#& ill be talking w my psych abt it (who is also totally chill abt it btw)
mechawolfie · 1 year
see theres a possibility ill be able to go on t sometime in the near future & im uhhhh kind of freaking out about it a bit. but only alittle
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aristotels · 1 year
re: wednesday
1) i had fun watching it
2) it also sucks
like personally i rly related to wednesday. I used to be a lot like her when growing up. i was p mentally ill, and was obsessed w death and murder since i was young (perks of ocd intrusive thoughts and paranoia and delusions). i used to write a lot back then, mostly criminalistic stories, lots of murders, etc and had professors and family call me morbid and always judge me for my sarcastic tone and resting, unemotional face. emotions are hard for me. expression is hard for me. but it was met w so much judgement and its obvious i was a disappointment in their eyes for "not being normal".
hell, i had a word-for-word argument w my roommate in college, like enid had w wednesday. that roommate (ok, i wasnt a saint, but she was a fucking bitch too) had the same spiel as enid: "I TRIED SO HARD TO BE YOUR FRIEND" and just couldnt understand i dont like conversing and being bestie roomies or whatever she had in mind. i was too poor to afford my own flat, so i lived in the dorm. and she just couldnt understand i dont want to paint our nails together and talk abt ~boys. (also she was so weird abt my sexuality for some reason and it made me so uncomfortable???) anyway, i just wanted a place to sleep and sit at my laptop w my headphones and chill. and i told her that. and she still kept invading my privacy, all under guise of "wanting to fix me". (anyway, my next roommate did the same thing but at least she wasnt a bitch. she just wanted a more extroverted and talkative companion which was totally ok. and she moved out, and i finally snapped and called a psych and got a single room bc of my mental illnesses so it was all good)
but also the show is so... shallow. it tried to relate outcasts to being queer but there isnt literally a single queer character in the show? enid couldve so easily been trans. like at least that fucking "conversion therapy for wolves" (literally the worst line ive ever heard in my life) wouldve made some fucking sense. and i think itd rly add to her character and struggle w identity. and i mean she wolfs out in the end anyway which... shallow solution to the whole idea they tried to portray.
wednesday too. apparently the solution to her issues of loneliness was just "get a boyfriend!!!". idk what they thought w the whole heterosexual love triangle but it sucked af. cmon. make her a lesbian. make her bi. or make her aroace if you want to go that route, which would be also v in line w her character, and perhaps the best option.
bianca was okay. the actress is gorgeous, and i rly wish they wouldve given her more depth. literally ALL characters are so one-dimensional. wednesday is interesting on her own but good shows dont revolve around just the protagonist. you need a good cast and you need people to care about them and this show doesnt do it.
i generally liked the wrap-up of the murder mystery, but it might be bc i personally love good guys turning out to be villains. so mad abt gwendolyn dying tho, she was the literal star of the show
but anyway yeah. its ok, but also cringe af, it lacks queer chars in a story abt people who are textbook definition of "queer" (as in: weird, odd), wednesday is kinda a mary-sue at some points, its super tween, shallow, brings no points across, and has no depth to characters.
i had fun watching wednesday act like i did tho so idk ill prob watch the next season when it comes out
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