#& calanthe ( lionorsa )
skllger · 5 years
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           Eist Tuirseach and Calanthe never bore children. Some claimed that the Lioness of Cintra – for whom this was her second marriage – was incapable of granting an heir due to her advanced age. However, those closest to Eist knew better. The islander never wished to father a child – not after witnessing what power resided within Calanthe's daughter, Pavetta. In the veins of Cintrian royalty flowed the Elder Blood, which he believed would not mix well with the hot temper so characteristic of Skelligers.
                         WHAT IT COULD HAVE BEEN OF US
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tomaen · 4 years
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❝ Aunt Cali ? ❞   He is nearly a man grown, five-and-ten already  Her Pavetta is of an age with him and she is already a wife, and going to be a mother !  but he cannot help the childish sense of uncertainty that fills him :  He has never cared for change, and the whole world seems to be changing around him. With Pavetta keeping secrets from him, with her marrying a man so much older than her, and Calanthe herself remarrying, everything in his life feels suddenly unstable.  ( He is no longer sure where he fits among them ).
❝ I would have told you, if I’d known. She tells me things, usually, but she didn’t tell me about him, I swear. Please don’t be cross with me. ❞
♚ ∴ ┊ @lionorsa​ LIKED FOR A STARTER !
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brac-archived · 5 years
✏ 👀❤
@lionorsa gets a doodle!
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starfrckled-a · 4 years
@lionorsa​ said  :   ❝  i don’t...i don’t wanna go yet.  ❞ (   injury  /  hurt prompts  :  accepting   )
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𝙼𝙰𝙶𝙸𝙲 𝚃𝙰𝙺𝙴𝚂 𝙰𝚂 𝙼𝚄𝙲𝙷 𝙰𝚂 𝙸𝚃 𝙰𝙻𝙻𝙾𝚆𝚂,  it is only fair trade,  as cruel as it might seem,  a balance that has to be carefully set.  don’t ask for more than you ought , the reminder is not lost on him,  not even now,  as he can feel his heartbeat drumming against his temples,  chest tightening in a familiar way,  as energy seeps out faster than he would like.  yet his eyes are focused,  clear blue,  trained on the wound on her side,  both his hands steady,  working through movements repeated time and time again.  only when she speaks does he look up again and there is no room for empty reassurances in his gaze,  just certainty  :  her face is slowly regaining color,  although the queen’s eyes remain glossed over by fever and Mousesack can finally release the breath he had been holding for the last five seconds or so. «  good.  because you are not going anywhere,  your majesty.  »    his smile is a faint one,  but no less relieved for it.  one day this won’t be enough,  one day their luck might very well run out,  and some of the stars in the sky will shine less brightly,  but today death’s doors are closed shut and so they will remain,  if has any say in it,  so the thought can be brushed aside this time.  as mindful of boundaries as ever,  the druid does not take her hand in his,  only slightly brushes her skin,  the touch soft and brief,  yet it conveys how much he has come to sincerely care for her well being.
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griefprofiled · 5 years
@lionorsa from anne bc omg
It always happened slowly, with dreams and flashes of memories that she ignored until she couldn't anymore. The wheel turned, and she remembered. Over and over and over. The lady-in-waiting she had been this time around was simply a shell to be shed-- a false self to protect her until it was time to remember. Meredith was no longer, shed like a snake skin. Anne remained in her place, still the same person but with the memories that defined her.
"Your majesty." Green dress swept out against the floor as she deferred suitably before standing straight again-- as if her very core had transformed overnight into something much less deferential and much more stately. The tilt of her head as she smiled wasn't one that spoke of being inferior to anyone, even a queen. "You know, I envy you." The thin, barely there scar around her neck grew by the moment. "Here you are, no one could take your head if they tried--" The point, remembered. "I need a Mage. Please."
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elysianfell · 4 years
— ♡ true love never has endings [ geralt x calanthe ] :: lionorsa — ♡ here [ geralt x name ] :: url
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—    BASICS.
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▸     IS    YOUR    MUSE    TALL    /    SHORT    /    AVERAGE ? She’s 5′ 6′’. She’s got some leg to her XD but I say average-tol?
▸      ARE    THEY    OKAY    WITH    THEIR    HEIGHT ? Ciri has no problem with it. She gets to jump on Vesemir’s and Geralt’s back on the time cause they are tol!
▸      WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE ? Ashen white, like snow. She likes to keep it long, to the middle of her back, but often you will find it in  a bun on the back of her head with some loose strange around her face. She will also braid her hair as it is useful to keep hair out of her face.
▸     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING ? Yes and No. It depends on the occasion. If she has to do something special, then she’ll take the time to make it look nice. If its for travel, she just throws it up and makes sure its out of the way.
▸      DOES   YOUR   MUSE   CARE   ABOUT   THEIR   APPEARANCE   /   WHAT    OTHERS    THINK ? Ciri is a princess, with or without a kingdom, she still likes to look nice. Sometimes she’ll take a lot of time on it, other times its just a little bit. But it all depends on the situation as well.
▸     INDOORS    OR    OUTDOORS ? ▸     RAIN    OR    SUNSHINE ? ▸     FOREST   OR    BEACH ? ▸     PRECIOUS    METALS  OR    GEMS ? ▸     FLOWERS    OR    PERFUMES ? ▸     PERSONALITY  OR    APPEARANCE ? ▸     BEING    ALONE    OR    BEING    IN    A    CROWD ? ▸     ORDER    OR    ANARCHY ? ▸     PAINFUL    TRUTHS    OR   WHITE    LIES ? ▸     SCIENCE    OR    MAGIC ? ▸     PEACE    OR    CONFLICT ? ▸     NIGHT    OR    DAY ? ▸     DUSK    OR   DAWN ? ▸     WARMTH    OR    COLD ? ▸     MANY   ACQUAINTANCES    OR    A    FEW    CLOSE    FRIENDS ? ▸     READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME ?
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS ? Ciri has a problem with being a little reckless, and she can be unruly. No one can control her, she’s a very wild adult who needs her own freedom. But that can lead to that recklessness, especially if she is doing something to protect someone. She will also be self-sacrificing if she has to to save those close to her. 
▸      HAS    YOUR    MUSE    LOST    ANYONE    CLOSE    TO    THEM ?      HOW    HAS    IT    AFFECTED    THEM ? Why too many and way too often. The first most painful loss was her Grandmama, which she literally felt in her chest when she died. Over the time, she has lost many she has cared for, including a woman she had come to love (Mistle) and others along the way. She almost lost Geralt and Yennefer as well, and all of this causes the Trauma and PTSD she has to deal with. She still suffers from nightmares and little triggers like the smell of blood at certain times which will lead her back to the slaughter of Cintra when her grandmama died.
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    FOND    MEMORIES    YOUR    MUSE    HAS ?   Her time with her Grandmama, she always holds those dear. There’s also the training with Geralt and Vesemir as a little child. Triss when she helped her when there were no other women around. Meeting Yennefer and finding a mother in her. Getting Kelpie, time with Resa, there are so many good memories she has with her adopted family, and those with Calanthe that she holds onto tightly.
▸     IS    IT    EASY    FOR    YOUR    MUSE    TO    KILL ? If she has to, she will. But she will not kill innocent. Those who abuse, who murder without remorse, those who don’t care who they hurt, she will take out of the way if they try to hurt her, or she witnesses them hurting someone and she comes to their aid. She will fight and kill if she has to to protect her family. Killing isn’t her first resort, but it is if she is going to protect someone.
▸      WHAT’S    IT    LIKE    WHEN    YOUR    MUSE    BREAKS    DOWN ? She will hide from others, she doesn't want anyone to see her this way. Often times she will hide in a corner, trying to disappear from the room. She curls into herself and tries to keep quiet when breaking down, but those who know her will know what is going on.
▸      IS    YOUR    MUSE    CAPABLE    OF    TRUSTING    SOMEONE    WITH    THEIR    LIFE ? Yes, but it takes a while to build such a trust. There are several people she automatically trusts, such as Vesemir, Eskel, Lambert, and of course, naturally, there is Geralt, Dandelion, Triss, and Yennefer who are like parents to her. Those others, they must develop a bond and friendship before she can think of that.
▸      WHAT’S    YOUR    MUSE    LIKE    WHEN    THEY’RE    IN    LOVE ?
Ciri will do anything, and I mean anything to protect the one she loves. She’s is also a very soft woman, despite all the scars and her tough exterior. She likes to be close, to hold someone. She is very physical in the aspect that she will often touch your hand, your face, she has to remind herself that this is real.
TAGGED  BY : @cealach​ indirectly TAGGING :  @utternocries​, @lionorsa​, @cyruliik​, @ascendedchaos​, @fearlessmerigcld​, @fourmarksmage​, @mutagent​, @etgramen​, @lyricalxtales​, and everyone else
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munadaria · 4 years
Me: someone gift Ella a kitten and she's beyond happy.
Ada: Calanthe gifting her Rhena's cub.
Me: proceeds to go on a rant about how this directly symbolises the acceptance of Ella as part of the family and becoming one of them.
So y'all can thank @lionorsa for this and the headcanon that will follow eventually.
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cireaella-blog · 5 years
@lionorsa ♥︎’d for a starter.
she has naught but a few days -- perhaps even less -- before the hunt arrives at the steps of kaer morhen. the precious hours that were lost to the power she was forced to use could all but decide the fate of nearly everyone she loves. 
a heavy burden that ciri has carried for years.
in her blood. 
yennefer, geralt, triss, vesemir --
ciri fears to embrace them too tightly lest tomorrow they vanish.
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through the doors of the keep, geralt has promised her one final surprise.
what lies beyond it is something -- someone -- ciri could not ever expect to possibly believe within her own perception.
impossible. it cannot be.
she would be foolish to think one push of the door could traverse the fabrics of time like this --an apparition, she is not. flesh and blood, a pulse she could feel within her own if her head knew no better, a touch she could still feel if she wished hard enough.
an illusion?
does she dream it?
it matters little; ciri’s eyes already sting with the blur of tears. into calanthe’s arms she runs, as hard and as fast as her legs have ever carried her.
“ grandmama... !!! grandmama !! it is you, it is truly you....”
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minnewedd · 4 years
so would y’all hate me if calanthe went back to @lionorsa again
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zagubionywilk · 5 years
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                  >> ⚔️ <<                 ❝             I DID WHAT I COULD.    i don’t need to be told,  most of all by   YOU    how much i   failed.   i know,  calanthe.          ❞           he murmurs,  jaw tight.  he had   ENOUGH   of her blaming’s in his   dreams    ------------    he didn’t wish for the real thing.
@lionorsa​ ​ /  ⚔️
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skllger · 5 years
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                                          I  MUST PERFORM MY MARITAL DUTIES. 
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lionorsa-a · 5 years
hi lionorsa!!! would you mind me asking what is the thing about the name 'riannon'? it is calanthe's last name, but pavetta doesn't seem to use it (going by pavetta fiona elen), yet ciri does use it? (cirilla fiona elen riannon) is there a reason for this? was it ever explained? thank you!
Hello!! I will be SUPER happy to clarify.
So basically, Riannon is NOT their last name. It is Calanthe’s third, and Ciri’s fourth name. Pavetta doesn’t use it, because she was never given it. I don’t know why Calanthe and Pavetta have three names and Ciri has four, probably because whoever was naming her was feeling extra haha.
The name Riannon is given to both Calanthe and Ciri to honour their ancestor, Riannon, daughter of Lara Dorren, princess of Redania and queen of Temeria. 
Their LAST NAME, however, is RAVEN! So they are Calanthe Fiona Riannon Raven, Pavetta Fiona Elen Raven, and Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon Raven. Try saying it quick without taking a breath.
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starfrckled-a · 4 years
I will very likely open the requests again in the future,  but for now it seems a safe choice to stop at three request muses.  I deleted the previous post,  but took a screenshot of the latest suggestions,  so I can still consider them in the future. on request muses added  :  george pevensie  (   chronicles of narnia   )  ,  by @aeternitie    /    gerion lannister  (   asoiaf   )  ,  by @rhaelluna  &  @marblecarved​    /    roegner of ebbing  (   the witcher   )  ,  by @lionorsa​ how does this work  ?   request muses aren’t too different from regular muses,  but they are more private, so they won’t interact with muses outside their own fandom. tagged people aside,  interactions will require at least a bare minimum of plotting first,  even memes,  so hmu beforehand.  another important thing,  in case the muse requested is involved in a relationship,  the only portrayal I am going to interact with is the one written by the requester  (   in this case, I will not interact with any other portrayal of helen and calanthe   ).  please respect this.
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"just… come back alive, okay?”
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gaze softened as he glanced up, meeting the emerald coloured eyes of his queen, the one that managed to get the best and worst out of him and yet keep him at bay. she worried, rightfully so. times were trying, nilfgaard’s destruction caused by its army causing havoc on their way up north, with cintra on the way as well. geralt worried as well, despite knowing that calanthe could more than handle it. 
approaching her, he gingerly took her hand in his, placing a chaste kiss on top of it. “don’t worry, my queen. it’ll need a lot to bring me down. i’ll be back before you know it.”
@lionorsa​          /          meme from ages ago.
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rekakrola · 5 years
vernon roche did not like surprises. && he liked them even less when everyone else around him seemed to be IN ON THE SECRET. so when his men simply told him to 'come see what they found for himself' with little else explanation, he was not, it could be said, in the finest of moods. his reed pen was thrown back down to the half-plotted map, the shavings smacked off of his surcoat. he was FAR too busy for silly games; but the wraith-white face of the officer that'd came to him was too pertinent to ignore.
each stride of sturdy boots was terse, irritable; the edges of his heels clipped deep into the moss. the messenger struggled to keep up pace, taking two steps for every one of the commander's. the younger man tried to speak, a breath taken in && a syllable started - but vernon cut him off with a sharply raised hand.
the crimson cross that emblazoned the flaps of the medic's tent was sliced in half as the two men pushed their way inside. the huddle of azure uniforms around a cot at the end was telling, && vernon made his way directly to it. ❝out of my way,❞ he muttered, more absently than angrily as he shouldered through the men that were ogling as much as they were guarding. it was a woman lying there; pale as death, && elder.
the realisation punched vernon in the chest, && he managed to croak out, ❝for melitele's sake...❞ QUEEN CALANTHE. calanthe, fished from the river like a common drowned peasant? dear gods, he'd heard of cintra's plight, but...
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❝everybody that doesn't have to stay by duty, out. now.❞ though he spoke quietly, the men heard; several filtered out of the tent until the medic was left crouched over another man near the front, and vernon was left standing over the queen. should he move her to his tent? they would have to prepare one for her alone. would she live? should he send word to foltest? one hand moved to crush against his mouth.
❝dear gods.❞
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