#& alek 007
destinedgray · 1 year
Time: Depends on Alek Location: Parco Savello Characters: @alekgray​​ & @destinedgray​​​
Sleeping at night was difficult. It wasn’t just the... unfamiliarity of the Pyramid, with all it’s new voices and the absence of old. It wasn’t just grief of loss, the uncertainty of Octavian, the unbalance of everything as of late as he tried to figure out how to help the druids. His life felt hollowed out. Evy by his side was a comfort, as was the idea of having Rowan back. But nothing felt right, nothing would have ever feel right without Alek. It was what had Andreas tossing and turning, interrupting every productive thought that he could have with the same intrusive questions over and over: What is Alek doing? What am I supposed to do about it? He didn’t know, not until another idea had hammered into his skull so much that it finally hit him with sense. Andreas had been worrying about a way to convince Octavian to ally with the fey and lycans against the Necromonicon, to have the Archdruid put all thoughts of the Senate away until the greatest threat was dealt with first. Union. Andreas had been looking for alliance and union and making other people like Octavian go get it for him. But Octavian wasn’t the only one who could figure out a way to speak diplomatically. Octavian certainly wasn’t the one with an Alpha for a little brother. And if Andreas couldn’t find union within his own family, then how could he ever hope to help find union for the druids?
He’d arrived on wings, almost the whole hamlet of lycans seemingly asleep beneath him at dawn. Andreas only stopped at Alek’s door and knocked once, expecting that would be enough to get the alpha’s attention from wherever his bedroom was in the building. “We need to talk,” Andreas said on the other side, making no effort to speak at more than a conversational volume. His brother’s hearing would be immense. “Parco Savello. I don’t care what time... Just text me.” Somewhere public, somewhere peaceful, somewhere very neutral. Andreas didn’t wait for a response and he left immediately, hopeful regardless. His brother knew him enough to know he’d just stubbornly insist every single day until it was finally done. 
Andreas was later quick to come once he recieved confirmation. His speed was relentless, almost as much as his impatience and nerves. Avoiding the sight of humans to shed his wings and feathers, he waited and watched the crows gathering on the lawn before he heard those familiar footfalls behind him. “Alek,” he greeted, voice subdued. “Alpha, politician,” he listed the titles off tiredly, calmly. “Brother... Can we do this in civilized manner?”
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fc6 · 4 years
2, 7, 14, 20, 77 for miller boys. 28, 31, 90 for aleks. 72, 81 for alyona. AND. 14, 31 for franciszek >:3c
002. Do they do anything to celebrate their birthday?
Yes! They like to get together, grill for lunch/dinner, and generally hang out. The grilling is literally because the three of them can’t decide on a restaurant, and Rome is kind enough to get vegan grilling options for Elijah to make everyone happy. Elijah and Rome hate parties, but Marcus is always down for a birthday bash. 
007. Is your character an optimist or a pessimist?
Marcus and Elijah are definitely optimists, but I’d say Rome borders on being a pessimist for sure.
014. Detail one secret shame your character feels.
This is hard... Uhhh. Elijah has a lot of shame from his teenage years, Marcus is shameless, and Rome hasn’t felt shame since he was like 21. 
020. What are their hobbies?
Rome likes to record podcasts and conspiracy videos, as well as being SUPER into movies. Marcus is very passionate about fitness to the point that he’s like an annoying jock personality type in Animal Crossing. Elijah’s only hobbies are praying and gardening like he’s an old Catholic woman.
077. How often do they cry? Over what?
Rome, again, hasn’t cried since he was like 21. And that was over the death of a loved one that really fucked him up, so I wouldn’t use him as a good source of relatability. Marcus cries a pretty average amount, but it takes something pretty sad to get the tears flowing. Elijah cries fairly easily and often. Nearly every time he prays about something even a little sensitive, you can expect to see a few tears. Death in the church, someone he never personally spoke to before? He’s crying. Favorite TV show character died? He’s crying. 
028. What makes them laugh out loud?
Isa’s jokes, first of all, will always get a hardy laugh from Aleks. He has to make sure she knows she’s funny, even if he didn’t get the joke at all. But things that make him genuinely laugh are usually well thought out jokes and puns that take a little bit of time for the delivery. He doesn’t laugh at random humor, so like 80% of the memes Arkadi shoves in his face gets him the -_- expression in response.
031. Are they superstitious about anything?
Anything? Everything. Okay but seriously I’d say he’s really just plain paranoid if you want to call him anything!
090. How bodily expressive is your character?
Aleks talks with his arms, not just his hands. You know how the Wii remote tells you to use the strap so you don’t accidentally fling it at your belongings? Aleks needs a strap, but like, for his whole being. He just flings his arms wildly the more dramatic a story gets, and don’t even get me started on when he’s angry. Pacing, tossing his arms around. Even sitting down; he just manspreads and sits up/back really far during certain parts of a conversation. He’s awful. 
072. In a Dungeons & Dragons game, which class would your character be? (wizard, fighter, bard, priest, ranger, etc.)
Alyona is 100% a ranger class and I shall not give context.
081. Is your character religious?
Absolutely! Alyona is Jewish and very open about it! She won’t shove it in your face, but she’s not keen on hiding her religious worldview and certainly won’t keep you on as a friend if you make a fuss about it.
014. Detail one secret shame your character feels.
Franciszek fucked up by nearly cheating on his wife (now ex-wife), and although he didn’t go through with it, planning to cheat isn’t any better. He’s really good friends with his ex-wife now but man... not a good decision-making moment for him.
031. Are they superstitious about anything?
General superstitious things!! Breaking mirrors, walking under ladders, spilling salt. He’s not very hardcore about it, though. 
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shoelace-noose · 5 years
#007 | Consequences
Alek Ward/Sonny Carisi. Alek is angry.
Word Count: 542
Has he breathed? It’s hard to remember. His heartbeat is loud and his hands are cold and he feels a little dizzy. Alone in the apartment, buried in anger, a cold glock in his hand. He doesn’t think he fired it. But it’s hard to be sure. He had a lot to drink before Sonny came home, he thinks.
He stares at the smattering of red drops on the tile floor. The splatter isn’t enough for a gunshot, and it trails, moves, follows a smear on the wall in the shape of a dragged hand. And he follows it too, careful not to step in or touch the mess. Heavy, heavy, the gun guides him in every step and pushes him toward the bathroom where he can hear a faint voice. Sonny’s voice. Low and ragged and panicked. Talking to someone and saying he needs somewhere to go, fast, but he silences when Alek throws his shoulder against the door and pops open the weak lock. He picks up the phone, hangs up, and raises his arm to stare at Sonny’s wet eyes down the barrel of the police issue gun.
Palms with scarlet staining them, like the counter and the phone screen, messy with an attempt to rectify a bloody nose raise in surrender and Sonny follows Alek’s gesturing back out into the hall and toward the bedroom. That’s when the tears and the words come back full force, grating and loud and too much and Alek wants to scream at him to shut up but instead he gets them into their room and slams the door shut behind them. Alone, the way they always ought to be.
Alek does not share. Not with the blonde detective whose desk is covered in baby pictures. Not with the uniformed officer who always brings Sonny coffee. Not with the legal aide who blushes when Sonny smiles at her. And certainly not with whoever was on the phone, plotting with him to leave. He doesn’t get to leave. He belongs to Alek.
“On your knees,” he drawls, trying not to let the hand on the gun waver. He isn’t weak, he reminds himself, waiting for Sonny to obey before using the end of the barrel to tilt up his chin so Sonny can look him in the eyes. “You know I love you, sweetheart, and I want you to be happy. But I have rules for a reason, to keep you safe.”
“I know.”
“And you know you aren’t allowed to go undercover.”
“I know, Alek, I’m sorry-”
“Sorry isn’t good enough!”
Sonny flinches and there are tears on his cheeks again, dripping down the beginnings of a black eye. But he stays. And when Alek holds his hand out for his badge, Sonny provides it just as easily as he had his gun. He knows not to argue, especially not when he’s already in trouble.
“I’m going to take your phone too. In the meanwhile, take a shower, clean yourself up. Then I want your mess in the living room fixed. After that, if I’m a little calmer, I’ll let you take a nap. I know you’re tired, aren’t you, sweetheart?”
Nodding, Sonny shuts his eyes and waits for Alek to release him.
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listeliyi · 7 years
via Gizli kəşfiyyata QIZ AGENTLƏR AXTARILIR: tələb olunan özəlliklər FİKİRLƏŞDİYİNİZ DEYİL - VİDEO http://ift.tt/eA8V8J İngiltərənin Gizli Kəşfiyyat Xidməti (Secret Intelligence Service) və yaxud məşhur adı ilə MI6 (Military Intelligence, Section 6) reklam filmi üçün kişi və qadın agentlər axtarır. Agentlər qarşısında qoyulan əsas tələb Ceyms Bond (Ceyms Bond, həmçinin Agent 007 Yan Fleminqin kitabları əsasında çəkilmiş çoxsaylı filmlərdə uydurma ingilis casusu və qəhrəmanı – red.) kimi “dəbdəbəli və elit” olmamaqdır. MI6-nın axtardığı agentlər həmçinin digər tələblərə də cavab verməlidir. Onlar fərqli mədəniyyətlərlə tanış olmalı, fərqli insanlarla məşğul olmağı bacarmalı, başqalarının duyğularını oxuya bilməli, insanlarla əlaqə yaratmaq və onları motivasiya etmək qabiliyyətinə sahib olmalı və daha böyük hədəflər üçün bir komandanın parçası olaraq işləyə bilməlidir. MI6reklam filmi üçün ilk dəfədir ki, agentlər seçir. Filmin kinoteatrlarda bir ay ərzində nümayiş etdiriləcəyi bildirilir. Dünən “The Guardian” qəzetinə danışan MI6-nın rəhbəri Aleks Yanger gizli xidmətin “dəbdəbəli və elit” imicini dəyişdirmək istədiyini söyləyib. Kəşfiyyat şefi qaradərili və asiyalı İngiltərə vətəndaşlarının da təşkilata qatılması üçün xüsusi səy göstəriləcəyini deyib. MI6 yaxın illərdə tərkibinin genişləndirmək niyyətindədir. Ümumilikdə, təşkilatın agentlərin 3500-ə çatdırılması nəzərdə tutulur.
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