taboyuki-blog · 5 years
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    just when she was getting so comfortable having that sack of furry flesh nearly primed for the taking on her lap. little thing was a powerful heater, even better than a kotatsu, squishier than the throw pillow in her apartment. might shed a bit more than it does, though, and gives her twice the trouble. tenfold for whats-his-face. might be how they got in this predicament.
    patience for her pain, it looks like. scalp singing at its universal sting, mitsuko’s slow to blink and quick to exhale, torso held taut in contortion towards him. from her vision down, she can see just how pristine the white of his sneakers are.     “   not planning on it.   ”   she’s been in worse cat fights. already a hand is trying to ascertain the damage, fingertips flicking at strands, thick and thin, that threaten breakage.     “   heh. maybe it’s his way of saying i … need a haircut?   ”     another meow goes heard but unseen, brusque at the end of the long note. unfortunately for her, she can’t decipher the language.
"Don't listen to him. He's got pretty bad purrception."
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Heh. Nice one. It's as good an attempt at light banter as he can manage, however, snagging the poor girl's hair this way and that as he is. Hachi regards his modest bumbling with the zipper, and Yagami tires under the weight of its cruelly blase gaze. Hurting a girl like that! You look like an idiot, it purrs out. He frowns, gentling his touch as best he can. "Yeah, well, try looking at the mirror sometime. Maybe you should think about laying off the tuna."
The insolence! Clang clanging, Hachi bolts off the AC to spitefully rush his feet. Yagami jerks, and out of reflex alone -- thank god -- huddles the girl closer into his chest. "Hey, be grown up about this!" And they cut right. Then left. And avoiding a catastrophe by mere inches, Hachi scampers away without toppling them to concrete. Still, looking back down to study her, concern pangs soft. "I'm hurting you." Ahhhh, hell. "Y'know... I hear pixies are in vogue?"
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taboyuki-blog · 5 years
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taboyuki-blog · 5 years
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There’s the sound of jangling keys. The smell of fresh-brewed coffee wafts in the office’s warm glow, and Yagami slithers inside, little surprised to be met with the garish print of Kaito’s shirt. He sighs. Well... Look at Romeo, finally back from his spectacular date! What’s with the look, then? The keys clatter as they’re thrown onto the table, and looking more tired than ever he’s been, Ta-bo beelines for hot caffeine. Ugh. “This night couldn’t end sooner.”
@hananoken, LOSING THE CHARM?
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taboyuki-blog · 5 years
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Getting a present for a client’s daughter? Well, how astronomically above his paygrade. The hell. Yagami grabs the hottest item --  Mon Paris Eau De Toilette, ribboned and hued in a blushing pink -- before spritzing once shyly. The botched nozzle goes nuts. Too, too nuts. The fragrance barrels out like waterhose, and managing to get on that schoolgirl beside him, cloys sweetly like a suckerpunch of honey. Guh! “Sorry. Do girls really like wearing this these days?”
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taboyuki-blog · 5 years
Yagami Takayuki aesthetic: Sitting at his desk, coffee in hand and laptop open to compiled documents on a case he’s long been tracking. It’s raining outside. Heavily. The cat that so often enjoys skulking along his windowsill has been let in to avoid the storm, and the sound of deluge upon asphalt and still bustling restaurants sound beyond the rain-streaked panes. A soft rock vinyl crackles away to the hiccup of a tabletop needle, and he’s down to a plain white v-neck with baggy sweats. The cat meows, sleeping next to his laptop. His hair’s messy. Neon spills like hazy streaks through the fog of heavy spring rain, and the lights bleeding along his coffee table and well-worn futon is a sea-green blue. Yagami sips on the lukewarm coffee and has a cup of half-eaten ramen to the side. He always works, works, works. Taking on a case, he doesn’t seem to ever rest before it stops.
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taboyuki-blog · 5 years
ଘ♡     early mornings weren’t something that angel was good at dealing with. so the fact that she even found herself out in public at this hour was impressive. but, there was the promise of the coffee in front of her that made this all better. that was until a sudden influx of commotion invaded the outdoor cafe & the blonde found herself wishing she had stayed in bed. there were a lot of thoughts running through the woman’s mind at the encounter. the main one being— “ excuse you, i was drinking that. ” hardened features looked down at the now empty cup set back in front of her. just who did he think he was. “ you kickstarted yours, but mine? mine is now stuck at the finish line thanks to this little display of yours. ” 
‘Display’? "Hey, I’m just like anyone else -- would like to have my coffee before turning into some other guy’s improvised plate of scrambled eggs." And hadn't self defense any notable value anymore?! Yagami didn't much swing on lover on the proverbial scale, sure, but as fighter as he was, he yet stood apart from brainless brutalizer. He blinked, skin prickling to her glare. A gangster's fists or the heat of a woman’s bristling scorn -- well, feeling her core him to the damn marrow, Yagami might hazard which punishment he'd sooner brave. Much rather. The crowd thinned, and he scratched lamely at his wild hair. Gah... His wallet will despise him. “Can I buy you something?”
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taboyuki-blog · 5 years
     the  gumiho  moves  hastily  at  the  other’s  intrusion,    adjusting  her  designer  sunglasses  before  buttoning  up  her  winter  jacket;    essentially  giving  herself  this  false  sense  of  security  that,    in  doing  this,    she  had  become  that  much  more  guarded.     “  just  one.  ”     the  idols  nods,    moving  on  from  fixing  her  clothing  to  fussing  over  her  hair.     “  and  i’m  looking  at  him  right  now.  ”     she  smirks,    lowering  her  sunglasses  to  look  at  the  stranger  with  beautiful  honey  hues;    but  alas,    she  still  lets  out  a  defeated  sigh  as  she  feels,    despite  her  best  efforts  at  making  up  a  disguise,    she’s  been  had.     “  you  should  be  a  detective,    you  know  that ?  ”     how  ironic.
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Life’s not fair making her so visible – from that unearthly glimmer in her eyes to that air too oddly arresting. And him? He’s the benefit of anonymity, swathed there near the crawling alleyway shadows. Sherlock frowns, dramatic, and the neon-pink of the hotel dusts pretty across his jaw. Barker. Please. “Woah, I get life’s like a limbo line sometimes, but I’m not stooping that low,” he insists. It’s then that the man she’s avoiding stirs, and his mind whirs with whiplash realization: her nuisance and who he’s tailing are one in the same. Yagami moves at once, spinning quickly to her front in a feeble attempt to obscure. Leaving him is a deadpan tsk. “Don’t look up, but I think we’ve got an audience. Detective, huh? That was pretty on the nose of you.”
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taboyuki-blog · 5 years
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Like this post!!!!!! for a starter from a sassy, perpetually rent-hunting, and most j-rock lookin’ detective Kamurocho’s ever seen, tbh.
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taboyuki-blog · 5 years
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EX Drunken Fist [½]: Pummel enemies while drunkenly dodging their attacks. it may seem like Yagami is leaving himself open, but this is merely a ruse.
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taboyuki-blog · 5 years
“Care, because it is what you do. Care, and be vibrantly alive.”
— Ralph Marston
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taboyuki-blog · 5 years
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          there’s a moment to fully realize that his video’s frozen. in desperation, he attempts to resume things but there isn’t much he can do, she’s gone and his video’s all but dead. with his mouth agape, eyes turn towards the only one suspect enough to be convicted for the crime at hand. ❝ oh yeah ? it does, does it ? wouldn’t eat it up if i was still connected to the wifi ! ❞
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Yagami feigns heartache, innocent and outright cherubic --- though, he sincerely doubts that he's as darling as Kaito's voluptuous girl. He sighs, slinking from desk to futon to peer at that phone. "Sounds rough, man. Might be able to afford a plan upgrade if you break it off with your Sultry Sweethearts." It's a pricey subscription. "Between you and me, I always thought you were too good for them, anyway."
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taboyuki-blog · 5 years
yagami here all like.....uh huh
yknow the scene: their hand’s clamped over his mouth, yagami’s brows working in concentration and exasperation both, fingers clutching tightly onto the couch’s creaking upholstery. it whines. they’re taking little mercy on him, little patience, and he’s not the type of guy to say he enjoys it like that, too, but it isn’t as though he’s much say in the matter. after all, they’re stifling every sound coming out of him, but perhaps it's all for the best. you know, living in apartments and all that -- don’t want to disturb the peace, and a lawboy like him gets it, right? that’s sweet of them to be so considerate of his neighbors. really, it is. yagami collapses. his head digs into the crook of his arm, and they don’t stop until he’s shaking with it, his voice climbing so high and winded that only the two of them both can manage to make it out. he’s exhausted. he’s sweaty, breathing deep and weary as they gently ease off of him, and he looks over his shoulder, cheek pinched in with the lining of the furniture. a sigh. ‘really need to start investing in a bed...’ and they laugh as he rolls his eyes, dopey and humored. 'isnt that what i've been telling you?' they say. okay. fair. 
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taboyuki-blog · 5 years
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"Hey! It’s only been two and a half months, and--” And whichever girl Kaito’s favoring tonight giggles at his plight, coy and awfully, coquettishly sweet. Woah. Tough crowd. It’s all fair in love and war, then, when he wheels his chair to the motem, waiting just for her building moans before... Bam! The WiFi dies. Hard buffer. Oops. “Y’know, Kaito-san, that stuff you’re watching really eats up your data.”
@hananoken, COME ON, MAN...
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taboyuki-blog · 5 years
"I told you I'd suck you off, what's with the face— Ah, I forgot to specify again, didn't I?" - chigothic
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He’s lucky he put down the gin. Hearing that, it would have barreled on right up his nose smacking the taste of bar into his brain for days, but as it is, the world’s taken some rare pity on him tonight. Yagami sputters. He looks offended, and a sigh tumbles tiredly from the purse of his lips. “Right. And why ask a guy out for dinner if you can eat him ou–" Wait. Nice try. “Okay, I’m at least three shots away from finishing that thought.”
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taboyuki-blog · 5 years
"Whatever you think I did, I didn't do it."
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“Is that your opening defense?” Yagami wonders comically. His brows work together, and this woman, vague and cliche in her greeter as she is, yet manages to pique that pavlov’d part of him that leaps for conflict. Well, what does he think she’s done? Oh, the unraveling of the cornerstore drama! Interested, he puts his bento down, and eyeing her jacket, pretends it’s nefarious shoplifting. “Gotta say, the prosecution isn’t impressed. Looks bulky under there.“
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taboyuki-blog · 5 years
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taboyuki-blog · 5 years
          “    –  hey    ,    look.    “    hand  outstretched  towards  the  darkened  sky  as  if  she  could  grab  a  star  to  keep.    the  expression  on  her  face  shifts  to  genuine  happiness    ,    an  almost  childlike  wonder  reflected  in  her  gaze.    “    did  you  see  it    ?    a  shooting  star  …    “    a  small  sigh  escapes  her  lips  &  aiko  allows  herself  to  fall  back  into  the  tall  grass    ,    hands  resting  on  her  stomach  as  she  keeps  her  eyes  on  the  twinkling  lights  above.    “    –  i  know  you’re  not  supposed  to  tell  ,    but  …  what  did  you  wish  for    ?    “
“A do over.” Huh. Yagami stands sentinel where she sits, dream-like and bright with wonder as the spouting grass sways at her hands. The festival crackles with fireworks, distant from the bustling glow of Kamurocho, and he’s thankful for it, all of its rustic beauty and the smell of sweet and syrupy foodstuffs. That shooting star had been the crown jewel, and he's still watching, inky-eyes wide as it echoes the sky. He smiles. Looking back down, his grin turns sheepish. “But I said I could settle for a chair. Legs get stiff out here, y’know.”
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