ta-da-the-sequel · 1 month
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♡ GT July 2024 Prompt List ♡
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ta-da-the-sequel · 5 months
g/t dialogue prompts
“Please come back, I didn’t mean to scare you”
“You could get hurt.”
“How did you get so small?”
“Why are you so big?”
“I didn’t mean to hurt you- I’m sorry.”
“You could have gotten hurt! Please ask for help next time.”
“You need to be more careful.”
“Please- put me down.”
“I didn’t mean any harm!”
“So… you gonna pay me rent, or…?”
“You’re going to freeze out here,”
“Literally anything could kill me.” “Exactly!”
“Did you steal that?”
“Dude, you could drown in a puddle”
“Try walking a mile in my shoes! oh, wait-“
“Am I a bad roommate?”
“I’m gonna jar you.”
“Please let me help you.”
“Can- can you stay? At least for tonight?”
“And how do you think you’ll get there on your own?”
“Step away from the edge of the counter-”
“They’re not here. You’re safe now.”
“Please don’t kill me!” “Wait, what?”
“Did you steal the buttons off my shirt?”
“You ever think about what life would be like if we were the same size?”
thanks to @infinimay for helping me create a couple of the prompts! (10, 12, 13, 14,15? maybe?) 
feel free to use! 
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ta-da-the-sequel · 11 months
New Gt Discord Server!
The old servers I was in seem to have all gone inactive, so I made a new one to help connect more with the community ^_^
It's got dedicated categories for artists, writers, and folks looking to rp, as well as channels for just chatting and hanging out
it is mostly SFW, but I added some age-restricted channels for those that want to talk about more adult concepts
I'll do my best to help keep this one active with events like movie nights too!
Please share this around so we can get a good chunk of the community in!
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ta-da-the-sequel · 1 year
This took me a couple days and way too many rereads to do still working on feeling completely comfortable writing from Jinx’s perspective, but I know how she flirts!! ksndkdkd so sorry if this reads a little wonkier than normal I do not have the capacity or the time to smooth it out again atm :p
Also major info dump at the beginning. I try to avoid those but honestly it just feels like how Jinx’s headspace works. She does a whole lot of self reflection
Washed Up part 2
Word Count: 1,587
Marjani had always assumed she’d be betrothed to someone someday. That was just how things were done among the royal families. Not that she really liked being a royal. It required far too much etiquette, even for her, and responsibilities? Well of course one had to be responsible to some degree, that much was a part of life. But what she wanted was the freedom to explore and to learn, not to be crammed up in a tower someplace trapped with only so many books. Or be forced into ballrooms every other day for that matter, where no books of any sort were allowed and one was made to socialize with perfect strangers. The very idea made her want to curl up in a corner under a pile of blankets and never come back out.
All in all, the point was that she was having a rather fun time lately having the freedom to figure out what she even liked in a man. Or if she even liked men specifically - though that much seemed all but certain at this point.
First it was Nick being so much taller than her that had stuck out. Something about it made her heart flutter and her throat clamp up tight. He was the first she’d ever had that with. Of course she hadn’t wanted that to go any further; for one thing she did need her alone time too, and as much as she loved him there were times when he needed far too much company for her comfort. Plus they both found they could get under each other’s skin every now and again, if only from being stubborn about similarly opposing things, which was absolutely no good. In the end that flame had flickered out within merely a couple days, and she was glad she’d never brought it up to him. After all, over the years she found it was their friendship that she truly cherished.
After that, well, she’d had a few flickers of interest here and there. Nothing of substance though, as it turned out - most of her interests were shot down within minutes of being piqued, whether because they very quickly turned out to be incompetent, assholes, or just too childish for her taste. Of course there was that moment when she’d been put in Chris’s pocket, and all she could focus on was the massive drumbeat of his heart. She was still thoroughly embarrassed about that one, if only because she genuinely appreciated the giant, but aside from the very obvious issue of his being far too tall, he was also far too stoic - and wasn’t exactly her type aside from that, either.
And yet now, sitting on the beach and stoking the fire, she found herself trying everything she could to shut up that little, pesky voice in the back of her head that always got her hopes up. Because despite being far too tall - and having just washed up on shore no less - she was steadily finding this clawed, fanged giant to be more and more attractive for some frustrating reason. Maybe it was the way he’d first spoken to her, dazed as he was, yet reassuring that he meant no harm. Maybe it was his build, or the deep, rumbling voice of his that held a purring growl in his every word, or maybe it was the surprisingly soft tone he had for being such a fearsome looking thing.
But whatever it was, she was fighting against every urge in herself not to turn and reveal to him just how hard she was blushing.
“You’re far from home, aren’t you,” she started, glancing to his forearm to make sure the goosebumps had gone away.
Nothing. Good. So the spell worked for someone as big as him, too.
“Where do you come from?”
He hummed a low note. The sound making her heart skip a beat.
“Not too far away, I’d imagine. My ship was headed home just before the storm hit, so this should still the same continent. Is there a mountain range north of here, do you know?”
“I do,” she offered with a nod, doing her best not to let her smile leak into her voice. “And there is. Quite a large one, actually. My kind haven’t been able to explore much of it, but as far as we know it covers the entire northern half of the land.”
“Ahhhhhh, so this is Jotunheim.”
She stopped at that. Frowning at the stick in her hand.
The rocks clicked softly as he shifted beside her, accompanied by the whispery scratch of his shirt moving.
“It’s what my kin call the continent,” he chuckled, “I know. It’s a bit conceited, isn’t it - naming a whole continent after only one of the races that lives on it.”
Her eyes widened with surprise. She hadn’t expected him to acknowledge the same issue she had, especially without prompting.
“As far as I know though, that seems to be the name that’s stuck. If only because my kin make trade the most here.”
He paused, but she could feel him closer. His warm breath gusting over the back of her neck as he spoke.
“As far as I know.” He repeated. “I’ve been proven wrong before…”
She sucked in a shaky breath. Her face growing all the more hot.
Did he really mean this? Was he really wanting her input? The mere idea made her heart flutter in her chest, and she could’ve sworn she felt the ghost of her wings flutter behind her, too.
She pressed her lips thin, clearing her tightened throat and doing her best to maintain her composure. Handsome and interactive as he was, she still wasn’t quite ready to give in to hope. Or at the very least, she was finding it fun to play it cool. For the moment.
“My kind call it Avalon, referring to the apples that grow here in the south. Have you ever tried them before?”
She peeked up from under her brow, curious to see his reaction but not wanting to let on.
Sure enough, his brow raised with intrigued surprise. A twinkle in those golden, catlike eyes.
“I haven’t! Perhaps I should while I am here. Avalon, eh…?”
He repeated the word with a quirk of his brow, slowly scratching his dark claws through his beard in thought. Testing it out for himself.
“I like it. Has a nice ring to it…”
But he paused. His gaze turning distant as he stared out over the calmed waves.
“I hope the others find themselves so lucky as I…”
Her heart sank. The thrill of his validation blowing away like dust as she followed his gaze.
The memory of him lying on the rocks, not breathing, flashed through her mind’s eye. Somehow just barely remembering a resuscitation spell had miraculously been enough to pull the water from his lungs, and judging from that, the odds that any of his shipmates made it…
She shook her head clear of those thoughts. It was possible some had. Perhaps Zvonimir had merely had some of the worst of it. It had been a harsh storm, yes, but these were giants they were talking about. Surely it wasn’t so easy to take them down, whether on land or sea.
She jumped as the rocks clacked against each other, blinking herself out of her haze to find he was pushing himself up to sit. Puffs and groans on his breath as he winced.
Her brow turned up. A twinge of guilt pinching her heart.
“I’m sorry. You must be hurting after such a rough sleep, huh?”
She turned back to the fire, staring into the flame. Then carefully added another stick on top of it.
“I wish I could’ve moved you somewhere more comfortable…”
The rocks clicked again, and she could feel his gaze on the back of her neck.
“Don’t be sorry, mi- Jinx,” he fumbled. Taking a moment to pause. “It’s not as though I am an easy person to move for my own kin, either.” The hint of a smile was on his voice, and it pulled at the corners of her own lips, too.
“Well I’m not your kin,” she teased, “I could have something up my sleeve you wouldn’t even dream of.”
The stones clicked again. The barest wisp of his breath touching her shoulder as the smile in his voice turned to a grin.
“Does the lass have secrets?”
A thrill ran up her spine, her heartbeat skipping into a faster pace, and it took a second for the reason why to click into a coherent thought.
He knew she was flirting, and he was returning it.
Her lips pressed tight, doing a properly awful job of stifling a grin of her own as she shifted and straightened up.
“Perhaps. Perhaps you’ll never know, either.”
“Ohhhhh, fascinating.” He purred, shifting close enough she could feel the warmth all over her back. “Is it possible to reveal these secrets at all?”
She couldn’t help herself, finally turning to face him with a twinkle in her eyes and a coy smile on her lips.
“If you earn my trust… we will see.”
His golden eyes flickered over her, and for the first time she didn’t see them like that of a cat’s at all. They were strange, yes, but they were his, and they danced with a warm, playful mischief. Intelligent and inviting all at once as he whispered,
“I look forward to it.”
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ta-da-the-sequel · 1 year
I wanna write this one off story, if enough people like it, I’ll consider making a more fleshed out version
CW: near death experience
Damian and Serena arrive home very late one night. Both were exhausted from working but were happy to finally be home and relax.
“Oh god I thought work would never end. Thank god it did” - Damian
“You said it, not me” - Serena
A few seconds later they hear a light whimper coming from the pantry and think it’s a rat. Serena, not wanting to deal with a rodent, grabs a shoe and is ready to kill it.
“I swear to god, I am not in the mood for this shi-“ - Serena
As Serena enters the pantry, she stops and sees a small little girl, no older than 7 years old, and no bigger than her pinkie. Her body is caught in a wire that’s tangled several parts of her. Her left arm is stretching, her chest is wrapper, and her neck is being constricted. She’s crying as she notices Serena looking at her. The borrower knows she’s dead no matter what, either she’ll suffocate or the giant staring her down will crush her. Despite this she reaches her right arm out, and with what little air she has says
“h-help” - borrower girl
Without a second thought Serena screams for Damian to grab the scissors as she drops the shoe and grabs the borrower, she lifts her up a bit which causes most of the wire to loosen but it’s still suffocating her, Serena tries with her might to undo the wire as best as she can to no avail, 10 second later, damian comes rushing in with the scissors in hand.
“I’m here what’s happening” - Damian
“The wire is wrapped around her neck, she can’t breathe, cut it, hurry” - Serena
The girl sees damian come in with scissors and doesn’t know what’s going on, as this is happening she begins to slip, it becomes harder and harder for her to fight. Damian is rushing to cut the wire, and a couple of seconds later, the wire completely slacks and comes off her neck. Without a second of hesitation, she takes in the biggest breathe of air she ever took. She starts to cough after finally being able to breathe again.
“Darling are you alright, it’s okay, just breathe, you’re safe now” - Serena
Breathing was all she was doing, she completely forgot about the fact 2 enormous figures were staring over her.
“Here, hold still sweetheart, I promise to be gentle” - Damian
Damian starts cutting the rest of the wire on her body, freeing her arm and chest from their tight grasp. After she was freed she was going to thank them, before remembering the stories she was told about how dangerous humans are. Her happiness turns to fear as she begins to beg.
“I-i’m sorry, I didn’t mean to steal from you, i… i was just taking some food to survive, i’m sorry, i-i promise ill leave and never come back if you let me go, j-just please don’t kill me” - girl
Damian and Serena looks at each other with concern. They just saved this girl’s life, so why was she begging? Then they remembered that some of the food they argued about each other eating was actually the girl. She took the last cookie, she opened the new box of cereal, it was all her. They both looked at each other again and knew what to say.
“Sweetheart, can you look at us? It’s okay, we’re not mad at you in the slightest” - Serena
“You needed the food to survive, we would never be mad at someone like you just trying to survive” - Damian
“B-but all those fights, they were because of me, so you hate me right” - girl
“No no no, we were mad because we had rules set for each other, and we thought they were being broken by us” - Serena
“You had no idea about anything, you were just doing the most you could to survive, we’re not mad, we forgive you, and if you ever need any food, please, just take it, it’s for the better” - Damain
The girl was so suprised, she didn’t even know why they were being nice, but they were. She always to hear from other borrowers how cruel humans were, but these 2 were kind and gentle.
“T-thank you, m-may i go back home now?” - girl
“Of course, where do you live?” - serena
“I can show you, if you put me down” - girl
Serena does as she asks and put the girl onto the floor. She looks back up and them and is in awe over the size difference, to her, they were skyscrapers. She proceeded to walk out of the pantry and head to the living room. She gets on all fours and is about to crawl under the couch, before she can, Damian gently places his hand over her to stop her.
“Can you wait over there for one second” - damian
Damian points to the little table next to the couch to which she agrees. She walks over to it and sits down. She them gets to watch in awe and Damian and Serena move the couch from the wall. To see such grand power from them mesmerized her for a second. They then notice a hole in the wall behind where the couch used to be.
“Hey, what’s this?” - Damian
The girl sees him approaching and she starts to walk over to it as well.
“This- this is my home, it’s where i live” - girl
“How long have you lived there?” - serena
“I don’t know, i’ve been here since i was a baby” - girl
“Where are your parents?” - Damian
“… gone, I don’t know where or why but all i can remember is… one day they left me… alone, forever” - girl
Damian and Serena became sad after hearing her story. They wanted to help the girl as much as they could.
“Well, I should get going, bye” - girl
Before she could enter the hole, Damian covers it with his hand, blocking the entrance completely and scaring the girl for a second. She was wondering what she did wrong, did she make a mistake telling them where she lived? Was it all a ploy to make her drop her guard and leaver her vulnerable? She was thinking of the worst until he spoke
“I-instead of going back, would you rather stay outside the wall from now on?” - Damian
“W-what do you mean?” - girl
“I think he means, would you like to live with us, you don’t ever have to go back into the wall and hide, you can stay out here, you’ll have toys, and games, and stuffed animals. We’ll eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner together and… and you won’t have to ever be alone again.” - Serena
The girl heard that last sentence and was mesmerized once again. Never being alone anymore? It would be amazing for her, she’d never have to worry about anything. But she was also concerned about them and what they would do to her.
“M-maybe? I need some time to think about it… m-may i think about it?” - girl
“Of course, take as much time as you need, we’ll be right here for you” - Damian
Damian lifts his hand to re-open the entrance to her home, before she enters, she is asked one last thing by Serena
“Sweetie, before you go, what’s your name?” - Serena
“Oh, i… I don’t have one, my mom and dad didn’t want me so.. they never bothered” - girl
“Oh dear, i’m so sorry to hear” - Serena
“It… it’s okay, i’ll be fine, i-i’m going to bed now, goodnight” - girl
“Goodnight” - Damian and Serena
Over the course of the week, the girl came out to see Damian and Serena. She would often do things with them. Serena did her hair, bathed, and played with her. Damian cooked with her, and would often answer questions she had.
*One late night in bed*
“I wonder how she’s doing” - Damian
“Me too, i want to get close but i know she’s scared” - Serena
“Yeah, we’re titans compared to her, that’d be frightening to anyone” - Damian
“Not only that, i think she’s scared because she’s been abandoned, and doesn’t want to be left alone again” - Serena
“You’re right, i just wish she would give us one chance” - Damian
They both sighed as they attempted to fall asleep. Not to long after trying to go to bed, they are both awoken by their bedroom door opening.
“Ummm…” - girl
They both shoot up and look at the floor and see the girl standing in the doorway, holding a makeshift stuffed animal and an old piece of a towel used as a blanket
“Oh sweetie, it’s you, what’s wrong” - Serena
“I… i heard scary noises outside and… I couldn’t sleep, I, i was wondering if- if…” - girl
“Of course you can sleep with us, here, i’ll come and pick you up and bring you to the bed” - Damian
“N-no, i’m good- I… I mean i wanted to ask if i can sleep with you, b-but i can get onto the bed myself” - girl
The girl runs up to the edge of the bed and grabs the big blanket and climbs it, Serena and Damian get off the bed to make sure she climbs the blanket safely, cheering her on in the process, once she reaches the top, they congratulate her go back to lying on the bed. The girl runs over to meet them, with the blanket and stuffed animal still with her.
“You were so strong climbing the blanky sweetheart, i’m so proud of you” - Serena
“Me too, you’re such a strong girl” - Damian
“T-thank you” - girl
She lays down on the bed with them, but she can’t fall asleep so she asks them a few questions
“Umm, do you remember… how you said I can live outside of the wall” - girl
“Yeah, what’s up” - Damian
“I… i think i want to live outside them” - girl
“Really that’s amazing sweetheart, i’m so happy to hear” - Damian
“T-thank you… umm i have another question” - girl
“What is if sweetie?” - Serena
“Can… may i call you… my mommy and daddy?” - girl
Both Serena and Damian’s faces light up with joy hearing this and before the girl can attempt to take back what she said.
“Yes yes yes yes yes of couse you can baby, you never had to ask us” - Serena
“We’d be more then happy to be your mommy and daddy” - Damian
Serena brings the girl in for a hug and damian hugs them both. Serena lets go of Serena and hugs Damian back, pinning the girl between the 2 of them, as she’s stuck between them, their body heat surrounds her and she enjoys every second. She takes in the moment of being warmed by them both. They then let go and she falls back to the bed with a smile from ear to ear.
“Sorry baby we didn’t mean to squish you. Are you okay?” - Serena
“Yeah i’m fine, being squished felt so good and warm” - girl
“That’s nice, but if we’re going to be your mommy and daddy, you’ll need to have a name.” - Damian
Damian and Serena start talking about names they could name the girl, then she step in with her idea.
“I really like that one dog’s name” - girl
“Dog, what dog?” - Damian
“The one from that one game, she’s your assistant and talk like me mo me me mo mao” - girl
“Oh, you mean Isabelle?” - Serena
“Yeah, I like that name” - girl
“Well if that’s the case” - Damian
“We love you very much Isabelle” - Serena
“Thank you, I love you too” - Isabelle
Damian proceeds to grab Isabelle and places her on his chest, Serene then comes close to hold Damian and lay her head on his chest. Serena pulls the blanket up so it covers all but her head.
“Is that warm enough for you baby?” - Serena
“*yawn* yes, thank you, I love you mommy and daddy” - isabelle
“We love you too Isabelle, goodnight” - Damian
“Night night” - isabelle
*The end*
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ta-da-the-sequel · 1 year
I'd love to see your sketches! While I don't have any sketches of my own, I do have half-baked snippets of writing
i so very much need gt friends so uh…does anyone wanna be friends? i will send u half finished poorly planned sketches
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ta-da-the-sequel · 1 year
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(They didn’t warn me about this on the application…)
I mean like… I had to, okay!
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ta-da-the-sequel · 1 year
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Gigantic Giant by CorbDuNyx
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ta-da-the-sequel · 2 years
The last post I saw for this is from an account that no longer is active, so heck it!
If you're into SFW and Fluffy G/T reblog this post!
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ta-da-the-sequel · 2 years
g/t asks!
What is your preferred size?
What size do you like to interact with best?
What would your tiny/giant home look like?
Do you have a sona? Tell us about them!
What’s your favorite size trope?
Fairies or borrowers?
Giants or humans?
Sci-fi shrinking or magic shrinking?
What’s your favorite piece of sizey media?
What’s the last TV show you watched, any size headcanons for it?
What song gives you size vibes?
If you suddenly grew/shrunk where you are right now, what would happen?
What kind of pet would you like at your size?
What was your g/t awakening?
What size scenario is the funniest to you?
What’s your comfort g/t media/tropes?
How long have you been into g/t?
Any favorite g/t content creators? People you wanna hype up?
What’s your all-time favorite g/t daydream - the one thing you keep going back to?
A fictional character you really REALLY wanna shrink/grow?
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ta-da-the-sequel · 2 years
G/T July Masterpost
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1. Fluffy
2. Different Era {The Lady of the Wastes} (Estyia x Emir post-apocalypse au)
3. Panic
4. Sizeshifting
5. Flower
6. Royalty
7. Creature
8. Snacks
9. Hide
10. Friendship
11. Mini Giant
12. Borrower
13. Cosmic
14. Sleepover
15. Redraw
16. Beach
17. First Meet
18. Thunderstorm
19. Same Size
20. Exhausted
21. Handheld
22. GT Prom
23. Candy Sweets
24. Comfort
25. Pocket
26. Merpeople
27. Communication
28. Scavenger Hunt
29. Trinkets
30. Fan Art
31. Free Space
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ta-da-the-sequel · 2 years
The Lady of the Wastes
(A post-apocalyptic future au where Estyia and Emir meet under different circumstances)
Day 2: Different Era
It's just a bet, his friends said. Whoever got the most game would get first picks. But neither Emir nor his friends gambled on a hindterbeast showing up.
And so he found himself alone, doing the one thing he could against these suckers: run. He leaped over rocks and through golden grass, trying to throw it off with abrupt turns.
If he could just turn hard enough, it would flip on its back and struggle to get up. But as it is he could sense the creature gaining on him. In fact, he could smell the thing, a putrid stench reminiscent of death.
He continued moving forward, not wanting to know how close he was to his doom. "Here goes." He steadied himself, taking a sharp turn perpendicular to the nearby steam.
The ground crashed as the creature followed suit, toppling onto its back. Emir pumped his fist in earnest. "Yes!" One sneaky glance revealed all, the beast flailing its six stupid legs around.
Once he was full sure that the beast was out of sight, he took another turn towards home. He hoped his friends were all okay. About an half hour ago, the group were all celebrating Plonkath's double kill. Now they all hoped for Emir's safe return.
The ground rumbled a bit. "What now?" He rolled his eyes. Was it an earthquake? Flyfish? Another hindterbeast? Emir caught his foot on the root of a blackwood, stumbling onto the dry grass. In his peripheral vision he noticed something scurrying towards him.
"Well, shit." The beast returned, more eager than ever, and Emir dashed even with the aches of exhaustion. If this was to be his grisly end, then he could only wish his family well.
The ground shuddered harder now. He chucked water from another stream in its face, hoping he'd meet a quick end—
Bam. He got a tall boot to the face, and the shrill sound of the creature screeching. Way above him he could see it writhing in his saviour's hand, which glowed with immense heat.
"Silly creature, thinking you could escape being dinner." The woman stabbed a two-pronged trident longer than Emir was tall into it. At long last, the screeching stopped.
Emir looked up at her in shock. "Wait, hold on, you eat those things?"
"Oh yes, didn't you know, they're absolutely delicious." She said it with such enthusiasm that Emir couldn't help but be concerned. After all, those same teeth in her pearly smile could grind him with ease. "Personally I find them best smoked."
It took her a moment to notice the fact there was a human standing next to her, of whom took a couple steps back as if to leave. "Look, lady, I appreciate you saving me back there, but I ought to get going."
She made a sound as if disappointed, and she brought her head around to face him properly. "So you're the human this beast was after. Are you sure you want to go alone, it's getting dark rather fast."
He found the lady's face a bit too big to comprehend all at once. Between her sharp but delicate features, her stunning emerald eyes and long, flowing blonde hair that couldn't be restrained, she was easily one of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen. Something within him told him not to reject her offer.
But then he thought of his friends, his family. What would they think if he came back with a giant in tow?
"I, uh- I mean, it's a good offer and all but I—"
"Ah, come on." She frowned, offering a hand to him. "May I offer you a ride?"
Heat rose to his cheeks. Why was she going so quick with this? "I'd rather walk, sorry."
If she seemed disappointed he didn't know, she did a fair job of hiding it. "Suit yourself."
He watched as she rose to her full height, looming over him with that creature slung over her shoulder. "Come along then, follow me."
He looked to his left, just as she turned right. Surely she just didn't know? "Uh, sorry, my home's actually that way."
She continued regardless. "I didn't say anything about going to your home, specifically. Call me selfish, but I don't want to be travelling in the dark if I can help it. And I'm sure you don't either."
Emir's mouth resembled a fish. If she had genuine intentions, why does she have to be so sneaky about it? "I'm not bound to you, you know. I can easily just turn the other way and leave."
To his dismay she chuckled at him, as if to a silly child. "So why is it you haven't left yet?"
The question stung him hard. Now that she mentioned it, he's still here, beside her, craning his neck to look up at a lady many times his size. Yes, he did keep his distance from her, partly because of the reverberations, and because she was a giant he just met. She could be planning something horrible for all he knew.
And yet he's still here. "Just who are you anyway?"
Her eyes widened, and Emir wondered if he finally got to her. It seemed to him she was more focused on her desires than she was on him.
Quite fitting if he's being honest. "Estyia, hm? I think it's a beautiful name. It reminds me of someone, actually."
She slowed her pace further, and he could see the look of fondness on her face. Who knew he could charm her like that? "Aw, you're too kind. And who is it that I remind you of?"
Before he continued, Estyia asked about his own.
"Anyway, you remind me of a woman of the same name. As someone who also fends off dastardly beasts, she's a great inspiration to me. During my childhood I'd often hear of the legends about her and everyday I wish I could be even half as good as her."
Up ahead, torches and a bonfire broke up the impending nightfall. At this point, he gulped. This settlement could only mean one thing: more giants. Lovely.
Meanwhile, he could see her smiling again, and despite his apprehension, he thought her smile to be rather alluring. "Yeah, I think I know of her too."
Thoughts fluttered around his head, and his face flashed in a mix of shock and concern. "Wait a minute... are you THAT Estyia?!"
No, no way. The Lady of the Wastes was but a myth. There should be no way—
The Estyia before him started laughing, a full-blown laugh he could feel in her footsteps. "You are a smart one, Emir, good on you for figuring it out–"
He stopped in his tracks. This wasn't real, it couldn't be. All his life he looked up to her in awe, only for him to be literally doing that at this moment.
"This has to be a dream, right? I cannot believe I'm meeting the real Estyia— I mean, you, in the flesh. There's no way, there's no way—"
His throat seized up with emotion, eyes wide in astonishment. If he left at the start, would he have ever realised? For all he knew he may have cursed himself later over the regret.
She brought herself to her knees, kneeling down until she was just above him. She'd seen people admire her before, but this... it hit different. "Might this be enough proof?" With her upper lip, she gave him a peck on the forehead.
Emir grased a hand over where she kissed him. "Oh, plenty."
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ta-da-the-sequel · 2 years
Gt July Day 2: Different Era
Featuring Serif and Warren during WW2 (because I am a history nerd)
Warning for drowning, death, barely any Gt,  and this being rushed to hell so its probably iffy on some areas
Warren shivered violently as the waves of the Atlantic ocean battered relentlessly against the hull of the destroyer he was assigned on. Each hit sprayed a freezing mist on him, adding to the misery of the cold night. Looking off to the side, he tightly gripped on the rail to steady himself as the ship rocked uneasily through the sea.
To the portside of the ship was convoy HX 212, his along with the crew of three other destroyers job escorting to Great Britain. They were on the lookout for any u-boats that posed a threat to the cargo ships they were meant to protect, though enemy submarines weren’t the only things hunting around these waters.
Keep reading
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ta-da-the-sequel · 2 years
Protector 3
I love when the stories seem to write themselves. Here is chapter 3! Enjoy
The giantess, from her hiding spot in the trees, let out a long sigh as she willed her tired body to rise. “Whelp… here we go I guess…” she mumbled to herself. Liz took one last look at the forest behind her. Her heart hoped that their clan would find Ben and give him a proper burial. “Fuck you Ben… Why did you have to go and die and leave me with this mess…” she said with a huff before turning her attention back to the edge of the forest. “Now or never I guess…”
Every human stopped dead in their tracks including the prince at the sight of the giant pushing her way past the trees. “Now let’s not do anything hasty here. There is no need to go back into the woods.” she said giving the prince a small smile before letting her graze fall upon the crowd. No one had moved a muscle since her arrival. No one except Herk. He bolted toward her growing to his full height within seconds.
“Squirt!” He yelled as he toppled her over in a bear hug.
“Miss me?” she jested as she wrapped her arms around the smaller giant.
“Is that even a question?! I can’t believe you are really here. Let me look at you! Dang, you really have grown into a beautiful young woman! Definitely got your father’s height. When he said that a giant like none other had saved him, I thought that might be you.” Herk said as he rolled off Liz into a pretzel leg seat. Liz sat up as tucked one leg in to lean on while letting the other stayed out long.
“They do say I am one of a kind.” she tossed back as she rubbed a horn.
“You have to tell me everything! How’s Ben? A little shit like always?” Herk asked with excitement. Liz’s demeanor went dark. Herk’s breath caught in his throat. “He was the other giant wasn’t he…” he asked in almost a whisper. Liz nodded. Herk leaned over and pulled the much larger giant into a hug. Liz returned the hug taking a deep breath trying to steady her emotions. They wouldn’t see her cry.
Liz broke from the hug to look at the king who was taking everything in. “My my, I can see my son wasn’t joking when he said you are different…” Liz could smell the fear off the small man. She could smell fear off all the humans. “With all do respect though, being a guardian is a man’s job. Women’s bodies and emotional state aren’t really the best for the job as you probably understand. Is there any way we can get another giant?” the king’s patronizing tone snapped a nerve in Liz as she narrowed her slate blue eyes on him. This man was needing a giant a second ago and now was being picky…
Liz grit her teeth. She had lots of practice with being considered lesser for being a woman, but it never did get easier to deal with. “I can arrange for another giant to come if that would please you your highness.” Liz said trying to hide the annoyance in her voice. She was relieved to be free of this job, though. Last thing she wanted to do was be the babysitter for a snobby royal.
Herk spoke up drawing the attention to himself, “Sire, if I could make a suggestion. The tradition says that the strongest warrior is sent to protect the king. I think both the prince and I can agree that she is the best warrior we have ever seen. I also think in our current circumstance that it would behoove us to have her in our arsenal. Yes, she may be a woman, but she has unfathomable power and is fairly levelheaded.”
“What are you doing?” Liz growled low staring daggers into Herk.
“Finally getting you a job worthy of your skill.” Herk growled back through his teeth.
“I don’t want it. You know more than anyone what I want.” Liz shot back.
“Liz this is going to be way better for you and you know it.” Herk chided.
Liz shook her head not even trying to hide how peeved she was. “The people are terrified of me. They will never accept me and we both know that.” Liz hissed.
“Your own people are terrified of you Liz! Just like they were of your father. That’s why we both know that you will never become chief or even a war leader. Face it Liz, this is the best job you will ever get!” Herk spat. Liz tensed. Herk sighed, “Liz…” Liz put up her hand to stop him.
“Let’s see if the human’s even want me.” her voice lacked emotion as she turned her attention to the king.
The king nodded. “As much as I want to be the one to make this decision, you would be the giant for my son. So I feel it is only right for him to choose.”
All eyes then fell upon the prince. Oliver tried not to squirm under all the attention, especially one particular set of slate blue eyes. He struggled to meet the gaze of the overwhelming giantess. It was impossible for him to read her emotionless expression. She was terrifying, that was undeniable. She also held immense power that the kingdom needed for their current advisory. As much as Oliver wanted to say he wanted a different (less scary) guardian, he knew the kingdom needed her.
“I would like her to be my protector… If she is ok with that.” Oliver said trying to suppress the tremble in his voice.
Liz let out a sigh and nodded. “As you wish then…” her voice was void of emotion.
A guard then pushed a terrified priest forward. The man trembled as he handed a bowl of an unknown concoction to the prince. The prince thanked the man and stepped hesitantly toward the giantess. Her head was cocked to the side as she watched him with curiosity. The prince came to a stop before the giantess and looked up at her expectantly. Liz looked between the prince and Herk with a confused glance.
Herk leaned over and whispered in her ear, “You have to pick him up so that he can pour the mixture into your mouth.”
Liz responded with a grunt before looking down at the prince. His short dirty blonde hair and beard were well kept. He had an athletic build. Overall, he was a handsome man. He looked strong and confident standing before her, but she could see the cracks in his armor. How the liquid in the bowl rippled from the small tremors coming from the hands holding it. She could see his eyes were dilated as they were ready to detect danger at any second. Then there was the smell. The smell of fear that surrounded her. She hated that smell, but no matter where she went it seemed to follow her.
Slowly Liz lowered her hand till it hovered around the small man. With one last look she silently asked for permission. The prince answered her with a nod. Cautiously Liz wrapped her fingers around his body before lifting him up to her face. She held him in front of her face for a moment allowing for them to take in each other. He truly was handsome she thought as his light brown eyes searched her face. Then she lifted him higher and opened her mouth.
Oliver heart stopped as he stared into the dark abyss that was the giantess’s mouth. Everything in him screamed danger as his eyes were drawn to her fangs. They hung menacingly before him, almost taunting him to move closer so they could tear him apart. The memory of her tearing the throat from the wolf ripped through Oliver’s mind. Fear overtook his body as he dropped the bowl, his hands then trying to gain some distance between him and the terrifying jaws before him.
The crowd gasp as they saw the bowl fall. It came crashing down on the tongue of the giantess as the contents spilt down her throat. Oliver watched from his perch as she slowly lowered him and using her other hand, fish out the bowl. She closed her mouth and swallowed before looking at him. She gave him a soft smile as her giant fingers brought the bowl to his hands. Oliver hesitantly grabbed the bowl and thanked her. He tried to pull his thoughts away from thinking how it was wet with her saliva.
Liz set the prince softly back on the earth. She was still on one knee when the pain overtook her. It was the worst pain she had ever experienced. ‘I will not let them see me as weak’ she mentally growled as she grit her teeth. Her body was on fire. Her whole being even down to the cellular level seemed to be writhing in pain. Liz closed her eyes, bent her head forward and dug her fingers into the ground as she tried to control her emotions and pain.
Herk watch as the giantess next to him did not move a muscle. He knew the pain she was going through because he had gone through it himself. He was extremely young when he came into servitude of the king, but that pain had never left his mind. After a minute Liz picked up her head. She was breathing heavy as sweat poured down her face.
“Now what?” she said exasperated.
Herk chuckled, “You took that extremely well! I was on the ground seething in pain. All that is left to do is think small.”
Liz nodded and closed her eyes. Her colossal body started to shrink. Herk followed suit. When Liz was her smallest, she opened her eyes to see Herk offering her a hand. She took it and clamored to her feet. Her exhausted body fell forward into Herk’s strong awaiting arms.
“Take it easy there Squirt. Your body has been through a lot today.” Herk said as he helped to righten the woman. He laughed as he had to tilt his head back a fair amount to look up at her. “Looks like I will never get a break when it comes to looking up at you!” he jested.
Liz gave him a tired smile before turning to look at the crowd, still using Herk to steady herself. Meer seconds earlier they were no larger than her fingers. She still towered over everyone, but not to such an extent. Liz’s eyes grazed her surroundings till they came to settle on the prince. She could still sense his fear, but it had lessened some.
Liz turned from Herk and walked casually up to the prince. Even at her smallest she was still almost double his height. The prince visibly gulped when she came to stand before him. Liz lowered herself till she was kneeling. Sitting on her back foot the two were about eye to eye. Everyone watching the exchange wondered what was taking place.
Liz smiled a warm smile as she stuck out her hand. “I’m Liz.” she said as she patiently waited.
The prince looked at the hand as though it was a sword that would run him through at any moment. Taking a deep breath, he reached forward and placed his small hand in hers. “I’m Oliver.”
Liz’s smile grew bigger, “Nice to meet you Oliver. Looks like we are going to be working together from now on.”
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ta-da-the-sequel · 2 years
Protector 2
Here is the continuation of the chapter I started last night. I’ll upload these on AO3 later today. Enjoy!
Shock ran down his spine with the sense of free falling. He never hit the ground, though. Instead, thick fingers wrapped around his body with such force that all the air in his lungs escaped in a panicked cry. The hand was like a vice grip as it squeezed the life out of him. “C-can’t b-breath…” He choked out. Liz’s heart dropped into her stomach. The giantess, seeing that she was hurting him, immediately loosened her grip.
“Sorry… I have never held a human before and you scared me pretty good right there…” she said rubbing the back of her neck. She could feel his heart racing against her palm. Liz messed up and she knew it.
The man started to come back to his senses as oxygen made its way back to his brain. That’s when he noticed that he was covered in blood. His racing mind first thought was that it was his blood, but as he moved his hand over the surreal surface of the giantess his eyes picked up on how everything around him was covered in the sticky wet substance. The giantess’s grip on him may have loosened, but fear’s was tightening even further. His mind started to short circuit as terror ripped through his body. “P-p-please, d-d-don’t hurt m-m-me…” he pleaded.
Liz could see that he was frightened out of his mind. That didn’t bother her as much as the smell though. Liz’s stomach started to turn as the smelled grew stronger. “Take it easy. I’m not going to hurt you. My friend told me to protect you and I fully intend to keep that promise. May I help you get back?” she said in a warm voice trying to comfort the small man.
Thankfully her words did not fall upon deaf ears. “N-n-no t-thank you. I-I can w-walk…” the man’s voice shook. His cursed at how hard his heartbeat was pounding against the woman’s hand.
The Liz pinched her nose before running her fingers over her eyebrows. “Look kid. We both know you shouldn’t be walking back alone. Now please relax and let me help you.” She was failing at hiding the annoyance in her voice.
The man’s eyes darted across the Liz’s face trying to gauge if she was telling the truth. They traced the horns that rolled like a ram’s on the side of the giantess’s head before glancing down to her teeth. Even with her mouth closed he could still see the fangs pressing against her lips. The picture of them dripping with blood as she bared her teeth in pain and anger burned into his mind. Her eyes were a slate blue which was odd to him because he thought giants only had green and brown eyes. She was also a lot bigger than any giant he has ever met or even heard of before. Against better judgement the man asked, “What are you?”
The Liz tilted her head to the side as she looked at him with curiosity. “What do you mean?” she asked with interest in her voice.
The man started to steal some of his courage seeing that she wasn’t offended. “Well, you don’t look like any giant that I have seen before. You have horns, blue eyes, fangs, etc… Not to mention you are huge compared to any giant… So…What are you?”
The woman smiled, ensuring that her fangs were hidden behind her lips. “I have no idea.”
The man looked at her and nodded. “I see…” he said as his thoughts raced.
Liz paused for a second before opening her mouth. “Now. I am going to bring you back and I am going to keep you in my hand for your own safety, alright?” She said slowly, looking for his confirmation before moving.
“Why are you even asking me? You can do whatever you want to with me. No matter if I want to do it or not…” the man tried to hide his fear behind the venom in his voice. Liz couldn’t help but smirk as he crossed his arms for emphasis.
The Liz snorted a soft laugh, “You have some sass. I am asking you because I don’t want to do anything against your will. I’m not the monster everyone thinks I am. If you want to walk then walk. I’m going to follow you, though, to make sure you get back ok. I will respect your wishes of me carrying or not carrying you, but I still have the right to walk where I please and to keep a promise to a dead friend. So, I am going to take you back and you will never see me again. How about that?” Sadness creeped into her voice as she talked about her friend.
The man looked at her skeptically. He took a deep breath before letting out a sigh. “I would like to walk please.” He said searching her eyes for any change in emotion.
The giantess nodded with a sigh. “Suit yourself.” she said as she slowly lowered him to the ground.
When her fingers finally uncurled from his chest, the man noticed how sore his ribs were. He winced as he started to walk away from the giantess. His pain didn’t go unnoticed, but Liz chose to say nothing. She watched him wander further from the human civilization. She shook her head knowing he was lost.
“Um… Mister… The way back is the other direction…” Liz said trying to stifle a laugh.
The prince grumbled as he turned around not even looking up at the giantess as he walked past. He hoped that she didn’t see how red his cheeks were.
At first the large footsteps behind him causing the earth to quake scared the living daylights out of him. Soon, though, they became rhythmic and even comforting. He was appreciative that they were a respectable distance from him. The man cursed himself as he flinched for the hundredth time as the forest chattered with life around him. “You are fine… The giant won’t let anything happen to you… She said she wouldn’t… Hopefully she keeps her promise…” the man whispered trying to calm himself down.
Night had fallen hours ago by the time the man smelt smoke from the ceremonial fires. Hope filled his heart as he dashed toward the scent. “I just have to make it a little further” he mumbled to himself, his mind completely forgetting about the giant behind him.
Liz stopped as she saw the small man sprinting towards the edge of the trees. A heavy sigh escaped her as she lowered her body to the ground. Her mind was at war with her heart on if she should stay or leave the man. “I’ll wait to make sure he doesn’t make another reckless decision again…”
The gathered crowd anxiously meandered around. The king and queen were doing their best to fight off the thought that their son had perished during the ritual. “He will be fine…” The king said holding his wife at his side. He wasn’t sure if the words were to comfort her or him. The crowd’s attention was pulled to the tree line as ruckus could be heard fast approaching. The king and queen held their breaths as their eyes scanned for any bit of movement.
The man felt tears stream down his face as he broke free from the clutches of the forest. Falling into the warm embrace of his parents. Allowing himself to collapse with exhaustion all his mind could think was that he had made it back. The prince’s mother stroked his back trying to sooth her son.
“What happened?” the king’s voice was filled with worry. “We heard the roar and then nothing. We were about to send in Herk to go save you!”
The prince raised his tired eyes to look up at his father. “Father… He didn’t make it…” his voice filled with pain.
“Who? The giant?” the queen asked in shock.
The prince nodded.
“How did you get back son?” the king asked.
The prince took a deep breath and spoke, “A warrior woman saved me… She was unlike any giant I have ever seen. My giant was about to introduce himself when we heard wolves from the shadows of the forest. Before I knew it we were surrounded by the whole pack… The man fought hard but they were too much for him. In one last sacrifice he covered me with his body to shield me from the onslaught. That’s when she appeared out of nowhere. I could see her through a small space between the man’s arm and body. She was wonderous. Her skill with an axe was unparalleled. Most wolves ran at the sight of her and the ones that didn’t died quick. Then it was just her and I think the alpha. They stared at each other for what felt like forever till the woman sheathed her axes and ran like a berserker towards the wolf. The beast met her and their clash took both of them to the ground in a mess of teeth and limbs. I was for sure the woman was done for, but then I saw her bite down on the beast’s neck and rip its throat out…. I have never seen such a fight before.” The prince paused his story to turned to look into the dark forest. 
“Where is she son?” The king asked. 
“I don’t know where she went… she was right behind me…” Oliver’s voice trailed off.
The king put a hand on his son’s shoulder. “You are back. That’s all that matters.” He said with a warm smile.
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news your highness, but in order for Prince Oliver to claim his right to your thrown he needs to have a giant. A strong protector for a strong king… If he doesn’t have a giant by his side, then the alliance between the giants and humans becomes void… So either he finds a giant or… You know…” The king’s protector, Herk, said with a solemn voice.
Even shrunken from the treaty water Herk towered over the royal family. His body was hard with experience, but his face was soft and filled with compassion. The crowd had grown silent with the giant’s words. Oliver looked up into his knowing eyes. Nodding his head, Oliver picked himself up and gave his mother and father one last hug before turning back to the forest.
“What are you doing?!” His mother pleaded as she grabbed his arm.
“I’m going to get a giant or die trying.” he said masking his overwhelming fear with a smirk.
The king and queen wanted to plead for him to stay, but they both knew that was out of the question. The country needed their king and their king needed a giant protector. So instead, the king and queen watch their son walk away for what they thought would be the last time.
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ta-da-the-sequel · 2 years
The Protector
Hey! So, like many writers here know, new stories pop into our heads all the time. Here is a little taste of a story I’m working on right now. This chapter is definitely not finished, but I’m hoping to have this one and maybe another done by the end of the weekend.
The giant man stubbled back in pain. His breathing was heavy. Blood dripped in alarming volume from his body. The wolves circling him smiled a toothy grin at the sight of their prey beginning to falter. It was the beginning of the end. The beasts encroached further. The giant grit his teeth as he staggered his stance, making sure to stand firm between the life he was protecting and the forces that meant to end it.
“Come on you sons of bitches. Give me the fight of my fucking life.” he roared.
The first wolf lunged. Its weight bringing the giant to the ground. The man fought off its jaws with the shaft of his axe. With one great heave the creature was thrown off. The giant scrambled to cover his most prized possession. He knew this was the end as he felt the presence of another foe rocketing towards him. The attack never came though. Painful cries erupted from the wolves. The man looked up to see a warrior woman had joined the fray.
Her powerful muscles glistened with sweat in the late afternoon light as she drove her axes down into the neck of a wolf. The woman methodically worked her way through the pack. Some scattered at the sight of her. Others stood their ground and died at the blade of her axe. The giant watched as another wolf corpse slid to the woman’s feet. It was just her and the alpha.
The two forces locked eyes, both baring their teeth. The woman slid her axes back into their holsters at her side. The giant could visibly see her muscle coil as they prepared to charge. Without warning the warrior woman dashed forward. Her adversary responded by meeting her halfway. Their bodies tangled into each other, crashing into the forest floor was they went.
Sweat and blood cascaded down the woman’s face. She kept the monster’s jaws at bay with her hands as they tumbled. She waited patiently for her opportunity to strike as claws raked down her arms and chest. The beast started to pull its head back to try to free its greatest weapon. Seizing the opportunity the women lunged forward. Blood pooled in her mouth as she sunk her long canines further into the wolf’s neck. Then, with all the force she could muster, the warrior ripped her head back, tearing the beast’s throat open in the process.
The woman delicately laid the wolf’s large body on the ground. The fight was over. Adrenaline was starting to be replaced with exhaustion as the warrior turned to her friend still lying on the ground behind her. Her body sluggishly moved toward the man.
“Ben…” she choked out between labored breaths. Her heart raced faster as she approached her injured friend.
Ben stared up into his friend’s slate blue eyes. “Hey squirt. Aren’t I supposed to be the one saving you?” he said. He tried to give a half-hearted chuckle but he pain over took him.
The woman slid his head on to her lap and softly stroked his hair. “I guess this is paying you back for always coming to my rescue as a kid.” Hot tears started to well in her eyes.
Reaching up a shaky hand Ben wiped a stray tear away. “Don’t cry for me squirt. I get to die the same way I had always dreamed of, you holding me close to you.”
The warrior shook her head, “No… You can’t leave me like this Ben… It’s not fair…” Tears were threatening to break their bounds.
“I’m going to have to be even more unfair and ask a favor of you Liz… Protect him…” Ben said before removing his arm from his side to reveal a tiny human.
The small man’s eyes stared up at her in horror. Liz sucked in a short breath as her body went rigid.
“Wipe your mouth wolf girl. You’re gonna scare him.” Ben said giving Liz’s face one last pat. “See you on the other side squirt.”
Liz felt the life leave his hand as it dropped to the ground. Staring into his lifeless eyes Liz knew her friend was gone. All that was left was the husk that once housed a soul. Emotions swirled throughout Liz’s mind, threatening to unravel her at the core. Liz couldn’t hold back the pain anymore as she smashed her face into Ben’s unmoving chest. A sorrowful roar ripped through her body with such ferocity that the forest went silent.
Liz allowed her body the release it demanded for what seemed like hours, but only carried on for mere minutes. The smell of fear wafted up to her nostrils, pulling her attention back to reality. Still clinging to the already cold hand of the giant was a tiny man. His body was visibly shaking with fear while his eyes locked on to her.
Liz let out a heavy sigh as she brought her sleeve up to haphazardly wipe some of the blood from her mouth. Without thinking she started to reach out for the small being. The man’s eyes widened as the large hand approached. Subconsciously his fight or flight instinct kicked in. He didn’t know where he was going, all he knew was that he had to get away as he dashed through the forest faster than he had ever run before in his life. The giantess let out a groan as she rose to chase him.
He could feel the giantess’s feet shake the ground as she bound after him. “I have to get away!” was all the man could think. Seeing a break in the trees the man powered forward with all his might, before coming to a halting stop at the edge of a small cliff. Below he could see the opening of a small cave. He knew that he would possibly break something in the fall, but that seemed like a better option than being crushed by an angry giant. He could feel the heavy footsteps approaching rapidly. Without thinking the man closed his eyes and jumped.
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ta-da-the-sequel · 2 years
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The prompt list for GT July has been made, thank you to the people who submitted prompt ideas!
Everyone is free to join in for any and all days. Traditional art, digital art, writing, all creators are welcome. Have fun and remember to tag your posts <3
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