taejimsubs · 2 years
I swear, anytime one of my favorite sub-makers upload I turn into some cackling gremlin waiting to see what the subs do.
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taejimsubs · 2 years
7 April 2022
(I've been looping this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfaOcpMoIC0 Aegis for about an hour every other day since it's release two weeks ago. As well as listening to my other subliminals everyday since 15 March.)
Aerokinesis is getting much better.
I've lost 6-7 pounds (2.7-3.1 kg) in the last month, the primary bit being in the last 2.5 weeks. And I've kept it off, meaning it's not just water weight.
I have more confidence, luck, and mental health.
My scripting and manifesting is a little better.
That's all for today's update. Bye!!
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taejimsubs · 2 years
15 March 2022
I took a fat break from subliminals because I was working and going to school and just couldn't make it work. I recently lowered my coursework and I'm working much less for the foreseeable future, so I resumed/ restarted listening, here's some updates:
I made a playlist using these subs:
and I added all of them within the same week so I can't really attribute results to specific ones.
This isn't the playlist I used, but I wanted y'alls to be able to see them easily.
Aerokinesis -
Okay this subliminal https://youtu.be/4z1lHjDrDD0 came out 3 days ago, and I've been using it (10x for the fast version) as well as this one https://youtu.be/DYWrLAvup8s (3-4x daily, for 5 days) and oh boy the air is so much easier. With a little meditation and focus on my energy, I FLIPPED A TARP. {Very happy with this result. EOTF made both of those and is going to post a new booster on the 18th, and I'm excited to add that one to my playlist.} I've also just had an easier time generating wind. I still struggle to do it while multitasking (for example walking), and maintaining wind is a nuisance, but it's definitely improved. I used to not be able to control the direction of wind currents as much.
Hydrokinesis -
Still playing with waves and water temperature, I've been working on new techniques to get the water to move more how I want (ex: not looking at the stream of water as a whole, but as several strands of molecules.)
Electrokinesis -
Since I haven't practiced in literal months, I'm not doing too hot.
Chi manipulation -
I can gather it in seconds, as well as project it away from myself a few inches. I haven't had any success in showing a really visible color though, just super light hues when there's white behind my hand. (It's purple ^-^)
My face is becoming more like my ideal face. My nose is shaping differently, and my skin is clearing up. I'm slimming down on my waist and thighs as well.
General Manifesting:
Like I said, I've got less coursework and working hours, which is what I wanted and normally would have had to fight tooth and nail for.
I'm luckier.
I got a car that I love (used), and I only had to pay 2,000 for it. 0.o
Those are all my updates that I can think of right now, sorry for the long hiatus.
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taejimsubs · 2 years
Not being able to see dislikes and the ratio between likes and dislikes on YouTube is irritating
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taejimsubs · 3 years
5 August 2021
I'm happy. I'll preface by saying I added a booster playlist to my daily listening, I'll link it at the bottom.
1st: This is a little lame ig, but I wanted Taco Bell, specifically to eat inside and see if I would see a coworker (I have a job now haha). Then we did! My mother, who I was with at the time, decided unprompted.
2nd: I had some decently bad acne and redness, but I was able to get rid of all the redness and maybe 60% of the acne with approximately 7-10 seconds of concentration.
3rd: This is two parts- I got hired about two and a half weeks ago at a Taco Bell. This is my first job, and I have anxiety about asking for days off. I had to ask for the 6th and 7th off, which was already horrible, then I was informed there was gonna be a family BBQ on the 14th, and I needed to ask for that day off as well. I did NOT want to do that, the thought was mortifying. Having to ask for three days off in a ten day period? No thank YOU.
I pushed it out of my mind. This morning I learned of a dance being put on in the area, a church thing. I got excited and told a sister!! I told her to wear her new skirt! She said, "That'd be so fun! But oh wait, the family BBQ is that day."
DANGIT. I recieved a text from my grandmother (the person holding the BBQ). She wants to change the BBQ to the next weekend because she and my grandfather wanted to go to the coast the weekend of the BBQ, and would that be alright with me? YES! YES IT WOULD!! My grandmother doesn't do spontaneous trips, I think I may have manifested it.
4th: In the past, I've not been able to generate wind while inside OR while moving. I managed to do both of those this past week.
Sorry for a belated update, but there we go ^-^
- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-OFaGuv6Til4WO4EodHXQDY5t0JhAG2- thats the link.
I listen to the Ainisi Bas La Vida, Are You Ready, Lonely Way, and Infected versions every day since it came out.
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taejimsubs · 3 years
Manifestation Technique - Water
I don't know if you know, but there have been tests that show that the energy directed at water changes it's molecular structure. And since our bodies are made up of water, this can be used towards our manifestation benefit!!!
Here's how you can do this technique.
Option One:
Hold a cup or bottle of water in your hand, and speak to it. Say those affirmations! I suggest saying each one three times. You need to be in a positive mindset, though, and say it with intent. Pour your desires into this water!! Now, drink it up! Also, with intent. Believe as much as you can that this will help, because guess what? IT WILL! ^-^
Option Two:
Play a frequency or subliminal (ideally a frequency, though) that coincides with your desires close to the water (so it can "hear" it), as long as you feel necessary. I suggest half an hour. Drink it!!!!
Option Three:
Tape your affirmations to the bottle, this one is ideally done overnight.
I suggest doing this in the morning and at night. You could do it with every glass of water you drink, if you'd like.
You can get a really big cup of it and do it in the morning, then have that ready for the rest of the day. You do not need to drink it all at once.
You can just say them, by the way, since your body is made up of water.
If you put the water in moonlight or direct sunlight (before, during, and/or after saying the affirmations) I've heard that helps. I've not tried it myself, though.
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taejimsubs · 3 years
Manifestation Technique - Pillow
I don't know exactly what this is called, but here's what you do:
Write what you are trying to manifest, you can choose to just write it, or script it. Then put the paper in your pillowcase till you've got what you want!
To boost this, you can use crystals and/ or color symbolism.
Red: Motivation, passion, ambition.
Orange: Joy, positive thoughts, excitement.
Yellow: Strength, positivity, optimism
Green: Healing, wealth, growth
Blue: Creativity, faith, clarity
Purple: Intuition, psychic power, imagination
Pink: Love, harmony, kindness
Silver: Emotional stability, reflection, moon energy
Black: Protection, banishing, releasing
Brown: Earthly needs, material needs, security
General: Clear quartz (recommended)
Love: Rose quartz, aventurine, malachite
Wealth: Pyrite/ Fools Gold, citrine,
Psychic power: Amethyst
Protection: Obsidian
Luck: Jade (recommended)
If you have any nightmares/ bad dreams, cleanse the paper (and crystal if using one), or replace the paper with a new one. An easy way to cleanse anything is with sunlight/ moonlight. Leave it on a windowsill for 12-ish hours, ideally. The bad dreams will lessen the effectiveness of the paper/ crystals.
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taejimsubs · 3 years
Feeling Bummed About Manifestation Speeds?
Me too, y'all's.
If that's happening, take a break, if you want.
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taejimsubs · 3 years
15 May 2021
For the first time, I was able to generate air movement indoors.
Also, I played with flames again, for the first time in a long time, I'm better than I remember, so that's cool.
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taejimsubs · 3 years
14 May 2021
I saw a comment thread yesterday, and there were parts I really didn't like (the conversation was really back and forth about the video and comparing it to others and just didn't sit well with me.)
I went to bed later that night and thought how convenient it would be if those comments disappeared after the people got their results from the subliminal they were commenting on. And, I woke up this morning and they were all gone?!?!
Coincidence? Maybe. I'm a little in shock tbh.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hey, use this:
I've used it 2-3 times a day for the past 3 days, so maybe it's connected.
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taejimsubs · 3 years
~ things will fall into place at the right time ~
brb I’m going to cleanse my energy and remember that things will fall into place at the right time and what I need right now is to build myself up into the best version of myself
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taejimsubs · 3 years
19 April 2021
So my sister and I were outside, just talking, and she mentioned me being able to do aerokinesis, and I went "I know, isn't it cool"?!?!
NOW THE THING IS, right before I responded I started working on generating wind (for the effect, obviously lol) and it was WINDY by the time I said "cool."
mwa ha ha 😂 I'm happy, it was a really fast successful attempt
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taejimsubs · 3 years
15 April 2021
I'm losing my ever-loving mind y'alls.
I keep seeing 222, 333, 555, and 888.
222: Stop worrying, everything is working out just as it's supposed to. Trust you are on the right path.
333: The Angel number 333 is a reminder of your power and growth abilities. You have your life under control and you're capable of pursuing exciting opportunities that'll help you grow physically, mentally and spiritually. Don't underestimate yourself.
555: Huge changes are up ahead, prepare for massive shifts! Things are getting exciting
888: the number 888 is a symbol of abundance and positivity in numerology. When you notice this number appearing often, be prepared for an overwhelming amount of goodness coming your way.
So... YAY!?!!
Boosters I'm using:
SilverStar Subliminals' At Your Convenience Subliminal, Hyperbolic Time Booster, Forced 10 Hour Suggestibility, and their Results Without Listening one
Supernova Booster by --MISTYGLOW
Virdis by EOTF aka hwa.exe
Also, scripting:
Everyone who sees this post manifests their desires quickly.
Everyone who sees this post sees results and signs their desires are manifesting quickly.
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taejimsubs · 3 years
11 April 2021
I wrote two things:
"I manipulate wind and gasses free of outside assistance"
"My powers are strengthened when I touch earth."
I was able to get pretty good wind (Not BREEZES yay) blowing while my sister and I were outside. Our hair was blowing around and everything ^-^
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taejimsubs · 3 years
Son of a gun.
EOTF's channel got deleted. She's working on reuploading things, and so far she's got Virdis and her make a wish subliminal uploaded. I'll have to remake that playlist. Oh well ^-^
1 April 2021
I promise this isn't an April Fools Joke, it's entirely coincidental.
I set up this playlist:
It has "Virdis" 80 times, "make a wish" 40 times, and "take control of your reality" 40 times.
I'm now using this booster as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImAck3ULT7Y
And I play this at the same time as the other subs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRh04jz_30E its "528hz Pure Tone"
Some Results:
Wishes/scripting for Aerokinesis, weight loss, and skin, have already started manifesting after only 3ish hours.
Some scripting for y'alls:
Subliminal users are guaranteed instant success.
All manifestation techniques are successful.
The subliminal community is free of toxicity.
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taejimsubs · 3 years
1 April 2021
I promise this isn't an April Fools Joke, it's entirely coincidental.
I set up this playlist:
It has "Virdis" 80 times, "make a wish" 40 times, and "take control of your reality" 40 times.
I'm now using this booster as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImAck3ULT7Y
And I play this at the same time as the other subs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRh04jz_30E its "528hz Pure Tone"
Some Results:
Wishes/scripting for Aerokinesis, weight loss, and skin, have already started manifesting after only 3ish hours.
Some scripting for y'alls:
Subliminal users are guaranteed instant success.
All manifestation techniques are successful.
The subliminal community is free of toxicity.
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taejimsubs · 3 years
27 March 2021
Two things:
Yesterday, I was feeling low about my powers. I have them, but I also have anxiety, depression, and most importantly (in this circumstance) doubt.
DOUBT IS NATURAL. It's kinda the enemy, but don't dwell on it too long. It could really mess up your results and/or prevent you from getting more. Address it, do your best to "doubt your doubts", and try to move on. <3
My chi is the most intense it's ever been.
Some scripting:
Feeling joy enables me to manifest my desires insanely quickly.
I have full belief in myself and subliminals and manifestation.
I am who I want to be.
I love you guys ^-^
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