#& her name is gazala.
musecraft · 2 years
🪐 — RAHIM + GAZALA BRAVARD  /  @enclovir​  :
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rahim’s parents were originally from algeria,  &  they both came from large families themselves, the majority of which still reside in algeria.  rahim’s parents were both free thinkers who valued education  &  didn’t believe in god, which often put them at odds with their very religious  &  conservative family members  —  as well as the very religious  &  conservative government.  motivated in large part by their desire to raise their son  &  any other children they might have in a nation where they would be free to decide their own religion  &  lifestyle, they emigrated to france when rahim was still very young. but rahim’s parents were not the only outliers in their family.  rahim’s maternal aunt had a daughter named gazala, who also dreamed of a life outside of algeria.  inspired by seeing her aunt  &  uncle move abroad to pursue more freedom for their children  &  themselves, gazala began looking for opportunities for herself that could let her move abroad.  it wasn’t long before gazala was accepted into a prestigious ballet conservatory in france at the age of 19,  &  rahim’s parents were happy to welcome their niece to live with them in their home while she trained.  gazala moved into the harrak home in france when rahim was 9 years old,  &  though they were technically cousins, they acted more like siblings during rahim’s pre-teen years.  rahim was the oldest of the three harrak children,  &  gazala adored him.  they quickly grew very close. as a trans woman, gazala was the first person that rahim felt safe coming out to at age 13.  &  when he started dating his first boyfriend at the age of 14, it was gazala who gave rahim “the talk,” about queer sex, making sure to include both the importance of pleasure  &  making safer choices in the conversation.  afterwards, they were both bolstered  &  affirmed not to be the only queer person in their families,  &  gazala’s unflinching acceptance was crucial in shaping rahim into the proudly out, sex-positive person he is by the time he transfers to moordale. but unbeknownst to rahim, gazala had been recruited to the kingsman during her time in the ballet collective.  for a few years, gazala balanced her new career with her family.  though she spent less  &  less time at home, she always took the chance to visit rahim whenever she could.  although she was very busy with the kingsman,  &  could not tell him the truth about her work anymore, still the two remained close.  until, when rahim was 15 years old, he got the news that gazala had been killed in a tragic accident. rahim had no way of knowing that gazala had actually been left for dead by her fellow agents  &  “rescued” by the valentine corporation  —  he didn’t even know she had been working for the service, after all.  gazala’s  “death”  was incredibly hard on rahim.  he turned to poetry in his grief, using writing to express his feelings of loss.  some of his first poems were dedicated to gazala. it isn’t until rahim is 26, graduated from university  &  beginning to settle into his adult life, that he gets the call that gazala is alive.  of course, rahim drops everything to go to her,  &  he spends much of his free time helping her heal from the brainwashing by reminding her what it really means to be part of a family.
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usernoneexistent · 3 years
Hi, thought this would be appropriate for my first post of my MC for HPHM. I’m new to tumblr and HPHM but I got so sucked into all the theories and I wanted to put my ideas in one place. So, without further ado, here’s my MC and yes I was very inspired by @marmotish​ art style and didn’t realise how our MCs are quite similar in appearance until later haha…
EDIT: The mess beneath has been tidied and I added extra info
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General Information
Full Name: Juniper Hamia Hasni-Moss
Born: 16th January 1973
Hometown: Fife, Scotland, U.K
Nationality/ethnicity: Half Scottish, half Algerian
Blood Status: Half blood
Myers-Briggs: ENFP - T (Campaigner)
Strengths: Curious, Perceptive, Outgoing, Open-minded, Optimistic, Loyal, Tenacious.
Weaknesses: People-pleasing (Stops later), Disorganised, Overly accommodating, Restless, Hot tempered, Pessimistic (happens later), Secrective
Hobbies/interests: Conspiracies, Duelling (including wandless and non verbal), Chess, Curse breaking, Exploring, Flying.
Height: 1.63m or 5'3 ft (as an adult)
Weight: 52 kg (as an adult)
Hair: Light greyish blue hair, usually straight but curls it regularly, length can vary but is usually kept pass shoulder length
Eyes: Deep brown almost black eyes
Skin: Lighter brown, toffee coloured
Style: Earlier years, Juniper wore quite a lot of comfortable clothing but about 5th year she started developing a taste for casual elegance. Main staplers of her wardrobe are turtle necks, long coats and knee heigh boots.
Wand: 11 inches, Hornbean, Dragon heartstring
Animagus Form: Prussian blue cat
Boggart: Voldemort, Dead loved ones (later)
Riddikulus: Voldemort as a clown
At Hogwarts
House: Ravenclaw
Best subjects: Charms and D.A.D.A 
Worst subjects: Herbology 
3rd Year options: Care of magical creatures and study of ancient runes
Quidditch position: Seeker (I don’t care that we don’t have seeker yet in the game)
* Jalil Hasni (Father)
* Julia Moss (Mother)
* Jacob Khalil Hasni-Moss (Brother)
* Farid Hasni & Gazala Hasni (Paternal Grandparents)
* Said Hasni (Uncle)
* Hamida Hasni (Aunt;Deceased)
* Rowan Khanna (Soulmates but as friends)
* Ben Copper (Part of the OG trio)
* Penny Haywood (Gossip friend)
* Bill Weasley (In a platonic relationship) 
* Tonks (Prank partner)
* Tulip Karasu and Badeea Ali (Dorm mates)
* Barnaby Lee (soft boi but nothing else)
* Andre Egwu (Girlfriend) 
Love interests: 
* Talbott Winger (Crush)
* Charlie Weasley (One sided on both sides; it was a miscommunication as both thought the other one wasn’t interested)
Pets: Mewles (Tawny Owl) and Mr Mosley (Family pet cat)
Rivals: Merula Sydney, Patricia Rakepick
Bonus info: 
*Juniper is very outgoing and is the type to have many friends but not many friends that really knows her properly. 
* She suffers from some form of anxiety and insomnia but keeps it well hidden from most of her friends but some fellow Ravenclaws have noticed her wandering to the bathrooms at 2am.
*Becomes an adrenaline junkie over the course of her curse breaking adventures at Hogwarts.
*Despite having being named after plants, Juniper is a plant murderer.
*Her blue hair colour is her natural hair.
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honeyglaze-archived · 5 years
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GAZALA BRAVARD RECEIVED AN ASK   /   ↺ @hismanners​ , MEME. ❝shh, it was just a nightmare.❞
FINGERS CLING TO THE SHEETS BENEATH HER WEIGHT, shivering as fear forms cold and chilling beads of sweat --Oher lips quiver, the need to scream itching at their surface, and yet unwilling to part. she could feel the tears streaming down her cheeks, feel her sobs grasp at her throat -- terror’s claws digging into her flesh, sealing voice far away; and before her, him wearing a haunting smile upon his lips.  there she is, he sings, signature lisp causing teeth to grind and heart to sink. there’s my girl... closer, closer -- sinister smile descends upon her --- and finally, lips pry open. 
she wakes to a shaken world -- blurred with the remnants of a nightmare; and harry, awoken by bloodcurdling scream, is hardly recognized -- yet another indistinct shape. frightened, she twists and cries for freedom, her fists striking against it’s being as it holds her -- tight, stilling...hushing... heartbeat drums against her fingertips, resting calmly upon his chest.    ‘  ...harry.  ’    his name is breathless, a broken sound upon her lips -- salted with tears. arms lift, and head careens towards his chest, red with the result of her resistance, soothed now by the tender tears she’s hidden there -- entrusted to his embrace and the muttered words whispered upon her cheek...
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sheslicd-blog · 6 years
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HEADCANON / THE DEATH OF GAZALA     when gazala had joined the kingsman, she was met with doubt and animosity -- not only due to the fact that gazala is a transwoman, but for every other “defining” factor. her name and flesh suggested other, her dress deemed her poor -- her lack of family and education deemed her UNWORTHY in the eyes of the men that surround her. first, it was fuel to her flame -- gazala reaching beyond the limits to prove herself to not only her peers but the ruling agents, and when the name LAMORAK was awarded to her -- gazala naively thought hostility and prejudice would fade, however, instead she found it far louder than the youths she fought against. 
gazala was constantly butting heads with fellow agents, rarely finding a friend in their presence, although there were few you did stand up with her. she only wished she had been assigned to work with them instead of those who called her DISGRACEFUL. it was the the adamant and unaddressed hatred within the kingsman organization which poisoned the minds of her fellow agents -- and, unfortunately, led to the “death” of gazala bravard. 
betrayed by her partner -- gazala was left for death upon the cold mountain top -- legs severed -- life staining the winter snow, pooling beneath chilling limbs... it should have been EXPECTED, and the thought: how could i miss this? echoed her mind as life slowly slipped from her lips. it was upon this mountain top that she’s found by the valentine corporation, and “rescued��� from death. 
richmond valentine had found a life, barely gripping to reality, without identity -- and named her ‘subject 107′ -- eager to test upcoming TECHNOLOGIES within a nameless soul; but what he did not expect was the girl’s reviving strength -- fighting captors and DESTRUCTIVE hands, pulling needles from the soft of her own flesh. potential.... 
( for the follow up of the creation of gazelle and for information about her brainwashing, please refer to this headcanon here: link. )
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hadnothing · 6 years
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NAME: Said Khalfi. NAME: Gazala Khalfi. ALIAS: Gazelle. AGE: 31 - varies by verse. HEIGHT:  5'5" (165 cm).
GENDER: Transgender woman. ORIENTATION: Pansexual.
CITIZENRY: Algerian. OCCUPATION: Henchwoman / assassin.
           Gazala Khalfi, born Said, was a fairly unremarkable child outside of one outstanding skill, being gymnastics. Originally begun as a casual, affordable hobby that middle-class parents could afford, it quickly became a lifeline after Gazelle’s father died of a stroke. Having been an iron miner and the only working member of the family, it sent Gazelle’s mother into a spiral, and she pushed her only child nonstop to excel. 
Gazelle qualified for the Olympics after turning sixteen, but never got the chance to compete. A few weeks before her birthday, she and her mother were coming home from the market by taxi when the car was slammed by a cargo truck that tried to run a red light. Her mother was killed, and Gazelle’s feet and lower legs were crushed beyond repair. Doctors opted to amputate both legs beneath the knee.
It was a fairly big news story, something milk international sympathy for the upcoming games, though it died down quickly enough. It was enough to catch the attention of Richmond Valentine, at least, who saw it as a good opportunity to be charitable to someone that deserved it and wound up pulling Gazelle out of the pits and later funding her transition. They wound up becoming very close as somewhat family, making up good portions of each other’s company as the only emotionally intimate contact they had. Gazelle decided to give back as much as possible to the man who gave her a reason to live.
As far as morality goes, it’s important to note that she was young, alone, and under a lot of duress when she first came into contact with Valentine. While she does recognize that technically murder, etc. is wrong, she’s willing to ignore that if it gets work done on his behalf. She doesn’t think there’s all that much wrong with killing anyone stupid enough to get in the way, and in fact takes some pride in it - she has been there for the entirety of Valentine’s slow descent into madness and villainy, and she doesn’t see anything wrong with it. He has good points, or at least that’s what she tells herself, because it’s easier not to question things too much and cling to what she’s got rather than accepting that maybe her savior is a bad person. 
BLOG DYNAMICS:               As far as this blog goes, I try to stick to either first movie dynamics or pre-movie unless specified otherwise. I do have an explanatory device to allow her to operate post-movie timeline, which is obviously fairly essential since there wasn’t all that much time in the movie canon to allow for outside developments. It isn’t very much special, mostly because I felt it’d be unreasonable to try and suggest blood-cleaning nanobots or something wild like that - she barely survived and beat the very high odds. She did undergo respiratory failure, and went into a coma, easily presumed dead. She very nearly was, but one of the investigation personnel sent to clear the base after everything noticed she had a pulse, and she was placed on live support, waking up after eight months to a world she no longer particularly wanted to be in. Saddled with a much weaker body and several fun new health issues, she’s working to build herself back to what she used to be and find new purpose between the unending bitterness. 
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ltsharif · 7 years
(via Loss of reputation)  Quran Chapter 16 – 92a (Pt-14, Stg-3) (L-1756) درس قرآنLoss of reputationSuratun-Nahl – (The Bee) – 16‘A-‘uu-zu  Billaahi minash-Shay-taanir- Rajiim. (I seek refuge in God from Satan the outcast)Bis-Millaahir-Rah-maanir-Rahiim. (In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful)وَلَا تَكُونُوا۟ كَٱلَّتِى نَقَضَتْ غَزْلَهَا مِنۢ بَعْدِ قُوَّةٍ أَنكَٰثًا تَتَّخِذُونَ أَيْمَٰنَكُمْ دَخَلًۢا بَيْنَكُمْ أَن تَكُونَ أُمَّةٌ هِىَ أَرْبَىٰ مِنْ أُمَّةٍ إِنَّمَا يَبْلُوكُمُ ٱللَّهُبِهِۦ وَلَيُبَيِّنَنَّ لَكُمْ يَوْمَ ٱلْقِيَٰمَةِ مَا كُنتُمْ فِيهِ تَخْتَلِفُونَ 9292a.  And be not like unto her who unravelleth the thread, after she hath made it strong, to thin filaments, making your oaths a deceit between you because of a nation being more numerous than (another) nation. 92a.  Wa  laa  takuunuu  kallatii  naqazat  gazlahaa  mim-  ba’di  quwwatin  ‘ankaasaa.  Tattakhi-zuuna  ‘aymaanakum  dakha-lam-baynakum  ‘an  takuuna  ‘ummatun  hiya  ‘arbaa  min  ‘ummah.CommentaryGazlun – (twisted thread), gazala means “to spin, to twist”. The word magzalun has been derived from the same which means “a spindle”.‘Ankaasan (broken into pieces), this word is plural of naksun, which means “to break after making strong”. ‘Ankaasun means “many pieces”.Dakhalun – (to rush into, to enter), the aim from the word dakhala is “to rush headlong or rashly into an affair for causing to quarrel or excite a disturbance”.‘Arbaa – (more numerous), this word has come out from rabwun, which means “to exceed, to surpass, to remain over and above. Word ribaa is from the same, which means “enhancement, augmentation”.In this verse, the same has been illustrated by example that after giving word; breaking it is just like as a lunatic woman spins strong thread with hard labor, but when it is prepared then she unravels it and remains always in the same perplexity.It is commanded: By swearing; to rush headlong into the people and assure them that “we shall not deceive you”, but after that, observing that any other nation is strong than that with which treaty was made; and breaking such treaty without informing the first nation, and for own benefit; making friendship with the other strong nation, is perfect immorality. At last such people will lose their repute. Suppose if publicly the same habit is in force everywhere; then the collective life will be torn into pieces. And it is contrary to the justice which is first condition for the collective life.Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif).https://hcaptrmuhammadsharif.wordpress.com/2018/02/15/loss-of-reputation/
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honeyglaze-archived · 5 years
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GAZALA BRAVARD RECEIVED AN ASK   /   ↺ @ncmesiis , MEME. trail :   my  muse  watches  as  your  muse  traces  one   of  my muses  scares,  asking  them  about  it.
SHE SHIVERS BENEATH THE TOUCH OF INQUISITIVE FINGERS gliding down the curve of her neck -- trailing along the length of her most prominent scars. she swears she could still feel it tingle, the THING beneath it still attached her flesh, ensuring mind undisturbed by any influence other than his. teeth grind at the memory and hand reaches in instinct to bring a stop to the touch -- too afraid of the secrets that may lay buried beneath. 
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eyes lift and touch softens, carefully gathering ivory digits within her grasp -- urging touch away from her blemish and to the soft of her lips.    ‘  -- valentine.  ’    gazala answers the question she assumes to be on lover’s lips. a simple explanation -- only a name, but enough to define the pain that caused the scar in question. body turns and hand lifts to bury in ebon curls, catching lips before further questions could slip past them. she could not grant him more than he deserved -- already, he consumed her dreams, her doubts. no more...no more...
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sheslicd-blog · 5 years
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name   :   gazala bravard nickname   :   zala, gazelle age   :   thirty-three gender   :   transfemale species   :  human 
morality   : lawful  /  chaotic  /  good /  neutral  /  evil  /  true religion   : liberal/progrssive islam sins   :   greed  /  gluttony  /  sloth  /  lust  /  pride  /  envy  /  wrath virtues   : chastity  /  charity  /  diligence  /  humility  /  kindness  /  patience  /  justice known languages   : english, french, arabic secrets   :    her greatest secret is the truth of the torture she endured under valentine’s capture -- people have only seen her scars, but did not truly know the pain, nor does she like to speak of it. after that, it would be more sincere things: how she misses her family, how she wishes to hold someones hand or to have a hug. but she’s so used to looking together, and strong even if she does break in reality sometimes and comes off chaotic -- there is a lot of tenderness to gazala, and she does have a mighty need for comfort. 
build   : scrawny  /  bony  /  slender  /  fit  /  athletic  /  curvy  /  herculean  /  pudgy  /average height   :   5′5″ scars   /   birthmarks   :   gazala has many scars due to her accident, surgeries, and torture. her most obvious ones would be the scars upon the ends of her calves where they were severed, and gazala has a large scar that’s one single strong from the back of her ear to her shoulder on the right side -- this was a result of valentine’s first attempt to test technology’s reaction under skin. abilities   /   powers   :   she is incredibly fast, agile, and dangerously accurate in combat. of course, her prosthesis are her weapons of choice and she knows how to use them well. gazala is  restrictions   :   due to valentine’s brainwashing, gazala now struggles with reality and what had been engraved into her mind. although, gazelle seems to be out of her mind and body -- often times, gazala will fail to reach reality and in fear, attacks. she also has a fear of being betrayed and manipulated/used. she suffers from ptsd and paranoia at times.
food   : all fruits, shakshouka, breads/carbs, chinese food. drink   :   tea, black coffee, vodka, and bourbon. pizza topping   :    veggie, cheese. color   : black, sage, silver & gold. musical genre   :   classical, pop, and r&b book genre   :   poetry, crime fiction. movie genre   :   romcoms & comedies. curse word   :    fuck, bitch. scents   :   the smell of coffee in the morning, a soft scent of lilies, cologne/perfume.
fun stuff.
bottom or top  ?   :   surprisingly !! she’s a bottom lol though she doesn’t mind being top lol sings in the shower  ?   :   more like humming likes puns  ?   :   she’ll roll her eyes but she’ll give a soft chuckle.
tagged by :  @shzaam !! thank u bb !!!!
tagging   : @unnwin, @prettyguard , @incoronare, @ncmesiis, @terrorzer, @thelittleqveen
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sheslicd-blog · 6 years
‘  at night i dream of you.  ’
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WORDS ARE WHISPERED AGAINST HER CHEEK, soft and loving lips caressing lonely flesh – brushing his reminder of unspoken devotion, but promised throughout the words he’s promised in her name. head turns, eager to catch harry’s signature smile before he could stray too far – hand lifting to nest against his chest, heart’s song and rhythm held within loving palm; but reminder of location and duty keeps distance between earnest lovers. 
eyes glance to lingering stares, quick to ignore for the tenderness he offered, one gazala could never quite resist.    ‘  have you missed me, harry?  ’    she teases, smile tugging upon the corners of her lips, soft and delicately shaped – loving. fingers lift, replacing beating heart for the GRACE of his smile, tracing it’s shape, vowing heart his own through soothing touch.    ‘  … – i’ve missed you.  ’
❛  ◞   GRAVE SUGGESTIONS    /   ↺ @hismanners
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sheslicd-blog · 6 years
❛     that’s   a   pretty   cool   knife,   where’d   you   get   it?    ❜
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         SILVER DANCES between the gold of her fingers, the bitter pinch of a blade against supple flesh the reminder of lingering SUSPICION. harry – ever the same, dressed in signature suit – what was it they had told her then ? when fingers fumbled with buttons instead of knives… ah, yes – a suit is  a knight’s armor. and here he sat, crowned in the GLORY she had once called her own, stripped from her being – leaving her nothing but LOATHING. a lesson attempting to be reversed… 
‘  it was a gift.  ’    she tries, head tilting – eyes meeting his gaze, blade paused in the delicate rotation of is dance, held instead between her fingers – both a THREAT and assurance to the mind still attempting to piece itself together. LIBERATED, yes – but mind still rattled in it’s cage.    ‘  why ?  ’    questions gazala, eyes narrowing in uncertainty, the very DOUBT she holds for her very name shifting to the man she had once called friend. well – her own definition of one.    ‘  did you want to take this from me, too ?  ’
❛  ◞   WEAPON BASED PROMPTS    /   ↺ @hismanners
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sheslicd-blog · 6 years
15. What kind of inner life do they have — rich and imaginative? Calculating and practical? Full of doubts and fears? Does it find any sort of outlet in their lives?
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zala’s inner life is… troubling. she’s constantly battling the lingering pieces of the world valentine had implanted into her head and reality. she’s constantly second guessing everything and everyone and their intentions. she spends a lot of time mulling over everything that was said to her that day, the looks she received, the way people touched her, etc. it takes a long time for gazala to get away from that – and mainly she distances herself from that anxiety after she’s learned to TRUST an individual completely. 
as for an outlet – it used to be dance – and many times, gazala wishes she could dance. it was the only time of her day where she could think – get all her anxieties out, feel SECURE again. but with the blades attached to her prosthesis she’s far too afraid to dance, mainly in fear of ruining the flooring – but also if someone happens to startle her (as she usually gets completely lost in this world) there’s a potential danger of injuring/killing them. now, zala has no outlet – her only ones being the violence she commits in the name of kingsman, or training/working out. but it’s not as…calming as dance for her, and so she never feels relieved or as if she had found some answer to the doubts in her mind… in fact, fighting/sparring usually just enhances these thoughts.
❛  ◞   CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS    /   ↺ @hismanners
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sheslicd-blog · 6 years
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HEADCANON  //  LOYALTY & KINGSMAN           gazala is an extremely loyal individual in general (i’ll write about that another time). if and when she decides you’re worthy of her protection/promises -- it’s almost impossible to lose it. one can say, her loyalty is often a fault as well, especially when given to the WRONG people. but !! her promises are never broken. this includes her involvement in the KINGSMAN. no matter what resentment she may have for the organization and its agents, gazala had sworn to protect the name of the order and so -- she does. not even her new loyalty to valentine would allow her to break a promise. this is why despite knowing all too well both LANCELOT’S identity and Harry Hart’s, she never tells richmond who they are and what the kingsman are. 
when gazala promises, you bet its a promise she’ll take with her to death. 
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ltsharif · 7 years
(via An example for understanding)  Quran Chapter 16 – 92a (Pt-14, Stg-3) (L-1756) درس قرآنAn example for understanding Suratun-Nahl – (The Bee) – 16‘A-‘uu-zu  Billaahi minash-Shay-taanir- Rajiim. (I seek refuge in God from Satan the outcast)Bis-Millaahir-Rah-maanir-Rahiim. (In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful)وَلَا تَكُونُوا۟ كَٱلَّتِى نَقَضَتْ غَزْلَهَا مِنۢ بَعْدِ قُوَّةٍ أَنكَٰثًا تَتَّخِذُونَ أَيْمَٰنَكُمْ دَخَلًۢا بَيْنَكُمْ أَن تَكُونَ أُمَّةٌ هِىَ أَرْبَىٰ مِنْ أُمَّةٍ إِنَّمَا يَبْلُوكُمُ ٱللَّهُبِهِۦ وَلَيُبَيِّنَنَّ لَكُمْ يَوْمَ ٱلْقِيَٰمَةِ مَا كُنتُمْ فِيهِ تَخْتَلِفُونَ 9292a.  And be not like unto her who unravelleth the thread, after she hath made it strong, to thin filaments, making your oaths a deceit between you because of a nation being more numerous than (another) nation. 92a.  Wa  laa  takuunuu  kallatii  naqazat  gazlahaa  mim-  ba’di  quwwatin  ‘ankaasaa.  Tattakhi-zuuna  ‘aymaanakum  dakha-lam-baynakum  ‘an  takuuna  ‘ummatun  hiya  ‘arbaa  min  ‘ummah.CommentaryGazlun – (twisted thread), gazala means “to spin, to twist”. The word magzalun has been derived from the same which means “a spindle”.‘Ankaasan (broken into pieces), this word is plural of naksun, which means “to break after making strong”. ‘Ankaasun means “many pieces”.Dakhalun – (to rush into, to enter), the aim from the word dakhala is “to rush headlong or rashly into an affair for causing to quarrel or excite a disturbance”.‘Arbaa – (more numerous), this word has come out from rabwun, which means “to exceed, to surpass, to remain over and above. Word ribaa is from the same, which means “enhancement, augmentation”.In this verse, the same has been illustrated by example that after giving word; breaking it is just like as a lunatic woman spins strong thread with hard labor, but when it is prepared then she unravels it and remains always in the same perplexity.It is commanded: By swearing; to rush headlong into the people and assure them that “we shall not deceive you”, but after that, observing that any other nation is strong than that with which treaty was made; and breaking such treaty without informing the first nation, and for own benefit; making friendship with the other strong nation, is perfect immorality. At last such people will lose their repute. Suppose if publicly the same habit is in force everywhere; then the collective life will be torn into pieces. And it is contrary to the justice which is first condition for the collective life.Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif).https://muhammadsharif120.wordpress.com/2018/02/15/an-example-for-understanding/
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