taestoenails · 1 year
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Bad grammar and unedited..
Yandere!Jungkook x fem!reader
Happy death day au!
Synopsis: A jealous instagram stalker wants to be noticed.
TW: disturbing imagines, cannibalism, gore, necrophilia, drug use, death, stalking, obsession, possessive
Chapter 1:
You woke up and yawned, you were so tired that if you got up immediately you would pass out. You got out of bed slowly and walked to the bathroom ruffling your hair looking in the mirror then you remembered... school
You sigh and take a nice calming shower then brushed your teeth, leaving the bathroom half asleep to check your phone. It was 6:40 am.
You relaxed yourself although you did not know you were tense and went on Instagram and checked your comments and likes on your recent post. You saw a someone named "jk.jeon" they commented "nice pic princess" with a smirk emoji.
You obviously were kind of weirded out but you figured it was just because you were so beautiful someone would definitely be obsessed.
You turned off your phone and smiled knowing you had a secret admirer… you were partially correct.
You put on your uniform for school and you put your phone in your bag and left your house feeling a dark eerie presence as you close the door.
You take your phone out your bag and check the time. 8:15....
"What?!" You exclaims. It was just 6:40 and you left your house just two minutes after checking your Instagram. You put your phone back in your bag and starts to run because she's late for school.
You hears footsteps running behind you. You stop and turn around quickly this time seeing a smirking man with all black and black long hair covering his face. He grabs her and slits her throat.
He smiles and says "got you.."
You wake up screaming you look around and see your in your room you immediately grab your phone and check the time but this time it's.......
6:41 am
It was 6:41 am......
How is this possible I was just outside running on the sidewalk....
and now I'm in my bed...?
You look at your phone. A notification popped up it was "jk.jeon".... again
You were starting to get creeped out and decided it to check it..."how is this happening....." you were baffled. You tried to shake it off the best you could and got up to shower but this time there were words on your mirror.
"Happy birthday Y/n!" Your eyes widened and you thought to yourself… how could forget my own birthday.. but a mirror remembers.
Then you remember that on your phone it doesn’t show the day or day of the week.
You started to think you were in a horror movie but that would be unrealistic
You looked back at the mirror and the word birthday was replaced with "death" ....."death..?" You repeated. All the words got wiped with nothing left but a smiley face on the mirror. You has no time freak out tho because it's time to go to school. You urgently hop in the shower.
You turns on the shower for blood to come out. You shriek as the blood continues to fall down you turn off the shower and look into the mirror reflection. A man.... There's a.....man, you quickly turn around and starts to slowly feel the blood burning your skin.
You attempted to wipe it off but it only gets worse. The now acid spreads all over your body, a agonizing death.
Slowly as you scream in agony. "MAKE IT STOP, SOMEONE HELP ME!!!" A man opens the curtains, walks into the shower and pops up behind her before your eyes start to burn off. "You have a nice body baby" You turns your head alerted although you no longer can see.
As children and adults voice scream at you, “KILL THE CROW Y/N KILL THE CROW ITS THE ONLY WAY OUT!”
“WHAT!?” You scream out but they are already gone
"no one will hear you sweetheart, relax.....sweet dreams beautiful"he caresses y/n's h/c while sinisterly smiling before you drop skin and blood every where.
You wake up screaming your lungs off still feeling pain for a few seconds as you sit up shaking, sweating and feeling your body and making sure your eyes, skin, and legs are still here then fumbling with your phone finally able to stop shaking and look at the time..... "what the actual fuck..."
6:42 am
“Kill the crow…hm..”
You think to yourself… what crow..? And why do i have to kill it..?
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