#& srsly anyone ask me things i'm very eager!!
bitegrip · 2 years
I've been really enjoying your typing/enneagram post! And I just wanted to ask are there any books, sites, etc. that you or someone else you know would be able to recommend for some just getting into it the whole thing.
I only know my personality type bc I took a random test years ago bc it was a popular thing to do and never went further than that. But seeing you talk about it has made me realize that there's a lot more to it than that one surface level I always thought it was!
Thank you, and I hope your days have been going well and will continue to do so!
oh i'm SO glad i can be your mbti/enneagram awakening lkflsjdg
apologies that i only know english-language resources
for mbti, some good beginner's resources online are these websites here and here. the second one is a little less amateur friendly so i suggest starting w the first. there are lots of good books and podcasts and videos and things i've been recommended over the years as well, but i haven't had the chance to get to them so i don't want to recommend them yet
as for the enneagram, here is a great introductory video. the other videos in that series are fantastic summaries of the different types, but the channel's only up to type 3 (out of 9). i also think their type 3 description omits some central things to 3, but they can be found elsewhere below
other good amateur-friendly resources are this website and this website. some not-so-amateur-friendly but robust descriptions are here and here, when you feel ready to approach them. i rlly enjoyed them so i wanted to point them out
for my two cents, what you should know going in is:
1) online tests are jank. the best method of typing yourself is learning how to do it yourself
2) make sure that you ask why a behavior/thought/ect is occurring and trace it as far back as you can when you're typing someone. a lot of mistyping comes from a poor understanding of who is being typed, including & especially yourself, not just a poor understanding of the theory
3) in mbti, the functions that make the most sense to you are the ones you use, most likely. if you're struggling to grasp one no matter how good the explanation, that's a sign it's not in your stack
4) type is not a hard science and you have to study it as such. people have differing opinions, theories, descriptions, ect. keep that in mind when exploring & trust your own observations/common sense
5) beware of stereotypes. they're pretty pervasive, but a good sign a resource isn't as good as it seems
remember that type is more or less hypotheses and tools meant to serve you. discussion of what is or isn't true of a theory is fascinating to me, personally, but it can get complex. the intersection of mbti & enneatype can also be winding and maze-ish. if something feels unhelpful it's fine to leave it, you don't need to be an expert (and oftentimes overthinking can obstruct your ability to type)
please feel free to ask me any questions, too. i'm brimming with information abt this. srsly, it's a special interest for a reason i never shut up abt it lfjkdg
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