#&& ;; runa speaks ( ooc ) .
celesticlnstcrs-aa · 2 months
I hate how Himmel and Jing Yuan are identical. @jueying wtf, have you done to me. Why have you recommended this to me? I'm suffering. Take responsibility >8(
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heikun · 6 months
so what if I muse Ga Ming, especially when his character design is based off of sweet boy Mao.
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wendeiwisp · 7 months
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i'll be making a comeback here some time this week hehe
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razorcrst · 2 years
“i assume you need something. desperately.” -Pokey to Runa
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a huffy sigh was quick to fall from runa’s lips as she practically stomped into the room that the other was in, nose scrunching up slightly at their words as her arms folded tightly across her chest. “desperation would be the only reason i would come to you, wouldn’t it?” despite admiring the other, she wasn’t exactly someone that enjoyed having to ask for help from others. her plans to wreak havoc upon her university campus weren’t going her way and she was starting to get suspicious that her overly friendly roommate was going to catch onto her plans. she needed the other out of the way for now but didn’t want to raise any suspicion. “i need your help with something or well… something. you’re welcome to name any price.”
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tclesnmirrors · 2 years
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Everything is still under construction, but you’ll find me over HERE from now on. I hope to see you all there and if not I hope you’re doing well!. 
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unbrxakxble · 3 years
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Today on discord fuckery-
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twstedflme · 3 years
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For those who are still here I’ve moved Idia, Azul, Jade, &  Crewel over to @tclesnmirrors​
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tclesnmirrors-moved · 4 years
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Okay guys! I still need to code the new theme but I’m now over HERE. Once I finish the coding this blog will be left alone. 
Please go ahead and follow if you’re still interacting with me If not that’s okay too!
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yuntckki-a · 5 years
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This blog is revamped over at yuntckki and this blog is being archived now.
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kinships · 4 years
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There’s two muses I’m debating on adding:
Hide from Nioh 2 and my Inquisitor from DA:I.
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celesticlnstcrs-aa · 28 days
Hi you can now find me over at @celesticlnstcrs! I didn't bother with changing the URL since I like this one too much.
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heikun · 1 year
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Lately my anxiety has been high to the point it's been making my physical and mental health decline. I've been in a lot of physical pain for the past week due to the high stress environment in my brain. For that reason I probably won't be outwardly messaging anyone unless they message first until further notice. My brain has been spiraling and I know it has been. I'll still be writing here and doing replies/asks as they come but I'll be much more quiet. Servers I'm in will be muted so you will have to @ me if you want me to see something.
I'm just not okay and i don't know how to get past this right now. I apologize now for being slow with responses.
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wendeiwisp · 1 year
Hi guys! First of all I would like to apologize for the inactivity, just been very busy as of late and getting my life in order. Which brings me to right now. THIS BLOG WILL BE ON A HIATUS UNTIL AUGUST. July is my birthday month and I will be seeing a lot of people and doing a lot of things that won't give me time to be here. Once it's over I will be back and the clownery will continue!
If you wish to chat you can ask for my discord ( though responses may be slow ). Until then! Love you all!!
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satorihub · 4 years
can you do a kirari momobami hc wherein her s/o is also the president of a different school. And her s/o is like the complete opposite of kirari in terms of how she handles the school. love your work btw! 💕🥺✨
𝖆𝖗𝖎'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊: this is actually a really good prompt!! i'm more of a ririka girl myself, so i hope this doesn't look ooc :) thanks for the request and for enjoying my work, nonnie, hope u like this <3
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘: kirari momobami
𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙: 605
𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: fluff & comedy
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— ok so you are the president of a school that is similar to hyakkou, but the acceptance rate is higher
— and once a year there is this big reunion between hyakkou and your school, because they were both founded by really important people, so the others needed to see that the student council of both schools was responsible and friendly with each other 😌
— u have completly different methods for dealing with the school, u will only become a pet if your debt is more than 15 million yen (141.164,25 usd), and of course, house pets were degraded but not that much
— u were really excited! is not always that u got to visit your girlfriend and u also think her school is very beautiful
— so once u got there (you came in a helicopter lolol, rich people) u get out of the helicopter and feel the sensation of the firm ground that u are standing rn
— in front of u, there is kirari, your girlfriend, also the president of the hyakkou student council; her twin sister, ririka, the vice-president, which u already knew; and a girl with dark hair with a ponytail and bangs, that was a complete stranger to u
— u and kirari smile when your eyes meet, u run towards her and pull her into a hug
— she just chuckles at your silly action, but she's happy she's with u again, she holds u with her arms and once u both separate she cups your face and says "i missed u, chèri" (in my head the momobami's always go to paris, or somewhere in france, and kirari has this pretty accent when she speaks french)
— meanwhile sayaka is "👁👁 uhm.. excuse me who are u, and why are u hugging the president like this?"
— u present yourself as kirari's girlfriend who is ironically the president of the other school that was going to be in the reunion
— sayaka blushes and says something like "oh!! i'm sorry, ms. president, just never mentioned u before and-", u need to stop her before she starts apologizing like a peasant in the 1800, so u say "it's ok! kirari and i are just very reserved people so we don't really talk about our relationship"
— sayaka is DYING, she feel like she insulted the president's girlfriend and something bad is going to happen to her
— sayaka: 😖, u: :D
— kirari decides that u both should go inside to the student council's office so u guys can do the reunion
— u decide to present yourself as the president AND kirari's girlfriend
— and everyone is like "what 😀 the 😀 fawk 😃"
— since when does president like someone???? what?? huh???
— runa was the one that liked u the most. u both have similar personalities and u talk to her about her games (u promised her the next time u go there u will bring her candies ✨✨)
— kaede doesn't give a shit about your relationship with kirari, but he is really interested in knowing more about your school and your way of doing everything
— kirari realizes that someone is missing and she asks runa
— kirari: runa, where did midari go?, runa: she's either following yumeko or in the bathroom, she won't be back soon 😀
— u say that u know yumemi bc of her youtube songs and she's like "🤩🤩 THANK U!!" (she actually likes u and isn't like she is to her other fans)
— n e wayz, everything ended up well, and u passed some time w your amazing girlfriend and her weird student council
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shenani-gan · 5 years
LFRP - Gan Haragin (Balmung) UPDATED!!!!!
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Gan Haragin
Age: 34ish?
Birthday: 19th sun of the 4th Astral moon
Race: Au Ra, Xaela
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral? I guess?
Marital Status: Widowe
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Hair: Dark purple, with tints of deep red.
Eyes: Heterochromatic Orange and Green, black sclera, white limbal ring
Height: 4’ 9”
Build: Small and solid, like a brick shithouse
Distinguishing Marks:
Always looks haggard, no matter how much sleep or how clean she is
Plenty of visible scars along her body where there are no scales
Dresses consistently in black, purple, and sometimes gold. Usually a combination of the first two.
Common Appearance: Gan usually wears her hair pulled back somehow with multiple braids running through it. Always with some sort of jacket and thigh high boots. Though she never carries a weapon on her, she always has a flask or two on hand. And there’s also a good chance that in one of her random packs, she’s carrying homemade Buuz.
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Profession: Privateer, Mercenary, Pit Fighter
Hobbies: Drinking, Fighting, Writing
Languages: Eorzean, Xaela
Residence: Limsa Lominsa
Birthplace: Azim Steppes
Religion: None
Losing loved ones
Squids and Octopi
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Spouse:  Amaud Vallot (Husband, deceased), Vehn Kha (Boyfriend)
Children: None
Bataar Haragin (Father, deceased)
Erhi Haragin (Mother, deceased)
Toragana Arulaq
Probably a dozen others she doesn’t know about
Other Relations:
Ex boyfriend whom she refuses to name. Dated before her late husband, betrayed her for unknown reasons and whose current whereabouts are unknown. As is whether he is alive or dead.
The Eight Winds, a Mercenary Group whom she works for
The members of SEEK, her roomates and-- one might even say… Friends?!
The House of Oki and Tyalo Moro, her place of residence in Doma and her Geomancy teacher respectively.
No specific enemies. Only anyone trying to harm her, or the few friends she has. Or anyone trying to arrest her whilst performing her job.
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Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
The Betrayer
Gan’s first love betrayed her and left her broken hearted. His motives are wrapped in mystery, as are his current whereabouts. Even whether he is alive or dead is unknown to Gan. The only thing known about this man is that Gan refuses to say anything about him other than that she was betrayed. She won’t even speak his name.
Yo ho, feedle di dee
You are a pirate! Or rather, a privateer. Gan’s been on deck since she can remember, traveling across Eorzea. When not at sea, she finds mercenary work on land. It’s been nearly 20 years that she’s been at work and so, anyone in Limsa Lominsa, or who regularly deals with Privateers/Mercenaries are likely to have runa cross her or know her.
Odd Pairing
Gan’s late husband was an Elezen. Talk about a mismatched pair. That being said, she’s spent plenty of time in Coerthas before the Calamity, so anyone that actively lived/traded there may have noticed her, or heard of her since a midget in a sea of giants is conspicuous. Or anyone who may have known her late husband, including members of his family.
O’ Brother, Where art Thou?
Gan's daddy was a bit of a player before leaving the Steppes with her and her mother. It's possible that Gan has a bunch of half siblings she knows nothing about.
Teach Me
Since finally taking the step to return to the East for the first time in nearly three decades, Gan has found the desire to learn about her people and their customs. So any Xaela based RP would be welcome!
So you like to read
Gan writes books in her free time. The public serial that has her name to it is called the “Pirates and Rebels” series. It’s a mystery series with a--you guessed it--nautical swashbuckling theme. There are 10 books in the series. On the quiet side, she writes smutty romance novels under the Nom De Plum, “Ped Xing”. There are about a dozen of these books all with various plots.
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Hello! Gan is a bitter privateer with a crunchy exterior but a heart of gold! She’s constantly trying to throw hands, but that’s just a diversionary tactic to keep people from getting too close. I’ve recently come back to FFXIV after a hiatus of… a couple years…. So I’d love to make some new RP acquaintances. Feel free to message me on tumblr or discord, but if you’re going to hit me up on discord, please let me know who you are. Ciao!
Pretty much anything. Though be forewarned, if you’re making a romantic move on her with the hopes of initiating something, you’re going to be sorry. Gan’s as loyal as they come when it comes to partners.
Be your Punching bag IC or OOC
Partake in anything that includes harming children
Harm a character or let my character be harmed without permission
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tclesnmirrors · 2 years
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So I’ve been on the fence, but I might remake this blog to help me get back into rping. I need to redo some Icons I already have and aesthetics to match current theme. It might take a bit, but I hope to  come back to you guys more motivated then ever.
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