taekyung · 5 years
MySQL gap lock, next key lock by example
MySQL gap lock, next key lock by example
MySQL’s gap lock or next key lock is a specific mechanism to guarantee it’s isolation level.
Gap lock is set on before or after values of the accessed record. Next key lock is the accessed row lock + gap lock. Therefore they have similar features.
Gap lock is activated in the following conditions.
Isolation level is Repeatable read (default value)
Storage engine is innodb
The query is executed in…
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taekyung · 5 years
The difference of Isolation level - Read Committed vs Repeatable Read
The difference of Isolation level – Read Committed vs Repeatable Read
MySQL’s default isolation level is “Repeatable Read“. But Oracle’s default isolation level is “Read Committed“. In this post, I will show you the difference by example.
Test environment : MySQL 5.7
Test table
create table lock_test( col1 varchar(10), col2 varchar(20), primary key(col1)); insert into lock_test values('1', 'A'); insert into lock_test values('2', 'B'); insert into lock_test…
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taekyung · 5 years
Kafka tip - keep the order of delivery
Kafka tip – keep the order of delivery
Kafka guarantees the order of delivery within a partition. That is, the order is not kept among partitions in a topic. There are some tips to keep the order of delivery in a topic.
1. One partition for a Topic
This is what Kafka basically supports.
Simple solution
A partition is applied to only one consumer, which has limitation in scale out
2. Custom partitioner
Partition number…
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taekyung · 5 years
Spring Batch tip - Partitioning
Spring Batch tip – Partitioning
Basically, Spring Batch Job runs in single thread. To increase the throughput, we need to parallelize the job by partitioning. The core architecture of Job partitioning is as follows.
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Partition Step : The wrapper of common Step with a partitioner and grid size (or partition size)
Single Step : Common Step with a Reader, a Processor and a Writer
Partitioner : The core part of partitioning.…
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taekyung · 5 years
Spring Batch - Read once, Write multi example
Spring Batch – Read once, Write multi example
Sometimes, we need to read once, write multi ETL with Spring Batch. Spring Batch supports it with CompositeItemWriter (org.springframework.batch.item.support.CompositeItemWriter).
Sample table schema
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taekyung · 5 years
More on Spring Batch Writer
More on Spring Batch Writer
Spring Batch Writer is the implementation of org.springframework.batch.item.ItemWriter. You can write a custom writer, but Spring Batch already has some useful implementations, such as
org.springframework.batch.item.amqp.AmqpItemWriter for AMQP brokers such as RabbitMQ
org.springframework.batch.item.file.FlatFileItemWriter for a file
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taekyung · 5 years
More on Spring batch Reader
More on Spring batch Reader
Spring Batch Job is composed of Reader, Processor and Writer. This post shows some more details on Reader.
Reader is the implementation of org.springframework.batch.item.Reader. I recommend to use the following implementations.
AmqpItemReader (org.springframework.batch.item.amqp.AmqpItemReader) : to interact with queue such as RabbitMQ
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taekyung · 5 years
Simple ETL with Spring Batch
Simple ETL with Spring Batch
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Spring Batch is literally a batch framework based on Spring Framework. I usually use it to develop a simple ETL(Extraction, Transaformation and Loading) program.
In this post, I’ll show you how to write a simple ETL program. (This sample is tested on Spring Batch 3.0.10)
Database (MySQL or Oracle)
Spring batch context database
Spring batch libraries (spring-batch-core, spring…
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taekyung · 5 years
A tip on using user transaction on Mybatis
A tip on using user transaction on Mybatis
When using transation on Mybatis, there are 3 ways.
Container managed transaction – JEE engine manages transaction
User managed transaction – transaction is controlled by user source code
Spring managed transaction – transaction is controlled by Spring Transaction policy
I usually use Spring managed or container managed transaction. But sometimes, I need to control transaction in source code. For…
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taekyung · 6 years
Some useful commands to manage Kafka
Some useful commands to manage Kafka
This post shows some useful commands to manage Kafka. (based on version 2.12)
Detailed information is on Kafka official documentation
Notice that some commands use zookeeper ip/port and others use kafka ip/port
Topic management commands List all topics
${KAFKA_HOME}/bin/kafka-topics.sh –list –zookeeper zookeeper_ip:port
Create a topic
${KAFKA_HOME}/bin/kafka-topics.sh –create –zookeeper zookeeper…
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taekyung · 6 years
At which point does Kafka consumer start to read
At which point does Kafka consumer start to read
At which point does  Kafka consumer start to read? It depends on the following scenarios.
Basic concept
Kafka can have several topics and each topic can have several partitions
Each partition keeps offset for each message
Offset starts from 0 and increases by 1 when a new message is published
Kafka server keeps the next offset to read for each consumer (or consumer group)
Kafka doesn’t have any…
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taekyung · 6 years
Managing Kafka log
Kafka log is not an informative file but repository for incoming queue message. Some queue software deletes queue message when it is acked by consumer. But Kafka keeps log regardless of consumer’s ack.
But it is anyhow a file, so it has storage limitation. Now I’m showing how to manage Kafka log. (The following contents are tested on version 2.12.)
Test environment
For test, I created a topic…
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taekyung · 6 years
Building a robust Zookeeper client : connection management
Building a robust Zookeeper client : connection management
To support high available Zookeeper service, we need to configure Zookeeper ensemble. But this is not enough. we need to understand how client manages connection to Zookeeper server.
For test, I set up a Zookeeper ensemble. (port : 2181, 2182, 2183) After then, write a test client with 2 important parameters – 1) connect string 2) session timeout
Case 1) connect string is targeting one zookeeper…
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taekyung · 6 years
Mockito thenReturn() vs thenAnswer()
Mockito thenReturn() vs thenAnswer()
Mockito is a very powerful test library for Java. In most cases, setting some mock action with thenReturn() is enough. But in some rare cases, we need to use thenAnswer().
thenReturn() example
First, let’s review the basic use of thenReturn()
public class TestTargetClass { public String getResultWithParam(int param) { return null; } public String getResultWithoutParam() { return null; } }
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taekyung · 6 years
How Kafka consumer works?
How Kafka consumer works?
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Kafka clients are composed of producer and consumer. Understanding consumer is very important for overall architecture.
A Topic is composed of several partitions (the number is defined when creating the Topic). And Kafka consumer is composed of group and client. (There could be multi groups and multi clients in a group)
Each group and client is identified by group id and client id. (which can be…
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taekyung · 6 years
How Kafka Topic failover works?
How Kafka Topic failover works?
After Kafka cluster has been configured, we need to create a Topic which enables failover and data replication.
The conclusion in advance is that if a Topic’s replication factor is more than 2,
Kafka supports automatic leader failover
Data rebalance is supported only in manual operation
Test environment
Kafka 2.12
3 Kakfa brokers (Id : 0, 1, 2) on a PC
To create a Topic
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taekyung · 6 years
Building Kafka cluster
Building Kafka cluster is crucial for the production system.
Kafka cluster gives the following advantages.
Support for failover in case of a node down
Queue replication
Support for consumer scale out (standalone Kafka also supports consumer scale out)
Step 1 – Build Zookeeper ensemble
Kafka depends on Zookeeper for it’s configuration management. Therefore, Zookeeper needs to run in cluster. (Ref…
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