#$BSHARE $BASED finance defi crypto $FTM $TOMB hustle wealth dailyAPR dailyAPY highAPR highAPY
basedfinance · 2 years
Based Friday March 4th 2022 Update 1
Hello Based Community!
Welcome to our FIRST weekly news event: #BASEDFRIDAY. Before we begin, we wish to acknowledge the ongoing war in Ukraine, and the millions of people affected by the war. Based understands how difficult this time is as many of our $CHADS are located in the conflicting countries. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
The Fantom ecosystem has been extremely welcoming. We’ve had the privilege of making some great connections that have allowed for many awesome developments for our platform. As much as we want to say more, we can’t reveal all just yet. We’re hard at work building and we can assure you — all that is coming will be worth the wait! Building something safe, secure, and optimal takes time to iron out.
We are so thrilled to see the overwhelming support from the community in our recent partnership with Tomb Finance. The traction we’ve managed to gain since day one is absolutely astonishing; we’re very grateful for you all. We will continue to push forward into new and unique opportunities for our community to earn yield in the DeFi space. The team wants to reiterate — we’re still just getting started.
A short RECAP
Over the past month we have achieved the following milestones:
● KYC with Assure DeFi ● Phase 3 Audit from Obelisk ● Listed on CG and CMC in record time ● Attracted 100 Million TVL on FTM ● Whitelisted & tracked on SpookySwap, ApeBoard, Debank & DefiLlama ● Remained #1 Yield Generator on entire Defi on DefiYield.App for a week
● Entered Top 25 DeFi protocol on FTM as per DefiLlama
● Auto compounders on YieldWolf, Beluga, GrimFinance & Matrix
● Launched innovative Curve pools
● Above all, partnered with the TOMB FINANCE & Harry Yeh
●Tomb Finance & Harry are now a MultiSig on our Treasury.
Partnership with Tomb Finance
Regarding our recent partnership with Tomb Finance, we will soon be releasing more information on our LPs on TombSwap. These pools are going to provide a whole new opportunity for our investors to earn yield by utilizing Tomb Finance’s official DEX. Since its inception, Tomb Finance has been allowing its users to benefit from their high yields. It’s a platform with incredible power in the Fantom ecosystem. Each and every BASED holder contributes to that power officially now. We are also contributing to the greater Tomb ecosystem by supporting the TOMB token and building new use cases for TOMB & BASED.
1. Zap contracts
Our Zap contracts are currently being audited thus Zap should be available very soon. Phase 3 of the audit ended with only minor issues to fix. Athena & Calypso have already made these corrections, hence we are expecting a final result within a few days.
2. BEEFY vaults!
We’re extremely proud to announce that our vaults went LIVE on Beefy Finance today at 14:00 UTC! Our boosted vault will be going live today at 20:00 UTC and the BASED community will be able to utilize one of the most widely known and trusted platforms for earning yield on the majority of our liquidity pools! Beefy partnership will also open up innovative integration of pools. More info on this will be coming later.
3. New feature!
A new feature is being developed to bring more utility for $BASED. This will bring organic earnings to our platform and further set us apart from other Tomb forks. Stay tuned for the reveal.
P.S- see if you can figure it out from the infographic
We would take this opportunity to extend our thanks to the Tomb Finance team including Harry Yeh, Vinh Q. Vuong, and all the moderators from Tomb who have been supporting us throughout this journey. Special thanks to some members of our community, who have taken
the extra step by creating initiatives for our platform. We also express our gratitude to the multiple FTM community protocols who have trusted us enough to use our protocol to release features incorporating $BASED and $BSHARE, especially Pod Town, Matrix Farm, and Summit Defi.
Lastly, $TOMB on and Stay $BASED!
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basedfinance · 2 years
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basedfinance · 2 years
Based Friday March 11th 2022 Update 2
Hello Based Community!
Welcome to our SECOND weekly news event: #BASEDFRIDAY.
In light of the recent events that happened within the DeFi developer space, we wanted to reassure our community: We are here to stay. Our partnership with Tomb continues to grow. We take extreme pride in our developments and are building everyday. We’re thrilled to be contributing to the robust DeFi ecosystem while it begins to spread its wings into new heights. We wish Andre Cronje all the best. We have no intentions to be anywhere besides right here with you all, building. We have some awesome things planned. We’re working to build a truly amazing and reliable suite of tools to allow for yield generation and other awesome innovations. We appreciate your patience and support while we work our way through these developments. We would be nothing without you, our Based Community!
Recently, we’ve recently hit some awesome milestones as a protocol:
● Completed 100 epochs
● $BASED reached peg, went below peg, and recovered
● Some BONDs were bought via contract as UI had minor issues
● Bond page UI issue was fixed & BONDs were redeemed
● Based went live on Tarot Requiem
With little surprise, Based’s peg has remained very stable. Although it has only been a month, we’re excited to be closer to the actual peg. This will allow for a more stable yield generating experience from here on out as well as allow for us to open up more partnerships and functionalities for BASED + BSHARE!
Now for the news:
We have many partnerships that are either live or going to be soon!
TombSwap LPs:
The partnership between Based Finance and Tomb Finance is heating up! TOMB and BASED are finalizing LPs with rewards to stake that will be launched soon. We are collaborating closely and testing these LPs and once they are ready, we will announce them with a launch date. This will be coming very soon!
Based on Solidly/Solidex/OxD:
Based-Tomb LP will now be available on Solidly! Solidex functions as the UI, while the backend smart contracts are Solidly. Thanks to our partner Tomb Finance, we’re looking to get these pools incentivized.
Tarot Lending/Borrowing:
Tarot is a decentralized lending/borrowing protocol that allows you to leverage your LP position. With this, you will be able to use your BASED in even more unique ways to increase your yield exposure.
Zap-In Contracts:
Although we ran into some bumps and had to delay the use of Zap-In contracts, we’re excited to be finally bringing them to you guys. We’re making sure these are 100% safe and functional before going live and are under audit review currently. They’re being rigorously tested right now and will be live shortly!
We know all of you have been eagerly waiting to know what is brewing behind the scenes. We would like to share a sneak peek into our roadmap tomorrow once Hephaestus works his magic.
Introducing BASED FINANCE’s YouTube competition:
Video must be about Based Finance, content could include: why one should invest in based, explanations of all functions, your experience with the based community/team (can say what you want as long as it is about Based Finance)
Video must be at LEAST 3 minutes (180 seconds) long
You cannot bot views/comments, our team will disqualify you immediately
Videos must be in ENGLISH only
Chads and Core Team will vote on the TWO best videos produced by the community
Views, Likes, Comment count is not too relevant — although if there is significant REAL engagement with your video, this will help
You may post your links in the ‘Youtube Content’ channel in the Based Finance discord server.
6 DAYS From this announcement — Winners will be announced in next weeks Based Friday (18th March)
4K$ USDC & 500 $BASED for EACH Winner ( 2 WINNERS TOTAL )
Disclaimer: users must have invested in Based at some point since launch — we will require proof.
The winners for the previous giveaway are being contacted right now for verification. We will be launching a fresh community content initiative soon, please await more details.
We would like to take this opportunity to extend our thanks to our Based Community & the Tomb Finance team including Harry Yeh, Vinh Q. Vuong, and all the moderators from Tomb who have been supporting us throughout this journey.
Lastly, $TOMB on and Stay $BASED!
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basedfinance · 2 years
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basedfinance · 2 years
Based Friday March 18th 2022 Update 3
Hello Based Community!
Welcome to our THIRD weekly news event: #BASEDFRIDAY.
This was an exciting past week, we continued to stay above peg and hit several key milestones including launching a new Agora farm using TombSwap Based-Mai pair. We are very excited about this as it is the first stable pair for $BASED, allowing for people to take profit through $MAI without selling into $TOMB and thus not hurting the peg. We have already hit a TVL of over $2.5M in this pool alone. We have also seen an amazing recovery for $FTM this past week as well as our partners $TOMB, who have nearly recovered peg.
Recently, we’ve hit some awesome milestones as a protocol:
Reached 150 epochs
Our TVL is back above $50M & Treasury is above $2M
8.5K $BSHARE locked in Acro
$BASED expansion has reduced from 2% > 1.5%
Based-Mai LP pool added
Harry highlighting us on CryptoBanter (https://youtu.be/JBLpt6pgCGI?t=2561)
Based Vaults on Autofarm (https://twitter.com/autofarmnetwork/status/1502188354993287170)
Also we had our Short term roadmap out
And now for the news:
Launch Zappers
The ability to zap into our LP pairs is here! Contracts are audited and safe, just finishing up some final testing and ensuring all works as expected. You should be able to see them in action within a few days.
Launch Final Audit
Our final audit from Obelisk is ready. We will be able to share it around Monday.
Based-Mai LP Alloc Points Reallocation
This week we launched our new $BASED-$MAI stable LP and have reallocated some of the rewards from the $BASED-$BSHARE LP pool. We have decided not to retire the $BASED-$BSHARE pool but to let it continue with a lower rewards allocation. Currently it has 1.5% daily APR & will continue so for the near future. We have increased the APR for the $BASED-$MAI pair to 2.8% daily which is higher than all the other pools.
Unlike our other LP farms, this pair is made through TombSwap, and as a result $TOMB directly benefits from fees on the swap & shares some of it with us. Larger trade volume on this pool is great for $TOMB which in turn is great for $BASED.
We want to emphasize that this LP has some pretty amazing power to support our peg. Now when you want to take some profits, instead of going $BASED > $TOMB > $USDC (which hurts our peg), you can swap $BASED for $MAI directly (not impacting the peg).
Details of Profit-Sharing
Our upcoming profit-sharing feature is nearly ready for launch! The Treasury department has been hard at work sourcing the best yields and investments for our funds. As a result, a substantial amount of profit has been generated through the treasurys’ endeavors.
A few of the initially available rewards include: Solid, Sex, Tshare, and Tomb. Stakers in this new pool will be eligible to receive all the rewards at the same time.
Some more facts about our new feature;
The first profit distribution pool will be receipt tokens acquired from users staking $BASED-TOMB lp on beefy. Investors will be able to earn auto compounding rewards while also receiving a percentage of revenue generated by the Treasury.
Deposit fees: 1% will be burned!
Decaying withdrawal fees: 7% gradually reduced to 0% in 7 days to encourage people to lock in their assets for longer.
$BSHARE boost — The liquidity pool will feature boosted rewards via additional $BSHARE given to bootstrap the initial deposit. The result is an even larger APR for the first few days of launch and unloyal stakers who withdraw after the boost will have to pay the decaying withdrawal fees which will increase the amount of $BASED burnt.
Competition Result
And finally, we would like to announce the results of the YouTube competition we posted this past week. Thank you all who submitted for supporting the project through your content.
Congratulations to: Arisa (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWfVZs8HfKI) and Kip @CryptoCareC (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jg0tawr-nnA). As per the rules of the submission you will need to provide proof of investing in $BASED at some point since launch.
We would like to take this opportunity to extend our thanks to our Based Community & the Tomb Finance team including Harry Yeh, Vinh Q. Vuong, and all the moderators from Tomb who have been supporting us throughout this journey.
Lastly, $TOMB on and Stay $BASED!
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basedfinance · 2 years
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basedfinance · 2 years
Based Friday April 29th 2022 Update 9
Hello Based Community!
As the markets continue their extreme volatility, we would like to continue emphasizing that we appreciate our awesome community! We’re thrilled to be able to continue offering relatively safe and high yields during these turbulent times. It’s because of you, our BASED community, that our peg remains protected.
New Project Milestones
● We reached epoch 300!
● ~25M $BASED in circulation
● ~23K $BSHARE in circulation (70% in the Acropolis)
Protocol GODS — Alpha
As we announced last week, Protocol GODS will allow our investors to use $BASED to mint, buy & sell NFTs on the new marketplace in development with Pod Town.
As our pilot mint with Titan God of Fire, Prometheus, drags closer and closer; we’re thrilled to share a little sneak peak at what’s to come: *NOT A FINAL PRODUCT, ARTWORK USED IS FILLER
Again, we are working with Arkin Tyagi, an extremely talented & well known artist in NFT circles. Things are well in motion and we know you’re all going to love this totally rad art that’s in production!
Instagram arkin tyagi (@_artkin_) • Instagram photos and videos Artstation ArtStation — Arkin Tyagi Behance arkin tyagi on Behance Twitter artkin (@ArkinTyagi) / Twitter
His nft project DeusX (deusxnft.com)
We’re absolutely thrilled about how everything is coming together and couldn’t be more excited to announce more, but that’s all we can share for now. Expect more updates and sneak peaks of the artwork in the near future.
Community Proposal #4: Parthenon Revamp
Thank you everyone for providing so many helpful suggestions for our profit-sharing feature in parthenon-suggestions. If you’ve been attentive to the discord thus far you may have seen this proposal by now:
OPTION A : Profit distribution 1 POOL — Deposit receipt tokens in it, keep getting rewards Lock period: choice of 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks Deposit tax: 1 Week lock — 1%, 2 weeks lock — 0.5%, 4 weeks lock — 0% Withdrawal tax: 1 Week lock — 7% to 0% overtime , 2 weeks lock — 14% to 0% overtime , 4 week lock — 28% to 0% overtime Rewards will be distributed once per week
OPTION B: Battle MULTIPLE POOLS — Deposit in the pools and only 1 pool gets all rewards for the week (distribution once per week) Lock period: 1 week | 2 weeks | 4 weeks Deposit tax: 0 for all pools Withdrawal tax: 1 week — 7% to 0 | 2 weeks — 14% to 0 | 4 weeks — 28% to 0 (BIGGEST TVL POOL WINS ) Win ratio can be calculated using multiplier: 1 Week lock pool — 1x multiplier | 2 weeks lock pool — 2x multiplier | 4 weeks lock pool — 4x multiplier (RANDOM POOL WINS) Multipliers are the same as for TVL win scenario
By an overwhelming majority, OPTION A has won the vote on discord. Some of the team feels that the options were worded oddly and that may call for a revote with a proposal that makes things a little bit easier to understand. We’re also concerned that of all 3,990 BSHARE holders, we got less than 200 total votes on the proposal. We’ll be going over this in our AMA tomorrow about how we will move forward.
We appreciate the community being so patient as we continue working hard to ship you better experiences and new opportunities to benefit from the Based Finance ecosystem.
Some Market News
$BSHARE has been getting lots of love from the top 1,000 FTM Whales! We’re consistently smashing that top 10 volume on FTM network. The Based Finance team is so proud that we’re providing consistent value to the community and that large investors appreciate what our protocol has to offer. We’ll continue pushing harder and stronger to provide better and higher quality experiences for all of our community.
UI Updates Coming
Here’s a little teaser for everyone on some design updates we have coming. These are unfinished samples, just a taste of what’s to come. We’re pushing to have a sleek and unique user experience that makes our protocol easy to understand and navigate. Expect more on this in the very near future.
We’re proud to announce that our very own OTC swapper will be going live within the next week. This will allow you to purchase and sell tokens on the market with 0 fees and will even be able to set standards such as a transaction that’s 50% bought on the market and 50% OTC. We’ll be waiting to hear from the community about what assets you want to be able to trade on our OTC market and will ship a detailed update when Katastima goes live.
Reminder of our guide to help you in these turbulent times.
We are still working hard on Protocol Drachma in the background. We’re going to be shipping more information in the coming weeks. I know that statement might sound like a broken record but we’re building something awesome and appreciate you all sticking with us. The utility for $BASED will continue to grow!
The team, treasury, community, and our partners are constantly working at keeping the peg close. Thanks again to everyone for the continued support. If you’re interested in some more alpha and a little bigger taste of what we’re working on, join us in our Discord tomorrow (April 30th, 2022) for a live voice AMA from a couple members of the team.
Lastly, $TOMB on and Stay $BASED!
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basedfinance · 2 years
Based Friday April 15th 2022
Hello Based Community!
Good Friday wishes from the Based Team to our community members who celebrate it. Past week was a challenging one for the general markets & for us. We have been battling the peg more often due to the lack of positive BTC momentum & crab markets. Yet with the help of our partners, our community & the treasury we have been maintaining healthy price action without drifting far off our peg. We hope this is the perfect time to let the community know more about our longer term road map & what we have started working on as part of our Phase 2.
Project Milestones Reached
It is a pleasure to share these milestones from this week
● Passed 260 epochs (250 was a major one)
● TVL is holding above 100mil
● Beefy Moonpot with boosted $BASED-$MAI pool launched
● Based 2 month anniversary
● Added new team member Erebus, new Titan & 2 new community moderators
● Whitelisted on Firebird Finance Dex
Treasury Restructuring & Team Mandatory Exposure
We would like to share some updates from our treasury & about our team wallets. The team at Based Finance have always put security at the forefront of our protocol. We have seen many protocols fall due to bad actors and malicious behavior and we pride ourselves for being able to provide a safe place for investors to put their hard earned money. As such we have recently undergone some restructuring of our treasury:
● We have created a new secure multisig wallet. The purpose of this wallet is to build up a ‘rainy-day’ emergency fund in the extreme case that our current treasury wallet was to be maliciously attacked.
● A starting sum (300,000$ USDC) has been transferred to this wallet, and a portion of future profits generated each week will be sent to this wallet and used to steadily build up the emergency fund.
● We have chosen this number to begin with to ensure we do not disrupt reward generation for our profit distribution feature.
● This wallet is secured by requiring 4 simultaneous signatories to operate.
Whilst the majority of our team have been heavy investors in based from the beginning, as the team is now growing we have decided to introduce a mandatory exposure requirement to $BASED and $BSHARE. The requirements are in place to advertise how much our core team has faith in Based Finance. The requirements are as follows:
● A minimum requirement of 15 $BSHARE for all members, Certain members have a higher minimum requirement of at least 45 $BSHARE
● A minimum requirement of 25k $BASED for all members, Certain members have a higher minimum requirement of at least 75k $BASED tokens.
The STATER allocations for the team members were also restructured & 1.5 STATER from each member was moved into the treasury leaving 1 each with team members.
Announcing Protocol GODS!
You are well aware that the Based team have always stressed on the fact that we are not just a ‘Tomb Fork’ but we will be releasing protocols which will be enriching & adding more value to our ecosystem & $BASED token. A core element of the BASED Ecosystem will be STATER which will share almost the same or even higher importance than the $BASED token. Owning STATER means owning a portion of the entire BASED ecosystem & getting a portion of revenue across all the protocols which will be released. For eg, currently STATER can be staked in our Agora to earn $BSHARE rewards.
Soon the community will be able to have access to STATER with the added benefit of it being an artistic marvel under Protocol GODS. Protocol GODS is a partnership between Based Finance & another veteran team on Fantom. You will get to own the GODS you are familiar with but would need $BASED to get them. These GODS will bestow upon you the benefits of STATER. Multiple announcements will be released on this in the coming week.
Announcing Protocol Drachma!
Protocol Drachma will be a separate standalone protocol which will be launched under the Based Ecosystem. It will have its own independent token & $BASED will be used by the protocol to boost its yield generation capabilities. It is too early to share more on this but $BASED, STATER & possible $TOMB will play significant roles in Protocol Drachma.
Team AMA
There are some other important developments going on in the extended Based-Tomb ecosystem which will be significantly beneficial to our community. We are super hyped about it & waiting for the greenlight to share the news. Meanwhile, the Based Team is considering doing an AMA. We will open a discord channel in order to collect feedback, potential questions & decide on how to do this as per the suggestions of the community.
Conclusion & upcoming Profit Distribution
This week the treasury has distributed profits worth 75,000 on Athena’s Spoils. We apologize for the confusing UI elements that were present in the previous Parthenon page. Although we are giving away free money on top of the beefy APR, we understand that the fees & the tax on withdrawal may have made some in our community uncomfortable. The team has decided to make significant changes to the Profit Distribution feature & will be opening a channel to collect community feedback on specific implementation details.
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basedfinance · 2 years
Based Friday April 1st 2022 Update 5
Hello Based Community!
Wow, yet another week with $BASED remaining well above peg! The community never fails to amaze us with the support they are showing for the project. The final phase of expansion was reached this week, further reducing the inflation of $BASED. Once again we tested our peg and unsurprisingly we immediately shot back above the peg without the need for team/treasury intervention. The treasury is growing exponentially, and in the unlikely case that $BASED goes under-peg for an extended period of time the team has generated ample funds for support. Once again, Thank you everyone for your continued love and support.
Project Milestones for this week:
● Zap contracts completed
● Completed audit with Obelisk
● Last phase of expansion
● Hit epoch 200
Profit Distribution:
The long awaited profit distribution feature is nearly here!
Profit Distribution Guide:
(do NOT attempt to follow the steps now, feature is not yet available)
Detailed steps on how you can earn with profit distribution:
Make based-tomb lp on spookyswap: https://spookyswap.finance/add/0x6c021Ae822BEa943b2E66552bDe1D2696a53fbB7/0 x8D7d3409881b51466B483B11Ea1B8A03cdEd89ae
Deposit in beefy vaults: https://app.beefy.finance/#/fantom/vault/based-based-tomb Alternatively you may use the zap function to bypass step 1. Users will be able to zap with $TOMB or $BASED.
Users will receive the mooBased-Tomb receipt tokens, which auto-accrue interest; currently (6000%apy)
Users should deposit mooBased-Tomb receipt tokens into the Profit Distribution contract (via the relevant staking pool on our UI), and will pay 1% deposit fees. Users will now be able to earn a share of the treasury’s profits which are currently: $SOLID, $TOMB, $TSHARE, and $BSHARE. On top of this, stakers will still be taking advantage of the high APY and auto compounding of the mooBased-Tomb LP on Beefy Finance.
Click claim to claim all 4 tokens to your wallet. We will be distributing the rewards multiple times throughout the day.
Users will be able to choose the amount of time they wish to keep their lp in the pool. However, to maximize rewards we recommend keeping tokens in the pool for a sufficient amount of time to avoid paying steep withdrawal tax (7% decaying to 0% over 7 days). If you decide to exit early, you have to burn these tokens and pay the fees!
All the fees will auto-burn the mooTokens. MooTokens accrue rewards in real time so they will become a blackhole that grows forever => the amount of liquidity burned will grow forever over time.
Beefy Moonpot:
Did you think that was the last bit of excitement for Based Friday? Just wait, we have some alpha left to share…
Many of you have asked about our MAI pools being added to TombSwap. Well our new partnership with Beefy Moonpot will provide this possibility, plus incentives to drive more liquidity to the pair! More news will come later this week as the team finishes up some final steps.
We also have a complete revamp of our website UI on its way. It may be happening closer to the release of our new protocols, but we can guarantee that it’s 🔥
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There is something the devs are working on soon to create a utility for Based. Something that has to do with Staters, Nfts & may be something more to have fun with… Any guesses?
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Our partnership with $TOMB continues to grow stronger, especially with our upcoming addition of MAI pools to TombSwap. We have over $100M TVL, nearly 12k $BSHARE locked in the acropolis, and TWAP has almost entirely remained above 1.1. $TOMB has been flirting with its peg all week and is continuing to see healthy growth. Huge thanks to our community and our team members for another successful week!
Lastly, $TOMB on and Stay $BASED!
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basedfinance · 2 years
$TOMB on and Stay $BASED
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basedfinance · 2 years
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basedfinance · 2 years
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basedfinance · 2 years
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basedfinance · 2 years
TIKTOK Competition! 
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basedfinance · 2 years
Welcome to $BASED
1. What is $BASED and why FTM and TOMB?
$BASED is an algorithmic token pegged to $TOMB. The protocol’s underlying mechanism dynamically adjusts $BASED supply, pushing its price up or down relative to the price of $TOMB. Based finance is a multi-token protocol which consists of the following three tokens: -BASED ($BASED). -BASED Shares ($BSHARE) -BASED Bonds ($BBOND)
We are not a traditional fork of $TOMB. Following recent rugs from protocols such as: Frozen Finance, Shovel, Casper, etc.. and the low effort, copy-paste forks which, due to their poor tokenomics and lack of fundementals are plaguing the market, we believe that we have created something completely revolutionary. This has been done by merging the successful existing seigniorage algorithms with our enhanced tokenomics and launch procedure, as well as multiple use cases for our main token $BASED.
2. Pegged to TOMB
TOMB is the original seigniorage system that has been successfully running for months. As such, we want to support their protocol by pegging $BASED to $TOMB, henceforth providing new use cases for $TOMB, as well as increasing $TOMB’s liquidity on the Fantom ecosystem. Consequently, exposing ourselves to $TOMB also means exposing us to its recent success. As a strong $TOMB supporter, we can attract investors that originated from $TOMB, by providing space for their $TOMB lp’s in Based Finance. Furthermore, endorsements from key figures in the community such as Harry Yeh or FTMalerts will push our success even further. Yes, $TOMB is $BASED and $BASED is $TOMB
3. Launching on FTM
The $BASED algorithmic token serves as the backbone of a rapidly growing ecosystem aimed towards bringing liquidity and new use cases to the Opera network. Following the recent hype on FTM with Daniele and Andre Cronje Launching ve(3,3) (a protocol aimed at supporting upcoming DApp’s in the ecosystem), we believe that now is the perfect time to launch. That being said, we are not simply borrowing this hype to bootstrap our protocol, we aim to become at least a Top 20 player and will ensure that the Fantom Network keeps thriving.
4. Simply not a Tomb Fork?
As our team consists of successful investors in DeFi, we understand that Tomb’s success was hard fought as they originally faced major setbacks. Still, there were 2 main reasons why they ultimately succeeded. Harry Yeh’s continuous backing and development on TOMB’s use cases. The majority of Tomb forks currently active may seem as if they are doing well due to their ponzi APRs, but this is not sustainable as incoming capital will be outweighed by inflation if use cases are not being introduced. A good effort to stop this inevitable outcome is 2omb finance’s implementation of more LPs options as well as partnership with Beefy and their future launch of 3omb.
However, Based Finance’s use cases will greatly outshine any others that you have seen! Firstly, we are building a launchpad for our first supporting meme token, $CHAD. $CHAD will have a liquidity pair with $BASED, meaning that you need to Hold $BASED to purchase $CHAD. Furthermore, it shall be a reflection token following a DeFi 3.0 model, emitting rewards such as: $TOMB, $BOO, $SPIRIT, $HEC, $SPA, $BEET, $ATLAS, $KEK, $BSGG, etc. We are also planning on implementing a new bonding system that brings us protocol-owned liquidity. Disclaimer, we will not simply fork OHM as we believe the market is already saturated with OHM features. We are going to build a completely new mechanism, which will come out in the next month(s) if our protocol succeeds. All the new protocols will have $BASED as liquidity and will require $BASED to participate in the presale or trading, immensely improving $BASED utility. More info on use cases will be provided in future articles and updates!
$TOMB on and Stay $BASED
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basedfinance · 2 years
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