#& tackle messages ASAP when i wake up <3
docolives · 9 months
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Gracie Abrams
Delta Goodrem
Phoebe Bridgers
Flora Cash
Part of Your World -- Halle Bailey (The Little Mermaid soundtrack)
Mean It -- Gracie Abrams
We Used to Laugh -- Flora Cash
American Girl -- Tom Petty
Poor Unfortunate Souls -- Melissa McCarty (The Little Mermaid soundtrack)
The Little Mermaid
A Good Person
Joy Ride
My Little Pony
Boy Meets World
Modern Family
Faraway Downs
Enchanted Forest Gala
Crystal Gala
Halloween Masquerade
End of Summer Beach Party
Summer Bash
Beck coming home
beginning the process to take over Harmony Healers, and growing the program
redoing home to her liking (and throwing out Nate's stuff)
Thanksgiving with family altogether
finalizing divorce
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robinskey · 5 years
99, 72, 56 please. Your character choice.
Dustin’s Surprise Party
Prompts: “How could you forget your son’s birthday?” (99), “Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now” (72), and “I’m late” (56)
A/N: I did it for Steve (bc OF COURSE I did). Also, we have a Henderson! reader (bc OF COURSE we do. As I have previously stated, I am trash for Steve x Henderson! Reader.) Thanks for the request!!
Warnings: Swearing
Steve’s in the middle of leisurely closing up shop on a weeknight. Bohemian Rhapsody’s playing on the radio, and Steve hums along as he sweeps the floor. When the phone rings, he takes his sweet time sauntering across the store to pick it up.
“Hawkins Family Video. How may I help you?”
“Where are you, dingus?”
If it hadn’t been for the nickname, Steve might not have recognized the voice on the other end of the line. However, his best friend refers to him almost exclusively with that name. Steve sighs before inquiring what she’s talking about.
“Don’t you remember what today is?”
Steve wracks his brain but still comes up short. “Um...Tuesday?”
“Oh my god. Your girlfriend’s here freaking out, trying to get everything ready before the boys get home from AV club, and you can’t even remember what day it is.”
That’s when the lightbulb finally clicks in Steve’s head.
“Shit. Dustin’s surprise party is tonight, isn’t it?”
“Ding, ding, ding! We have a...I would say ‘winner,’ but you’re really more of a ‘wiener.’ How could you forget your son’s birthday?”
“Okay, first of all, don’t call him my son. I’m dating his sister, so that’s weird as hell,” Steve says. “Second of all-“
Robin, being Robin, interrupts. “Mrs. Henderson just left to pick the kids up from school, so they’ll be arriving any minute. Just get here, okay? Preferably before Y/N loses it.”
There’s a screech as Robin slams the phone onto the receiver-a clear sign that Steve needs to get moving ASAP, unless he wants Robin to give him crap about it for the rest of his life.
Steve drives almost twice the speed limit the entire way there. However, it’s not fast enough to outpace Mrs. Henderson. Her station wagon is already parked in the driveway by the time Steve pulls up. He hops out of his car and sprints to the front door, trying to avoid missing another minute of the party he’s supposed to be co-hosting.
When he steps onto the front porch, the door automatically swings open. Robin stands there, eyebrows raised so high that they blend into her hairline.
“So you finally decided to show up, huh?” she chuckles. “Come on. Everyone’s in here.”
Steve follows Robin into the kitchen. The entire party is gathered around the table, along with Mrs. Henderson, Nancy, and Jonathan. (I don’t know why I felt the need to include Jancy, but I wanted Robin to be there, and I only felt it was fair for them to be invited, too.) There’s a homemade sheet cake in the center of the table, decorated with fifteen unlit candles and the words “Happy Birthday Dustin” written in your looping cursive. The guest of honor sits at the head of the table, practically salivating at the sight of his cake. But when his eyes fall on Steve, they light up even more.
“Hey, dude! You made it.” Dustin walks up to Steve and performs their handshake, which ends in a bro hug.
“Yeah, I did. Happy birthday, man. Sorry I’m late.”
Dustin laughs. “Normally, that wouldn’t bother me, but Y/N was making us wait to cut the cake until you got here.”
“Really?” Steve’s cheeks heat up. You’re so considerate, always thinking of others. Meanwhile, he can’t even make it to a party he helped plan on time.
“Yeah. I think she wanted you to see how much of a domestic goddess she is or some shit.”
“Sorry, Mom,” Dustin says.
Steve scratches the back of his neck. “Hey, um-where is Y/N?”
“Right here.” You appear around the corner, waving the box of matches you’ve spent the last ten minutes searching for. Then, you glare at your little brother. “By the way, I heard what you said about me, Dustin. You’re lucky it’s your birthday. Otherwise, I’d kick your ass.”
“Sorry, Mom,” you echo your brother’s words from earlier before nodding to your boyfriend. “Glad to see you finally decided to turn up.”
Steve stands there awkwardly, unsure of how to respond. He watches as you scrape a match against the side of the box, then migrates toward you to help light the candles. When his hand twitches in the direction of the matches, you subtly scoot them out of his reach.
The flush rises back up to his face when he catches El whisper something in Max’s ear, and the two of them giggle. Nonetheless, he still tries to help you serve up the cake. He continuously gets in your way, so you finally allow him to take charge of scooping the ice cream.
It isn’t until fifteen minutes later that you actually get a chance to sample the cake you baked from scratch. Steve’s barely eaten all day, so he’s famished, but he makes sure you get the bigger slice of cake and a generous helping of ice cream. There’s not enough room at the table, so the two of you head into the living room.
The spot you choose reveals how angry you are with him. You’re not pissed enough to sit on a different piece of furniture, even though there are other chairs available. However, judging by the fact that you create as much distance as possible by nestling into the corner of the loveseat, Steve knows you’re still not pleased with him.
“You did a really nice job with the cake. It looks beautiful.” When he’s met with silence, Steve digs his fork into the dessert, shovels it into his mouth, and lets out an exaggerated moan. “Oh, my god. It tastes even better than it looks.”
You still don’t respond-just swirl your spoon through your bowl of ice cream. However, the corners of your lips quirk slightly upward. He nudges your foot with his.
“Look, babe, I’m really sorry about tonight. I just-lost track of time.” You give him a pointed look. “Okay, okay. I also lost track of the day. But I’ll make it up to you, baby. I promise. Let me make it up to you.”
Steve places a kiss on your neck-a bold move, considering all your family and friends are in the next room. It sends a shiver down your spine, but you still shove him away. He’s not getting off the hook that easily.
Besides, it’s your brother’s birthday party. Someone’s probably going to catch you if you just start making out on the couch. The options for that “someone” include your mom, little brother, one of your brother’s friends, Steve’s ex-girlfriend, Steve’s ex-girlfriend’s current boyfriend, and/or Steve’s best friend. (On paper, the last seems like the best option, but Robin would probably actually be the worst, considering she’d never let you live it down.)
So, yeah. Not happening.
“Come on, Y/N. I know I screwed up. But surely, there’s something-“
“Just smile. I really need to see you smile right now.”
The words tumble off your lips as you think of them. You’re not really sure why you make this request, but you do. And Steve doesn’t question it; he just breaks out into the cheesiest grin you’ve ever seen. It melts your heart like the long-forgotten ice cream turning into a puddle on your paper plate. You set it on the coffee table, and Steve follows suit-still flashing his pearly whites.
“Okay, you can stop now. It’s starting to get creepy.”
“Creepy, eh? You’re the one who requested this. And now you’re insulting me for it? That’s a little hypocritical of you, don’t you think?” When you respond with a giggle, Steve adds, “Don’t you laugh at me! Or I’ll give you something to laugh about.”
His hands travel to your waist, and as soon as you realize what he’s doing, you playfully swat at them. “Steve Harrington, don’t you dare.”
“Or what?” he asks, pausing for a moment to tilt his head slightly to the side.
Of course, that vague threat is not enough to stop him from tackling you with tickles. You giggle uncontrollably as he pins you to the couch. His fingers graze your sides, leaving fluttering butterflies in their wake. You’re not sure if it’s his close proximity making you dizzy or the fact that you’re taking in an inadequate amount of oxygen. You haven’t gotten an actual breath of air in several minutes; even between fits of laughter, you don’t get a chance to breathe, since Steve’s constantly stealing kisses. You get lost in the taste of sugar on his lips and the musky smell of his cologne
You get so lost, in fact, that you don’t hear the approaching footsteps until it’s already too late.
“Am I interrupting something?”
Steve pulls himself off you so quickly that he almost tumbles off the sofa. You both recoil into your separate corners of the couch and run fingers through your hair, trying (and failing) to smooth it back down.
Robin stands in the doorway, arms crossed over her chest and a smirk on her face. Steve’s face flushes for the third time tonight. This time, however, he doesn’t just turn a little pink; his skin burns fire-truck red. He stumbles over his words.
“It wasn’t-I don’t know how it looked, but we weren’t-“
“Yeah, yeah, sure you weren’t, dingus. You’re lucky it was just me and not, like, Dustin. You would’ve scarred the kid for life,” she says. “Anyway, I was just looking for the restroom, so...”
Unlike Steve, you’re too shell-shocked to be embarrassed. You raise a single finger to point down the hall.
“Thanks. Carry on...with whatever you definitely weren’t doing,” Robin says with a wink.
At this point, Steve’s skin is so hot that it’s just a matter of time before he bursts into flames.
Meanwhile, Robin’s already planning how she’s going to incorporate this story into the future toast for her favorite couple’s wedding.
Taglist: @novaddictx @anabundance0ffand0ms @rexorangecouny @broadwayandnetflix @explode-a-pult @whormotional @readinthegarden12 @lacunaclouds
If you want to be added to the tag list for a specific character/my writing in general, leave a reply or send me a message! Thanks again for reading. <3
If you want to check out more of my writing, here’s my masterlist. :)
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Shelter Chapter 3 by Shawnie1718 ao3
When Lucas next regains full consciousness, his heat is over. It’s a Sunday, so thankfully he doesn’t have to worry about forcing himself out of bed right away to make it to classes. He does, however, get out of bed to wake up his muscles. He cringes when he feels how stiff they are, and decides to take a shower; hoping that it could help him relax. Lucas doesn’t know how long, exactly, he’d been in the shower until he hears Mika banging at the door. Lucas turns off the water, half hazardously drying off his hair before tying the towel around his waist. He takes one last glance in the mirror, thankful that his skin is starting to return to its normal color, before opening the door.
Mika’s stood there, scowling at him. Lucas rolls his eyes. If any other Alpha were to give him that same look, Lucas is pretty sure he would be pissing himself. But it’s Mika, he doesn’t mean any harm. “You were in there for thirty-goddamn-minutes.”
Lucas shrugged, “sorry not sorry. There’s still hot water, so don’t get your panties in a knot” He said and begins to brush past Mika. “Also, my heat is finally over, so where did you put my suppressants?” Lucas asks as he walks down the hall back to his room. Mika has a tendency to hide Lucas’s suppressants whenever he’s in heat. That’s because Mika thinks that if Lucas can’t find them, he won’t take them. It’s never worked, of course. And now it’s just an irritating habit Mika has.
Mika naturally doesn’t respond and instead walks into the bathroom, closing the door rather aggressively. Damn Alphas, Lucas thinks and throws his towel on the bed. Oh yeah, the bed. He still has to change his sheets and run the dirtied ones down to the laundromat ASAP. He sighs and collapses into his desk chair. That’s a job for another day.
As of right now, Lucas decides to picks
up his phone. No new notifications from Eliott, which leaves Lucas’s chest feeling cold but he chooses not to read too much into that. Instead he sees he has tons of missed messages from Le Gang groupchat. He skims them, slowly coming to the realization that they were planing at hanging at Yann’s tonight. His parents are out of town. They also have a short conversation about possibly going to a party, but Lucas isn’t really sure if he feels up to it. He decides not to say anything, but maybe text Yann later.
Lucas places his phone back on the desk and massages his temples. He feels bad that he hasn’t told his friends about his sexuality or second gender. The suppressants and the fact that he appears more beta-like has always been a safety net for him. But taking that net away, and making the jump is terrifying. Because there’s no going back. He can’t say “no, guys, don’t worry I was kidding. It was a lie.” But then, maybe it won’t be so bad. Mika didn’t have a bad reaction to Lucas being gay and an Omega, he did have a bad reaction to the suppressants, but Lucas guessed that would be the reaction of most people. It was a little harder with Manon, because she had suddenly entered his life as a new flat mate who he knew from school but never really talked to. Mika had made them sit down and talk about it. It was a must, in his eyes. There wouldn’t be any hiding it if Manon was going to be staying with them long term, was Mika’s argument. Lucas supposes he was right. So Lucas told Manon everything. And when he was done she told him she was there for him. That she would help him come off of his suppressants if or whenever Lucas decided he was ready. And Lucas cried.
A couple years into taking the suppressants, Lucas looked up studies done on them. They came up relatively neutral, saying that they were looked down upon in society but the scientists haven’t found anything that would cause people any long term harm. Overdosing on them is obviously an issue, but that is never a concern for Lucas. He’s also seen articles about how it’s dangerous when Betas take them, which is because the suppressants literally are Beta hormones. But Lucas doesn’t really believe it’s that much of a problem because why would Betas take them anyway?
When Lucas makes the decision to finally eat some food (after nearly a week of pushing away any food that was offered to him) he walks out to the living room area to find Manon sitting there, chowing down on some chips.
She nods in his direction, a curt greeting followed. She places down the chip bowl and pats the empty space beside her. Lucas takes the invitation.
“What are watching?” He asks as he grabs the chip bowl off the coffee table.
She hums and reaches over to grab a chip, “some crime show, I don’t know I wasn’t really paying attention,” she confesses. “How’d it go?”
“How’d what go?”
“Your heat,” Manon says bluntly.
When Lucas and Manon first started getting to know each other, a statement like that would have caused Lucas to either choke on the chip he was chewing or purposefully shove another chip down his throat. But now, he feels a little more comfortable. More open, at least in their own space. “It was easy, nothing abnormal.”
Manon pauses, “you know, you always say your heats are ‘easy.’ Mine tend to be rather rough especially when it comes to the need for...physical contact.” She mumbles the last part, “do you think that maybe your suppressants are still affecting you a little whenever you’re in heat?”
Lucas sends her a side eye and she sighs in aggravation, “like...maybe they’re still running in your system whenever you go in heat? So you don’t get the full grunt of it? Is that at all a possibility?”
Lucas shrugs; suddenly feeling a loss of appetite he places his chip back in the bowl. “I don’t know. But I mean, would that really affect it that much?”
Manon shifts so she faces him, “well, an Omega needs to have their heats, it’s-it’s a part of our bodily functions. Stopping your heats is the same as stopping breathing. So...it’s a possibility that lessening the affects of your heats could be the same as only being able to breathe with one lung? Yeah, it still works, but it’s not as effective..?”
Lucas suddenly finds this conversation very uninteresting. “Listen, Manon, I don’t know if I really want to talk about this right now.”
He can smell Manon’s scent become more bitter, almost like it was choking him. “Of course,” she said, she sounded more hurt than angry, “just, Lucas, know that you can talk to me whenever. I never meant to hurt you.” With that, she turns and walks into her room.
An hour or so passes before Lucas moves from the couch, he’s managed to get through three sandwiches in that time. He debates between going to his room or checking in on Manon. The Manon choice wins.
He knocks on her door once, twice. “Manon?”
He hears a thud and the sound of papers falling before the door opens. Manon has her hair tied up, eyes dreary and tired. “What time is it?” She asks with a yawn.
“Oh, shoot, did I wake you?”
She shrugs, “it’s fine I probably should’ve gotten up soon anyway. What’s up?”
Lucas follows Manon inside, and slowly clicks the door closed behind him. “Well, you and Mika are the only ones who really know about my...sexuality.” Manon nods, a smile flitting across her lips. “Well, recently, there was this guy who reached out to me...” Lucas briefly glanced up from his phone where he was pulling up Eliott’s profile. Manon was sat there, biting her bottom lip and smiling in anticipation. “Stop looking at me like that!”
Manon laughed, “sorry. And?”
“Well, we’ve actually hit it off quite well and in about two weeks I’m supposed to meet him here, in Paris.”
“Oh my God, Lucas! That’s amazing!” Manon squealed and pulled at Lucas’s arm to make him sit on the bed with her. “What’s his name? What’s he like? Is he cute? What’s his favorite color?” She asks the last one jokingly, or...did she say it jokingly? Lucas can’t tell anymore.
“Well, his name is Eliott, he’s nice from what I can tell. I personally think he is...dashing,” Lucas tries and fails to hide the blush on his face. “And his favorite color I don’t know just yet.”
“Okay, well, Instagram?”
Lucas nods and hands his phone to Manon, “that’s actually how-“ He was cut off by a sharp gasp from Manon.
“Lucas!” She exclaims, “this is you!”
Lucas shoots her a questioned look before stealing the phone away from her. His heart stops, or speeds up, he can’t tell which because holy crap. That’s him. Eliott drew him. He tagged him. Like, a real friggin drawing.
Lucas can’t breathe.
“Holy shit.” He manages.
“I need every detail, ASAP!”
Lucas flusters for a couple more seconds before giving Manon a brief rundown. She laser-focuses on every word coming out of Lucas’s mouth. After he’s finished she asks him, “did you think of him during your heat?”
Lucas blushes and takes a long breath in, “yeah. Well...yeah. Only him, actually.”
Manon beams. Before Lucas can say anything she tackles him in a hug, “oh my god when you get back from your hang out I expect every detail. Every. Detail.” She proceeds to glare at him until Lucas’s phone bings with a message.
He opens it up. It’s from Yann.
Yann: you coming to my place for the pregame?
Lucas groans internally. He doesn’t feel like going out tonight, but with the past week being in his heat and spending no time with the guys, it would be awkward if he didn’t go.
Lucas: yeah, just about ready.
“I have to go,” Lucas says once he tucks his phone back into his hoodie pocket. Manon nods, escorting him out of her room. She blows him a kiss goodbye as he walks down the hallway, and he winks at her in response. Manon laughs before closing her door.
Lucas changes relatively quickly, throwing on clothes that he had kept away from him while in heat so they wouldn’t come out smelling like Omega. He downs a suppressant and puts on his normal Beta deodorant before heading out the door.
He spends the entire bus ride over to Yann’s staring at the picture on Eliott’s Instagram. Tens of thousands of people have liked it by now, and Lucas worries that maybe one of his friends would see and wonder why he’s on some models Instagram. But then, maybe they would just assume Eliott was a fan? Lucas scrolls down to read some of the comments. The majority of the comments at the beginning are applauding Eliott for his nice drawing, but as he scrolls further down, the comments are overwhelmingly either tagging Lucas or asking Eliott why he drew him. Lucas blushes and scrolls away.
He hovers over his messages; should he send Eliott something? A thank you? At least some type of recognition?
@lucallemant: I see you’re going for realism now?
He pockets his phone as soon as he sends the message. He glances around at the nearly vacant train. Lucas knows that the person sitting ten feet away from him has no clue what Lucas has just done. The other train attendees do not know that Lucas has chosen to flirt with and message a male Alpha who has flirted and messaged Lucas as well. But for some reason, he feels like the walls of the bus are closing in on him. Like all the people are staring at him. He has to get off.
Lucas nearly flies out the doors when the bus stops. He feels like he can actually breathe again. His hands stop shaking when he feels a buzz in his pocket. It’s a message from Eliott. Lucas sighs, his breathing steadies. He takes a second before opening the message, realizing that he probably had such a strong reaction because he was in public now. This was the closest he has been in a while to actually showing who he is in public. He wasn’t in the safety of his room. He wasn’t protected by any walls. So without realizing it, Lucas forced himself to take a rather large step.
@srodulv: I hoped you would see it.
@srodulv: I wasn’t sure if I should post it or not, since I feel like it doesn’t really capture your beauty that well ;)
Lucas rolled his eyes at the response.
@lucallament: are you kidding?! It’s amazing! I want it framed.
@lucallament: and how could I not see it? I would have to be blind.
Okay, Lucas really needs to figure out where he is, which means putting that conversation on hold. So, he puts his phone on silent and walks towards the nearest map. Luckily he got off at the right stop, and it’s only a two minute walk to Yann’s place from here.
When Lucas lets himself into Yann’s apartment he can already smell the alcohol and weed. Basile meets him the doorway, his breath reeking of beer. “Ah it’s Lucas! I love Lucas!” He yells ecstatically.
Lucas laughs, “had a little too much to drink there, Baz?” He throws his shoes in the closet with his coat.
Baz giggles, “nah, I don’t think I’ve had enough. Come,” he says and slings an arm around Lucas’s shoulders guiding him to the kitchen.
Arthur is stood in the kitchen, mumbling about something as he runs his glasses under water. “Arthur, Lucas is here!” Baz announces proudly. This guy is going to have the worst hangover tomorrow.
Arthur looks over his shoulder, “Lucas, hey!” He stops the water and places his glasses back on his face. “Yann got hummus on my glasses!”
Lucas laughs, “speaking of which, where is Yann?”
“In here!” A voice, Yann’s most likely, yells from the living room.
Lucas glances at Arthur and Basile, who seem to have made their own conversation, before disappearing from the kitchen. He spots Yann at the couch, fiddling with the remote control like his life depended on it, however when Yann sees Lucas enter he immediately pauses the game. He motions to the chair next to him and Lucas takes the invitation.
“What’s up, man?” Yann asks and offers Lucas a sip of his beer, but he declines. He doesn’t like to drink that much with his suppressants.
“Nothing much. Sorry I haven’t been around much this past week, family stuff...” Yann shakes his head, making Lucas trail off.
“Listen, Lucas. I know there is something going on with you. And not just family stuff. I’ve actually known for a while, but I haven’t pushed you. And I don’t know if it’s the alcohol or the weed making me say this,” he pauses, “but I need you to talk to me. I used to tell you everything, yet you’ve always been a closed book. I’m here whenever you’re ready. But for right now, how about we go drink our body weight?” He finished and offers his hand.
Lucas was somewhat startled at first, it seemed to him that it came out of the blue. But perhaps to Yann he’s been sitting on this for so long that he simply had to say it, and perhaps it was the beer and weed that made him suddenly blurt it out. Either way, Lucas was somewhat glad he put it into words. Lucas knows his friend worries about him, and Lucas also knows that Yann shouldn’t always be the one to reach out to him. Lucas wasn’t sure what to say, so he took Yann’s hand.
The walk to Emma’s house was a long one. Mainly filled with Baz yelling about having to get laid and Arthur shushing him every five seconds. Lucas stayed beside Yann for the majority of the time. It was comforting to smell the common scent of his friend. He was one of the two Alphas Lucas trusted. Yann and Mika. But maybe that list will stretch to three in the next few weeks...
When Emma’s house came into view, they saw neon lights streaming through the windows and the loud music was making the walls vibrate. They walked in relatively unnoticed. Arthur and Lucas beelined for the kitchen. Lucas grabbed one of those red cups you always see in movies and filled it with some of the punch sitting out. He normally pretends to nurse this one drink throughout the entire night. Sometimes he’ll claim he forgot the cup somewhere or finished it off to go grab another one and pretend to drink that one instead, to make it seem less suspicious. Lucas thinks about hitting the dance floor, but quickly decides against it when he sees it’s mainly made up of couples making out. What if Eliott were the one pushing you against the wall and kissing you to the beat of the music? Lucas blushes into his drink.
He does venture out of the kitchen once to go say hi to Imane, his lab partner in Bio. He finds her sitting on the floor playing some type of beer pong game. She kisses his cheek in greeting and he takes his position standing behind her. Naturally she wins to the first match, and makes Lucas take her next round. He’s never played beer pong before in his life, and he is terrified.
He does rather well, considering. And once his match is up he makes his way back to the kitchen, saying a quick greeting to Emma on the way. When he finally is back in the little corner by the sink, the only person still there is Basile.
He begins to rant about how he was so close to hooking up with this one girl, but she just had to start vomiting. For some reason, Lucas doesn’t quite believe him. However, Basile is cut off when a Beta girl enters. She walks up to Lucas, running her hands down his chest and says, softly, “you looked cute concentrating on that game back there.”
Before Lucas can really react her lips are on his. He quickly glances at Basile who is standing there mouth slack. Lucas suddenly gets into the swing of things, make this a point, Lucas, make this a point that you can kiss girls. His hand sets down his red solo cup before massaging the back of her neck with one hand, the other trailing down to her waist.
He hates it. The beer on her tongue leaves a sour taste in his mouth. Her lips are too soft. She’s too docile. She finally pulls away, pushing a piece of paper into Lucas’s chest, “Chloe.” And walks off.
When he gets home that night, the sour taste of the girls lips still hangs in his mouth.
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michaelwatkinsdipch · 7 years
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My name is Letha Kelleher from Glasgow Kentucky and this is my Thrive Experience! As a young mother (22 to be exact) with a very active 2 1/2 year old and a 3 month old life for me was super crazy and always on the go! Not to mention I am also working full time. I was drinking Cokes every day and my energy was no longer even a thing for me. I was seriously living in the motions of life and letting it pass me by each and everyday. My Thrive story started back almost 3 years ago when I started following a girl on Instagram who had also just started and changing her life day by day. I watched her body change, her amount of energy she seemed to have with two kids herself and around my age as well! But yet I was still super skeptical and just never gave it a second thought! Fast forward to February 2017 I messaged a really good friend of mine after given birth to my second little lady needing that energy and to lose my mommy belly ASAP so I could for once feel like me again. I started my 3 day trial in an awful situation of going back to work off of maternity leave, and turn around a week later to my grandma passing away but I continued to push forward and place my first order! Best decision of my life let me tell you!!!! I have been Thriving for almost a month now and it has changed my whole entire life for the better! Not only am I sleeping soundly (other than making a bottle or two) I'm waking up in a wonderful mood ready to tackle the day at work and come home to become mommy and wifey all over again. I'm getting the house clean in almost record time and actually don't mind doing everything plus a little more! But I think the best part is finally being able to fit back in my pre-pregnancy jeans. My Cokes are no longer something I need and I'm loving my own body once again. Thank you so much Thrive for giving me my life back!! Email me today. http://michaelwatkins2.le-vel.com/ [email protected]
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