. “If I ever see you talking to my boyfriend I’ll fuck you up bitch.” She threatens while slapping my hand away, before you can say anything minghao walked up to you and did something no one could ever make him do.
He talked.
“___ was it? Do you know who wanted to see me?” The library went silent everyone was shocked as they turned their heads towards you guys. “Oh uh.. it was Ms Clair..” you were to shocked to say a full sentence but still kinda managed. “YAH MINGHAO TALK TO ME YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!” Then all hell broke loose as everyone ran up to him as everyone wanted to hear him again.
You just stood there kinda shocked you were the one to make him talk but snapped out of it when the bell rang so you quickly made your way through the crowd and kinda sprinted to your class, just as you were about to walk into your class a guy and a few girls called out to you. “Hey! Is it true you made minghao talk?” They said as they made their way to you. “Uh I did but he just wanted to know who wanted to talk to him.”
“Well stop talking to him you’re not special just go to class and stop talking to minghao he doesn’t want you nor will he ever ok?” They laughed but was cut off by someone. “___ thanks for the heads up about and Clair she gave me extra credit for my work.” He slightly smiled at you before patting your head.
“Minghao what about me your ACTUAL girlfriend talk to me babyy” this random bitch walked up to him and leaned into his arm as she was about to kiss his cheek but before she could she was thrown off of him but the man himself, he didn’t say anything just walked off as he patted your head one more time. “I’ll see you next period ___.” They were shocked at his reaction before they quickly turned to you. “What the Fuck did you do to him you Whore are you that desperate you had to make him think he likes you.!”
She stood up and was about to hit you but was stopped by one of minghao’s friends. “ minghao wouldn’t be happy if you touch his friend Melanie.” She scoffed as she pulled her hand back from his grip. “I don’t care because he will believe me over any of you guys.! When I beat this bitch up I’ll just say it’s self defence!”
You walked away like nothing happened, as you were walking away mingyu minghao’s friend ran up to you and gave you a little smile. “Are you alright?” You scoffed as you walked into the classroom. “No of course I’m not I nearly got hit by those obsessed weirdos” he slightly chuckled before nodding. “I get it it’s hard to deal with this type of people but don’t worry I got your back!” He gave you the brightest smile before walking away.
You sigh before continuing on with the class, right after class finished you walked out only to bump into minghao. “Oh..hey” you awkwardly said as you brushed yourself off, when you looked at him you were frozen in place this guy was sweating and was shirtless after finishing P.E, you were a stuttering mess before you could make a fool out of yourself even more he chuckled as he patted your head.
“Hey ___ you know you’re really cute when you’re flustered.” You were screaming in the inside oh did I forget to mention you kinda have a little crush on him. You were about to say something but was cut off by a girl pushing you out of the way. “Baby! How was gym? You probably worked so hard.”
She pouted as she was about to hug him but minghao was like flash because before she could even touch him he was by your side in a flash and the girl was on the floor. “Ow babe.! Why did you do that??” She stomped her feet as she stood up, he gave her a blank stare before grabbing onto your wrist and dragged you with him somewhere.
You were shocked but curious where you guys were going. “Uh minghao where are we—WOAH-!” Before you could finished you were pushed into the storage closet. “If you’re going to kill me make it less painful!” You blurted out scared he was going to actually kill you.
He chuckled before gently grabbing onto both your hands and intertwining them with his, you were a hot mess when he leaned down to whisper into your ear. “I really want you ___ so bad right now.” You were already whimpering as your legs started feeling weak.
“Minghao stop I’m-Mmph!” You wanted to say something but he smacked his lips onto yours before you could. “Do you want me too___?” You were blankly staring at him before you slightly nodded.
“Good because I’m gonna show you how much your body means to me Princess.”
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t0xicityz · 9 months
Thankyou for the tag!!<33
I guess you can describe me as this I’m quite emotional a lot of the times😅
Tags: @strrawb3rrysh0rtcak3 @seokgyuu @sluttywoozi
(I just tagged my favourite authors🥹)
pick 3-5 emojis from your recently used that you think describe your personality
i’ll go first ^^
gently tagging (and anyone else can join)
@enderdragon-1030 @soda-shark @marsisrealscared @ballad-of-a-homeschooled-girll @niallermybabe @sad-trash-pigeon @randomescapingwords @legendofthe3divas @underappreciatedtomato @avie-pigeon-cheese @a-portal-to-nowhere @a-trench-coat-of-confused-worms @waitingforthesunrise
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t0xicityz · 9 months
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t0xicityz · 9 months
Girls will say they busy and be in their bed relaxin or sleep
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t0xicityz · 9 months
I need a Drabble of wonu x reader. He’s showing off his strength indirectly and is non chalant about it which makes his partner so WEAK for him (omg) I beg u pls
Clueless Nerd<3
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PAIRING: Jeon Wonwoo x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: He was so focused on himself he forgot his Girlfriend was more focused on him then he was.<3
A/N: sorry guys I haven’t been posting much it’s bc I have been quite busy so forgive me please and please send my request an ideas for anything you want me to write about.😭
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Wonwoo just had woke up at 6:30am in the morning with you snuggled into his chest, he chuckled before pecking you on the forehead. He got up and got ready to go Downstairs to do his morning workout but before he did he made his protein shake and some breakfast for both the of you.
When he finished eating he went downstairs to the gym and started stretching, when he was done you were already making your way downstairs to watch him. He started working on his arms to start off but you were looking at how hard his biceps were getting every time he pulled up.
It had already been 40minutes and wonwoo looked so fucking sweaty but his face never broke once except for yours, you were hot and bothered looking at his biceps, his abs, his thighs, his back, heck even his ass. You were so dazed that you didn’t realised wonwoo saw you through the mirror.
“Oh hey pretty what are you doing up at this time hm?” You snapped out of your daydream when he started talking. “Just wanted to see my love working out.” You smiled innocently at him as he smiled back not knowing you were actually burning with lust for him.
He went back to working out while you kept staring at his arms and thighs (and ass)wonwoo started getting suspicious of how you were practically glaring at him and his body, and it didn’t take him that long to realise how you were looking at him.
A smug look appeared on his face as he turned around with a stern look. “Hey Pretty mind holding my biceps it’s kind aching a little and I need a hand to help me out.” You quickly nodded before walking over to him and gripping to dear life on that bicep.
You felt the sweat and the heat that was coming from his body as you felt yourself getting dizzy and heated by the fact his bicep kept getting harder and harder. You let go when he put the weight down. “Ok next pretty I need you to sit on me while I do bench presses.” You nodded and when he lied down you sat right on top of him.
When you sat down you can feel his cock through his shorts you nearly mewled when you felt his hips buck up. “Sorry pretty let me just adjust a bit.” And he did while you were sitting on his big cock you were basically soaked down there you wouldn’t be surprised if he was soaked too with how wet you were.
“My pretty girl you are going to have to stop soaking me right now because not only can I feel it soak my shorts but I can also feel it soak my cock as well so be patient petty or you are going to wait until tomorrow.” You whined as you felt yourself rocking your hips back and forth forgetting what he said but stopped when he held your hips still. “I said wait you fucking slut.”
You helped quite loud when you felt his hand come in contact with your ass, you started whining. “You are so impatient you can’t even wait until I’m done huh.?” He quickly got up as he picked you up with him.
“I’ll show you how much I can tame a fucking brat.”
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t0xicityz · 9 months
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t0xicityz · 9 months
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I’m making one as we speak pretties dw!<3
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t0xicityz · 9 months
Random: your bias is ugly💀
My bias:🤨🤨🤨???
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t0xicityz · 9 months
Watching a scary movie with Gyu but you’re used to watching scary movies so you just watch with a straight face and Gyu is freaked out over your lack of response to it
Scaredy Daddy<3
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PAIRING: Kim Mingyu x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: you are so excited to see chainsaw massacre with your scary looking boyfriend but you know what they all say..Don’t judge a book by its cover.<3
WARNING: slight nsfw MDNI PLEASE<3
A/N: i literally just realised when I finished writing and ended it, I reread the ano’s request and realised this is not what This person asked for. So if you are this person I’m so sorry dm me if you want me to rewrite your request😭😭😭
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“OH MY GOSH I LITERALLY CAN’T WAIT GYU!!” You are literally shaking with excitement and you thought mingyu was shaking with excitement too because hard he was shaking but really mingyu is shaking was shaking his ass off with how scared to shit he was.
“Oh yeah! I literally can’t wait too I’m so excited baby!” He said nervously as he tried to slow down his walking from getting into the movies.”babyyyy hurryyy we are going to miss it!” You tried to rush mingyu by pushing him or even pulling his arm but there was no use.
When you guys actually made into the movies you guys sat in your seats and waited for the ads to finish but for some reason mingyu kept taking a lot of bathroom breaks. “Baby are you sure you’re not sick?” You were worried as he came back from another bathroom break. “I’m ok baby don’t worry about me” he sat down and then kissed you on the cheek.
When the movie started you sat back as you excitedly watched the intro. “Babe maybe we shouldn’t watch this let’s go watch a funny movie.” You stopped mid way from shoving popcorn in your mouth as he looked at you with those cute puppy eyes. “Mingyu are you scared? Is that the reason you took bathroom breaks?” His eyes went wide as he scoffed. “OI do you think of me that lowly?” He looked at you with disbelief, he sat back and tried to keep a straight face the whole time.
You got bored of the movie because of how predictable it was but not mingyu though this man was going through a crisis when the scary pop scenes happen, he was clinging on to you like a koala. “Gyuuu it’s not that scary calm down” you can feel this man shaking as he was grappling onto you.
“You wouldn’t know because you’re so used to this stuff babyy” he stated whining as he moved in closer to your neck, you rolled your eyes before looking straight at the movie. “It’s not that scary if I’m being honest it’s quite boring.” You yawned as you stared at the movie boringly, mingyu started admiring your face but then his eyes trailed all the way down to your chest. “God it’s so..” “it’s so what.?”
You cut mingyu off as your eyes narrowed at him. “___…let me fuck you at the back of the cinema.” Your head snapped when you faced him. “Mingyu are you insane.?” He thought about it before giving you a lustful smile. “If I say yes would you let me.?” You scoffed as you faced back to the movie. “You’re disgusting..” It was honestly disgusting but a slight smirk appeared on mingyu’s face because he knows how much you love doing disgusting shit with him.
So here you were letting him blow the living shit out of you at the back of the cinema you know your boyfriend?
Kim mingyu.
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t0xicityz · 9 months
Heyyy pretties!! So the reason I’m posting this is because I ran out of ideas to post for you pretty people, so if anyone has any suggestions or ideas you can dm me pleasee because I really wanna post for you prettiest people ❤️❤️😭!!
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t0xicityz · 10 months
pls pls pls pt2 of finding nemo
Should I make a part 2?🤔
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t0xicityz · 10 months
Jealous, jealous boy<3
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PAIRING: racer!Jeon Wonwoo x Fem!reader
SUMMARY: Wonwoo was just finishing off a race he just won so when he went to look for you he saw you and some guy flirting but a smug look appeared on his face as he walked away. “Two can play that game baby”
A/N: I just had too it was stuck on my mind and I wanted to share it with you lovely people<3🤭
GENRE: slight suggestive, nsfw kinda? MDNI PLEASE😭
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“Good wonwoo you got this! You’re nearly there!”
Seokmin started shouting when he saw wonwoo in front nearly at the finish line along with the crowd everyone was cheering for him along with you but stopped when someone pulled you aside.
Wonwoo had just finished the race and did a victory lap before stopping right in front of his team. “Great job wonwoo you did great out there!” Dino said with the others agreeing, wonwoo gave them a thankful smile before looking around in the crowd. “If you’re looking for ___ I think I saw her at the back of the bleachers” wonwoo was confused but nodded a way and left to tell you about the news.
Wonwoo made his way behind the bleachers with a proud smile but slowly disappeared after seeing what was in front of him, he scoffed when he saw you laughing at something that probably wasn’t even funny but what really pissed him off was that you actually let him kiss your cheek.
He stood there for a moment processing what just happened before an idea popped inside his head, a smug look started to appear on his face as he turned around and walked away.
When you and that guy were done talking you saw wonwoo walk away while you started smiling like a brat that you are. You made your way to the team and greeted them before looking around for wonwoo only to see him surrounded by girls complimenting and flirting with him, you huffed as you you made your way to him and when you did make your way there you lightly pushed the girl off his chest. “Wonwoo I wanna go home now.” You were frustrated that he just shrugged it off then winking at a girl before jumping in his car.
“what the hell was that?!” You started yelling when you were away from those people, but wonwoo rolled his eyes and just kept driving while you started yelling again. “Why did you let those girls touch you?! Are you that desperate?! ” That’s when wonwoo literally slammed his foot on the breaks. “What the fuck did you just say.?” Wonwoo was glaring at you when you went silent you tried to say something but you were to stunned by wonwoo’s outburst.
“What about you huh baby? What about that dude that was literally eye-fucking you while you stood there like a damn whore? Did you like the attention is that it?” You could feel yourself getting soaked down there as he kept calling you those filthy names.
You were so zone out but yelped when you felt your seat go back and what really shook you was wonwoo climbing on top of you as he started roaming his hands all over your thighs maybe even higher. You were so overwhelmed by the kissing and the gentle touching but that soon faded when wonwoo quickly got off of you and sat back in his seat. “Let’s go home baby I’m kinda tired actually.” He gave you a smug smile as he pulled your seat back up then gave you a peck on the cheek.
You were so shook you were quiet the whole ride but when you got back you realised how turned on you were so you stormed out of the car as you made your way to the bedroom then locked it without waiting for wonwoo. When wonwoo saw that the bedroom door was closed he sighed before making his way over but froze when he heard vibrating sounds along with the little sounds you were making, he got mad and started banging on the door. “Open the fucking door ___! Or I’ll fucking break it you slut!” But you weren’t listening and turned up the vibrator.
Wonwoo was so furious he actually broke the door handle with his own bare hands and when he did he slammed the door open making his way over to you as he threw the vibrator away from you, he roughly grabbed your chin as he pulled it close to his face so close that you actually might be kissing.
“Did I say you can fucking touch what’s mine?! No I didn’t so why the fuck are you touching what’s not yours!” He started ripping your clothes off as he furiously marked you all around your body.
“I’m going to show you that this body belongs to me, you hear me you slut.”
And for 8 hours straight that’s what he did and boy did it really show because when you woke up around 11pm you got up and went to the bathroom to wash yourself, you took a Quick Look in the mirror and saw literally your whole body was fucking marked top to bottom, your thighs, torso, breast even your back to your neck was marked.
You were still trying to figure out how to cover all of this but felt yourself stiffened when you heard laughing from downstairs and no not one person but a whole damn party, you quickly did your routine before grabbing one of wonwoo’s hoodies then his sweats after that you went downstairs only to see the whole damn team here.
“Oh hey ___! We were just making lunch! Wonwoo told us how tired you were so we didn’t wanna wake you up must of stayed up working like you always do!” Seokmin innocently smiled at you making you actually feel a little guilty while you nodded.
“Yea she did isn’t that right baby? My princess working so hard might just give you a reward for that.” Wonwoo said as he made his way over to you wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him.
“Ok you two love birds lunch is nearly ready so take a seat and wait for the food” cheollie said as he and mingyu were Making you assumed ramen, you were excited because you heard that mingyu made the best ramen out of all of them. You were looking at how delicious the ramen looked that you didn’t see wonwoo eyeing before scooting closer, all of a sudden you felt a hand on your thigh so your head snapped to the person right next to you and saw wonwoo laughing like he doesn’t have his damn hand on your thigh.
And for the whole time you guys were sitting there he teased and played with you, you felt so turned on you might just actually cum right on the spot but when everyone left you were gonna go to your room and sleep because you felt so tired of the teasing.
“I hope you don’t think we are done baby.. last night was just a warm up we got to keep going until you are literally so dumb you start clinging on to me like an obsessed slut you are baby.”
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t0xicityz · 10 months
OMGGG your ‘finding nemo’ made me PAUSE FOR A SECOND i kept deadass blushing, and as your first fanfic, thats crazy 😵‍💫 you have so much potential, IM COUNTING ON YOU !! 🤍 ofcourse dont forgot to have plenty of rest well too :)
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t0xicityz · 10 months
how do u feel right after u posted finding nemo vernon said on weverse that it's his fav lmaoo
AIN’T NO WAY???? I DIDNT EVEN KNOW THATT I just named it finding nemo because that movie was literally trying to find nemo..😭😭😭
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t0xicityz · 10 months
I don’t know but I’ve been thinking about this one should I post it?😭😭
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Seriously the thoughts I had on this😩❤️
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t0xicityz · 10 months
Finding Nemo<3
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Poly seventeen x Fem!Reader
Summery: boys came back from the studio missing you only to find they actually are missing you, before they could get worried they all got a text saying.. “come find me<3”
A/N: heyooo! First fanfic please forgive me if there is any spelling mistakes or if my grammar is bad, I was born in the pacific islands so this wasn’t my first language and this fanfic is short so sorry guys I didn’t have any other ideas I ran out😭
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“Seungcheol tell Mingyu to move! I need to see ___!”
Seungcheol sighed as Seungkwan started whining when mingyu was taking his time to get inside the house, the others were laughing while seungkwan was lightly hitting mingyu on the back while trying to push him.
When they made it inside seungkwan was running around trying to look for you only with the others but you have seem to gone so wonwoo pulled out his phone to call but when he did it went straight to voicemail. “Strange..” wonwoo said as everyone saw it go to voicemail.
But when they all tried to call her it still went to voicemail and as seungkwan started whining along with mingyu they suddenly hear their phone go off so everyone quickly picked up their phone only to find a text from ___.
My___<3: come find me my loves<3
They all sighed before a smirk started to appear on everyone’s faces, everyone was silent before Vernon started to speak. “Let’s make a bet, first one to find her gets to have her all to themselves for the night if she consents of course.” Everyone nodded and seungkwan pulled a contract he wrote down while Vernon was talking. “Ok everyone sign it just in case someone tries to cheat.” So everyone signed.
Junhui. (Dk: boring 🥱)
Hoshi 🐯
DK. AKA DOKYEOM>:) (Kwan: just DK gosh🙄)
Jeon.Wonwoo (mingyu:🤭)
“Ok the game begins.” So everyone sprinted out and started looking for you, everyone looked everywhere under the beds, in the closets under the couch, under the kitchen table even in the bathrooms but still couldn’t find you, while they were looking you were hiding in a attic.
You heard a few of the boys walk past but never worried you because you know they were never going to find you.
Oh boy were you wrong.
You were about to fall asleep but your eyes flew open when you heard someone trying to open the attic, so you quickly got up and started looking around to find something you can hide in. The only thing you could hid in is an empty box so you quickly jumped in the box and closed it right as the attic door opened.
You could hear the footsteps of someone but then turned into multiple footsteps which means.
Everyone is in the attic.
You held your breath in when they got closer to you but remembered you theft your phone out there on the floor. While you were scolding yourself you hear one of them laugh as they started talking.
“She probably isn’t in here”
“Yea your right let’s go check somewhere else”
“But what about the ph-“
“Probably moved to another spot that little cheater, she’s not here let’s go.”
You heard shuffling here and there then heard the attic door shut, you were about to jump out the box when you heard the attic door open again.
“I forgot guys ___ wanted us to take this box to the garage we might as well do it now”
You got confused but nearly screamed when you felt yourself getting picked up and taken out of the attic, you where kinda relaxed when you hear someone said.”put the box in the garage then hurry up and find ___!”.
You heard a door open before you felt yourself getting put down then heard the footsteps faded along with the door closing. You sighed as you waited there for a bit then as you opened the box to get out you looked around only to find the you are not in the garage.
Your are in your bedroom surrounded by all 13 of them giving you a smug look as you were shook they actually found you less then an 2 hours.
You quickly stood up pouting then started complaining, but as you were about too, seungcheol got up and closed your mouth shut with a filthy kiss but got stopped by Vernon.
“Hey remember the bet you were not the only one who found her too, we all found her at the same time.” Seungcheol rolled his eyes and he sat back down while Vernon wrapped his hands around your waist as he gave you a smile.
“Probably want to know how we found you, well we were actually going to leave the attic because we thought you weren’t in there but saw your a little bit of your head sticking out of the box so we thought it was a great idea to tease you a little.”
You grunted as you plopped down onto the bed right next to wonwoo and jeonghan, then quickly got up as you gave them a confused look. “What do you mean bet?”
They gave each other a look before wonwoo gently sat you back down onto the bed as they all got up and surrounded you, wonwoo being the closest wrapped his arms around you as the rest were looking at you up and down before woozi started talking.
“Sorry baby but we made a bet to see if one of us would find you first but ended up with all of us finding you.”
“So what’s the prize for the winner..?”
Joshua walked up to you then bent down while rubbing your cheek gently.
“You Darling.”
You almost choked on air when you heard what he had said, your eyes were wide along with your mouth. “But if you don’t want to we don’t have to my love.” Minghao said as he gave you a reassuring smile along with the rest.
You thought about it for a little then started mumbling as you nodded your head. “What was that sweetie come on baby tell us what you want?” Seungkwan said as he started kissing your neck, “Please I want it do whatever you want I don’t care just p-please” you said as your body shuddered.
“Ok baby you ready to begin because once you say yes there is no going back unless you use the safe word.”
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