Logged on bc I was manic about something else but you've derailed me with thoughts of 25y/o Jo and 38y/o Dean
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i just think. you've got a jo who (to her perspective) seconds ago kissed dean and then died on her mom's shoulder. now, she's back and her mom is still dead and dean, the person she is closest to in this new world, is eight years older than he was last time he saw her. not quite old enough to be her dad, not young enough to be her brother or her lover... their whole dynamic is broken. he doesn't even wear a goddamn leather jacket anymore.
from dean's side of things, he's spent the last eight years feeling inescapably guilty for how jo sacrified himself for him and how the harvelles essentially died in vain. not only this, but he has since progressed hugely in how to treat women and has realised his treatment of jo was super demeaning. and he'd always thought he could never make it better but now he has a chance to and he's desparate to but it's so much harder than he imagined
and (just like with mary) it's looking into the eyes of a person you thought you knew so so well and realising you don't know them at all. jo saw dean as a flirty, rebellious hunter who she had a massive crush on, a guy epitomising the 'live on the road hunt for a living' narrative she was dreaming of achieving herself. now he's some 38 year old dude with a home he keeps meticulously clean and a whole family outside of her. dean saw jo as a younger, unskilled, attractive girl who had a huge crush on him and no stake in the hunting game. now she looks young but not in a fun way just in a sad way and has lost both parents to demons and sacrificed herself for the cause. this is without both of them addressing the fact they are very queer.
their conversations are insane. awkward, cathartic, and insane
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awkwardtickleetoo · 1 year
Lee!George Week Day 7 - Free Day!
firstly I just wanna say thank you to everyone for being patient with me and letting me take my sweet ass time with the second half of these prompts <3 I am so grateful that you're all still interested even when I take a month to do a week's worth of fics lmao
secondly I wanna give a huge huge HUGE shoutout to @mushiewrites for putting together this fantastic event!! and just for being so awesome and cool and supportive in this community as a whole. thank you for letting me post these 3 weeks late babes <333
this is the last part of lee!george week!! you can find the prompts here, and if you want to participate make sure to use the tag "mushie's lee!george week" when you post <3
this is based on this concept post that I made (with help from mush) a little bit ago, if you would like some further background on this fic and see what it's all about lmao
lee!george, ler!karl, 3.8k words
"What is that?" George asked, furrowing his eyebrows and tilting his head to the side as he pointed to a huge, oddly-shaped chair in the corner of the living room next to the couch. Karl walked into the room behind him, their shoulders brushing as George looked over at him, waiting for his explanation.
"Oh! It's a massage chair," Karl explained, leaning back and forth so their shoulders would continue brushing repeatedly.
"A massage chair…" George repeated, not even thinking about it.
"Mhm! I was having trouble with my back for a while so I saw a chiropractor, and she gave me a couple different options of things to do, and one of them was looking into getting a massage chair if I had the means to do so. And now I have one!" Karl explained enthusiastically.
"Huh… that's pretty epic," George responded simply, making Karl laugh again.
"Do you wanna try it?"
"Uh…" George scrunched up his nose and paused apprehensively. "I'm not sure, I don't really like massages that much."
"Yeah, but it's a little different. It's not someone digging their knuckles into your spine, it's like… it vibrates and shit."
"I'm not a big fan of when stuff 'vibrates and shit' either," George said, putting air quotes around the words he took from Karl. He giggled as Karl rolled his eyes at him, looking at him judgingly.
"Just sit in the stupid chair, you meathead," Karl teased, and George giggled again and walked over to the chair, turning around in front of it and leaning slightly to sit before pausing.
"Hm…" He hummed in confusion, not entirely sure where or how to sit the most effectively.
"Here, sit on the edge here and scoot into the middle, you'll, like, slide down it." George did exactly that, tensing his arms to his sides and sitting down on the edge slowly, clearly a bit hesitant but still curious to see how it worked. He stayed leaning forward, until Karl put a hand on his shoulder and gently guided him to lean back against the chair. "Yeah, good, then you put your calves in between these things," Karl explained, leaning down and tapping the leg dividers with his fingers. "And then you stick your feet in those things."
"You want me to stick my feet in the holes on this contraption?" George asked, in slight disbelief of what was being asked of him. "It's gonna, like, chop my feet off or something!"
"It's not gonna chop anything, you nutjob, you'll be fine. It's just part of the massage," Karl explained, slipping the remote out of the pouch on the side of the armrest. George groaned and rolled his eyes, resting his feet on top of the foot rest next to the holes and curling his toes nervously.
"This feels weird, Karl," He mumbled. Karl didn't look up at him, too busy fussing with different buttons on the remote.
"You'll be fine, you're just being a baby. Just put them in and relax." George groaned again, more dramatically this time, and stuck his feet in the holes like he was told. "Okay, good, now chill out. Do you wanna recline?"
"Of course, idiot. You gotta go horizontal," George said, making a horizontal line in the air with his hands as he nestled into the surprisingly comfortable chair behind him. Karl giggled and nodded, pressing some buttons and starting George's recline. He ended up decently far back, laying at about a 45 degree angle, and he let his head rest back against the pillow when he noticed the new position strained his neck when he tried to keep looking forward. "That's perfect."
"Awesome. What setting do you want? There's the one that just vibrates and one that also, like… there's moving parts in the back of the chair that physically massage into your back, but that kinda hurts the first time you use it so we can save that for after, if you end up wanting it."
"Gotcha." George rolled his shoulders as Karl continued.
"Do you want the low vibration or the high setting?"
"High setting, obviously. If we're going in, let's go all in."
"Good answer!" Karl giggled. "Alright, I'm starting it."
"Okay…" George straightened his back against the chair and waited a few seconds for it to kick on.
He was very, very unpleasantly surprised when it did.
"Ah!" He yelped, feeling the heavy vibrations immediately send a shock up his spine, making him arch away from the back of the chair and push forward again. "God, that scared me."
"Yeah, it's very sudden. C'mon, lean back," Karl coached, motioning for him to return to his laying position. He did so, leaning back and pressing against the chair again, flinching again when his back felt the vibrations, but somehow being able to stay against it this time. He tried to even out his breathing, but for some reason that he couldn't quite place yet, it felt heavy and labored, like his chest was tight. After a few seconds passed, he started to realize what was actually happening.
The vibrations were heavy, rattling his body continuously and mercilessly, settling against every area of his body– the back of his neck, his shoulder blades, down his spine, the backs of his ribs and sides, even down to the dimples on his lower back. The seat was vibrating against his thighs where he sat firmly against it, and there were other cushions on either side of him, sitting directly against his waist and vibrating over his sides, the lower section of his ribs, and right above his hip bones. Even the leg rests moved as well, catching his knees and calves in the process. And to make matters even more unbearable, his feet were stuck inside what felt like two tiny sealed boxes, the sides pressing in against his ankles to keep him still and several rollers spinning and vibrating against his defenseless soles. The hard vibrations were covering his entire body, every spot he could possibly focus on to distract himself being affected worse than the last.
And it tickled.
It really, really, really fucking tickled.
Once he had that realization, he couldn't seem to stop thinking about it. Every spot he could rattle off in his mind was buzzing, literally. He scrunched his toes, tensed his knees, tried to bring his thighs together or pull them away from the seat, but nothing worked. He shifted his hips, pinned his arms to his sides, bit his lip, tried to slow his breathing, but still, nothing. He was in absolute ticklish agony, and the worst part was that Karl hadn't seemed to notice yet, so he had no good excuse to remove himself from the situation without blowing his own cover.
"How's that feel?" Karl asked, smiling expectantly as he slid the remote back into the pouch. "Feels good, right? Really good if your back is tense."
"Yeah!" He agreed, his voice coming out significantly higher pitched than he intended. He cleared his throat before continuing. "Ye-yeah, it's, um, it– it's really good, Karl." His voice wavered as he spoke, but Karl seemed to chalk it up to the vibrations against his back shaking him.
"Dude, I love it. I've fully slept in this thing before. Not on high, obviously, because that would be a lot of motion to sleep through, but on the lowest and, like, softest setting with the massages going and the Bluetooth speakers that you can hook up to music or a show or something, it's just so–" Karl paused when he heard a strange noise from George, glancing over to see his thighs tensed together and one hand covering his ribs as he leaned towards the other side. As soon as he did, however, he flinched again and leaned back to the other side. Karl watched this happen a few more times before he situated himself, sitting very stiff in the middle of the side cushions, arching forward slightly. "Dude, are you okay?"
"Y-yeah–" George began, but he had to stop before he got any further to bite back a giggle, clamping his mouth shut. He tried to lean forward, or push himself out to the end of the chair, but with the angle the chair was reclined at it was nearly impossible to sit up far enough to get any leverage, especially with how he was quickly growing weaker from the constant tickling. He grabbed the sides, trying to pull himself, but his elbows gave out and he fell right back into the chair, a strained noise leaving his mouth as he arched away again, putting his hands on his own thighs and squeezing the material of his shorts. Karl smirked, and suddenly he knew exactly what was going on.
"Ohhhhh, I see why you're uncomfortable," Karl began, and George looked up at him with wide eyes and a slack jaw, trying to figure out whether he'd been caught yet.
He absolutely had been.
"Y-you doho?" He asked, letting his first giggle slip, holding his breath to keep any more from following.
"Yeah! You gotta lean all the way against it for it to work!" Karl explained, pretending he had no idea what he was doing, but the smirk on his face and the way he giggled proved otherwise. Then, just as cruel as his smirk implied, he reached forward and curled his hands around George's sides, pressing him all the way back into the vibrating chair. George gasped, shaking his head, whining and pushing Karl's wrists away. "There we goooo, see! Isn't that so much better?"
"Karl, nohoho, no, thahat– this is–'' George tried to fight back, pushing at Karl's hands, but Karl didn't budge. Instead, Karl just held his sides more firmly, and rattled him against the chair, shaking and bouncing his upper body against the already incessant vibrating sensation. George curled up immediately after Karl steadied him, leaning forward and pinching his elbows into his sides. He tried to pull his legs up, but he was stopped by his calves and feet still being held hostage in their designated parts of the chair. His giggles had already begun, and suddenly they felt impossible to keep at bay, and he started giggling openly, only getting louder and more boisterous as the maddening tickles went on. "Oh, gohohod, Kahahaharl!"
"Aww, what's-a-matter, George? Is the pretty boy too tickly to handle a little massaging?" Karl teased, his hands still resting on George's sides, vibrating his fingers in as well just to make George squeal and scrunch up more, shaking his head wildly.
"Nahahaha, Kaharl!" George pleaded. He once again tried leaning forward and arching his spine, keeping his back as far away from the tickles as he could (even though his hips and legs were still horribly trapped), and Karl decided that just wouldn't do. So, just to be more cruel, he braced himself on the arm of the chair and hopped up onto George's lap, letting his knees rest on either side of George's thighs and settling himself right on top of his legs. George nearly screamed, immediately followed by an intense blush and him curling in on himself further.
"Yeah, you've got nowhere to run off to now, do you, kitten?" Karl teased, putting one hand on George's chest and pushing him back into the chair.
"KAHARL–" George yelped, biting back more laughter as he tried desperately to push against Karl's hand, but he got nowhere. Then, even though it was entirely unnecessary, Karl placed his other hand on his chest and pushed as well, just to make him feel even more helpless, "KARL, PLEHEHEASE–"
"Please, what?" He asked sarcastically, sliding his hands down George's chest and slipping his fingers under George's arms. The elder tensed immediately, groaning and clamping his arms down to his sides, looking up at Karl with pleading eyes and a wide smile. "Please help even out the tickles by giving some of my own? George, that is just such a good idea, you read my mind!" Karl dug his fingers into George's underarms, making him curl up his shoulders and shake his head wildly. His elbows bent as well, his hands clenched into fists, and all he could think to do was twist his wrists, fidget his fingers, and shake his clenched hands around to get his nerves out. Karl giggled at this, always a fan of when George did that, finding the reaction (that he, Sapnap, and Dream refer to as his "tickle hands") absolutely adorable and endearing.
"Nohohoho, Kahaharl!" George whined, twisting and turning whichever way he could, ending up leaning to the left with his forehead against Karl's upper arm. Karl giggled, sliding out of his armpits and pushing his shoulders to sit him straight back again, making George squeeze his eyes shut and shake his head again. "Whyhyhyhy?!"
"I never told you to move, dummy! Stay where you are."
"I cahahahan't!"
"Well, sucks for you then," Karl finished, bracing his hands on George's thighs as he adjusted himself. This motion only earned him a squeak and a violent flinch, George's legs clearly trying to buck up away from the vibrations underneath them, and Karl only giggled and reached behind him to squeeze at George's knees. George screamed out in laughter, throwing his head back against the chair and squirming wildly, and Karl could feel his knees trying so, so hard to kick or push or move in any way to escape Karl's fingers, to entirely no avail.
He was trapped, and he was trapped well.
"Oh gohohohod, Kahahaharl, pleheHEASE–" He yelled, his laughter increasing in volume at the end when Karl grabbed his thighs again, squeezing them a few times about mid-way up as he actually did adjust himself. He stood up, his legs on either side of George's with his feet planted on the floor, still keeping his body firmly in place but giving himself more room to move now. George looked up, giggling even more nervously when he noticed Karl was now towering over him. "Wh-whahaha– whahahat ahare you doihihihing?"
"Getting better leverage? Duh, stupid," Karl bit with a giggle, quickly ruffling George's hair and then grabbing his sides when he reached up to fix it.
"KARL!" George yelped, grabbing Karl's wrists before falling into more frantic laughter. Karl laughed at him again, squeezing his sides once. "Ihihihit's nohot funnyhyhy!"
"It's so funny, I've said this to you so many times. You get so jumpy when you get tickled, it's the cutest thing ever," Karl said, scrunching up his nose in the middle and making George scrunch his as well, shaking his head.
"Nohohoho!" George protested, squeezing Karl's wrists before sliding his hands off, clenching them into fists and softly resting his fists on Karl's arms.
"Oh, god, and your poor thighs are against the vibrations too, and on the backs too! Wow, Georgie boy, this must be hell for you, you poor thing."
"Shuhuhut uhuhup!"
"Hm… okay! I'll use my mouth somewhere else then," Karl said, suddenly leaning down and pushing the front of George's t-shirt up so he would understand what was happening before getting to make the inappropriate joke that he knew George was thinking of. George gasped, sucking in his tummy and pressing back into the chair, just to flinch back down and keep switching between the two. Karl was right, his tummy really was jumpy– as were his legs and arms, and his heart in his chest and the butterflies in his stomach.
"NO! Kahahaharl, nohoho!" He protested, placing one hand on the back of Karl's head and holding the other one out in the air next to him, unsure what to do with it, fingers tense and twitching as he shook his hand out to try to expel some of his trapped energy. "Kahaharl, plehehease don't, plehease dohohon't, you cahahahan't!"
"I mean, I can. And I'm gonna. If I raspberry your tummy it'll make the vibrations even on both sides of you! Right, my kitten?" Karl teased, giggling when he felt George's legs twitch behind him with the urge to get free. George shook his head wildly, keeping his eyes up so he wouldn't make eye contact with Karl.
"I hahahahate thihihis," George whined, clearly lying, as he made no move to push Karl away even before he began, and made no move to truly sit back up even before he lost a majority of his strength, considering he technically did have free reign to do so. In fact, Karl could've sworn he felt George even pull his head closer when he started getting impatient and antsy.
"Yeah, yeah, you hate this, you hate me, I'm so cruel and mean and horrible to you, yada yada. We've heard it all before, handsome, we know it's not true. Now shut your mouth and laugh more," Karl teased, ignoring George's gasp and attempts to stutter out a response and pushing forward instead, pressing his lips right next to George's belly button and blowing the biggest raspberry he could manage.
"NAHA–!" George squealed, tensing his stomach and tangling his fingers in Karl's hair. He didn't pull, making no indication that he even cared if Karl would stop or not, but Karl knew he must've been exhausted due to the constant tickling sensation he was already suffering through because of the massage chair. He blew another raspberry, this time closer to the front of his ribcage, making him jerk to the side and then jerk back when he hit the vibrating cushion instead. "Plehehehease!" George pleaded, and he squeezed his hand on Karl's head a little tighter, and Karl decided to cut him some slack.
"Okay, okay, I'm done. Relax, you baby." Karl said as he pulled back, standing up straight and crossing his arms, looking down at George with a fond smile as he continued laughing hysterically, his squirming starting up again when he had more room to move.
"Kaharl, plehehehease," George pleaded, curling his arms in again and covering his face with his hands.
"I don't know what you mean," Karl replied, his tone betraying him almost immediately.
"Kahahaharl!" George whined, dropping his hands down to the chair and trying to push himself up one final time, but it was still no use. He dropped down again, grabbing his shorts and arching his back again, unsure of what else to do with himself.
"Oh my god, you're so overdramatic, it cannot be that bad."
"Thehehehen yohou tryhyhy!" George fought back, reaching over to grab the remote to turn the chair off himself, but he squeaked and yanked his arm back when he was cut off by Karl harshly poking his ribs and then grabbing the remote first so George couldn't get it. "Nohoho!"
"Too slow!"
"Kaharl, plehehease, tuhurn it ohohohoff!"
"Hmmmm…" Karl pretended to think, looking up at the ceiling and tapping his cheek, drawing his mouth to one side before clicking his tongue a few times.
"Plehehehease, I cahahahan't tahahake ihit anymohohore!" George pleaded, and Karl knew he was telling the truth. He could tell George was completely tickled out, so he giggled softly and pressed a few buttons, stopping the movement of the chair completely.
"Ugh, fine. If I have to," Karl rolled his eyes softly as the chair went still, chuckling at George's relieved whimper. "Even though I'd love to leave you stuck there forever because you're just that cute, I think you've suffered enough for one day."
"Thahank yohou," George agreed, letting his eyes slip closed as he caught his breath, his smile still plastered to his face and residual giggles still falling from his lips. He recovered relatively quickly, as the tickling wasn't intense and difficult so much as it was resilient and tiresome, and he let out another sigh about a minute later when he felt like he was fully present again. "That was so evil."
"To be fair, I had no idea it would tickle you that much, to be 100% clear," Karl defended, placing the remote back in the side pouch and climbing onto the chair to sit on the arm, putting his feet next to George's thigh and shoving his toes underneath him, making them both laugh at the strange action. "Like I genuinely didn't know it would, I know it tickles a little, because I've used it before and it does give you a little– a little somethin'-somethin', y'know? But it's never been unbearable, usually it just feels nice," Karl explained, making George him in agreement. George glanced up at Karl, before leaning over and pressing his temple against Karl's knee. Karl smiled, reaching down to play with George's hair as he sighed again, softer this time. He continued speaking. "But I guess since you weren't anticipating it, and you've never used it before, it was just worse. Maybe I've just gotten used to it?"
"Mm, maybe. That is quite possible," George agreed, his voice already sounding sleepy.
"Or maybe you're just really ticklish."
"That's– what!?" George complained, whipping his head up to look at Karl and ending up with Karl's hand on the top of his head. Karl chuckled and gently tilted his head back down, carding his hand through his hair again and letting him sulk against his shin. "That's not true."
"No, it's not. Well, it is, you are really, really, really ticklish," Karl said, chuckling and scratching George's scalp lightly when he whined and pushed against his leg more. "But I'm just teasing about that being the reason, I know it's not."
"Good. You'd better," George mumbled, pushing away from Karl's leg and tugging on one of his ankles. "Come down more."
"Like– down with you?"
"Oh!" Karl smiled, pushing himself down to sit on top of George, perching himself on his lap and crossing his ankles over the arm of the chair. George leaned back against the chair, now pulling Karl's arm so he stayed against his chest. "S'this good?"
"Mhm," George confirmed with a smile, closing his eyes again. The room was silent for a few seconds, before George continued quietly. "Do you– do you think you could try the actual massage part? Without the stupid vibrating part."
"Yeah! Of course, dollface," Karl said, kissing his cheek softly when he gave him a confused look. Karl turned the back massage section on low, letting George feel it out before flicking it to the second level and leaving it there, smiling as he immediately relaxed into it.
They stayed like that for about 5 minutes, until George figured the massage had run its course and had Karl turn it off. Everything seemed peaceful, George finally seemed relaxed, and Karl got to witness George being the cutest person on the planet (in his opinion), and they figured they'd just be able to sit back and cuddle up together while watching something or talking aimlessly.
Until Sapnap came back downstairs from taking a shower, and asked what they'd gotten up to while he was gone. Karl, obviously, was thrilled to explain, having to slap a hand over George's mouth to muffle his screaming and protesting while he did so, and Sapnap was very interested in the information he'd just received.
Needless to say, the room did not stay quiet for long.
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
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Media Pistol
Character Malcolm Mclaren
Couple Malcolm X Reader
Rating Smut Af
Concept Secret Play Time
Smut Sex toys/semi-nonconcentual/ vibrators/ remote controlled vibrators/ uncontrolled pleasure/ fingering/ nudity/ panties
I hummed my little tune to myself as I counted the stock that lined the shelves making notes on my pad of how many of each item we had and subsequently how many we would need for the weeks to come, all while doing our best to avoid him completely. He sat behind the counter magazine in hand looking at the items for the shop displays every so often his dark eyes would reach me, in his leather pants, dark green variation of the cowboy dance shirt, his jacket on the other stool, I ignored him and continued with my work fixing some items when I felt a sudden jolt of vibration begin inside my panties inches from my clit enough to make me squeal putting a hand over my mouth as I shot around to see him smirking widely with the remote in hand "aw so cute" he Cooes leaning his chin in his hand and his elbow on the counter as he turned it off again
"You promised you wouldn't be at work."
"Come on, it's too tempting" 
"Give it!"
"Ah ah ah. I get it for twenty-four hours that was our deal kitty. If you can't keep to our agreement I'll have to take back my side of the deal" he warns 
"Fine just not here."
"We'll see about that" He smirked continuing with his magazine 
I continued with my work doing my best not to think about the possibility and I jumped in shock trying not to scream as the vibration started up again now even higher than before “Malcolm!”
"What? Nothing to do with me" he says 
"Turn it off!"
"Make me kitty"
"Fine." He sighed turning it off "Boring" 
I got on with my work for a while until it started up again, I shot him a glare across the shop and his response to my murderous glare was to blow me a kiss “You dirty, manipulative little-” I began marching over to the counter but the moment I got close to him he turned it to full making me stop short trying desperately not to give away the wave of pleasure through my face 
“What was that?” he smirked evilly clearly very much enjoying this but all I could force out in response was a whine “Speak up now,” he says 
“Turn. it. Off.” I demanded 
“Say the magic word”
“...Please” I sighed and he turned it off 
“Good kitty” He smirked fixing my hair for me “There’s always one way to make sure it won’t happen” he smirked glancing down at my skirt
“No.” I pouted going back to stocking I know what he wants’s but I’m not doing it, he always wants me to do it when I stock as its a lot of going up ladders, behind over to reach boxes and such like and my skirt had already been adjusted by him four times since I started my shift and not once had it been adjusted downward 
“Then I get to play with my remote control” 
“You are a sick little-” I began but he turned it up again “ahhhhh!”
“Awwww you’re so cute when you make noise”
“Turn it off I’m trying to get work done!”
“As am I”
“Uhhhh fine!” I knew I couldn’t let it continue much longer I’d cum if it didn’t stop soon and for one that would be a mess, and two I didn’t want to give him that sort of satisfaction as it would only boost his ego for the next week so, he perked up at my words and watched eagerly as I slipped off my lace panties from under my skirt the little vibe still going crazy, he turned it off and opened his hand expectantly I simply rolled my eyes and handed them over he took the vibe out shoving it in the pocket of his jacket making a point to stretch and play with the lace openly at the counter as if my panties where merchandise he inspected intently the bell on the door went as some customers came in so I just continued my work making sure to keep my skirt as low as I could he quickly balled up my panties keeping them in his hand as they walked around looking at some things but ultimately leaving a few moments later 
“Ummmmm hello kitty” He smirked 
I rolled my eyes grabbing the back of my skirt to tug it down where clearly me grabbing those shirts and taking them across the room had made it raise up and thus he could see me “Shut up Malcolm. You're a little perv you know that?”
“I know.  You’re just too cute” He says coming across the shop and pinching my bare ass 
“Oww!” I complained turning to face him so he couldn’t get at my ass again 
“Ohh come on, we both know your ass takes way more … ill-treatment than that” he growled nibbling and kissing my neck like a hungry vampire pushing me against the wall and immediately shoving his hand up my skirt to stroke me “Humm such a cute little kitty, all pouty at me for tormenting her, Maybe if this didn’t look so fuckable all the time I wouldn’t have to torment you.” he smirked slipping a finger or two inside me 
“Malcolm- enough” 
“Fine, I don’t want you making a mess all over the floor like last time” he smirked removing his hand “But remember you need to see me at the end of your shift”
“For what?” 
“You’ll need these back won’t you” He smirked showing he still had my lace panties in his other hand giving them a little kiss before he pulled the top hem of his tight leather pants stuffing my panties down the front of his pants clearly adjusting them so his erection could rub against them “You’ll have to come get them, at the end of your shift” he winked before heading into the back to make himself a coffee 
“And if I don’t?” I asked before he headed behind the curtain which made him stop and smirk more turning back to me and crossing his arms across his chest 
“Then we both know I’m corning you in the alley and taking advantage of your lack of panties, so either way I’ll see you later kitty” he smirked blowing me a kiss before heading into the back room. 
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lord-explosion-baku · 4 years
Opia Night 2
Vampire!Shinsou x reader
Warnings: alcohol mentions, mentions of blood, dumb mc, campy vampire bullshit, swearing
A/N: ahhhhh. okay. so. this was a tough write. I think I got stuck because i started taking myself too seriously and then i just started throwing words out left and right. this is very back and forth, no-goal-reached, bullshit. I mean, getting from point A to point B is r o u g h, bro. Im SO SORRY. I was trying to make this natural and it just AINT. she’s messy today and it’s fine. Gotta just post what we can when we can lmfao. SOO! I’m aware that this chapter isn’t good, but I do hope that you find it entertaining regardless! I promise Night 3 will be better!
Night One
Night Two
You woke up to your phone buzzing next to your head on your pillow. Once, twice, and the third double-vibration made you realize that you were not going to be going back to sleep any time soon. Blinking at your window, you groaned at the flecks of dust that were lit up by the golden remnants of twilight. You’d slept most of your Friday away after slaving away on your school work Monday through Thursday. You tried telling yourself that you deserved the rest, but sleeping through sunlight has become habitual to you when you had nothing else going on. When you woke up from your coma, you would usually sleep some more. Usually.
The phone on your bed was alight with three unread messages, all saying something different, but with the same invitation handed out:
Kirishima(7:02): hey :)
Sero(7:07): you busy?
Kaminari(7:15): babe! partaaay tonite!!!! come over!
Again, you groaned.
The last night you’d spent over at their house was a complete disaster. You totally embarrassed yourself by screaming out of nowhere. Or so it seemed to have come out of nowhere to everyone else who heard you; what you thought you had witnessed went completely unnoticed to everyone at the last party. But to you, it was so vivid.
Purple-haired-couch-kid. Fangs. Blood.
You completely freaked and locked yourself in the bathroom. It took both Kirishima and Sero to coax you out after you battled the idea of calling the cops to their house. When you came out, there was a swarm of kids eyeing you like you were crazy. You asked to see Kodai. She appeared. She was unharmed: no blood, no marks, no recollection of any handsome boy who took a bite out of her wrist. Kamianri’s garage-sale couch had been occupied by no extremely handsome man, and there were no purple-haired people to be seen at the party afterwards.
It wasn’t something you could have imagined unless your drink had been spiked, but you thought you were pretty careful when it came to open containers! And besides, who’d want to spike your drink with hallucinogens. Getting you high could have been a prank or someone thinking they were doing the rest of the party-goers a favor, but to what you could tell, nobody else was seeing shit. So maybe you were crazy. Maybe there was no alluring voice speaking to you in your head, and your psyche had suddenly broken out of the damn blue. In the psychology class you took freshman year, you learned a lot about different mental illnesses that cause hallucinations and paranoia. Maybe you had to get yourself checked out.
Your phone buzzed again.
Kaminari: Kiri is gonna be real bummed if you don’t come :”(
Well, that was on him. You couldn’t really imagine why you would receive such a welcome invitation to another one of their parties after the big fuss you made. After you realized Kodai wasn’t in trouble, you stormed home; you lived close enough, so it was fine to leave your car there. You didn’t speak to anyone about what happened afterwards, so you were sure you’d be snubbed by your friends for at least a little bit. You figured that… if they wanted something else from you, maybe the rule of party fouls would be ignored.
You sighed, knowing that even though Kirishima definitely had a crush on you, he was still your friend and a great guy. You couldn’t think bitterly of him just because he might’ve wanted to kiss you on several occasions when you were just hanging out. You did sleep with him once, back in the day, but you both agreed to just be friends afterward. You were… kinda wild back then and didn’t like the idea of having a boyfriend. Kirishima tried to be understanding, but every now and then, you’d see him look at you with those sad, puppy-dog eyes.
There was a bleep! and you saw that you got a Snapchat notification from Sero. You pursed your lips and opened it to see a video of Kaminari singing your name, pushing Kirishima’s shoulder, and a chorus of several people making gross kissing noises at the two of them. You rolled your eyes and were about to close the video, but something—no, someone—in the background caught your eye.
You replayed the snap. There was singing, gross kissing noises, and him—right at the end of the video. He was only there for the last two seconds of the video, but those mesmerizing indigo eyes leering at the phone camera seemed to grab you by the throat.
You didn’t fucking imagine him. You didn’t fucking imagine him.
Sliding the screen to show the front-facing camera, you grimaced at your face. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and snapped a quick photo with the tag, ‘who is all there rn?’
Kaminari’s reply came instantly. It was another video of people hooting in the kitchen taking shots. Sero was sniffing at a rough-looking pineapple and Kaminari was yelling.
“Who is all here right now?!” Kaminari called and cheers came as a response. Kaminari turned the camera to face his grinning self. Kirishima was in the background checking his hair in the mirror. When he saw that the camera was in him, he flexed his arm, the dork. Then, Kamimari threw his arm around somebody, and pulled him into frame. You actually gasped.
“Why, the whole word is here, babe! Come overrrr!” Kaminari sang at you, but you weren’t paying any attention to him. Purple-haired-couch-kid was side-eyeing your drunken friend, but when he looked into the camera, he appeared to be amused. He wasn’t as dressed up as he was two weeks ago; he just had on a plane black T-shirt with the same ropey necklaces. The camera didn’t do his likeness any justice. The shadows under his eyes seemed to be much darker, and his skin was straight-up pale. Still, his gorgeous lavender eyes had you captivated. He was all you could see.
Purple-haired-guy’s ivory arm wrapped around Kaminari’s shoulder. He grinned, the whites of his teeth gleaming dangerously at the camera, squeezed Kaminari against him, and the video ended. You were too enamored to even thinking of taking a screenshot and you couldn’t replay the snap.
You cursed and covered your eyes with your pillow. You really were planning on sleeping the rest of the night away—maybe put on some cheesy soaps you could snicker at before zonking out. But now, it seemed, you didn’t have any choice but to go to the party. You had to see him.
A shower and a quick trip to the liquor store later and you were showing up to your friends’ rented domain with a six pack in hand. You entered without knocking. They never had the door locked; it was a constant open-invitation to ‘Denki’s Dank Crib’ as Kaminari wished people would call it.
You were immediately slapped in the face with human musk and you were glad to be wearing something more light: a white, chiffon top over your sunflower skirt with yellow, scrappy heels. It wasn’t everyday that you wanted to dress nicely, but as ridiculous as the concept was, if you did see the purple-haired-couch-kid… you wanted to look nice.
“Hey, you! Glad you could make it!” Strong arms pulled you into Kirishima’s hard chest. He smelled like sweat and old spice. He held you for two seconds too long, going so far as to rest his nose on the top of your head, before you pulled away, offering him a friendly smile. “Your conditioner smells nice!”
“Hah… thanks.” You grimaced.
“Oh, I’m sorry! That was really creepy! I’m sorry!” A slow blush bloomed on Kirishima’s cheeks. “I wasn’t trying to be weird. I might’ve had a few drinks already and I just… uh…”
Lending him a saving grace, you lifted the six pack up. “Care for another?”
“D’aww, you didn’t have to grab beer!” Kirishima grabbed the six pack from you. “I do love this stuff though! Thank you!”
“I couldn’t come here empty handed. It’s the least that I can do after what happened last time.” You started walking towards the kitchen, keeping an eye out for the purple guy or Kaminari.
“What happened last time?”
“You know,” you said while Kirishima cracked open a bottle, “when I had a freak out?”
“Freak out?” He offered you the bottle, but you shook your head. “What do you mean?”
You scanned the kitchen and saw only a few kids you didn’t know and Sero messing around with some frothy, yellow liquid in a beat-up blender. Looking to your right, you saw that there was nobody occupying Kaminari’s old loveseat. It wasn’t like you were expecting to see him there with what—Kaminari on his lap?—but it didn’t hurt to check.
“Like when I screamed and locked myself in the bathroom,” you said. “Then I left without saying goodbye.”
Kirishima’s brows crinkled. “I don’t remember you screaming or anything like that. You did leave a little suddenly, and I was bummed for like a minute, but that’s yesterday’s news. You’re here tonight!”
“Kiri, I was standing right next to you when I threw a fit. You don’t remember? You got me out of the bathroom.”
Kirishima shook his head. “Are you sure that was me?”
You were positive. You were definitely leaning on him, talking about how you didn’t need any boys, and Kirishima was warm like he always was when you touched him. You turned to look back at the couch and then you saw that purple guy bite Yui Kodai! Everyone heard you!
“You’re here!”
Sero zoomed towards you with two large cups of something in-hand. He gave you a bright smile and offered you one of the cups. “As soon as I heard you were heading over, I started making these! Piña coladas!”
“Oh…” you took the drink and gazed into the glass. It was yellow and mushy. Thinking back on your original theory—being drugged—you gave him a tight, closed-mouth grin. “What’s in it?”
“Uhh… Pineapple, coconut rum, and ice?” Seeing the unsure look on your face, Sero hastily added, “the pineapple was close to expiring, but I tasted it, and it’s still fine! Promise.”
“Did you even blend it right?” Kirishima asked, peering into your cup. “It looks like it’s breathing.”
“It’s not my fault our blender is janky!” Sero shot back. “I’m not the one who’s always making weird, keto-friendly protein shakes with, like, kale and shit added in every morning like some sort of psychopath.”
“It’s not crazy to be looking after my body. In fact, you could learn something from me!” Kirishima poked Sero in the ribs. “Skinny.”
“I’m not skinny,” Sero argued, flinching away. He lifted up his shirt to reveal his tight, well-kept abdomen. “I’m lean.” Sero smirked when he caught you staring.
“Alright, well, our girl only deserves the best service, and this ain’t it, chief.” Kirishima reaches to take the atrocity out of your hand, but seeing Sero’s dejected face, you pulled away.
“This is fine,” you promised warily. Beside yourself, you took a sip of Sero’s sloshy creation. You got a big chunk of pineapple in your mouth and chewed the rum out. The parts that weren’t chunks were all watery, like you were drinking straight rum. You forced yourself to smile. “It… tastes good at least.”
Sero was ecstatic. “Lovin’ your look, by the way. Yellow heels look good on you.”
Kirishima rolled his eyes and placed a hand on your back. “C’mon, you don’t have to be nice to him. Lemme make you something good in the kitchen.”
“Oh, wait, Sero. I wanted to apologize to you too!”
Sero raised a brow. “Apologize?”
“Yeah...” You turned your head from Sero to Kirishima, hoping for any sign of recognition. “For freaking out. Screaming. Locking myself in the bathroom. All those good things.”
“Oh,” Sero said. “Yeah, well, you’re forgiven.”
“So you remember!” You beamed.
Sero’s hand went to the back of his neck. “To be honest, I don’t remember a lot about the last party. I think Denki broke a table—“
“You helped him break the table,” Kirishima interjected.
“—aaand someone stole my good bong? That’s it. I’m sorry you had a bad time, though. Hopefully you’ll have more fun tonight! Kaminari bought a karaoke set. It’s got all the shitty songs they’re playing on the radio right now.”
“Where is Denki,” you asked, looking around. Damn it, if nobody remembered you screaming, at least you could count on Kaminari possibly getting the name of the kid who he had his arms around in that video he sent you.
“Off somewhere being a dumbass.” Sero waved his hand absently at the crowd of kids in the living room. “You wanna smoke? I just got a new bong and it hits pretty smoothly. Or maybe you wanna try karaoke? Though you would probably wanna get a couple drinks in before that, huh?”
“Ah, maybe later. I just gotta find Denki.”
“Why?” Kirishima asked suspiciously.
“I just gotta ask him something…” you pulled out your phone and dialed his number. It rang three times before getting to his raunchy voicemail. You scoffed.
“He could be up in his room,” Kirishima suggested.
“With a chick?” Asked Sero, amused. You made a face and Sero quickly corrected himself, saying, “I mean… with a nice lady?”
“Who’s to say.” You took a sip of Sero’s special beverage. It was gross, but you were here, and probably getting a little annoyed. You came out, so you might as well try to enjoy yourself.
“I’m sure he’ll come down eventually. If he really is with a girl, he’ll be down soon, and he’ll be hungry,” said Kirishima. “Hey, I’m gonna be ordering a pizza. Any topping preference? I was gonna get a few and wanted to make sure—oh, hey!! Bakugou!”
Your eyes followed Kirishima’s to see some grouchy-looking blonde kid coming in from the front door. You took advantage of both Sero and Kirishima greeting the guy with high-fives and fist-bumps, and made your way into the dining room where kids were playing a drinking game on a broken table.
You chatted a bit with a few kids you hadn’t met before, a girl whose name you forgot from the biology class you took last semester, and some guy who was so drunk you couldn’t comprehend a single mumble that rolled off his tongue. Nobody seemed to know where Kaminari was. Nobody seemed to have seen any boy with purple hair and an angelic face...
You scooted past three boys who were playing some stupid slapping game and into the living room. You sat down on the couch and checked in on your phone messages. It’s been two hours since Kaminari last texted you to come over. You thought about shooting him a text now, but—
‘Do you realize that all of the air in the room goes out when you walk in?’
You choked on air, as embarrassing as that was, and looked up, expecting to see someone who spoke to you. Nobody was paying you any mind for Kaminari's shitty couch, but you knew you heard that titillating voice, and it wasn’t because you were crazy.
‘Such a pretty little thing to be left all alone at a party. Did you lose your fan club?’
“Actually, I chose to sit here by myself,” you said aloud, minding the few people who actually turned to see you talking to yourself. You shrunk back into the couch and pretended to be taking a video of yourself.
‘Well, I’m sure. It’s a comfortable couch, afterall—better when shared.’
Oh, so this voice was a dirty, little thot. You clicked your tongue and texted Kaminari. ‘Hey, I’m here. Where are you?’
Kaminari(11:02): side yard.
Hopping up, you headed for the sliding patio door.
‘Eager to see your babe, babe?’
“Oh, shut up!” You hissed while walking outside and a girl watching a beer pong game frowned at you. You weren’t sure, you thought that you could hear a chuckle in the very far back-end of your head.
Kaminari was in the side yard, thank god. He was leaning against the house, staring absently at the side gate. He was alone, not on his phone or anything to keep him busy. He was just standing there.
“Hey, Kami!”
Kaminari barely turned his head towards you when he said, “hey...”
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you! What are you doing hiding away in the side yard?”
“‘m just chillin’. Waitin’ for my friend…”
“A friend?” You asked. “Kaminari, are you okay?”
“Of course,” Kaminari said, still staring at the side gate. “I’ve never been better… it’s a nice night…”
You stepped out in front of him. Kaminari didn’t meet your gaze; his yellow eyes were hazy and blank. You waved your hand in front of his face and he didn’t even react.
“It’s a real nice night,” he repeated dreamily. “I‘m waiting for a friend...”
“What friend, Kami? Who are you waiting for?”
“Uhh… Dunno. He just left…”
“What does he look like?” You asked, growing impatient. Kaminari wasn’t the brightest, but he was never really this slow. There was something wrong with him.
“Hmmm… like the moon…”
“I saw you near a kid with purple hair and a lot of jewelry in some of the snaps you sent, Kaminari. Do you know where I might be able to find him? He was at the last party too.”
“Yeah... That’s my friend…”
Thank god, thank god someone else knew who the hell you were talking about. “Do you know where he went?”
“To get a snack…” At that, Kaminari cracked a grin.
Fangs and blood flashed in your mind. You clenched your teeth together. If you remembered correctly, perhaps purple-haired-couch-kid’s idea of a snack wasn’t suitable for this party. You grabbed his wrist. “C’mon, let's go back inside. You need some water.”
But when you turned back to your house, you bumped right into what felt like a brick wall. But it wasn’t a brick wall. This barrier was a person whose ivory skin practically glowed an eerie white under the moonlight. This barrier was a person whose indigo eyes scanned you like a marauder finding his treasure. This barrier was a person whose flushed lips tugged up into a smirk when you shrieked.
Your stomach sank when he laughed at you after you leapt back and against Kaminari’s chest. Kaminari placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, as if he was trying to be reassuring, but his touch was too light and vacant to do much to calm you.
Goosebumps crawled up your skin when you took in couch-kid’s sudden appearance. You were mad at yourself for thinking that even though he was frightening in the dark, his sharp jawline was practically begging to be nibbled on.
Jesus, what the fuck was wrong with you?! You couldn’t be thinking about hooking up with strangers that bite while Denki was high and everyone else was forgetting shit! You shook your head and scowled.
“Sorry about that… didn’t mean to scare you.” Your heart did a little jump at hearing his voice for the first time. At least, you were pretty sure this was the first time you’d heard it. It did sound oddly familiar, but you couldn’t quite place it.  
Couch-kid held out his hand. For a second, you thought he was going to shake your hand, but then you saw that he was holding a wrapped cereal bar. Froot Loops. “Here you go, Denki.”
Kaminari’s arm snaked through the opening between your arm and waist to grab the treat. Your body nearly vibrated from being only just a couple inches away from Couch-kid’s finger tips. His arms were nice—white and long, but strong, with a few prominent veins running up them. Did he drink weird, keto-friendly protein shakes with kale and shit added in them like Kirishima? Why did you care?
“Oh man, thanks Shinsou. I was starting to get dizzy,” Kaminari said, unwrapping the sweet treat. You heard him crunching from behind you, and you don’t know why, but you were suddenly very irritated with his presence. You shouldn’t have been. There was obviously something going on with him and you should’ve been wanting to help him out, but then, you really wanted to be alone with Couch-kid. The thought just made you more agitated.
“Not a problem,” Couch-kid—Shinsou—purred. He didn’t look at Kaminari when he spoke; he was eyeing you.
“Shinsou,” you said, pulling at the hem of your skirt. Did he remember you? Did he think you were dumb for staring at him without saying anything for so long back at the last party?
“That’s me.” Shinsou grinned. This time, he took your hand, rather than offering his, and kissed the back of your wrist. You honestly would have swooned if you didn’t see him do the exact same thing to Yui Kodai just a short while ago. Still, his cool lips making contact with your skin made tiny electric currents shoot up from your arm, to your neck. You shuddered. “I don’t think we’ve officially met. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“The, uh… pleasure’s all mine?” That was what they said in the movies, right? Cheesy soaps, whomst? What a weird thing to say, anyways. Even still, as silly as that old-time greeting was, he could’ve easily said something as ridiculous as, ‘charmed, I’m sure,’ and you still wouldn’t have been able to muster out a bark of laughter like you would with literally anywhere else.
“Denki, didn’t you say you wanted to go sing some karaoke?” Shinsou asked, his eyes still on you.
“I did say that,” Kaminari said, taking another bite out of his cereal bar. “Karaoke sounds nice…” And without any ceremony, he started walking. Sliding past you, he made his way down the side of the house. Just like that?! He was going to leave you with a stranger?
You called, “wait! Kaminari... are you really okay? You were acting a little funky just a minute ago.”
“Mmm, yeah, I’m fine. I just really wanted cereal.” Kaminari wiggled the now empty bar wrapper in the air. “But Shinsou took very good care of me…” That faraway look returned to his eyes when he said, “I’ll catch you later, babe.” With that, he was gone, leaving you alone with a guy who simultaneously made the hair on the back of your neck stand up and your heart melt with a quirk of his brow.
Shinsou’s eyes scanned over you, up from where your hand was bunched up in your skirt, to your torso, your collar bones, your lips, then back down to your neck. Unease settled over you when his eyes finally met yours and you had to quickly look away. You wished that  you were anywhere else in the world. You also wished you could think of something, anything, to say to him, but asking about Kodai seemed to be so wrong to you, at the moment, and the last time either of you had interacted, you were about to hop into his lap!
Finally, you mustered, “do you know if he smoked anything? He really wasn’t acting like his usual self. I’m worried something might be wrong…”
“Not to my knowledge. He might’ve had a couple drinks though,” Shinsou said. There was another long pause, and you fought your brain to come up up a normal conversational topic, but Shinsou beat you to to the punch. “Is he your boyfriend?”  
“What? No!” You still couldn’t look him in the eye as you answered. You hoped that it was dark enough to be able to hide your flushing face. “He’s really just a friend.”
“He calls you ‘babe’, though.”
“Yeah, well, if you put a skirt on, I’m sure he’d call you babe too.” You shrugged. “He’s just a flirt.”
“You weren’t wearing a skirt at that last party,” Shinsou mused, which gave you a little rush. He remembered you. “And he still called you babe.”
You pressed your lips together to keep from smiling, but your humor rang out in your voice when you asked, “are you interested in him or something? Because I can go get him back for you, if you want. I’m pretty sure he dated a guy our sophomore year.”
Shinsou clicked his tongue, amused. “It’s not him I’m interested in. Not really my type.”
“Right, right,” you laughed, gaining more confidence. “Well, I haven’t seen Kodai here tonight, but I think I have her number saved. Would you like me to give her a ring? It’s the least I can do for you taking care of my poor, dumb not-boyfriend while I was away.”
You reached inside your purse to grab your phone. You really would have called her, but before you could even touch your phone, Shinsou’s fingers were wrapped around your wrist. You almost yelped. Shinsou’s fingers were much cooler than his lips were and it surprised you.
“I knew you were jealous,” he remarked darkly. Immediately, you yanked your arm free, but that only prompted him to grab your wrist from a newer angle. You narrowed in on him, ready to bite—he was someone you didn’t know grabbing you, so obviously you had every right to—but as soon as you gazed into his eyes, you were lost.
His pupils were abyssal; so dark that they appeared white. Looking at him, your body felt cool—numb almost. Beyond any control, your body relaxed which made you lose your tight grip of Sero’s shitty piña colada. You didn’t even care about the cold, sloshy mess splattering over your heels.
Shinsou backed you into the wall, his stare intense, his lips parted and amused. He planted his free hand on your arm and took his time running it up to your shoulder, your neck. The tips of his fingers lightly danced across your jugular, the pad of his thumb slowly running up and down the pulsing vein. He scrutinized you dangerously, daring you to move, to run, to scream for help. Not knowing whether you were scared or aroused, you let him touch you, though ‘let’ didn’t seem like the appropriate word. It was like you had no other choice. He wanted to study you, so he would, and you would not object. So naturally, when Shinsou slid his hand to the nape of your neck, you turned to grant him access to what you knew what he really wanted.
He first pressed his nose up against your skin and inhaled deeply. You shivered as he groaned, “I’ve been waiting for you for too damn long. My sanguine.”
When Shinsou’s lips pressed against your flesh, you melted. Every nerve-ending in your body set aflame; you were no closer to fleeing the scene than you were indulging in the sweet sensation that his kiss had to offer. His cool tongue traveled up your neck, sending waves of jubilant shivers down your spine. His fingers hooked around your shoulder as he deepened the kiss. You felt a tingling sensation warming up between your legs that was only a tiny bit eased when he lodged his knee between you. His hand slid down your back where he pulled you on to him more comfortably; held up by his thigh, his arm, and nothing more.
“Nhhh-“ you tried to object, like you should, like you knew you wanted to, but a carnal urge pulled at the strings of your willpower. Whether he kissed you, or killed you, you wouldn’t be able to deny him his satisfaction. You would give him, Shinsou, a stranger, anything he wanted at any given moment.
But when you heard your name called from inside, the spell was broken.  
You tensed. Shinsou’s lips froze against your skin. You felt his hands tighten around you protectively, possessively, and you knew you were in deep shit.
“Kiri,” you whispered despite wanting nothing more than to say another man’s name. Kirishima was looking for you and yet, here you were, in his side yard, with another boy. Perhaps you hadn’t changed as much as you originally thought you had.
“Don’t-!” Shinsou hissed when you tried to pull away. There was urgency in his voice, something unexpected from him. His eyes were desperate and hungry. Terrifying. It felt good knowing that he wanted to keep you, and that thought was more frightening than what you thought was his original intentions. Fingers slid their way to your waist, and Shinsou bowed his head, dipping in to kiss your lips, but before he could, your hand fell on his face.
It wasn’t a slap, no. You literally put your entire ass palm on his face to save yourself from a kiss you actually wanted.
“O-oh god!” You stuttered out. Beyond any responsible control, you shoved his head back. “I’m sorry!”
Finally freed, you bolted a good five feet away from him, back towards the house. Your assaulter gazed at you with surprise, sleepy eyes rounded in a sort of sincere, pitiful way, but you couldn’t let his dejection get to you. You swallowed harshly as you backed away from him and the wall, going against every fiber in your body telling you to stay put, to stay at his side, to let him satiate any and all needs that he had.
The thing is, you would have. Despite not being able to bark out the half-dozen questions you had for him (why do you bite people? Why can’t anybody remember you? Why do I think I can hear your voice in my head? Why the sudden smooches? What the fuck?) you would have stayed with him there, had you not heard your name called a second time.
“Leaving so soon?” Shinsou asked, gaining some composure, though as lax as he tried to make himself seem, there was an imperative note in his tone. “Don’t want to let your fan club down, I guess.” His voice was a shrug. “And here I thought you were going around asking about me.”
That was so excruciatingly embarrassing; being caught showing interest. Did he know how many people you spoke to? You wished you could wither up and blow away right then and there.
You glanced through the glass door to see Kirishima holding his phone up to your ear. A second later, your phone started buzzing. You ignored it.
“I guess I just wanted to know who you were, is all,” you said, a perfectly normal response. That was you: calm, cool, and collected—totally not willing to makeout with extremely hot strangers out of nowhere. “I haven’t seen you around before that last party…” which would be a perfectly fine segue into asking him why he bit Yui Kodai, if only you could will your body to ask!
“So you’re satisfied?”
“Uh-huh!” Not at all. Not at all. But that didn’t stop you from turning back towards the house.
Your body went cold. The voice rang too clearly to have been said aloud, but it was definitely his. In. Your. Head.
“What did you say?” You asked, turning back, trying to keep your tone steady. You didn’t know why, but you thought it would be bad if he heard your voice crack or squeak.
“I asked if you were satisfied. We barely got to converse and yet, you’re skittering away after making such a fuss about finding me. Why is that?”
“I’m not skittering away and—hey!” You put your hands on your hips. “You called me a liar just now, didn’t you?”
Shinsou placed his hands in his hips, mocking you. “I said no such thing!”
“Well, no, maybe you didn’t say it with your mouth…”
“What else would I have said it with? My hips?” He smirked. “Are you sure it wasn’t your own conscience calling you out?”
You scoffed. You couldn’t believe he was teasing you!” And what about your conscience?! Do you just go around attacking people’s necks out of nowhere like that as a hobby?!”
“Interesting choice of words,” he chuckled. “No, I wouldn’t say attacking people is a hobby, but more of a necessity. And I don’t usually go for the neck, either. I save that intimacy for victims who are a little more willing…”
‘Really, I wouldn’t want a single drop of you to run down your arms, anyways.’
“Willing?!” You started, incredulous. You pointed a shaking finger at him and continued with, “you really have a thing or two to learn about cons-!”
“Hey!” Kirishima was sliding the door to patio open. “I was looking for you! The pizza’s almost gone, but I saved you a couple slices.” He looked at you and registered the expression on your face. His eyes narrowed as he approached you. “Who are you talking to?”
But when Kirishima looked down the side yard, there was nobody there—just the slushy remains of your piña colada. He bent down to pick the cup up to see you shaken, wordless. “What happened?”
You could only shake your head. Because you didn’t know what happened—you didn’t know anything! Shinsou was there and now he wasn’t, and the more you tried to say anything on the matter, the more the words got stuck at the back of your throat.
“Hey,” Kirishima said, full of concern. He grabbed both of your trembling hands and wound his fingers through yours. That was intimate. Something sweet. Something that was supposed to be reassuring. What in the hell was supposed to be intimate about a guy you barely met narrowing in on your neck like that.
You sighed and allowed your head to fall against Kirishima’s chest. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close while that angry blonde kid, Bakugou, appeared at the doorway, munching on a slice of pizza (probably the last one.) He took one look at you, rolled his eyes, and walked away. Kirishima asked you what happened once more. You said, “I’d just really like to get home.”
“Let me walk with you,” Kirishima whispered. That would be pulling him away from his own party, but he didn’t seem to care about that. The world really needed more Kirishimas.
Making your way through the house, you saw Kaminari in the living room slurring the lyrics to a lame song, Sero cheering him on while simultaneously recording every word, and Bakugou glaring out the front window. Kirishima quickly told Sero where the two of you were headed which made Sero form a tight line with his mouth. After seeing the stricken expression on your face, Sero seemed to ease up a bit.
Kirishima held your hand while he walked with you. He tried to make light conversation, attempting to get your mind off of whatever happened when you were alone in his side yard, but you couldn’t entertain him with idle chit chat. The entire walk home, you thought you felt somebody’s watchful gaze on you.
TAGS FOR EVERYTHING (CLOSED): @ayeputita @yandere-inamorata @dee-madwriter @unboundbnha @rizamendoza808, @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten @rubycubix@smbody-stole-mycar-radio @zellllyyyy@sarcastictextstuck@kpanime @captain-sin-allmight-queen @psionicsnow@wickedlewicked @ghost-of-todoroki @kattariapenn@im-an-adult-sometimes @bnhya @local-senpai@eggpienutbuttercroissant@usernamekate94 @reyvenclaww @hi-ho-and-hello
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zweiginator · 5 years
okay a concept : tying up sub! bri to the bed and edging him with a vibrator until he’s crying and begging to cum
fuck i’ve been waiting my whole career for this moment; this is my 1000th post and all of her is going under the cut…disfruten
brian’s away for some meetings with the band and he’s not supposed to be back for a couple more days
so you’re on the bed, head thrown back as you press a vibrator to your clit, your other hand fisting the sheets
and your back arches off the bed, soft whines leaving your lips as you rub the slick head of the toy over your folds so the pressure stimulates your clit just enough to have your legs trembling 
“fuck,” you moan shakily, jaw tensed as you feel your orgasm suffuse your muscles, until your eyes are screwed shut and you can’t help the whines spilling from your mouth
and that’s when brian walks in, knees buckling as he sees you cumming all over the vibrator still held between your shaky thighs as you moan his name over and over
you yelp when you hear brian whimper at the sight of you, and you’re a little flustered that he caught you
but not nearly as flustered as brian is; his cheeks have deepened to the darkest blush you’ve ever seen him with and you can see his trousers tenting
“bri–you’re back so early.” you take a deep breath and turn the vibrator off, still reeling from your orgasm
and you motion for brian to come sit on the bed with you
running your fingers through his messy curls, you straddle him and kiss his neck, sucking dark marks onto the tender skin
“did you like seeing me cum hard like that?” you mumble against his collarbone and you feel his head turn up in a nod
“yeah? i think you really liked it. i bet you wanna cum so bad.”
“please–haven’t touched myself in so long,” he gasps, rutting his clothed cock against your pussy, still bare and soaked in your cum 
you wrap your hand around his throat and squeeze like he likes it, pulling his hair so he gasps and whines out loud, eyes watering
“you haven’t? you’ve been a good boy?” you ask, doubting he hasn’t jerked off since you last saw him a couple weeks ago 
“I find that hard to believe. I know what a needy boy you are. act like you’re so sweet but you’re naughty–always stroking your cock when you’re not supposed to.” 
he shakes his head, whimpering when you pull his jaw forward and give him a sloppy kiss, pressing your pussy harder against his throbbing dick
“i’ll ask you again–have you been a good boy?”
he huffs and rolls his eyes, full-on grinding against you, moans vibrating against your palm thats flush against his throat
“you’re gonna be a brat then? answer my question.” 
“i–jerked off the first night away.” he admits, looking away from your eyes
“look at me.” you tilt his head so he’s facing you again; his eyes are widened, pupils blown as you rock yourself against his thigh
“i’m sorry–i– i missed you.” 
“on the first night? baby, you’re so needy; what are we gonna do with you?”
“i didn’t for the rest of the trip–i promise.”
he gives you the most dramatically pronounced puppy-dog eyes you’ve ever seen from him and you sigh, rolling your own eyes
“don’t give me that. lay down on the bed.” you command him, pushing him down and straddling his hips, yanking his pants down
and his cock is rock hard beneath his boxers; there’s pre-cum leaking onto the thin material and he’s whining, bucking his hips up, hands twisted in the sheets because that’s what he knows he’s supposed to do
“god–you’re so hard, baby.” you admire, rubbing him through his underwear
“please–i need to be inside you–wanna cum inside you,” he begs, his hands like magnets to your hips
you pull a pronounced curl until it stings his scalp
 and then you pin his hands above his head and suck his bottom lip into your mouth, watching his eyes widen, the most pathetic whimpers tumbling from his lips
“don’t move your hands or i stop.” you warn him, reaching behind you to grab your vibrator
turning it on, you run the vibrations over his navel, your body still straddling him
“ohhh fuck–that feels so–” and his voice is cut off by a deep moan, cracking from the depths of his throat
“feels good doesn’t it?” you pet his hair, relishing in how his eyes are fluttering shut and you haven’t even touched his cock with it
you trail it down so it’s stimulating his tip directly and his hips jerk, a shaky moan coming from him as he grips the headboard
“yeahhh-feels so good. gonna cum–” he nods, biting his lip as you circle the vibrator over his cock, watching the veins pulse and twitch from underneath his boxers
“no.. no you’re not, baby. not yet.” you turn the vibrator to a lower setting and pull his underwear down, smirking at the sight of his cock
it’s leaking and throbbing; a deep pink sheaths the usual light fleshy color of his cock and his back is arching from the bed
“no–no, please I’m sorry i was being bad–’M so sorry.” He squeaks when the toy runs up his shaft, now at a medium setting
the vibrations are making his legs tremble and lots of pre-cum dribble down his shaft
he shakily props himself on his elbows and watches you intently, lips parted as you turn it up another notch, making him scream
“ahhhhh–fuck, I’m so close again.. I need it so bad. need to cum,” 
his eyes are hooded and rolling back into his skull, breathy moans and whimpers constant from his mouth
“such a pretty boy–love hearing those needy little whines.” 
leaning forward, you push your fingers into his mouth and his eyes flutter open as he sucks on them, his tongue pushing up against the pads of your fingers and he’s groaning against them, his hips rocking along the toy still held against his cock
his elbows are giving out and his neck is suddenly too weak to hold his head upright; it lolls to the side instead, lips wrapped tightly around your fingers as he moans around them
changing the vibrator to its highest setting, the intense vibrations make brian’s noises uncontrollable
his head tilts back so your spit covered fingers fall from his lips and he’s fucking against the vibrator, chasing the feeling he gets when the intense vibrations course throughout the tip of his cock
“choke me–please choke me,” he barely utters, a tear streaming down his cheek as you press the tip of the vibrator against his slit
and you quickly oblige, grabbing his throat and pressing your fingers into the tender skin just enough so he feels completely out of control
which is just how he likes it
because he’s your good boy
“do you wanna cum?” you tease, pressing the toy harder against his sensitive dick
“mmhmm yes please–i need it; gonna cum so much.” he gasps out, a lazy smile forming on his lips as he feels the beginning of his orgasm wash over him and your grip tighten on his throat
“no–don’t cum just yet. beg for it.” 
“god” he tries to hold it back, gripping into the sheets so tightly his veins are throbbing in his forearms “fuck–please let me cum, please please–I’ve been good!” he pleads, his eyes wide and staring right into yours
“you haven’t been a good boy, though.” 
“I’m sorry–please” 
he can’t even finish his sentence, because you’re holding the toy against the top of his shaft and he’s almost never felt anything more euphoric
he shakes in sobs and moans as you take the vibrator from his cock, watching his cum spurt over his navel and his chest, drawn out curses and moans of your name permeating the air around you
his orgasm is so intense that tears are stinging his eyes and you wipe them away before cleaning the cum from his torso, kissing him softly
“i didn’t mean it when i said you weren’t a good boy. you’re always my good boy–just a little bratty sometimes.” you pinch his cheek and he smiles at you sheepishly, holding his arms out to cuddle
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Thankyousomuch that shy reader and hotch was per f e c t l y superb and i am VIBRATING !! (Can i tempt you into expanding that into a fic though? Or a series? Or mini titbits like these over various years so i can pine forever? Iloveit? Iloveyou? Its the best thing ever? Im so in love?)
ahhhhh i’m so glad you liked it!!! :D right now it might just stay a drabble series until i think of a more specific fic idea? b/c right now i see it as a concept more than an idea - i will def take requests for it. i see it as a series w/ a lot of mutual pining, slow burn, until the team and all of us are ripping our collective hair out of our heads at these two idiots. 
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