#& ㅤ * ㅤ character study ㅤ ╰    ㅤ alexia branson  .
hedonisticdelight · 4 years
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how are you ruined?
ruined by trauma
you cannot get over the past. you are constantly remembering, never forgetting. you cant live in the moment because the moment is not what brought you here. you are birthed, raised, and killed in the past. you will never get over what was done to you, be it big or be it small. you cannot escape what you refuse to confront.
tagged by: @survivingpierce​
tagging: @ all of y’all
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hedonisticdelight · 4 years
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BOLD    whatever  applies  to  your  muse.    ITALICISE    the  ones  that  can  only  happen  in  other  verses.    Repost,    don’t  reblog.
been  cheated  on.    been  bullied.    had  your  heart  broken.   broken  someone’s  heart.   told  a  horrible  lie.   been  betrayed.    been  framed  /  set  up.    stolen  something  of  value.    overdosed  on  drugs.    been  drunk.   cheated.    bullied.    been  publicly  humiliated.    punched  someone  in  the  face.    been  beaten  up.   broken  a  bone.    been  admitted  to  hospital.    put  someone  in  the  hospital.    had  a  near - death  experience.    been  drugged.    done  drugs.    smoked.    been  arrested.    been  homeless.    been  forced  to  commit  a  crime.   died  and  come  back  to  life.   kissed  someone  you  weren’t  attracted  to.    bled  severely.    killed  someone.    been  forced  to  kill  someone.    had  an  attempt  on  your  life.    made  an  attempt  on  your  own  life.   lost  someone. loved  someone.   watched  a  loved  one  die.    failed  to  save  /  help  a  loved  one.    felt  helpless.   watched  your  world  die  /  disappear.    had  your  life’s  work  stolen  /  destroyed.    gone  without  food  for  over  three  days.   gone  without  sleep  for  over  three  days.   been  tortured.   been  shot.    been  stabbed.    been  poisoned.    been  held  prisoner.    been  trapped.    been  buried  alive.    been  held  hostage.    held  someone  hostage.    been  stuck  in  a  different  world  /  universe  /  time.    been  slapped  /  punched  by  a  parent  or  higher  up.   been  abused  by  someone  who  should  have  loved  /  appreciated  /  valued  you.   had  a  panic  attack.    had  night  terrors.    been  in  a  car  accident.    lost  your  job.   lost  a  fight.    had  sex  with  a  stranger.    been  divorced.    been  abandoned.   passed  out  from  pain.   cried  yourself  to  sleep.    spent  a  whole  day  in  bed.    hurt  yourself.    taken  your  anger  out  on  yourself.    taken  your  anger  out  on  someone  you  love.    been  used.    been  manipulated.    felt  used.    manipulated  someone  else.   had  your  memories  /  mind  wiped,  stolen,  or  tampered  with.    been  taken  over  by  a  hostile  force.   been  terrified.   played  a  cruel  game  on  someone.   been  forced  to  smile.    felt  too  many  things  at  once.   laughed  when  you  felt  like  crying.    been  in  denial.    been  denied.    faced  your  demons.
tagged by: @argentbled​
tagging: @survivingpierce​ @impossiblealpha-dhale​ @ofblcssxms​ @anyone else who wants to!
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hedonisticdelight · 4 years
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                  ❝  ―  𝐓𝐎  𝐖𝐇𝐎𝐌  𝐃𝐎𝐄𝐒  𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑  𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓  𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 ?
your heart belongs to your lover
you were never loved as much as you deserved growing up. your heart catches fire when you feel the love of another now, and when you return that love you do so with the full force of your soul. to you, love is like air, your lungs are begging for it with every beat of your heart. you are passionate to the end, you embody the bones of your ancestors who were buried together. you are just as loved as you are human.
tagged by: @notamonster​
tagging: anyone who wants to do it
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hedonisticdelight · 4 years
TAG DROP        ————-       ROUND ONE      *    ALEXIA BRANSON
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