#& let innocent programs put begore the thing destroys eveeything from the inside
betasuppe · 6 months
Is it way too fucking lame if I make the big bad for Flint & Rinz a creature that's a paradoxical monster, half user & half program, corrupted by nature & created accidentally by the user & program having spent so much time together? Like a curse mistakenly brought to life by an unnatural bond? A child of both worlds & belonging to neither? A nightmare destined to destroy everything it touches, trying to corrupt everything like itself, continuing in my theme of humanity infecting the Grid like a plague???
Also like. It would basically mean Flint & Tr.on didn't even know they had a kid & that said kid is trying to kill them & I think that's kinda wonderful♡
It's called Amalgam & it doesn't know what it wants, but it needs to finally meets its creators♡
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