Meet our partners in Washington Heights
Our program launch would not have been possible without the collaboration with state, city, and local partners. Here, our program leads describe the key partnerships that we have made and will continue to foster:
Clementine Collective - Tackling Childhood Obesity in Washington Heights has many partnerships but the Clementine Collective and Health4Youths work directly with your children. Health4Youths is a nonprofit formed for the charitable and educational purposes of assisting youth. We strive to combat community deterioration and juvenile delinquency, improve the quality of education, health care and life-skills training offered to adolescents and young adults. The goal of this partnership is to increase the presence of the Clementine Collective in Washington Heights, providing more access and knowledge about fresh produce and health-conscious eating habits that impact overall health of the area’s population. 
Daryl Wright
H.E.A.L.T.H for Youths, Inc is a nonprofit formed for the charitable and educational purposes of assisting youth. They strive to combat community deterioration and juvenile delinquency, improve the quality of education, health care, and life-skills training offered to adolescents and young adults. They focus on providing holistic and comprehensive programming for youth in vulnerable populations including Washington Heights. The goal of this partnership is to give your children the best chance at creating sustainable healthy life choices. 
Daryl Wright
New York State Department of Health (DOH) runs and funds multiple health initiatives across New York City. In Washington Heights specifically, programs headed by DOH that are commonly utilized include the Hunger Prevention and Nutrition Assistance Program, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, and the National School Lunch Program. In partnership with NY DOH, not only do we strive to uphold these existing programs, but we also strive to build on new programs, initiatives, and funding opportunities that can ensure long-term success of health and nutrition interventions in Washington Heights. This will be particularly important for public schools in the area, which rely predominantly on government funding. We will be working with NY DOH to carry out activities funded by the Creating Healthy Schools and Communities Fund. 
Daisy Yan
City Harvest is New York City’s largest food rescue organization. Not only have they done amazing work in fighting hunger among NYC communities, but they also partner with various community based organizations to supply healthy foods in different settings. In Washington Heights, City Harvest partners with Fresh Youth Initiatives, an after school program, to provide healthy snacks for children. They also provide mobile markets in the neighborhood to provide fresh produce and nutrition education programs to the public and partner with Citi Community Development to help bodega owners stock up on healthy “grab-and-go” items in the neighborhood. The goal of our partnership with City Harvest is to build City Harvest’s connection with the Washington Heights community by providing more outlets for community members to access free, fresh produce.
Daisy Yan
Choosing Healthy and Active Lifestyles for Kids, also known as CHALK, is a non-profit organization based in Washington Heights aimed to reduce the prevalence of childhood obesity in Northern Manhattan by creating an environment in which healthy lifestyles are integral to the lives of all children and their families. They focus on early childhood centers, community- and faith-based organizations, and NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital outpatient practice. Our partnership with CHALK will provide access to staff trained in educating youth in healthy eating and physical activity and who have experience working in Washington Heights and access to existing informational resources on combating childhood obesity. 
Sena Soleimannejad 
Hip Hop Public Health is another organization based in New York City that works closely with this mission. It is a non-profit organization that uses music and other creative tools to help youth develop health literacy skills and to inspire youth and their families to make healthy eating choices. This organization focuses on communities of color who do not have the same access to the resources that other communities may have. The organization also creates podcasts and lesson plans to educate youth and their families on health topics in an engaging way that does not make the information difficult or challenging to approach. 
Sena Soleimannejad 
Equity Advocates is an organization aiding in Capacity-Building Courses for Healthcare Providers! Additionally, they also provide courses and workshops in Movement Building and Community Organizing, as well as Personalized Technical Assistance for situations with unique needs and circumstances. Equity Advocates assists organizations in improving their ability to address the root causes of food inequality by implementing policy and systems changes. The organization works with organizations in New York that aim to combat hunger and poverty, providing them with resources such as policy education, advocacy training, and coalition-building services. By doing this work, Equity Advocates is creating a non-partisan coalition of advocates and leaders within the food movement at the grassroots level. By having an organization with strong ties to NYC food security working alongside providers, we can decrease bias and better understand the communities that they work in.
Emma Schroeder
Hunter College’s NYC Food Policy Center provides ample resources for community members and providers alike! They are focused specifically on food-related work in Upper Manhattan, seeking to address the availability and quality (affordability and desirability) of healthy foods in Upper Manhattan, and aim to bring together expertise and collaborate on targeted local campaigns related to food and health. A unique feature they offer is resource guides that are targeted to specific neighborhoods, so anyone in NYC looking for equitable food resources can find their local options. Additionally, they provide training and workshops in policy, bias, and communication surrounding food security, which is a great resource to implement with our healthcare providers.
Emma Schroeder
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Mission Statement
Our mission is to reduce childhood obesity in Washington Heights through community partnership, connectivity, and increased access to healthy resources.
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Obesity and Its Impact on Your Children
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Today in Washington Heights, 27% of children are facing Childhood obesity, with an additional 18% of individuals being overweight. This trend is on the rise and it is important to remember, diseases do not happen in isolation, rather they are often an indication of health inequities at large. There is a need for increased healthy resources and access to programs and policies that support a healthy lifestyle.
Obesity is a disease that takes place when an individual has an excess amount of body fat that increases the risk of other disorders. According to the Manhattan Community District 12, adults of Washington Heights experience obesity rates 11% higher than the greater Manhattan area. As previously mentioned, obesity drastically increases risk of other diseases, including heart disease and cancer.
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Program Goal
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By 2026, our goal is to reduce childhood obesity rates in Washington Heights by 7% in school children ages 12-14.
In doing so, we strive to ensure that children, parents, school educators and administrators, and healthcare providers will have an increase in knowledge surrounding healthy foods and healthy play for youth. With this knowledge base, we also strive to provide the necessary resources and community spaces to change social norms and mobilize healthy eating and physical activity in youth.
Want to learn more about how to support your child’s healthy eating habits? Check out these resources:
CHALK (Choosing Healthy and Active Lifestyles for Kids): https://www.nyp.org/acn/community-programs/chalk Health4Youths: https://www.health4youths.org/ The Clementine Collective Project: https://www.health4youths.org/clementine-collective.html NY Dept. of Health (Under the ‘Services’ Tab): https://www.nyc.gov/site/doh/index.page
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About Us
We are 2nd year MPH students at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. We are currently working on a health communication program on tackling and preventing childhood obesity in the Washington Heights, NYC community. Our hope is to raise awareness and provide support and accessible alternatives for children and families in the area to combat the issue collectively, with the help of local schools and local healthcare facilities. Below includes a bit more on the issue and resources to use if needed.
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