#& my best pal!!!!!!!!!!! big je t'aime :")
littledeadling · 5 years
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CAUTION! (happy late bday @lifespan !!)
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ooftherails · 5 years
j’taime 🥀🌷
Word Count: roughly 1676
Summary: Peter breaks up your friendship for no apparent reason.
A/N: You’re french oop.
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You sat alone at your lunch table. A few weeks ago you had friends. You had somebody. Peter had been your best friend since 5th grade. It was amazing how in a matter of seconds anything can happen. Peter just suddenly stopped talking to you. It seemed like Ned was your replacement "enfant stupide." (Stupid kid) you muttered as you ate your sandwich. "Who, Peter..?' You jumped, scared. it was Michelle. You sighed and nodded. Michelle shrugged and spoke up, "I don't know half of what you just said but it seemed hostile.. Not that I care." You continued eating your sandwich, thinking of peter, you knew you had grown feelings; strong ones.
It had become more than a silly crush but you brushed it off. "Its nothing.." you muttered as michelle rolled her eyes and left. 'Why me..? What did I do..?' You thought as you packed you book in your backpack. Making eye contact with Peter, you quickly looked away and leave the cafeteria. Peter shook his head and continued talking to Ned.
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Homework had been a big part of Your daily schedule and you never left it for something else. How else were you supposed to get into your favourite college..? Yet, the impossible seemed possible. "It'll be fun.." your friend spoke whilst you huffed on the other end of the phone. "I don't think so.." You responded as you played with a strand of your hair "I have homewo-." Your friend interrupted You “Homework. Blah blah, whats a bit of work when we could go have some fun..?" You sighed and nodded your head. Although your friend couldn't see you. "I'll be there, goodbye." You hung up and sighed, in frustration this time. Getting up, you stretched. 'Great, why do I agree to such things..?' You thought. Stalking toward your closet, you picked out some shorts and a yellow blouse. You was determined to have a fun night although it wasn't your scene. Looking around, you grab ‘Forget me' a book you were determined to finish.
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Loud music could be heard and the smell of alcohol was faint but nonetheless could be picked up as you drove through the unfamiliar neighbourhood. Finally reaching the house, You park to the side. Since the houses parking lot is filled to the brim with cars, you can't really park there. Quickly spoting your friend on the lawn, You get out of the car and jog towards her. "hey..!" Your friend shouted making you roll your eyes playfully. "Whats the point of this..?" You asked as you forced a smile. “Listen.." Your friend paused and looked at you seriously. "We're teenagers, live a little. Get yourself out there." You sighed whilst hearing your closest friend talk. "Anyway, I'm gonna go, see ya (nickname)." That little nickname made your heart pang with hurt. Peter used to call you That. You shook your head in sadness and made your way towards the front door. Opening the door, right there and then, your eyes met with Peters'. His glare was impossible to miss. You whimpered quietly and walked towards the living room. "Penis Parker, what's up? So where's your pal Spider-Man? Let me guess: In Canada with your imaginary girlfriend? Oh wait, that's not Spider-Man. That's just Ned in a red shirt" Flash simply pissed you off. The tears built up in your eyes had gone away as anger began to fill you. "Shut up..!" You shouted making Flash stop his djaying. "You keep saying all of this shit yet what are you good for..?" Flash scoffed and kept on djaying, not saying another word. Suddenly, Peter grabbed your shoulder roughly and led you to an unoccoupied bathroom. "What's your deal?!" He sneers "What's your problem?!" You snaps back. This had been the first time in weeks he had spoken to you. "I don't get it, why the fuck are you sticking up for me, so you can break me down all over again..?!" He replies. "W-what are you talking about..?" You were genuinely confused. Tears filled your eyes but you refused to let him see the damage he had caused. "Oh I don't know, that i'm an insolent idiot and more naive than a baby..? How could you do that..?!?" You paused and your eyes widened as you realised what he was talking about.
You aren’t the gossip type yet you seem to get dragged into it all the time. Flash had spread rumours that you supposedly liked him. You snort. "Please, I would never have a crush on such an insolent idiot. That guy is more naive than a baby. Yea he likes me and we’re friends but I would never like him back" You knew no one could hear what you said or they would tell Flash. Yet, Peter was there listening to the conversation. It was by accident. The poor kid was looking for a trash can. The paper ball in his hand crumpled as he squeezed in anger, sadness, and disappointment. He couldn't believe what his best friend was saying behind his back. Of course it wasn't about him but he thought otherwise. He never heard the word 'Flash' or anything apart from the insult. He had a crush on you and Flash-your friend- accidentally found out so thats why he thought it was about him. It was stupid, really. Ever since then, Peter cut off all connections and led on with his life.
—Flashback Over—
"Peter, I—" You pause, struggling to get the words out. "I wasn't talk-." Peter interrupts you "I fucking hate you!!" He pushes you. whimper leave your mouth and Peter's eyes suddenly turn soft as if he just realises what he did. "Oh m-my god I." You storm out of the bathroom and leave without turning back for some fresh air. getting in your car, you go to the first place that crosses your mind; the place where you would always go with Parker, which was a specific bench in a nearby park. The blinking lights of the streets glare on your window; it had rained that day.
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You pulled up at the park and left your car, locking it behind you. The fresh smell of wet leaves bring back memories of the old times. "What the hell happened..?" You muttered sadly.
You walk over to the unoccupied bench which was surprisingly dry. Sitting down, you gets lost in thought. You finally snap back when someone taps her shoulder. Surprised, you look over, "S-Spiderman?" You ask; startled. After You stormed out, Peter decided to follow you, as Spider-man though. He didin't want to fight. "you come here too..?" he asks. You slowly nods, looking down  at your feet, "well.. I used to, I don't really pass by here anymore.." You whisper in the silent cold night. "Why not?" he asks, pretending to be curious. You sigh. "just brings back memories that I'd rather forget.." You reply. His heart shattered, "oh.. why?" he manages to say. You look up at the tree in the distance, its' leaves peacefully drifting in the wind, "There's this person that heard me say something that was meant for someone else.  T-they thought I was directing it to them.." you said, your eyes flooding with tears. "Well, what happened..?" he asks, trying to untangle the mess that was made, and trying to understand it. "But I don't even know you. Why should I tell you..?" You responded back, barely a whisper. Scratching the back of his head, Spidey shrugged "It's always nice to vent..?" You nodded slowly, "Well, a friend at my school; Flash, had spread false rumors about me liking him, and one of my friends; Peter, overheard me when I said that I'd never like Flash because he is a 'naïve insolent idiot'. But I think my friend didn't hear me say Flash so he didn't know  I was talking about Flash.. so..-- so, he took it personally and assumed i was talking about him instead .." you say, disappointed, looking back down. "Its quite stupid actually but now Peter won't talk to me." You vented, tears ran down your cheeks as you closed your eyes. "It hurts, Y'know..? I miss him. His fluffy hair, beautiful eyes, his dorky personality." Peter's heart ached with sadness. How could he have done a thing to such a nice person. At this point he just wanted to hug you tightly and never let you go, to stop you from crying. He was an idiot to think you were talking about him.
"I'm so so sorry.." He spoke out. You laughed sadly, "It's not your fault." You paused for a moment. "Wait, why are you sorry.." You was confused. Spiderman slowly slides the mask off his face, revealing his true identity. You gasp and turn red. "P-Peter?" He looks down at the ground. You quickly realise who you just vented to. You looks over to the distant tree once again, the leaves still softly blowing in the wind and sniffle. He whispers, "Im sorry...for assuming..everything, I-." He stops to think. "I didn't mean to hurt you.." You turns over to look at him. Reaching out his hand, Peter wipes the tears off her rosey cheeks. He cups her face in his hands and looks down. You lift his head up, smile kindly, and whisper softly. “Même après tout ce temps, je t'aime toujours, Peter. Mes sentiments sont-ils destinés à être comme ça pour toujours ?Tout ce que je sais c'est que je t'aime, Peter."  (Even after all this time, I still love you, Peter. Are my feelings destined to be like this forever? All I know is I love you, Peter.) Peter looks at you akwardly and thinks as he tries to decifer what you just said. "Uh. Oui oui?" He laughs nervously as you tries to hold back a laugh, "I love you, idiot.~" Peter suddenly smile as if he won the lotto and chuckles. “More than friends?” Peter asks shyly. You lock your lips with his and kiss. “Does that answer your question, Mr.Parker?” You jokingly say. Peter’s cheeks go red as he nods.
"Rose"   "Yeah?"      "C-Can I kiss you?"   "Get over here."   
yEeHaw (aka tHe enD)
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