#! tbd.
yoakkemae · 1 day
I am not doing well for someone who has emetophobia, so replies and ooc communication and such will be slow
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loveoaths · 1 month
hey y’all, i haven’t been here (or anywhere, really) because my illness got worse.
much, much worse.
the tl;dr is my brain is inflamed and i can’t really think most days. i forget my own birthday sometimes. i have days where i can’t walk. it’s not great.
the long version can be found here on my ko-fi. if you feel like donating a buck or two so i can try to access some treatments and medical services, i’d appreciate it. if you just wanna go full voyeur and see what my deal is, well, i won’t kink-shame you lol.
please share this post if you can!
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elektranxtchiios · 9 months
how long after trevor and sypha died did it take for alucard to disappear into myth? had trevor and sypha's kids already run off to hunt evil? did they look for alucard after? did the grandkids have hazy memories of a vampire named alucard that sang to them and hunted with their parents and grandparents? did trevor and sypha's kids visit home only to find two graves and no sign of alucard
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xluciifer · 2 months
Vox: Do you want to come over to my place and sleep?
Lucifer: Like a sleepover? Aw, that's cute.
Vox: [ is trying to sleep with him ] Yeah-
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zestials · 1 month
the nasty shit zee would do in a carriage w/ his partner.
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facsimila · 27 days
pokes my little kitty nose in. what the hell they doin' ova dere ... cough cough HI hello hi i'm alive. i've been haaaaviiing. a bad time ? i'm currently still working on the commissions i hadn't finished yet, my work hours increased and i was all stoked to go to a con this past weekend only to catch what may or may not have been covid we don't know but i only got to go friday and then i've been practically knocked out cold and on multiple medicines trying to feel better haha Help ! i'm feeling a little better today. talking doesn't hurt anymore i'm just like. sweaty and sniffly. i miss you guys. ^^;
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iedolon · 10 days
like and i’ll spam your inbox…..
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xluciifer · 1 month
Hello, it's late, what if I headcanon that Lucifer's blood or saliva has healing properties to them, huh? Because of the angelic side to him or because of his magic. What then? Does that even make sense? Not me just imagining Lucifer licking at someone's wound or anything.
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exiitiosus · 2 months
let johnny bite your muse :(
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facsimila · 14 days
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happy munday these are all i got. 🫰
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i have deep respect for the people who can so seamlessly do crossover rps without some form of elaborate set up/verse for it. my brain just doesn't work that way, and i think flexibility with respect to interaction is one of my greatest weaknesses when it comes to rp. how do yall do it?
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shroudkeeper · 27 days
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I finally finished my office by adding the last canvas piece and it's from ikea of all places!
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kingbcwser · 28 days
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iedolon · 27 days
$500 for a skin is crazy considering faker doesn’t even use skins
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recitedemise · 6 months
A small rant but how Gale is talked about and treated like some running gag both in fandom and in game is borderline aggravating. He's talked about with an air of, dare I say it, 'you chose...that guy?' in a way you don't really see anyone else treated. In Moonrise Towers, Z'rell will comment by calling him something pathetic. If asked precisely who you're romancing, you can answer along the lines of 'mock me if you will, but I like Gale' (who says this about their partner, lmao.) I've seen people get huffy when Gale doesn't approve of a polyamorous relationship, calling him...boring? Hell, apparently in game, you can say if you wanted boring sex, you would've just gone to Gale — which, as a tangent, I don't know why or how the idea of vanilla intimacy got such a bad rap to begin with. As if we don't know Gale, so utterly devoted, wouldn't treat it wholly as a moment of such importance because he'd never be with someone he couldn't love with all his heart.
I ramble. Point is, there's already weird lines in game, not to mention comments in the community that take really..choice tones about Gale. People still think he's annoying for his magical artefact consumption as though THREE ITEMS total, three items which can be UTTERLY USELESS items, is too much to ask for. As if that MINOR mechanic doesn't literally disappear by Act 2. You can find him annoying, but this man and his flaunting is just a man trying to sell and find confidence in his good points because he believes he has SO FEW beyond magic. He GENUINELY thinks he's better off dead and thought so before you meet him. He's a man who came off his abuse, and he's the character you can try to convince has to make up with his abuser. Where his suicide ending was apparently regarded as the "true ending"? Basically, all I'm saying is the "Gale eats my boots" jokes are mild, but evidently, some people truly think that's all his character is at best if not someone who really should die for his abuser's forgiveness and the sake of the world at worst. A character who I've seen receive so many comments going "he did fuck up, and Mystra gave him everything, but he remained ungrateful" as if a mortal with a GOD is any fair relationship. As if she didn't leave him to DIE and never freed him of his curse when it's proven by the end that she could've saved him with a simple wave of her hand. That guy. And this is all just. Blegh.
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xluciifer · 3 months
Tomorrow's the eclipse and you know what???
I genuinely believe Lucifer would look directly at the sun.
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