#& verse — 3.1 ( only sparks remain )
decoysouled · 9 months
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A list of assorted headcanons from DM discussions. I forgot to post them, so alas, here's this post instead.
Yingxing enjoys desserts. When he's working long hours in the forge (whether he's lost track of time or not), he tends to eat a lot of sugary and high-carbohydrate foods (i.e rice) to keep his energy at a decent level for working.
While he may be arrogant / over-confident in his skills, Yingxing is someone who feels the need to assert to others that he is important to them (i.e joking that he's someone's favourite person or "i know i'm important to you but [words]") as he doesn't feel secure in his friendships at times. This is something he doesn't relay to his friends, not wanting to burden others with his problems.
Yingxing is a jealous person at times, but he does his best to suppress that feeling. He is rather restrained emotionally, only letting his guard down around specific people when he's alone with them. He often sees no reason to dwell on his feelings, thus placing them aside so he can focus on what needs his attention.
While Yingxing would never admit it to the HCQ, most of the gifts he made for his friends were not out of the goodness of his heart. Rather, while they may have been a sign of affection, it was also so they had something to remember him by when he died.
Yingxing's crafts may have focused on metalwork & making weapons, but he was also good at glassblowing, jewellery making & sculpting. The latter three were rarely skills he would indulge in outside of making gifts for his loved ones.
Yingxing's body temperature is typically on the colder side, which is why he loves working in a forge. In the winter, one could find it nigh impossible to drag him away from his work.
Yingxing loves the rain. While he doesn't mind sunny weather, he much prefers the darkness of the sky during rainfall and the feeling of it on his skin. Unfortunately, he tends to find himself getting rather sick after being out in the rain, so he rarely indulges his desire to be.
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decoysouled · 9 months
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inbox kisses // accepting (1/3 - yingxing) @astrcls // drops yinyue in here so fast for a kiss from yingxing ( or dan heng for caelus ! )
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IT SEEMS THAT SOMEONE HAS BEEN FEELING NEGLECTED — or so Yingxing assumes from the way Yinyue-jun seems more like a kicked puppy than the elegant high elder & the way he hovers around as he attempts to work. It is after the first fifteen minutes have passed that he finally sets down his tools & turns to him, an unimpressed look resting on his face that contrasts the fondness of his eyes, the way they soften as they gaze upon him, tired from the harshness of the forge's light.
( he has always looked beautiful to him. )
Yingxing is careful not to startle him as he reaches a hand up to Yinyue's face, gently placing two fingers beneath his chin to tilt his head upward, lips curling into a smile that he cannot manage to suppress — it is often like this; the warm feeling that wells up in his heart whenever he so much as thinks of Yinyue a welcome friend, something that cannot be ignored. Once he is satisfied with how Yinyue looks, he moves his hand to cup his cheek instead, brushing his thumb gently over the skin beneath his eye.
( it is so horribly tender. there is a closeness like no other in moments like this, one he could never forget. )
❝Yinyue-jun.❞ Yingxing murmurs, his voice cloud-like & honeyed as he speaks the other's name as if it is a prayer; as if it is devotion. Like he is at an altar ready to be a sacrifice to a being that he can do nothing but adore. ❝Dan Feng.❞ Rarely is it he refers to him so casually, something reserved only for his ears & no one else's, as if it is a gift to say that name. To know it at all.
❝If you wanted for my attention so badly, you should have said so.❞ He leans in, pressing a kiss to his jaw. He is gentle as he continues to follow his jawline, peppering kisses up it as if he wishes to get every spot. It is only once he is done that he moves closer, wrapping his other arm around Yinyue's waist, his lips hovering over the other's teasingly — so little distance to close, yet so far from Yinyue's own.
❝I will make all the time in the world for you.❞ In life. In death. Their souls, in Yingxing's opinion, were far too intertwined to be separated by such barriers as mortality — these memories would be enough for him, no matter where the future may take them. ❝You know that very well, Ā-Yue.❞ Those are his last words before he closes the distance between them. His kiss is chaste & sweet, like taking a bite of candy floss & allowing it to melt on the tongue.
( this, yingxing thinks, is how it should always be. )
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decoysouled · 9 months
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prompts for workaholic characters who push themselves too hard // accepting. @etherealguard // ☛ i'm not stopping until this is done. ☚ // yinyue jun @ yingxing
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IF ONE WERE TO ASK WHAT THEY HAD MOST IN COMMON, the answer would be their working habits — although, Yingxing is sure he is far more stubborn than Yinyue-jun when it comes to being dragged away from the forges on day four of a self-imposed work marathon. Then again, it seems Dan Feng could easily rival his own stubbornness given the chance; here & now is a good example of such a fear, one that he might admire if it wasn't like looking into a mirror.
( a mirror filled with disappointment, that is. )
Yingxing's expression is one that seems particularly unamused, an exasperated sigh falling from his lips as he reaches to place a firm hand on his shoulder, an attempt not to act too overly familiar. ❝You can come back to this once you've had some rest, Dan Feng.❞ His words are polite yet firm, a contrast from the typical patience he might have afforded him & the bluntness he might have offered someone else.
( if he were to say anything else, he's sure that dan feng truly would hold his words true. )
❝Of course, if you're insistent on continuing like this.❞ Yingxing continues, equal lilts of concern & care within his voice — they are ever-present, really, when it comes to the small group of friends he has grown to love. ❝Then you're forfeiting any right to lecture me about my own working habits. You'll have to leave that to Jingliu or Baiheng in future, I fear. They might not be so nice as you are.❞ Truth be told, if anyone else were to come & stop him from overworking, he's sure Jing Yuan would be first in line rather than those two.
That information, however, is not something that is necessary for Dan Feng to know.
❝If you listen now, I'll even take you out to eat.❞ The offer is one he hopes will be taken, albeit he's not sure whether it is actually more enticing than whatever Dan Feng has decided must be given his undivided attention. Yingxing removes his hand from his shoulder, allowing it to drop to his side once more. ❝I'll even keep you company tomorrow & help where I can if you promise to get a good night of rest.❞
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decoysouled · 8 months
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unprompted asks // accepting // @astrcls. "i see the way you look at him." baiheng is grinning broadly. she reaches out, patting the back of yingxing's hand reassuringly. "he's a real sweetheart, you know," she continues, "the rumors about him that would make him out to be cold and aloof are so inaccurate it pains me !" there's a beat; baiheng chews on her lower lip as if deep in thought, then leans in, her eyes twinkling with delight. "his favorite season is summer because it's warm and the days are long, though he loves to watch the flowers bloom in spring. he sleeps poorly most nights, but he'll never admit when he's tired. his favorite drinks are tea and xiāngxuě jiǔ, and not necessarily always in that order. ... speaking of, he can drink most of us under the table, but rarely does. ah ... what else ? he prefers tofu and seafood, never red meats, and he loves dessert. --- oh ! and when he blushes, it goes all the way to the tips of his ears !" she taps the tips of her own for effect. "you mustn't be afraid to speak to him, dìdi. he's an excellent conversationalist, and you'll never find a better listener. and i happen to have it on good authority that he is utterly fascinated by you, and would very much like to know you more --- but he's rather shy, if you can believe it. you may have to approach him first ... which i'm happy to facilitate ... " a wink and another gentle pat for yingxing's hand. "so ... what do you say ? will you let me arrange something for the two of you ?"
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YINGXING WAS A PERSON WHO OFTEN AVOIDED OTHERS — while most would assume he is simply a busy man who prefers to spend his time toiling away in the forge, or perhaps someone so introverted he simply saw no value in the world outside of it, there was a far more simple truth: it was far easier to avoid indulging his obsessive need of knowing about others if he did not encounter anyone willing to give him such information in the first place.
( it is far easier like that. )
It is not exactly something he likes to mention, nor is it a part of his personality he relays to others. Such tendencies would be off-putting to most & truth be told, it isn't a facet of himself that he likes. Instead, it is a trait he pushes deep down into the recesses of his heart, never allowing it to see the light of day — yet today, it sings as he files away the ( rather useless ) trivia that Baiheng is offering to him, a moment of gluttony that he will surely regret later.
( he always feels a certain sort of guilt when it comes to such things, especially when he is sure yinyue-jun does not wish for him to know any of this in the first place. he is almost certain of that. )
He listens in silence to each fact she rattles off, far more intently than he wishes to & unable to find distraction in the drawings of his designs — the high elder had always seemed to be untouchable, a man above all others, & Yingxing had long since resigned himself to only gaining a glimpse of his radiance, for what business would a short-life species have with someone of such immense power & status?
Even with their shared friend group, he had found himself far too nervous to even try & speak to Yinyue-jun, often falling quiet during the outings that they both accompanied the trio of their mutual friends on. It is not necessarily that he is unwilling to speak, only that he hasn't a clue what to say & it is better to seem as if he is ignoring Yinyue-jun than to embarrass himself by stumbling over his words due to being flustered by his mere presence.
( let it never be said that dan feng was not a beautiful man, for yingxing is sure anyone else would be just as weak when faced with his gaze. )
Yingxing is patient as he awaits the end of her tirade, a luxury that he affords to few people — not necessarily out of rudeness, but he simply does not have the time to listen to long rants about trivial matters when he has a plethora of work to do & so little time to do it. His inspiration, while not a fickle thing, would run dry when he fell asleep & all his ideas of the day would be lost to the scattered stars in the sky above them.
Baiheng is an exception, if only out of respect & a lingering fondness for a friend.
❝Baiheng... Jiějiě, did you bother to ask his permission before rattling off his life story to me?❞ Yingxing's words are spoken with an exasperation that he lends only to her, although at times, Jing Yuan comes close to hearing his scolding words too — if Jingliu were any easier on the man, then perhaps Yingxing would feel a little less guilt for chiding him once she is done with her lectures.
❝Besides, I am well aware of some of the things you've told me. I've watched him drink all of us under the table on one of the few times I've joined you all.❞ He neglects to mention that his own lack of tolerance for alcohol, as compared to the rest of them, has often been the reason he has left quite early into the evenings. Yingxing is sure she's aware of that, anyway. ❝Though, I have to admit it's quite a skill. I couldn't keep up with you all if I tried.❞
( he is quite prone to making a fool of himself, too, when drunk. of that he is sure. )
❝Allow me to correct you on other things, too: I don't look at him in any way.❞ It is untrue, that much he is aware she knows — between her & jingliu, there isn't any chance that he has not been caught staring adoringly at the high elder, a melancholy in his eyes at the realisation that he will never be as close to Yinyue-jun as he wishes to be oft accompanying his softened gaze. His denial is simply an attempt to save face, although he's sure the pink tint to his skin says more than his words do.
( yingxing has never enjoyed being caught out, in the end. )
❝Secondly, I'm not afraid to talk to him. I could speak to him, if I wanted to.❞ At this point, it isn't quite obvious whether he's trying to convince her of such a fact or himself, considering he sounds uncertain at best — truth be told, it is less a fear of speaking to Dan Feng, more one of making a fool of himself in front of him. Then again, Yingxing probably did that the day they met, considering how he had tripped over his own name so many times Baiheng had been forced to tell Yinyue-jun what it was instead.
( he dislikes that he has any memory of that day at all. )
❝You're teasing me, jiějiě.❞ The accusation is spoken in a low voice, like the thunder that is called down from the heavens of worlds during lightning storms — this, too, is a denial, for Yingxing cannot think of any reason for which Yinyue-jun would be fascinated by him, nevermind enough so to wish to approach him. Yingxing is not anyone special & to catch the eye of someone like Dan Feng is so unbelievable he might have laughed if he weren't so sure he would cry instead in doing so.
❝If you want me to spend more time with the rest of you, then say so, but I highly doubt he would be happy to spend time alone with me.❞ His lips twist into a small frown at even the thought of the inevitable rejection it would bring, & he sets his pencil down before he has the chance to ruin the rough draft he had spent the last half a day working on. ❝I wouldn't be good company, either. I... am afraid I would be far too awkward to know what to do.❞
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decoysouled · 9 months
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unprompted asks // accepting // @astrcls. jing yuan is drenched in sweat, swinging his guandao at a rock in the garden as if his life depends on it. his hair tumbles out of its topknot, blouse clinging to a chest that heaves with effort. "jingliu-shifu doubts me," he harrumphs at long last, dropping down onto the ground and pushing locks of sweat-drenched hair out of his face. "but one day, i will propose in just the right way --- one that yinyue jun will be unable to resist." honey-gold eyes fix their gaze unwaveringly on yingxing. when jing yuan smiles, it's with all the confidence of youth, and it's brighter than the sun. "i will have his hand in marriage."
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JING YUAN'S YOUTHFUL VIGOR TRULY KNOWS NO BOUNDS, it seems — if it had been any other statement, perhaps Yingxing would have left him be & simply offered the light laugh ( half exasperated & half overwhelmingly fond ) that typically spilled from his lips upon the ridiculous statements the other had a tendency to make. Yet, it is this in particular ( this idea ) that causes protectiveness ( possessiveness ) to flare up within his chest.
( yingxing understands it, the burning of love for the high elder. the matters of what the heart wanted. if loving him had required tearing his own heart from his chest for yinyue-jun, he would do so without question. )
It is not only a feeling he holds towards Yinyue, for his feelings toward Jing Yuan were their own calamity — if Yingxing's adoration for Yinyue was like the waves of the ocean ( a calm feeling that washed over him time & time again ) then his crush ( for it had not blossomed into anything more ) on Jing Yuan was like candlelight, a small flame that occasionally flickered & would never be stoked into something more. It was something fragile.
( something he could not indulge himself in. )
❝Jingliu isn't the only one who doubts you.❞ Yingxing speaks, his voice laced with amusement ( only half feigned ) & his jealousy ( the dull ache in his chest & wish to hide yinyue away from the world were not to be indulged ) left to rot in an attempt to distract himself from it. At the very least, there was no need for Yingxing to dash the dreams of a dear friend, no matter how his heart demanded he be vicious & cruel, to lash out at him like oil spitting from a pan.
( he would not forgive himself if he were to treat jing yuan like that. he is not sure yinyue-jun would forgive him, either. )
❝Do you plan to fight me for it?❞ It is asked impatiently, his arms crossed & fingers tapping at his upper arm. It is a subtle reminder, really, that Yinyue is his to adore, his to hold close, & not Jing Yuan's — it is not the kindest thing he could have said & his bitterness leaves him feeling empty, as if there is a void in his chest that he expected it to fill that it did not.
( yinyue-jun's heart is his, in the end, just as the other has held yingxing's for the longest time. it will not always be, for one day he will die & one day, jing yuan will have his chance. but that day will not be soon. )
❝Or do you intend to ask for my hand in marriage, too?❞ There is a lilt of curiosity to his voice, the question accompanied by Yingxing's full attention, his eyes no longer wandering around in an attempt to take in the world surrounding them. ❝Because I wish you luck in convincing him to share my attention with you.❞ He shakes his head at the other, sighing softly. ❝That aside, for what reason are you telling me about your plans?❞
( i will not let you have him if you will not also have me goes unspoken. )
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decoysouled · 9 months
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unprompted asks // accepting // @astrcls. perhaps the first indication that something is amiss is that jing yuan is soaking wet, but there's nary a cloud in the sky. he waves at yingxing, then laughs uneasily, rubbing the base of his neck with a sigh. "i should warn you," he starts, "yinyue-jun is ... ah. he's feeling unwell today. perhaps i wasn't as gentle with him as i ought to have been --- or perhaps he found the tea i made for him to be distasteful. either way ... he expressed his displeasure in the ... in the manner that comes naturally to him. he threw a water lotus at me." jing yuan tries not to laugh, until the sound of someone coughing as if they've got lungs full of water fills the air; his expression darkens, then, and he meets yingxing's eyes, tipping his head in yinyue's direction. the vidyadhara high elder is sitting under a ginkgo tree, wrapped in what appears to be jing yuan's ( dry ) coat, and looking for all the world like a doll that's been tossed roughly aside by a petulant child; despite the sorry state of him, he perks up at the sight of yingxing. "come on then, yingxing," jing yuan says softly, "he was asking for you. perhaps you'll fare better than i have ... "
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THE FEELING IN HIS CHEST IS UNSETTLING, the tension within his heart having been taut as a bowstring for the better half of the day — he had heard little from any of his friends today & while it was not so unusual for Yingxing to spend his hours forging all sorts of weapons & trinkets, rarely was it that someone did not visit in order to pull him away from his work, if only to remind him to eat something or bring him water. For neither Yinyue nor Jing Yuan to have visited today, there had evidently been something amiss.
That feeling of dread consuming him had only worsened upon the two coming into his vision — Jing Yuan looking like a wet cat & Yinyue looking the worst he has in a while. There is a sort of protectiveness that flares in his chest, albeit it is quickly dampened by a fiery anger that he swallows down as he listens intently to Jing Yuan's words, his lips curved downward into a frown.
( it seems he was right to feel disconcerted by the way the routine of visits had been disrupted by silence. )
Perhaps if Yingxing were not so concerned, he might have laughed along with Jing Yuan's evident amusement at Yinyue's antics, but today he cannot muster up the energy for it — not with the way those eyes darken with, he assumes, something akin to the emotions that rest within his own heart. Not with the way he is addressed with soft-spoken words filled with concern.
( it seems they both worry over yinyue, these days. )
❝However unwell A-Yue feels, he shouldn't be doing that.❞ Yingxing speaks once his friend has finished speaking, shrugging his jacket off as he talks. ❝I doubt it was any fault of yours. Don't take it to heart.❞ Gently, he places his jacket around Jing Yuan's shoulder, as if it would help — as if it would be a good enough band-aid for however he must feel. ❝Even if he's been asking for me, I'm sure he can wait another minute while I make sure you're alright, as well.❞
Skilful fingers do up the top button of the jacket in an attempt to keep it in place, eyes focused on the task as if there is little else to concentrate on. ❝You can return that another day. For now, keep it.❞ Yingxing murmurs after a moment of quiet, an attempt made to relax his face & rid himself of that small frown he cannot seem to displace. ❝I wouldn't recommend making him anymore tea, however. Not if that actually was the reason for...❞ He moves a hand up and down, gesturing to Jing Yuan as if lost for words.
( how poor a mood must he be in to do this? yingxing wonders. he supposes he will soon find out. )
It is only once he is sure that Jing Yuan is alright that Yingxing moves away from him, walking toward the tree Yinyue sits under ( & how miserable he looks like this ) in order to comfort him — if he will even accept the empty words that he can offer or the little affection that he knows how to give. It won't be enough, because it never truly is. Not in Yingxing's mind, not when he cannot bring Yinyue any semblance of peace nor does he know how to soothe him.
( sometimes, he isn't sure he knows how to soothe any of the other members of the quintet. )
❝I hope you know, if you deign to throw a water lotus at me as well, then I won't accept it quite as kindly as our dear friend did.❞ Yingxing informs, a chiding tone within his voice as he kneels in front of Yinyue, gently taking his hands into his own & squeezing them. ❝I won't accept your impertinence, regardless of the reasons behind it.❞ Gently, he brushes his right thumb over Yinyue's knuckles, as if to provide some semblance of comfort.
( for all yingxing speaks of disrespect, however, he is sure yinyue understands the real reason behind his words: he simply does not wish to be wet. )
❝A little bird said that you've been asking for me.❞ He speaks once more after a few minutes, attempting to curl his lips into a mimic of a smile & failing miserably, looking as if he is grimacing instead. ❝Of course you would ask for your favourite person, wouldn't you?❞ It is unsurprising that even in his teasing, his attempts to cheer Yinyue up, some form of arrogance would shine through — it is a sentence he has spoken to both Yinyue & Jing Yuan on many occasions, however, & he's sure both of them know by now that he does not think of himself quite so highly.
( that doesn't mean he remains unaware of his importance to the two & it does not mean there is no pride taken in such a thing, however. )
His hands slip from Yinyue's as he moves to sit at his side instead, an arm moving around the other's shoulders with a firm grip & Yingxing makes sure to pull him close, as if to allow him to rest his head on his shoulder. ❝Jing Yuan says you're feeling unwell today.❞ He states, allowing himself for just one moment to show his concern rather than burying it with the rest of the feelings he holds dear.
His eyes flitter over to where Jing Yuan is & with his free hand, he gestures for the other to join them, a silent promise of holding him too — it would not be anything out of the ordinary, considering he has held them both many times before & likely would many times in the future. He moves his gaze back to Yinyue, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead in lieu of the typical greeting he might offer ( for he had already forgone the formalities of it ) & allowing himself to relax slightly.
( being so tense would not help, after all. )
❝Would you tell me what's wrong?❞ Yingxing requests, that soft concern tearing at his throat once more — for now, he quells his rage; for now, he allows himself to be Yingxing, a friend & confident, rather than the blazing furnace master who would not wait for an explanation before getting into an argument on behalf of Yinyue or Jing Yuan & their honour. ❝I'll happily carry your burdens on my shoulders, so share them with me this once.❞
( he hopes jing yuan knows he would do the same for him, too. )
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decoysouled · 9 months
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varying kisses // selectively accepting. @astrcls // sender kisses receiver to say goodbye. [ for yingxing, from jing yuan ! probably off to war, and already homesick before he's even left ... ]
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TO BE LEFT BEHIND WAS AN ARDUOUS TASK — to spend his days unknowing of the fate of those he loves, to await their letters with baited breath & tear them open quicker than they came, attempting to ignore the feeling of dread that pulsed in his heart at the worry that, perhaps, this time it would be a notice of death rather than a handwritten letter speaking of missing him.
He has lived through that feeling many times before, more useful in the forge than on the battlefield, but it does not mean it gets any easier to watch people walk away from him time & time again. First, it had been Yinyue-jun who had been away for the longest of times, dragged down by the work that only a high elder could do ( albeit yingxing is sure he would find a reason to flout his duties eventually ) & now, Jing Yuan had been called to war.
( another set of abundance abominations, he supposes. )
❝You best come back alive.❞ Yingxing speaks, attempting to ignore the sadness & worry that flow in his chest in equal measure; the way his voice cracks ever so slightly as he struggles to hold back his emotions. It is usually far easier to say goodbye, yet he cannot find the words to do so. ❝If you die, I won't stop Ā-Feng from hunting you down & killing you a second time.❞ It is less of a threat, more of a plea for Jing Yuan to be careful, although Yingxing has never been one to beg.
( nor has he been one to miss people, yet here he stood. )
❝Make sure not to hide your wounds, either. I know you, you'd drag yourself into your own grave given the chance.❞ His voice is rushed, as if he feels he is running out of time to say everything he wishes to — perhaps he is, considering Jing Yuan surely had to leave soon & had only stopped by to say farewell as a kindness. ❝You must take care of yourself, Ā-Yuan.❞
( do not make me responsible for your funeral. )
Yingxing falls quiet for a moment, simply allowing himself to breathe — he lifts his hands to clutch at Jing Yuan's collar, as if to fix it, albeit from the way he does not let go, it is only a poor excuse for the other to remain for just a moment more. The silence between them stretches for an eternity, broken only when Jing Yuan leans in & his lips are on Yingxing's & oh, he had not expected this. For just this moment, he returns the kiss, allows himself this affection.
Eventually, he pulls away, if only to breathe. Yingxing buries his face into Jing Yuan's shoulder instead, not daring to allow him to see the tears that threaten to fall from his eyes — how could he kiss him before leaving? How could he dare to do so when Yingxing would now have to miss him for so very long? ❝You will have to come back safe.❞ He speaks, quietly, indifferently; there is no allowance for his emotions to burst forth, no need for Jing Yuan to know all the ways he takes Yingxing apart without trying.
❝So that I may tell you of all the ways I love you.❞
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decoysouled · 9 months
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kissy sentence starters // selectively accepting. @astrcls // “ ever kiss in the rain? ” [ from yinyue, for yingxing ! ]
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FOR ALL YINGXING HAS SPENT HIS LIVE LOVING THE RAIN — or perhaps, the world around him has always been his muse, a source of inspiration that has followed him throughout the beginnings of his short life & would remain with him until the bitter end of it — this question is not one he can say yes to, unlike the myriad of others that Yinyue-jun has asked him throughout the time they have known each other.
( it was difficult, truly, for him to decline a single request asked of him by the other, a weakness that yingxing loathes to confess to. )
Yingxing's eyes flicker away from the light rain outdoors ( not so much it would prevent him leaving the cafe the two were in, but enough that he would rather remain, if only out of concern for the other's health ) & to Yinyue-jun's face, gaze taking in that soft look he can so often see on it — he isn't supposed to, Yingxing is sure, but that is inconsequential. If he could burn that look into his memory, not a day would ever pass that he felt unwanted by the universe.
( he has always craved to hold yinyue-jun's secrets, those that are for him & him alone are by far the most precious of all. )
❝I have not.❞ Yingxing speaks, his lips curled into a small smile ( one that is so unbearably fond ) & a look of question in his eyes. He reaches a hand to the other's face, pretending to brush away a strand of hair, although the way he trails a finger along Yinyue's jawline likely speaks to ulterior motives. Yingxing leans in, not too close, but enough that a whisper would echo throughout the space as if he were shouting.
❝Why are you asking, Yinyue-jun?❞ He asks, voice quiet, careful not to be overheard by anyone else — these words are for him & him alone, no one else needs to hear them & Yingxing would rather this moment be his own to recall, a simple happening that matters little to the people around him. ❝Are you curious? Or, perhaps, you would like to kiss me with only the rain as a witness?❞ He is teasing him, that much is obvious in the softness of his voice, the lilt of laughter that dares to bubble from his chest.
( teasing aside, yingxing's words still hold a tone of sincerity to them that he hopes yinyue-jun can pick out of it. )
❝If so, then I'm afraid I'll have to decline.❞ His hand falls from his face, reaching to take one of Yinyue-jun's instead, his grip firm & a comforting presence — or so he hopes, but he will not pretend to know what Yinyue is thinking at any given time, only what he wants for him to. ❝I wouldn't want you out in the rain for long enough to fall ill, Yinyue.❞
( but perhaps i would let you kiss me elsewhere goes unsaid. )
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decoysouled · 9 months
V3.1 // Only Sparks Remain
As a young man, Yingxing found himself on the Xianzhou Luofu. As a short life species, he has made a name for himself as a renowned craftsman, often spending his time working or with the few friends he has made. However, he holds darker secrets that he refuses to speak of — such as his pursuit of immortality at Yinyue-jun's side.
V3.2 // Where The Wind Echoes
After a strange incident on the Luofu, Yingxing has found himself switching places with Blade. Hundreds of the years in the future & without knowledge of what has happened to the members of the High Cloud Quintet, with the exception of Jing Yuan, he struggles to reconcile this strange time with the present he has always known.
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